Search Results

  1. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo National Bank-

    Kiriko took the tape off her mouth and Aerith took a breath. "Miss Gainsbrough, I'm Kiriko Shijima of the Tokyo Police. No worries, I'm here to save you with this Pokemon, Froggy. Please, come with us, we'll get you to safety." She helped the speechless florist up and led her out of the bank, Kiriko kept her gun out just in case.


    -Outside Tokyo National Bank-

    Shintaro watched the door for any sight of his partner with the blind lawyer's Pokemon and captured girl. He knew that Kiriko was tough but he hoped that she didn't run into Shun-Yu while trying to get Aerith out of the bank.


    -Hikaru's Home-

    Walking to her home, Hikaru noticed a box on her doorstep with a note that said, 'To Miss Hikaru'. She looked around and looked confused, she didn't order anything nor did any of her family order anything for her. Picking up the package, Hikaru was surprised by how light it was and entered her home. She was unaware of the strange device in the box and what will happen to her.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    In the basement lab of the Tenkuji family temple, the sole heir, Takeru, was asleep at the desk with the book of various people of history. He was dreaming of his father and the last time he saw him.


    -Muppet Theater-

    'Hmph, who would want to be family with this jerk?' Serena thought to herself, looking away from him. She looked to the stage and waited for the show to start.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Hikaru
    Age: 19
    Occupation: College Student
    Bio: Hikaru is a freshman college student who can't speak after a tragic accident that caused her to lose her vocal cords when she was younger. Despite her disability, she is more in tune with her other senses and is carefree as well as cheerful. Hikaru speaks through written notes and sign language, though she prefers written notes so non-signers can understand her. Though she can't speak, Hikaru is studying to become a fashion designer.

    Name: Mr. Belt
    Description: Once a scientist known as Krim Steinbelt, Krim was killed in a mysterious accident and transferred his consciousness into the belt system that he was working on. Though he could no longer move on his own, Krim became determined to find the person who could use the Drive System that he would work with.
    Occupation: None
    Series the Character is from: Kamen Rider Drive
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside Tokyo National Bank-

    "Kiriko is smart, she'll know what to do." Shintaro said, gripping her cell phone. He flipped it open and looked at a picture of her and her younger brother, seeing them smile happily. "She may not look it, but she has a reason to fight." He looked at the bank, and hoped that Kiriko would be able to help save the hostages.


    -Tokyo National Bank-

    Kiriko nodded, running with Froggy on her shoulder to the bank vault where Aerith was being held. Reaching the vault, she looked at the door and wondered how to get in. She looked around and took a few steps back, she said, "Alright, Froggy, I never really worked with Pokemon before but I'm gonna need your full power to see if we can get this vault door open. So, lets give it all we got." She gave a breath and broke into a run, jumping and sending a powered kick to the door.


    -Muppet Theater-

    Serena was shocked to see Darien and grumbled about being called Meatball Head again and thought she was done with him after the party. "Well, unlike you, you meanie, I have friends who like and accept my hairstyle." Crossing her arms, Serena closed her eyes, "Anyway, you seem a little old for something like this." 'Wait, do I feel like I know him from somewhere?' Serena thought. 'And not from the party.'


    -Diagon Alley-

    Sakura held Syaoran's hand while Kero stayed hidden in her coat so he could be safe and not appear until needed. "Wow, that place was wonderful. I hope we can head there again." Sakura said, smiling. Kero smiled at the young cardcaptor, "Maybe, Sakura."


    -Command Center-

    Lily looked at Katniss and smiled, looking at her watch. "Well, I better head back. James and Sirius are probably getting hungry about now. We just need to wait for the right moment for us to work together." She teleported away in her neon green streak.


    -Armada Mothership-

    Vekar looked out the window, before turning and ordering, "Damaras, head down to Earth and see if you can get those darn Rangers out of hiding to face the Armada. I must join my brother and head for the Moon to meet a ally of Father's." He headed out.


    -Moon Palace-

    Zedd looked and saw as Vrak and Vekar entered the throne room, if he could smile, he would have shown it. "Vrak, Vekar, hello. What brings the princes of Mavro here?" "We were in the system and wondered if we could help you with something," Vrak said, Rita smiled as she watched him act like a gentleman toward them.



