-Flower Shop- Lenne nodded, "Alright." She left his room, letting him relax and think about taking a breath to clear his head from trying to figure the curse on Beast. Aerith sat at the front desk and sighed, positioning flowers in a pot. Coming with a plate of rice ball and a cup of tea, chaos smiled, "Here." "Thanks, chaos." Aerith said, taking a rice ball and taking a bite. -Tokyo University- Seeing Marius approach Jessie and James, Hikaru hid and put Mr. Belt around her waist in case she needed to transform. Grabbing the Speed Shift Car as it came to her, she waited to see what would happen. -Music Class- Kira looked at Kagura, she said, "Just calm down, Kagura. Take a deep breath and imagine it's concert night. You'll do alright." "Thanks, Kira." Kagura said, smiling. Mina stretched and took a breath, Michiru smiled, "You're really improving, Mina." "Thanks, Michiru." Mina said, looking at the second water-themed Scout. -Gym- While Fang was watching the students as they played the game of volleyball, Tommy thought he saw something and asked Kimberly to stay and give points while he went to investigate it. Looking around, he had a confused look when he heard a flash of a camera. "Is what a skilled martial artist looks like confused?" He turned and saw Go, smiling. He asked, "Who are you?" Go didn't answer and showed off his agility, Tommy almost thought it was similar to Kimberly's as he watched. -Advanced Calculus- Setsuna watched while the students took notes, Ami wrote notes as soon as Sulley spoke, Noah wrote down basic notes on what was being taught while Haru wrote down as he heard. -Demonology Class- "Speaking of heritages, isn't your mom's sister proud of her British heritage?" Hermione asked, looking at Harry. Harry nodded, "Yeah, mom told me that Aunt Petunia didn't like that she had to live here for a few years and went back to the UK as soon as she graduated high school. I suppose it was that she didn't have the patience to practice what kanji meant or thought Japan was just too weird." "Huh, I almost imagine that your roommate, Malfoy, is like that as well." Hermione said, thinking. -School Library- Philip sat at the librarian desk in the library, reading his blank book. He hummed a song that Hermione played one time at the agency, he pondered how she was doing in her current class and sat back. -Martial Arts Class- Ron and Lita watched as Jacqui stepped onto the mat for her match. Ron kept a eye out for moves that he could use as Bujin Gaim while Lita just watched the match, Snow watched the match, crossing his arms. -Creative Arts Class- Finishing her sketch, Namine looked at it and turned to a new page, beginning to sketch the Blue Ranger with the triceratops. She added detail to the Blue Ranger's suit and weapon. -Arendelle: Courtyard- "Hey, Olaf." Anna said, waving at the snowman. She smiled, recalling the one time she and Elsa were little and when they made Olaf as kids. "Yeah, just recalling good times as kids." -Arendelle- "I know," Elsa said, smiling. "How bout we go for a walk of our own and talk while waiting for lunch to get done?" She looked at Saphir, picking up the sides of her cape to walk.
-Flower Shop: Harold's Room- "I wish there was something that I could do to help, but I'm not that knowledgeable about magic." Lenne said, looking at her feet. "If there is anything you think I can do, don't hesitate to ask." She looked at him and smiled. -Tokyo University: Fashion Class- Hikaru sat in her fashion class, writing notes on her assignment in a spare notebook, finding a model to try on her designs and teaming up with another student to combine their designs. Hikaru thought about who else was taking this class that she could team up with and combine as well as finding a model to try on her designs up. She twirled her pencil on her finger and got up when class ended, putting her bag over her shoulder after putting it away. The teacher gave her back her notebook and she walked through the hall. As she walked in a hallway, a small police car hopped on her shoulder and Belt spoke, "Justice Hunter says there's a strange stand for voting on the campus. Shall we investigate?" Hikaru thought for a moment, taking Justice Hunter in her hand and tapped in Morse Code to stay hidden and she would join it somehow. Hopping off her hand, it rode off and tried to stay hidden. -Music Classroom- Kagura took a breath as they got ready to play the next song, Kira stretched and took a moment to change her music sheet. She tuned her bass violin and readied herself. Mina and Michiru smiled at each other, nodding at each other. -Gym- Kimberly helped Tommy score points as they were given. Hikari (being on Gia's team) watched as Jake (on Right's team) hit it over the net, in a attempt to impress Gia, but accidentally hit Michal in the face. "Michal, you okay?" Gia shouted, Michal gave a thumbs up though his face had a imprint of the volleyball on his face. Fang blew her whistle, Tommy and Kimberly laughed, Tommy said, "Fang certainly is something." "Yeah." Kimberly said, smiling. -Advanced Calculus Classroom- "You didn't do so bad yourself," Ami said, giving him back his homework. Noah and Haru gave back the homework to those who they traded with. Setsuna stood by the board, watching the students and smiled seeing them talk about the answers they may or may not have gotten correct. -Demonology Classroom- "When did this become cooking?" Harry asked, confused. Hermione laughed and said, "Lets just go along with it." So she began to measure with Harry and add the dry ingredients. -Martial Arts Classroom- "Alright." Lita said, stretching before sending a punch to Ron but he quickly managed to block it. "Not too bad." "Thanks." Ron said, before sending a kick to Connor. Snow watched everyone practice. "Everyone's doing great." -Creative Arts Classroom- Namine finished the sketch of Drive, adding some small toy cars around the car themed hero. She did admit that Drive had a unique power then began to sketch Ghost, from what she read, Ghost used abilities based on historical figures, like Beethoven, Edison, Robin Hood. She began to lightly sketch one of the figures, Newton, behind Ghost. -Arendelle: Courtyard- Anna listened to the stories, and smiled. "Wow, you two sound like you had a lot of fun. I wish Elsa wasn't trapped in her room so we could have the same kind of fun when we were younger." -Arendelle- "Oh, Saphir." Elsa said, looking at Demande's younger brother. "Sorry, I was just thinking about when they asked me about the blessing back in Japan. I was worried that Anna was rushing into things and I caused such a mess for her, everyone, and those who became our new friends."