    Looking through his camera as he waited for his flight to take off, Go smiled and thought about maybe surprising his older sister when he returned to Tokyo. He looked out the window and stretched.


    -Woman of the Beginning-

    The Woman of the Beginning approached Sagara and said, "Were you sure about that boy and telling him of being a Rider? What could he possibly do as a Rider that the others chosen can not?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside Tokyo National Bank-

    Shintaro kept a look out at the entrance with the other policemen for any change in the situation while Looker and the others tried to think of a plan. Kiriko looked at Carter, thinking about her younger brother. She looked down and looked with Shintaro, who asked them, "Is there anything that Kiriko and I can do to help?"


    -Outside Muppets Theater-

    Serena looked at her brother and Rini being here, and smiled herself. Though she did wonder if Luna was gonna be okay on herself but guessed that she would be okay as he hoped there wasn't gonna be a attack or something like that. She gripped her purse and walked with them into the theater.


    -Diagon Alley-

    Sakura said, looking awed at all the shops and stores as well as the large bank. She admired the brooms she saw in the window of the broom shop though Kero said, "You don't need a broom when you have this with the Fly Card." He pulled the Clow Key that was around her neck. Sakura smiled and rubbed his head, "I know."


    -Command Center-

    "Ah, so you noticed." Lily said, smiling as she held the package. "Yes, he's my son. And one of us as a Rider. My husband is a Ranger, so in basically, almost our whole family and friends are heroes." "'Almost?'" Navi asked, looking at her as she set it with the other Drivers. Lily smiled, "The only ones who don't know are some children that James and I recently adopted." Lily explained. "But that's enough about my family history. Hope we can work together and protect this city for our loved ones."

    She rubbed Haymitch's head gently and offered a Pokemon treat she had in her pocket. "And you can team with Harry's Riolu as well as that Mew with Ron and give us a lot of extra help, alright?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo National Bank - Vault-

    Aerith just looked at Shun Yu, trying to show that she was brave. She wasn't sure what was going to happen now that it was just them, but Aerith didn't want to show him that she was scared.


    -Outside Tokyo National Bank-

    "No change, Looker." Kiriko said, looking at him as she lowered her gun. Shintaro looked at the bank entrance, saying, "Expect for that message that no one but Lee and Carter can enter, anyone but them enters, they'll shoot all the hostages at point blank." "Hopefully those two have thought up a plan." Kiriko said.


    -Moon Palace-

    Zedd looked at Rita who looked around and shrugged off the sneeze. He returned his attention to Earth, letting Finster resume his sculpting and thought about the destroyed palace on the other side of the moon.


    -Rainbow Line-

    While riding on the Rainbow Line, Right was digging into a delicious bento box with Haru studying for one of his classes. Hikari was messing his kendama as usual while Mio stretched and Kagura just tried to quietly imagined studying hard.


    -Command Center-

    Navi picked up the package and called Lily. She teleported into the Command Center, looking at the package and reading the note carefully. "Well, I've heard Krim and a little about Harley, but I don't know what Krim was working. I was too busy with the JIA, but I could examine them and work on them when I see them in use." She noticed Katniss and smiled, "Hello, miss. I'm Lily Evans-Potter, just call me Lily if you want."


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "Maybe there is no motive." Hermione said, looking at the detective. "Not every villain has a motive. Maybe he's one of those villains who is waiting for the right moment and wants to know the weaknesses of you and the others." "Maybe but maybe not." Philip said, looking at their young chief as she held her Pokemon. "But for now, we'll wait to find out what happens."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo National Bank - Vault-

    Aerith didn't say anything and didn't try to show that she was shaking. All she knew was that she could only hope the demands were met and she would be saved, if not.... She didn't want to think about it.


    -Outside Courthouse-

    Elsa looked at Hans and sighed, she wished she could do something to help, but she felt she couldn't do much so she left with Anna, Hans, and Olaf, hoping that Aerith would be alright.



    Watching the familiar colored teleport streaks head to the Command Center, Ron smiled at Mew cuddling him and said, "Come on, lets go back home. I'm sure those three will help them with what they need to know. Maybe I can help next time." The two left the area, with Draco smiling slyly, "And I'll be there to see what happens." "Huh, maybe next time....." Luna whispered, walking off and eating her snacks.


    -Command Center-

    Navi looked as Hiccup and Katniss appear and was surprised, trying to keep quiet that she already knew who Katniss and her power.


    -Outside Tokyo National Bank-

    With the rest of the police force, Shintaro and Kiriko stood outside, waiting. The both had their guns out, wondering what was going on inside the bank. Kiriko groaned and leaned against a car, looking at the bank. "What should we do?" She whispered. Shintaro whispered, "Wait."


    -Tsukino Car-

    Serena looked out the window, smiling. She took a brief look at her brooch and hid it in her purse, she wondered who Sailor Mini Moon was and why did she suddenly appear. Deciding to talk with Luna about it when she got back, Serena just smiled and hummed something she remembered from the Muppets.



    Dante just laid in his room of the house shared by him, Vergil, and Nero. He was asleep, snoring loudly while Nero was out, practicing or something like that.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    Jessiva, while it's nice that you have a couple to like in the story, that's not what we use the OOC Threat for. You may have noticed but the OOC Threat is for reservations, character sheets, and announcements to the others from us in real life. And since I have control of those two, I'll decide when and if they'll get together as a couple.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 2, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo's Chinatown-

    Aerith didn't say anything, trying to look brave and silently hoping that Carter would try to save her by following the instructions on the notes or she feared she wouldn't survive to see the flower shop again.



    Elsa held Anna as they watched the events after Aerith was captured, the two sisters wished that they were able to help find and save Aerith from whoever took her.


    -Near Building-

    Nearing the building where Hiccup and Katniss were facing Vanitas, Ron looked around and rubbed his hair. "Mew, are you sure you know where we're going? This just seems like a wild chase." Mew looked at its trainer and curled its tail to him, having him look at his two Lockseeds. Ron looked at the two Orange Lockseeds and at his Sengoku Driver in his hands. Draco and Luna looked at him, wondering what he was doing, Luna looked with a rice ball in her mouth.


    -Narumi Detecive Agency-

    After turning off the radio, Philip rubbed the tuft of fur on Vulpix's head and said, "How bout you wait a bit and Shotaro and I will take you home?" "Okay, Philip." Hermione smiled, holding her Pokemon.


    -Tsukino Household-

    "Coming!" Serena ran downstairs and into the family car, having her purse over her shoulder. "Bye, Luna!" Luna mewed and as soon as Serena closed the door, she sighed in relief. 'Finally.'
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Or me. o_o;

    Or me. o_o;
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Nov 30, 2015
  10. Princess Rapunzel
  11. Princess Rapunzel


    "Thank goodness," Aerith said, nodding with Carter. She walked up to them with Elsa, she said to Harold, "If you want to work at the flower shop again, we will try to make sure there is a spot for you. But I can understand if you want to lay down for awhile til this is all faded." "Harold, I'll keep that magic paper you gave me to talk with you." Elsa said, smiling. "Hope we will meet again on better terms." Anna bowed, happy to meet him.



    Mew looked out from the window of Ron's room before suddenly scooping up his two Lockseeds with its tail and suddenly began to fly somewhere. Ron looked at his Pokemon, confused, and began to follow it, grabbing his Sengoku Driver in case of anything, "Hey, Mew, where are you going?! Mew, wait up!"


    -Tokyo Street-

    Stepping out of a market with snacks for herself, Luna took a bite into a rice ball she had in her hand when she noticed Ron following after Mew. "That's..... Ginny's older brother, Ronald..... and his recent caught Pokemon, Mew..... what are they doing?" Since she didn't know about the Lockseeds, she wondered what it was that on Mew's tail. Draco also noticed Ron and wondered, "What is that annoying little Pokemon and Weasley doing?" The two began to follow them, to see where they were headed.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "Huh, nice to hear that this 'Harold' was given a light sentence." Hermione said, looking at her companions while she held Vulpix in her arms. Philip nodded, holding his book and said, "Question is, now what is he going to do?"