-Flower Shop- Entering his room with a cup of tea, Lenne looked at him and asked, "Is everything alright? You seem frustrated." She set the cup on the desk and went to sit on his bed. -Tokyo University: Fashion Class- Entering her fashion class, Hikaru found her notebook in her bag and handed it to her teacher. She went to her seat and laid her head on the desk, wondering if the small Shift Cars were going to be okay on their own. -Music Classroom- Taking their selected instruments, the four girls tuned their instruments and got ready to play, Michiru smiled at Kira and she nodded at her. Kagura was nervous but Mina patted her shoulder. -Gym- "Alright, lets get this game of volleyball going!" Fang said, smiling as everyone entered the gym. "Pick the team you want to be on and we'll start." She blew her whistle, once everyone picked their teams, Right served the ball over to the other side of the net, then Gia spiked the ball back over. Tommy sat with Kimberly, keeping score while Fang oversaw the game. Go looked at the game being played and smiled, holding his camera. -French Classroom- After the announcement, Sirius began his lesson while Emma listened and Draco just yawned. Emma wrote down notes as Sirius spoke, while he spoke, Eiji wrote down the basic verison on the board and Draco tried to pay attention. -Modern History Classroom- Trying to wake himself up after the announcement played, Dante started the lesson and tried not to sound bored. Troy and Gai wrote notes as he spoke, while Luka laid her head on the desk, listening. -Advanced Calculus Classroom- "Sure, Clement." Ami said, giving him her homework as she was given his. Noah traded his homework with someone and looked over theirs to see if they had the correct answers and Haru did the same, keeping quiet. -Demonology Classroom- Harry and Hermione looked at each other, confused, Harry whispered, 'He looks like a walking target.' Hermione had a nervous chuckle, thinking, 'Well, his teaching method is certainly unique so far.' -Children's Card Games 101- Yami entered the class and began the class about Trap Cards. Akiza wrote down her notes on the information that he gave, listening to how he spoke of Trap Cards in a duel. -Shop Class- Doc worked on his project, working diligently while Haruka worked on engraving designs to the jewelry she had with her. Doc tried to figure what Gai meant by having seen the design before. -Martial Arts Classroom- Stretching, Ron and Lita looked at Connor as he joined them. Lita stretched, "Alright, what should we work on first?" "Don't know." Ron said, looking at the thunder-elemental Scout. Snow stretched and watched the students group and practice. -Creative Arts Classroom- Namine began to sketch a rough sketch of the two new heroes that had appeared, Drive and Ghost. She didn't know much of their powers, but she knew that their powers were as unique as the other heroes. -Arendelle- "Okay." Anna said, joining them. She looked at her sister, "Elsa?" "You all have fun, I'm going to go and think a bit on my own about some stuff." Elsa said, getting up and going out to another room in the castle. She touched her chest, 'I'm happy for Anna, but what was that strange feeling that made me feel uneasy about Hans?'
-Tokyo University- While walking to her fashion class, Hikaru saw one of the Shift Cars hop on her shoulder and tried to say something. She heard Mr. Belt's voice from the Speed Shift Car, "I see. Shadow says that he and Flare believed they found some villains. They'll stay around and alert you if they make a move." Hikaru nodded and continued to her class. -Flower Shop- Aerith hummed while she pushed some of the flowers into the sunlight, Lenne was in the back, planting some new flowers and filling some of the pots with dirt and seeds. She looked at the flowers and thought about Shuyin. -Music Class- Kira came in while Mina followed Michiru and Kagura shyly came in. Mina smiled, while Mirchiru just looked calm. The four girls went to their respective seats, Kira just hummed the song she was working, she thought, 'It's coming along, but there's still something I'm missing.' Kagura just happily hummed while she waited. -Gym- "Are you sure you want to stay, Kim?" Tommy asked, looking at her. Kimberly looked at her, "I'll be fine, I'll just be watching the lesson from the sideline." "Okay." Tommy said, Fang stretched, waiting for the morning announcement. Go watched, pondering if he should make a appearance. In the locker room, Gia changed into her gym uniform and tied her hair up, covering her morpher so one would hear it if it went after. In the boys' locker room, Right just hummed as he changed into his gym uniform, Michal looked a bit worried about the lesson for the day as he got changed and Hikari kept quiet. -French Classroom- Sirius sat at his desk while Eiji prepared the lesson with the students came in. "Why, miss Goodall." Draco said, smiling as he tried to act charming to get her to like him. Emma looked at him, "H-hey, Draco." She went to her seat and waited for class to start. -Modern History Classroom- Dante was asleep at his desk while Billy set everything out for the students while the students came in. Gai stretched as he sat in his desk and Troy went to his desk. Luka yawned, laying her head on the desk. Billy greeted the students as they came in before hitting the desk to wake Dante up. Troy laughed as did Gai, Luka looked up as she waited. -Advanced Calculus Classroom- Setsuna waved at everyone as they came in, Haru waved and went to his seat. Noah nodded at the teacher and the teacher assistant as he came in and went to his desk, Ami smiled, waving as she came in and went to her desk. -Demonology Classroom- "Morning, Sunset, Anais." Hermione said, coming in with Harry, having recalled Riolu into his Pokeball. Hermione went to her desk while Harry went to his desk. He waved at the two girls and sat at his desk, waiting for the bell to ring. -Children's Card Games 101- Akiza entered her first class of the day, waiting for Yami to come in and the lesson to start. She brought out her notebook and pencil case, stretching and wondered if Kaze was gonna come. -Shop Class- "Morning, Haruka." Don said, entering the Shop classroom. Haruka waved, "Hey, Don. How's your project coming?" "Okay," Don said, showing his project as it was something that resembled the Gokai Galleon. "It's missing something and Gai said that he had seen something like it before." "Huh, I see." Haruka said, taking out her project which was a assortment of rings for the Scouts. -Martial Arts Classroom- Having put Mew in its Pokeball, Ron stretched, stepping into the martial arts classroom. He had decided to take the class to get stronger as his role as Bujin Gaim and one of Zordon's warriors. Lita stretched, making sure her hair was tied tightly. -Creative Arts Classroom- Namine entered the Creative Arts classroom and went to her desk, sitting down and brought out her sketchbook. She kept quiet and wondered what she would sketch this time. -Nintendo Elementary: Playground- WilyKat hummed a song that he had been listening to recently while WilyKit sat on the swing, looking at the sky and pondering the train that she had been seeing. Hotaru looked at them and said, "Have fun, then." -Arendelle- "Hmm, okay." Elsa said, listening to the plan. "I will be honored to go with Anna and my future brother-in-law. I promise not to do something similar as in Japan." Anna laughed.
-Remus' Home- While Remus went to gather ingredients for making his wolfsbane potion in order to keep himself calm during his wolf transformation, Lily sat in her room, wondering how the Drive system worked. She saw the owl arrive with the reply and read her old friend's letter. Smiling, Lily thought to herself, 'Petunia always thought staying in the UK was the best thing, she could never accept the uniqueness of Japan or its holidays. To her, being in the UK was her definition of 'normal' and she did indeed go back as soon as she graduated Nintendo High.' She kept quiet at the mention of him explaining everything, she leaned back in her chair, 'You're not the only one, Sevy.' -Nintendo Elementary: Playground- The Wilys stood nearby the other kids, embracing their animal-like side with their tails and feline features showing. Hotaru stood by herself, holding her school bag and quietly took out her Lip Rod. Looking at her transformation wand, Hotaru gripped it and put it back into her pocket. -Nintendo High: Entrance- The Scouts arrived at the high school and went to their school lockers to change their shoes to their school shoes. As there was time, the seven Scouts walked around the school, talking about different things. Serena took out a riceball she had and ate it, feeling hungry. -Tokyo University- Hikaru watched Pinkie head back to her dorm room as Belt came up, asking, "Was that a classmate of yours?" Hikaru shook her head and headed to her fashion class, the Max Flare Shift Car following her, trying to remain unseen with Midnight Shadow covering him. -Gym- Setting Kimberly on the side to rest, Tommy helped Fang set the rest of the lesson for the first period gym class. Go stayed hidden, watching and holding his camera. "There." Fang wiped her brow and smiled, Tommy smiled, nodding, having the gym set up for a game of volleyball. Go looked, thinking, 'Not bad.' -Library- Philip exited the Planetary Bookshelf and sat with Hermione as she tried to help Ron work on his homework, making sure that he didn't copy hers or Harry's while Riolu and Mew wandered around the library. Hermione sighed, Ron said, "Sorry, but I've been busy with practicing with my Lockseeds. Sides, Harry and I are heroes, along with Philip." Hermione kept quiet and got up, hitting Ron on the head with a book. Mew and Riolu gave a light chuckle as Ron rubbed his new bruise. -Arendelle- Elsa gave a sigh of relief, "Thank you, I wasn't sure if he was okay or what he was like. Guess I just needed a reassure from someone who knew him, Thank you. I didn't decide before but I give my blessings." Anna smiled, hugging her sister.
-Remus' Home- Lily entered the kitchen to see Remus sigh as he looked at the lunar calendar. "Only ten more days til the full moon this month." "It will be okay." Lily said, putting her hand over his. "We'll make sure that no one else discovers your secret, okay, Remus?" "Thank you, Lily," Remus said, smiling. "You're the only one I can really trust about this. Aside from James and Sirius." Lily smiled. -Nintendo Elementary: Entrance- James smiled, holding the Wilys' hands as they walked to the school entrance. Serena nodded, Hotaru looked at her, "I hope you have fun." "And be on the lookout for Mini Moon or the Scouts because who knows what will happen?" Lita said, smiling and patting her hair. -Tokyo University- Hikaru jumped when Pinkie appeared. She wrote and showed the pink pony her message, 'It looks like a custom Honda. I just found it in my drive way one day and have been using it as transport ever since.' Mr. Belt turned off his screen and kept quiet, trying not to keep a sound so Pinkie won't notice him, Hikaru knew she couldn't tell Pinkie that she was Drive and that Tridoron helped give her the power of the Shift Cars she used. Spoiler -Teacher's Lounge- "Hmmm, I see." Setsuna said, looking at him. She sipped her cup. "Well, I haven't voted yet. Never really thought about who interested me the most in all those politics." Sirius went to his classroom with Eiji as Yami headed to his classroom. Snow gave Serah a kiss on the cheek before heading to the classroom to help his teacher. Lockon headed to his room while Tieria went to the library. -Gym- Fang gathered the materials for her first period class while Kimberly was on a balance beam, practicing her gymantics. Tommy watched her and gasped, catching her when she tripped on the beam. The two kept quiet, looking at each other. "Tommy and Kim, sitting in a tree~" Fang teased, smiling. Tommy looked at her, flustered, "Fang!" Kimberly looked red faced and held her boyfriend. Watching them was Go, having taken a picture of the two with Tommy cradling her in his arms. He smiled. -Nintendo High Library- Philip sat at his desk, walking through the Planetary Bookshelf. Meanwhile, Hermione, Harry, and Ron along with Mew and Riolu were helping prepare the library for the day. -Tokyo Police Station- Kiriko sat at her desk, stretching. "How is Go doing?" Shintaro said, giving her a bottle of water. Kiriko sipped it, "He's being himself..... Which I can never tell is a good or a bad thing." Shintaro gave a small laugh, "I feel the same about Date-san. Maybe we should get together and compare them to see." Kiriko laughed. -Flower Shop- "Huh...." Aerith looked at Harold in awe and smiled. "Well, for now, focus on bringing these flowers out with your personal magic touch." "Yeah." Lenne said, laughing. She turned and hummed, singing the one song she had been working. -Arendelle- Elsa looked at Hans, keeping quiet as she thought about the proposal. Her refusal back in Japan when they asked the first time nearly cost someone she now considers a dear friend to be mistaken for a kidnapper and she gripped her chest. Anna looked at her sister, wondering what her answer would be.
Flames of the Phoenix! Megaforce Pink!