    -Tsukino Household-

    Luna smiled, purring in Sammy's arms. Serena put her transformation brooch in her purse, holding it as she planned to take it with her as per Ami's request to be careful. Sitting on her bed, Serena looked out her window and wondered why anyone attack something like a telethon for the Muppets.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    While they were listening to the broadcast of the trial, Hermione petted her Vulpix which slept in her lap and Philip looked up everything there was about trial and the court system. They wanted to hear what verdict this Harold person would get.


    -Tokyo Street-

    Wandering the street of Tokyo, Draco groaned and looked around, not wanting to admit he was lost and tried to find the home of this Remus Lupin that Harry knew.



    Ron looked at his communicator, wondering if he would be able to help his friends and new allies. 'Though how did I get the Fresh Orange Lockseed if I was knocked out in Blood Orange?' He thought, pondering the appearance of his second Lockseed.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    "Maybe they're related."
    Rei said, sipping her tea. She thought, 'I could use the fire to see who Mini Moon is but I want to see her for myself and not keep a secret from my friends.'



    The three women kept quiet, waiting to see what result would there be for Harold. Elsa tried to keep herself calm while Anna smiled and held her hand.


    -Tsukino Household-

    Luna purred softly and mewed at Riley. Serena was talking with Ami on the communicator about what she was going to do. Ami warned her to be safe in case of a sudden attack and be on the outlook for the new Scout, Sailor Mini Moon.


    -Remus' Household-

    Sirius played with James and Remus while Lily helped the Wilys get cleaned up. Harry looked at his Donguri Lockseed and looked out the window, wondering what would happen now.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel
  14. Princess Rapunzel
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tsukino Household-

    Hearing the three come in, Luna got up and came up to them. She mewed softly at them, hoping to be able to Serena when she had the time. Serena went up to her room and changed out of her uniform into one of her causal outfits, hoping to get ready for the family time that they would have.



    Having gone back to her seat, Aerith looked worried with Elsa and Anna, waiting to see what would happen now and hoping that Harold would be seen as innocent. Aerith calmed herself down and watched the trial, keeping quiet.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    "True, the only thing I can do is follow what my spiritual sense tells me." Rei said, sipping the tea her grandfather gave her. "Anyway, who is the new Scout that appeared and saved the children? I hope she joins the other Scouts that are out there." She smiled, happy that her grandfather didn't know her secret identity as Sailor Mars.


    -Remus' House-

    WilyKit and Harry set the table for everyone, Remus looked at a calandar, looking to see when the next full moon and sighing, hoping that the secret remained with him, Sirius, and James. WilyKat put the glasses on the table and Lily poured the drinks for everyone.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tsukino Household-

    Hearing that they would be going to the Muppets telethon, Serena tried not to show it but smiled, "Yay!" Luna sighed and hopped up on the couch, curling up next to Ikuko and purring softly. She did give Serena a look that said, 'Be careful out there tonight.'



    Thinking for a moment, Aerith said, "If he wasn't working hard enough or caring for the flowers properly, or even mistreating the costumers who enter or the other workers. I believe that the government should work quickly to find their guest and get help from as many people they can ask. While he may have committed a crime, Sir Tarkin, he may have also been telling Officer Jenny the truth because he probably didn't know that Elsa was royalty or that she ran away in fear. I would like him to be more honest with me, yes, I don't believe that he shouldn't be free because if he gives me a reason, not to trust him, I will trust him." Elsa remembered that he didn't know that she was a queen and only learned that fact after he told her that Officer Jenny was looking for her.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    Rei nodded and sat at the table, patting Chad's head. "My spiritual sense did tell me something strange would happen today and it seems it was right, but still why would innocent children be attacked?"


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Vaan rubbed his hair, saying, "Well, whichever group of heroes out there help protect the city, I'm glad. And glad that you weren't the target, Larsa." "Even so, you and Karin will need to be on the alert to protect us." Larsa said, looking at him. Ashe held Vaan's arm, saying, "I know my fiancee will protect me with all he has." Vaan blushed as Ashe said that. Karin looked at them and smiled.