-Remus' Home- Finishing her letter, Lily put it in the envelope and included the photos before giving it to the owl and stretched, heading downstairs and smiled at seeing James prepping the kids and heading out to school. Remus smiled as well, saying, "Seeing them like that almost reminds me of Harry when he was that young." "Yeah." Lily said, smiling. While Remus went to check the calendar and prepare for the full moon of the month, Lily went to the patio connected to his living room and thought about when she worked on Alpha and Navi. -Flashback: March 1996- Lily wiped her brow and tried to stand up with her six-month pregnant body. Though she was pregnant, she still worked on the robotic assistants to that being she had met, Zordon. While the small bird-like robot was completed, the more humanoid one was about halfway done. One of the younger workers came in and told her that she shouldn't push herself so hard because she was pregnant. Lily said, smiling, "I'll be fine. Just need to rest, could you get me some water?" When the worker brought her a bottle, she asked about the humanoid robotic assistant and if it was one of those Alpha robots she had worked on. "Yeah, I have a feeling this will be the right one, the other four were just disasters." Lily said, sipping before she gasped and smiled. Before her companion got worried, Lily reassured her, "I'm fine, Just felt the baby kick. It really wants to meet what I'm making. I hope that maybe one day, little one, you will be able to meet Navi and Alpha." -Nintendo High: Entrance- "Ah, Harry, Ron!" Hermione shouted, waving at her friends as she walked up with Philip. Philip waved at two of the young Riders who aided them in the fight. "How is Malfoy doing trying to undercover our identities." "No luck yet." Harry said, walking with them. "I'm just glad he hasn't asked his dear father he always talks about for help yet." Ron gave a little chuckle as Mew floated around, looking at them. -Sunset and Akiza's Dorm Room- "Yeah, thanks for that help on my Demonology work." Akiza said, smiling. She finished her waffles and stretched, she got up and poured herself a cup of milk. "Hope today wouldn't be too hard. I often wonder how Dante and Vergil are related." -Tokyo University- Approaching the parking lot to the university, Hikaru looked around for a parking space in the lot. Once she found a spot and parked the car. Mr. Belt turned on his screen and asked, "Would you like me to come with you or stay out here?" 'I'll bring you along but not sure if there'll be a attack today.' Hikaru wrote before grabbing him and putting them in her purse. Stepping out, she waved at some of the students who were used to the car's unusual appearance, including Cosette and Hina. She thought about when she first obtained the car that was called Tridoron. -Flashback: September 15th 2013- Walking home, Hikaru noticed a strange looking car stationed in her driveway. She pulled out Mr. Belt to show him and maybe get some answers, he looked at the car and smiled, having her turn him to her, "That will help you, Hikaru. It is Tridoron, the vehicle that you can use to get around the city and will give you your Tire Exchanges as Drive." Hikaru seemed surprised and looked at the Tridoron. -Scouts- As they walked to the elementary school to drop off the youngest Scout members, the girls talked about different things. Haruka mentioned getting the highest score on the riding game at Flynn's. Rei mentioned that her grandfather was having a sale because of the election today, Michiru smiled, holding Hotaru's hand as they walked. Ami smiled, listening as Lita couldn't wait for head for the flower shop she heard about after school. Spoiler -Teacher's Lounge- "Ah, thanks, Sully." Setsuna said, taking the cup. She sipped it, smiling at him. "Thanks. Was it rough to pick who to vote for?" Fang grabbed her TA, asking, "Hey, Tommy, I can't remember. Did we get a uniform for that four-old-year pink rabbit who suddenly starting to attend here?" "Who, Anias?" Tommy said, he thought for a moment. "I think we got her a uniform for P.E. in her size. But I'm not sure about someone as young as her attending P.E. class." Fang shrugged, thinking about how weird it was to have a four-year-old attend classes in high school." Sirius gripped his Budou Lockseed, he had a weird feeling, but dismissed it. He thought about his cousin, Bellatrix, and when he ran away from home. Kimberly walked to him to comfort him, but Sirius assured her that he was fine. -Tokyo Police Station- Kiriko and Shintaro arrived at the station at the same time. As Kiriko stepped out of her car, Shintaro took off his helmet. "Hey, Shijima." He looked at her. Kiriko looked at him, "Same to you, Goto." The two headed to the door and entered, heading to their respective desks in the station. -Arendelle- "Yeah, I remembered that Aerith said that there was a election going on right now in Japan." Elsa said, sitting back in her chair. "So I'd imagine that her shop will probably be busy today." Anna smiled, "Maybe so."
-Remus' Home- While James and Remus got the Wilys ready for the day, Lily was finishing up her latest letter to Severus as she had been exchanging letters with him when he wasn't busy with what he had been doing in Scotland for the past two months. She included various photos of Harry with his Riolu, the Wilys, the antics between James, Sirius, and a unwilling Remus. She looked over the letter to make sure she had included everything she needed to tell him in the letter before sending it. Spoiler: Lily's letter Dear Sevy (hope you don't mind that) How have you been? I've been busy, helping Prongs trying to raise our kids. I'm not sure if I told you, but when he and I were in the UK to see my sister, Petunia (who didn't want to see me TT_TT), we found two orphaned children abandoned on the street and my motherly instincts took over, so we adopted them. Now Harry is a older brother, imagine that. Oh, he also has a Pokemon, a very special Riolu. I'd imagine it won't be long before he gets it to evolve into a Lucario. How have things been where you are? I hope we can meet again somehow, I want to see you again and reminisce about our time together. I'll make sure that James, Sirius, Remus, and the children are behaved. Forever your best friend, Lily Evans-Potter -Flower Shop- Aerith put some flowers in the window display and hummed softly. Lenne wondered if Harold could find Shuyin but didn't want to bother him about it and kept quiet. Looking at the young man who was staying in the shop with them, chaos said, "Hope we can learn more about what you can teach us of your knowledge, Harold." -Kiriko's Apartment- After calming down and finishing getting ready, Kiriko nodded, looking ready at herself in the mirror. Go just laughed and finished getting dressed himself, grabbing his camera. "Go, can you behave yourself and try not to get in trouble?" "Yes, yes, onee-chan." Go said, putting on his jacket. Kiriko nodded, looking at her brother and went out to her car. -Harry and Draco's Dorm Room- As he finished getting ready, Harry smiled as Riolu hopped on his shoulder, also ready for the day. He put his