    -Remus's House-

    While Harry helped his mother and Remus make dinner for them all, WilyKit sat, looking out a window. She pondered the train she saw at Nintendo Elementary, she wondered if it was real or not and leaned back. WilyKat just played with Sirius and James, though Kit did see Sirius pout, not knowing that the reason he was upset of not being asked to help his friends when they fought Goldar.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tsukino Household-

    Serena raced home and saw Rini go to play hockey with Sammy and Riley. Seeing her smile, Serena sighed in relief. She didn't want to admit it but when Setsuna told her about the attack, Serena was worried about her and wondered who was the new Scout, Sailor Mini Moon. She walked in the front door, "I'm home, mom, dad!" She took off her shoes and stretched, Luna appeared, meowing.



    Taking a moment to recall, Aerith spoke, "Harold and I met a little after he had arrived in Japan on Tuesday. In memory of the tragedy of what happened the other day, I offered him a flower for a low price. He was a polite, charming young man who was just looking for a place to stay. Yes, I did ask him if he could stay because he was such a hard worker in the shop and I didn't lose someone who could care for flowers like the other workers and myself. I didn't get know him personally, but he was kind and considerate and had a great knowledge of gardening. When I had learned about how he defeated that rouge Rider, I was surprised but I was happy he helped defend the city. As for him taking in Elsa, I honestly didn't know that since I try not to pry into the lives of my workers. But when I did find out, I was grateful to see that he was trying to help someone who was scared and didn't know what to do. If he hadn't, you said it, Mr. Matt, Tokyo would be under a eternal blizzard and many would be freezing and cold."


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    Stepping up to the entrance of her family shrine, Rei entered her home and heard the news boardcast from the living room. 'That's what Setsuna told us.' She thought to herself, and pondered herself about the new Sailor Scout. Taking a breath, she walked up, "Grandpa, Chad, I'm home."

    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    "We're here!" Vaan said, as he and Ashe entered the cathedral. "We were just visiting our families in the cemetery. I needed to get some stress off my chest and told Reks a lot about the plans Ashe and I have been making for the wedding." "I spoke with my father and Ralser." Ashe said, looking at the monk. Karin looked at her employer and asked, "Did something happen at school?" "There was a attack but luckily, I wasn't the intended target, whoever did it made their target some of the younger students." Larsa said, looking calm. "However, it was stopped by what I heard was a new Sailor Scout. I came to pray that those involved will be safe for whatever else will happen to them in the future."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel
    Got a new character.

    Name: Takeru Tenkuji
    Description: Heir of a neighboring shrine of the Hino Shrine, Takeru is still in-training with his spiritual power. He's a bit of shy and a little of a coward but has a strong heart. Takeru doesn't know Rei or the other shrine too much as he most aspires to become a ghost hunter like his late father. Though he is eighteen, Takeru doesn't attend school much, preferring to focus on his training and is a freelance Rider known as Ghost
    Occupation: Student/Kamen Rider Ghost.
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Ghost
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo Street-

    Setsuna smiled as she walked with Hotaru, Haruka, and Michiru, the four of them heading to their home after having picked Hotaru from Nintendo Elementary. Hotaru only told Haruka and Michiru there was a new Sailor Scout called Sailor Mini Moon and she agreed to them in finding the moon princess. Knowing that she didn't tell them the identity of the new Scout, Setsuna wondered and hoped that Rini didn't discover Serena as Sailor Moon.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "Shotaro, we're back!" Hermione said, entering the agency with Philip as she hoped to surprise him with her new Pokemon. Philip set his book down and sat in one of the chairs, Hermione went to make herself some tea, brewing herself a cup.


    -Harry and Draco's Dorm-

    Draco sat on his bed in the dorm shared by him and Harry. He wondered what kind of secrets he was hiding, as well as his friends. No one he knew back in England knew a teacher so well or at all, he thought and decided to find out all he could about his roommate and his companions.



    Ron looked out the window of his room, ever since most of his brothers were out of the house, it was quiet. He looked at the Blood and Fresh Orange Lockseeds he had. He sat on his bed and sighed, "Wonder how Percy is doing, working for that Minister of Magic. Doubt he would believe this." Mew just cuddled its trainer and made pink bubbles to bounce on to cheer him up. Ron smiled and laughed.