Donguri Lockseed where he could find it on his person, hiding his Driver in his bag. "Well, Malfoy, I'm ready. Lock the door when you leave the room." "I know, Potter." Draco said, waving his hand. Harry sighed, facepalming and leaving the room. -Narumi Detective Agency- Hermione sipped some of the tea she made while waiting for Philip to finish get ready. She took out the Pokeball that held her Vulpix, smiling at the fond memories she made with it. Philip came out, wearing his hair clips with the rest of his outfit. "Well, Shotaro, we're off." Philip said, waving. "If a case comes in, just call." "We'll see you after school, Shotaro!" Hermione said, smiling as she waved with Philip and they headed off. -Sunset and Akiza's Dorm Room- "Well, the only class I'm doing well is Children's Card Games 101." Akiza said, thinking. "I'm trying hard to study in History, honestly though French is a little hard to understand at times. And Demonology is a bit difficult to focus with Professor Vergil teaches." She rubbed her hair, nervously smiling. "But I'm trying." -Tokyo Street- Hikaru waited at a stop light on the way to the university, she looked at Mr. Belt who had turned his screen off. Hikaru thought all the fights she had been in as Drive so far. Steadily starting to go, Hikaru calmly drove the car that was part of her power as Drive, it seemed. Still, she thought it was strange that Mr. Belt picked her, a student in fashion, to use the power. -Tsukino Household- Luna hopped on the back of the couch, falling asleep when there was another knock on the door. Serena said, running to the door. "I got it!" She opened it to reveal her friends with Hotaru. "Guys, hi!" She said, smiling. Ami bowed, "Hello." "We came to get you, Serena." Rei said, looking at her. Serena grabbed her bag, "Right!" "Oh, Rini, would you like to come with us?" Michiru said. "We were going to drop off Hotaru at the elementary on the way to high school." Hotaru blushed, embarrassed and nodded. -Daitenku Temple- Takeru yawned as he went to the kitchen and made himself some breakfast. In the two months, he had become Kamen Rider Ghost who used items called Eyecons based on various legendary heroes of the past. So far he had Musashi, Edison, Newton, Robin Hood, and Beethoven. 'How am I going to find the rest of the Eyecons?' He thought. -Akira and Michal's Home- Shintaro finished sipping his coffee that he enjoyed as it was brewed by Akira. Michal finished getting himself ready for school, "Date-san, I'm ready." "Okay!" Akira said, smiling. "Hey, Goto-chan. Mind locking up when you head to work?" "No problem," Shintaro said, looking calm. Akira smiled, giving a thumbs up and took Michal to school. -Gokaigers- Ahim calmly slipped her tea while everyone finished up eating breakfast. Luka yawned, still looking sleepy. Gai hopped into the room, dressed for school. "Everyone, morning!" He shouted. "Lets have a great day and hope someone great is elected today!" Don sweatdropped as he looked at the silver colored member of the team. -Rainbow Line- Right happily ate his breakfast while the rest of ToQgers ate and got ready for school. Mio stretched while Hikaru just messed with his toy. Haru wondered who would be elected today and Kagura just enjoyed her food. -Dino/Megaforce- Kira and her team walked to the school, talking about the various enemies that they had faced recently. Kira just stretched, breathing and hoping that nothing big would happen, -Tokyo Street- Kazari stayed hidden in the crowded sidewalks of the city, being on the lookout for new victims to host Yummies. He looked around, feeling so much desire about. -Moon Palace- Watching the citizens of the city get eager for the upcoming election, Rita was excited to ask Finister to make a monster so the people of the world would elect her and Zedd as the rulers of the world. Zedd looked at his wife and kept quiet, his face having a smile if he could make one. Spoiler -Teachers' Lounge- Dante yawned as he sat at his desk, he looked at his TA, asking, "What are you doing, Billy?" "Making something to see if we can find those two new Riders we heard, Ghost and Drive, I believe." Billy said, working on a device on his desk. Tommy sipped a cup of water, Thomas stood against the wall, the two brothers keeping quiet. "Hey, bro, what do you think Zedd might be planning?" Thomas asked. Tommy looked at his brother. "Not sure, can't never figure out what villains like him are thinking, aside from world control." Setsuna sat at her desk, looking out the window and thinking about the fights recently. Lockon spoke with Tieria as they stood at his desk, Yami was overlooking his lessons for the day. Kimberly came in and stretched while Fang sat at her desk, leaning back in her chair. -Arendelle- Elsa was working on the ever-so-wonderful workload of paperwork and sighed, stretching. Anna smiled, guessing as well as Elsa that Aerith was busy at the moment with the shop. She finished with the current document and sat back, breathing.
-Flower Shop- Aerith hummed as she opened the flower shop for the day. She, Elsa, and Anna had become good friends since the day of the trial that they decided to talk with each other via video chat. Lenne and chaos came, getting ready for work. -Kiriko's Apartment- Kiriko slept soundly in her room while Go sneaked up on her and hopped, saying, "Time to get up, nee-chan! Or you'll be late!" Kiriko shouted, falling out of bed. She looked sleepy as she gazed at her clock and gasped, rushing to get ready. "Go! Why didn't you wake me earlier?!" She said, Go just laughed. -Harry & Draco's Dorm Room- Harry made breakfast for him and Riolu while Draco sipped his tea. Harry felt lucky that Draco rarely included him in his 'hero truth hunts' as he dubbed them so he could go and help if there was a attack. As he ate, Harry thought about some of the fights. He smiled as he remembered Ron opting to use the Fresh Orange Lockseed rather than the Blood Orange. -Tsukino Home- Serena was sitting at the table, eating her breakfast while Luna was drinking from her saucer. "Good morning, Sammy, Rini," Serena said, smiling. -Narumi Detective Agency- While Philiip was getting ready, Hermione came in, saying, "Shotaro, Philip, morning!" "Morning, Mione-chan," Philip said, looking at his chief. "I'm almost ready, make yourself something to drink while you wait." Hermione nodded, headed to the coffee maker. -Akiza and Sunset's Dorm Room- "Thanks, Sunset," Akiza said, finishing putting on her uniform with her deck case on last. She took some of the waffles and sat down, taking a bite. "They're pretty good." She said, thinking about the past two months. -Hikaru's Home- Finishing up a design in her notebook, Hikaru closed the notebook and put it in her bag. She picked up Mr. Belt, put on the Shift Brace, and went out to the strange car that she had gotten since becoming Drive. Putting Belt in the space on the dashboard, he had a smiley face on his screen as she buckled up, saying, "Your teacher will love your designs." 'I have to thank the Shift Cars for letting me use their motifs for the designs.' Hikaru wrote before starting the car and driving to Tokyo University.
-Muppet Theater- "Well, I better getting back to my mother." Ami said, looking at her watch. "I'll see you tomorrow, Serena. It was good to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Tsukino, bye, Sammy, Rini." "Bye, Ami." Serena said, smiling at her friend. "See you tomorrow." She smiled as Ami waved at them and walked off. After finishing up taking photos of the stage and the Muppets, Go went with Kiriko and headed for her apartment. Shintaro looked at her and said, "See you at work tomorrow, Shijima." "Same here, Goto." Kiriko said, looking at him and walking off with her brother. -Remus' Home- After discussing their thoughts on Zedd and how strong he might be, Lily began to wonder about how to find the users for the new Drivers that she made, wondering the type of people who would be picked. WilyKit came down, asking for a story. James smiled and went up to read her and WilyKat. Remus smiled and went to the calendar to chart the next moon in order to prepare. -Draco and Harry's Dorm Room- Harry worked on his homework from the day and tried to focus as Draco bombarded him with questions about how and why he knew some of the teachers in a friendly manner since no one he knew in the United Kingdom spoke with teachers so familiarly. -Crystal Order HQ- Kazari held some Cell Medals in his hands, looking at the burning casket of the fallen member of the Order. 'This just means I'll need to find a truly strong desire to make a Yummy for the Order. Just wait, Ankh.' He thought to himself.
-Flower Shop- "There's still a open room for you if you wish to come back and stay here." Aerith said, smiling. "I don't mind if you want to live here or somewhere else, it's up to you." Lenne thought, 'If only Shuyin could be the same.....' "Maybe you could teach some tricks of growing flowers that Aerith doesn't know." chaos joked. Aerith pouted and said, "Oh, chaos. That's not funny." -Muppet Theater- "I'm sure it was a great show." Ami said, smiling. "And I'm glad that you're all okay." "Well, that Tex person was after the theater, not the audience, for some reason." Serena said, thinking. "Guess he felt he wanted the property for himself, so selfish." Ami laughed, it was rare for Serena to deduce a guess about something, it was usually her or one of the other Scouts who came up a guess. Shintaro and Kiriko were on the stage, watching Tex taken away in cuffs by their fellow co-worker, Jenny. "Never imagine someone like him was part of the Crystal Order." Shintaro said, his hands in his pockets. Kiriko said, "Guess it just goes show you can never be sure who to trust. Hmm, Go, what are you doing?" She looked at her younger brother who was taking pictures with his camera. He looked at them and smiled, "Taking pictures of the scene. I always wanted to take pictures of this place. No worries, I'll just keep them in my camera." Kiriko sighed, watching her brother take pictures and looked around. Shintaro looked at Go, thinking, 'So that's Shijima's younger brother.' -Fang and Vanille- "That's good." Fang smiled, holding her and smiling. She looked at the flowers that Vanille had grown and smiled, smelling the aroma all the flowers. -Remus' Home- While the Wilys rested in their room, the three adults in the living room began to talk about their duty as heroes. James didn't tell them about Saix knowing his role as the Black Ranger but they did wonder about the master of Goldar and Thrax and how strong he could be. Remus pondered what other kind of power that the Lockseed would provide them. -Hino Family Shrine- "Just a bit too much, grandpa." Rei said, sipping her cup. She thought to herself, 'Should ask Serena if she had her Moon compact with her tomorrow.' -Harry & Draco's Dorm Room- While Draco was making his plans to prepare for the next attack and what heroes will appear to save it, Harry hid his Driver and Lockseed somewhere Draco couldn't find it while Harry could remember where it was and grab it in case he needed it. 'Can you keep a secret, Riolu?' He whispered to his Pokemon, Riolu pulled its paw across its mouth like it was zipping its mouth shut. Harry smiled, rubbing its head. -Gokai Galleon- While Gai and Don were in their rooms, minding their own business, Luka stood on the crow's nest, looking at the sky and keeping a look out for a attack. Ahim came up and looked with her, the two girls kept quiet, not saying anything to each other. Luka looked at the pink colored member of the team and patted her head, Ahim looked at her and smiled. -Crystal Order HQ- Hearing the announcement, Kazari kept quiet, while he didn't know Saix personally, he admitted he admired the strength and power that he had. Changing into his Greeed form, he walked to the area and kept his silence, wanting to honor Saix with the other members. -Moon Palace- While putting the image of the girl he saw out of his head, Zedd sat on his throne, quietly thinking about getting back at the new Rider and the other heroes. Rita watched her husband thinking on his throne, that silence and the sound of his metal claws hitting the stone of his throne sent shivers down her spine and she thought about when they first met, how he turned a python into his staff and his power back then.