    -Nintendo Elementary: Front Gate-

    Harry waved at his adopted siblings as he stood at the front gate with their parents, Remus, and Sirius, James, Lily, and Remus didn't tell them about the attack but heard the Wilys speak about it. WilyKit expressed her desire to meet them which caused James to embarrassingly smile.


    -Crystal Order HQ-

    Kazari appeared in the HQ and heard that Discord betrayed the Order with Mewtwo, he scoffed. 'So that was his real desire then? I would have loved to see what kind of Yummy that would have made.' He thought to himself. As he didn't know Elise, he tuned out the other conversations in the room


    -Cous Coussier-

    Eiji and Hina happily worked in the international restaurant, the current theme being Korean style food with Eiji and Hina dressed in the appropriate Korean styled clothes. Ankh was there as well, but merely munched on his ice candy while Eiji and Hina served customers.


    -Abandoned Manor-

    Namine sat in her room, looking out the window. 'What will happen now? I hope those heroes will be okay with whatever danger they face. Why do I draw them though?' She thought, looking at the walls covered in her drawings. She sighed, walking to a drawing.



    Vaan and Ashe walked through the cemetery, Vaan had a bouquet of flowers while Ashe had two. Vaan placed his bouquet on a gravestone, kneeling down and praying. The gravestone had the name of his brother, Reks. Ashe set hers on two gravestones, those ones being the names of her father and her former fiancee. They kept quiet, thinking of their loved ones.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    After Karin picked Larsa and they headed to the cathedral, she noticed something when they entered. "Where are Vaan and Lady Ashe?" She asked, Larsa said calmly, "Must be at the cemetery, visiting their loved ones." He kept quiet after that, Karin looked at her employer as they sat in one of the pews and he bowed his head.



    Aerith, Elsa, and Anna were surprised that she was picked as a witness, but she got up and walked to the stand. She agreed to the oath of telling the truth and sat in the witness stand. Elsa wondered what she could say to turn the trial around for Harold and Matt.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel


    Dante stretched while Setsuna calmly ate her lunch. Kimberly just ate her lunch and looked at Tommy who was talking with Thomas about some karate studio he heard that James was helping Nala restore and they could help him with teaching martial arts. Billy thought about maybe joining a class to help improve his own martial arts skills. Fang just ate her food and looked as Eiji got up to give Ankh his lunch. Sirius looked around, "Kinda hoping that Prongs and Moony would have come to have lunch." "Maybe something came up." Lockon said, Sirius nodded in agreement.


    -Pokemon Battling Classroom-

    Gently, Hermione rubbed Vulpix's head and it closed its eyes, enjoying the gently rub on its head. Mew happily shouted a 'Mew', Ron smiled, "I agree, looks like that Vulpix likes you." "Yeah, seems like it knows you won't abandon it." Harry said. Hermione smiled, "Yes, it does. I'll make sure to give it all the love and attention it needs and help it grow stronger." Vulpix smiled, looking up at her.



    "Yeah...." Serena said, surprised. Having finished her lunch, Namine took out her sketchbook and just continued to sketch in it, her newest sketch was the moon princess in the fairy tale with her earth prince. She just quietly sketched the image while Seiya noticed her and wondered if maybe he could get Serena to help her open out. Yaten and Taiki just ate their lunch while Seiya was planning.



    Aerith, Elsa, and Anna went to their seats from before and sat down, wondering what new developments will appear this time and how Tarkin will try to gain the upper hand again.


    -Remus' House-

    While preparing a pot of tea for everyone in his house, Remus noticed Lily having finished her current projects and looking out a window. Simba noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?" "Are you thinking about that greasy haired git from the UK?" James asked, Lily smiled. "You know his name's Severus Snape and yes. He is a old friend of mine." "A old friend, huh?" Nala said, looking at her as Remus set the teapot down on the table and poured a cup for everyone. Lily nodded. "Wish we could have met when James and I were in the UK to visit Petunia."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home