-Flower Shop- Aerith looked at Matt and Harold, she said, "Harold, if you want, you can still work here. But it's up to you if you want to live here again or not. I won't stop you and I won't depend on your magic to boost sales for the shop. The magic of the flowers here do that already." Lenne and chaos smiled at her comment, doing their work. -Muppet Theater- "It would be amazing if one of the Scouts appeared to help him." Serena said, smiling. "Especially that new one I heard about, Mini Moon. I would have loved to seen how strong she is." "Serena, are you alright?" Ami said, appearing. Serena was surprised to see her. "Hey, Ami. I'm fine. What are you doing here?" "I was out, getting study books when I saw that man outside and wasn't sure what to do." Ami said, looking worried. She looked at Rini and smiled, "Hello, I'm Serena's friend, Ami Mizuno. You must be Rini, Serena's told me good things about me." -Sirius' Apartment- Stretching as he sat in his room of the apartment shared between him and Sirius, Eiji looked around for the red colored bird Greeed. "Ankh? Where are you? Hey, Ankh!" He shouted. -Izumi Home- Hina sat in her room, looking out her window. She thought about Ankh and wondered if he was okay, hoping that he wasn't getting himself into trouble. Getting up, she went to brush her hair and hummed. -Akira & Michal's Home- During the feast, Akira had too much beer and suddenly got drunk. Michal and Shintaro helped him into his bed that was in his room and watched over him as he slept, mumbling something in his sleep. -Remus' Home- "Hey, Padfoot, shouldn't you head back to your apartment?" James said. "I mean, don't you share a place with that TA you have at the school?" "And I do believe he's also one of our allies now." Lily said, making sure that the Wilys didn't hear what they were talking about. Sirius checked the clock, "Yeah, should make sure that Eiji doesn't worry about me, not sure about Ankh." -Harry & Draco's Dorm Room- Stepping into the dorm, Harry said, "Malfoy, I'm back." "Ah, Potter." Draco said, smiling at his return. "I have something I want you to help me with." "What..... are you talking about?" Harry asked, looking confused and slightly worried. Draco smiled and leaned into him, "Next time, one of those heroes appear, help me uncover the true identities of them so I can show everyone back in the UK." Harry sweatdropped, knowing that his roommate didn't know that he was one of those 'heroes' he mentioned. -Hino Family Shrine- "I'll have to ask her about it, but I'm guessing that her family adopted the young girl." Rei said, watching the confrontation. "It would be more amazing if he was joined by one of the Scouts, particularly that new one, Mini Moon." -Hikaru's Home- While Hikaru tried to make a outfit, Mr. Belt watched her work diligently on the fabric and sew them together to make something new. He kept quiet and made a smiley emotion and watched her use the mannequin for her measurements of the sleeves and the outfit. -Kiriko's Apartment- Letting Go settle into his room, Kiriko set the bouquet in a vase and began to make dinner for the two of them. She thought about the case of the missing person, Fiona, and what else happened during the day. Go put his camera on his desk, hoping to surprise his sister with his photos. -Moon Palace- Going back to the Moon Palace, Zedd looked at the princes of Marvo. "Is there anything else we can need for you?" He asked, Vrak said, "Well, may we see the one who seems to have beat you?" Zedd nodded and used his power to see them Hikaru in her home, working on a outfit with Mr. Belt watching her. Vekar shouted, "That weak girl defeated you?!" "Hmmm. Well, you're free to ask for our aid if you need." Vrak said. Rita bowed, "Please, come back, Vrak, Vekar." -Kazari- Watching the confrontation of Tex and Tuxedo Mask, Kazari scoffed, "Man, if it wasn't for what was under that property, I would just assume that he was just another man with a petty desire to claim a land he wants so much. It wouldn't make much of a Yummy." He leaned against the wall, tossing some Cell Medals in the air and catching them. -Gokai Galleon- Gai was asleep at the table, drooling a little. Don groaned and took the silver colored member of their team to his room so he could sleep. Ahim smiled while she and Luka enjoyed some tea and quiet peace.
-Flower Shop- Aerith looked at Lee and Carter, smiling. "I have the magic touch with the flowers, it seems. I'm lucky enough not to have arrange flowers for a funeral yet." She set the flowers in a vase, chaos made a bouquet of flowers and gave it to Kiriko, "Here, I'm sure your brother will love them. It will be 12450 yen." "Sure, here." Kiriko said, paying him the right amount of money for the bouquet. She took the bouquet and looked at Lee and Carter, "I'll see you two at work tomorrow." She went to her car and received a text message, surprised to see who it was from and drove to the airport. -Muppet Theater- Serena smiled, enjoying the entertainment of the Muppets and clapping with the audience. She wished that she could have brought Luna to enjoy this but imagined that she was watching it at home. -Muppet Theater - Parking- Walking from the bookstore to get some study books for her classes, Ami looked at the theater. "That must be the theater the Muppets own and where Serena is with her family." She said to herself, she noticed Rex and was unaware of what he was doing. She debated on staying or not to see what he was planning. -Akira & Michal's House- After a while, Akira smiled as he sat over a table that had a banquet that might looked impossible to have made by one person. Each person had a certain type of drink, while Akira had a beer, Shintaro had a Coke and Michal had a glass of orange juice. "A toast to the Tokyo Police Department and the best it has to offer!" He said, smiling and holding his cup up. Michal and Shintaro held their cups up in toast as well. -Remus' Home- Lily smiled, watching Harry shake his head at the craziness of James and Sirius while Remus tried to help the Wilys embrace their feline side though they still wanted to keep it hidden. Harry looked at his watch and said, "Riolu and I better head back. Malfoy might get worried that his dinner isn't ready yet." He groaned, Lily patted his head. "It'll be alright. At least he doesn't your special secret." "Special secret?" WilyKat asked, James smiled, "Sorry, but can't tell you, Kat. It won't be a secret anymore." -Home of the Outer Rim Scouts- Hotaru sat with her adopted family, watching the Muppet Telethon. "I think I saw Odango and her family." Haruka said, sipping her cup. Michiru smiled, "Hotaru, was the girl with the pink hair your new classmate?" "Yes, that was Rini." Hotaru said, looking at her. Setsuna smiled, "She looks cute and sweet. I hope you two will become good friends." -Fang and Vanille's Home- Quickly sneaking up behind Vanille, Fang hugged her best friends, "Hey there~ How's my favorite gardener?" She smiled, holding her best friend from behind. -Hino Family Shrine- "It's okay to cry, grandpa." Rei said, smiling at them. "You deserve to let tears flow every once in a while. And I didn't expect her to go, guess her little brother or the young girl with them was invited to attend the theater with her family." -Hikaru's Home- After getting some explanation about her being picked to be Drive and Hikaru teaching Belt some sign, Belt watched as Hikaru make and work on some of the designs on mannequins she had to make the clothes. Belt had a smiley emotion, "You have real talent, Hikaru." Quickly writing, Hikaru showed her message, 'It's nothing, really. I used to patch old clothes when I was little and just wanted to make something out of it.' -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Home- While waiting for his brother, Dante fell asleep on the couch, drooling and snoring. He held a pillow, dreaming it was a big breasted beauty that loved him and smiled in his sleep. -Airport- Kiriko looked at the passenger from the flight that came from America. She looked worried as she looked around until she felt a tap on her shoulder, Kiriko looked behind her and gasped, seeing her younger brother. Go just smiled, "Hey, nee-chan. Long time no see." "Go....." Kiriko hugged her brother and wiped her tears, happy to see him again. "Why did you suddenly come back?" "My mentor, Harley, just left on a long overdue journey and I wanted to come back to be with you, nee-chan." Go explained. Kiriko smiled and took him to a special spot. A tree with a single grave under it, Kiriko and Go stopped in front of it and prayed, the name on the stone being their mother's name. -Moon Ruins- "Not sure what I saw." Zedd said. "Maybe these ruins are still haunted by the ghosts of the past. Anyway, don't worry, though I was beaten, the Rider I fought was still new to her power it seems."
After some thought, I've decided that I'll take Lighting Farron, Rydia, Rikku, Paine, and Stella Nox Fleuret, though reworked into her current version, Lunafreya. Also, Rey if she hasn't taken yet.
-Flower Shop- Standing at the door of her car, Kiriko looked at the group as they entered the shop and entered herself. "Oh, hey there." Aerith said, looking at them as she came from the back, holding some tulips and lilies. Kiriko shyly looked at the flowers, chaos looked at her and asked, "What is it?" "Oh, nothing," Kiriko said, "I was thinking getting flowers for when my little brother comes back. I got a message from him saying that he's gonna be coming home soon." -Muppet Theater- Serena smiled, rubbing her mother's back as she cried. She thought about when she met her friends and discovered that they were Scouts like her, Serena felt some tears run down her cheeks and rubbed her eyes, smiling as she tried to stop the tears. "Make fun of me, if you want, Sammy, Rini, but I'm happy to have you two, Mom, Dad, and my friends with me." She said, wiping her eyes. -Akira and Michal's House- "I'm back!" Akira shouted, entering the house and smiling to see Shintaro already there, carrying bags of food. "Alright, everyone's here! Now I'm gonna prepare a banquet for the amazing effort of the police in stopping a dangerous criminal and saving a innocent hostage!" He ran to the kitchen to get ready, Shintaro and Michal sweatdropped, but Shintaro gave a small smile, having gotten used to Akira's craziness. -Wajima's Shop- Koyomi sat at the table with Haruto, nodding off as she looked at the rest of her homework from school. She rubbed her eyes, staying to stay awake. "Hey, Haruto, can you help with this problem? I don't remember what to do again." She asked, wanting to see if Haruto understood the problem she was working on. -Hino Shrine- Rei smiled, patting her grandfather's head. "It's been so long since I've seen you cry, grandpa." She smiled, sitting with them. "But she is very good. She's probably one of the idols that Mina looks up to." She sipped her drink and watched the telethon. -Daitenku Temple- Takeru looked at the eye-shaped object, which had changed a bit. He was still wondering why and how his father could have sent it to him from ten years ago. He rubbed his hair, "Gah, all this thinking is hurting my head!" Takeru shouted to no one. He went to the kitchen to get something in order to calm his nerves. -Gokai Galleon- Luka was studying with her companions and shouted, "Aw, mou! This is too hard!" "How bout I get some tea to calm our nerves?" Ahim said, getting up. Don got up as well, "I'll make us some snacks." "Wish there were lessons on the Sentai." Gai said, moping at his homework. -Hikaru's House- After getting some groceries and fabric, Hikaru sat at her table, face on the table in confusion of that fight from earlier. Belt was next to her on the table and asked, "Hikaru, are you okay?" Hikaru looked at Belt and was shocked at the fact the belt was talking, falling off her chair. Quickly writing something, she showed him, 'Wait a minute! You can talk?!' "Yes, I'm Belt, your partner and who helped you during that fight." Belt said, with a sad emotion on his screen. Hikaru showed him a new message she wrote, 'But why me?!' Belt kept quiet and Hikaru looked at him, wondering what was wrong. -Moon Palace- "After trying to stop a new Rider, he said he wanted to be alone." Rita said, looking at Goldar. Vekar scoffed, "And after we gave him our foot soldiers to help." "Forgive my older brother, he's just bitter from his own losses by another Ranger team." Vrak said, pushing his brother aside. "I would imagine he's probably at those ruins on the Moon." -Moon Ruins- Zedd walked through the ruins, looking at the crumbling remains of possibly a once beautiful palace. He entered in what would have been perhaps a lovely garden and thought he saw a girl in a white dress, holding a banquet she picked, smiling before vanishing. "Probably just some vision of the past." Zedd whispered to himself.
-Flower Shop- Kiriko looked at Harold as he approached the shop, "Oh, hello. I'm Kiriko Shijima, nice to meet you. You must be Harold Flamel. I don't know too much about Flamels but I'm sorry about what happened recently. I just dropped off Aerith and was going to leave." She went to enter her car. -Muppet Theater- Serena smiled, humming the song that had played since her vocal singing wasn't the best. Though she liked the choice of the song that played, admitting there was good taste in music. She bobbed her head and smiled, clapping when it ended. -Daitenku Temple- Stepping out to check whatever mail came, Takeru looked surprised at the package that he got, seeing the date being from ten years ago and that his father sent it. 'But..... how? Dad died ten years ago, so how could he?' He looked into the package which was a blank eye shaped object. He hesitatingly touched it but pulled back when he felt a shock, unaware of the strange belt that appeared around his waist. -Akira & Michal's house- Michal worked on his homework from school while Shintaro sat in the living room, drinking some coffee. They quietly waited for the man who would make the apparent 'feast' for rescuing Aerith and stopping Shun-Yu. -Remus' House: Lily and James's room- Finishing her letter, Lily gave it to the owl that was sitting on the window and watched it fly. She smiled, wishing that Snape was here and she could introduce him to her adopted children or that they could just catch on old times. 'Though I'll need to keep Zordon and the whole issue about Drivers, Morphers, and all that secret.' She thought, looking at her Lockseed. -Hino Shrine- Rei stood and came out to get a drink, catching a peek at the telecast. "Looks like Serena and her family are having fun at the telecast. I think I'll embarrass her tomorrow to say that I saw her on TV." 'That pink haired girl must be Rini, Hotaru's new classmate.' Rei thought. 'Wonder if she know about Sailor Mini Moon.' -Riverside- The seven fighters looked at the red skinned space lord and the ToQgers changed back to their default colors while Hikaru changed back into the default Shift Car. As the six ToQgers prepared their final blast attack, Belt helped Hikaru with the Full Throttle attack, however, before they could excute the attacks together, Zedd returned to the Moon. With their opponent gone, the main five ToQgers went back on the Rainbow Line and left while Akira left. Still confused, Hikaru continued to the store, her mind in a dizzy. -Moon Palace- Watching Zedd return, Vrak said, "Vailant effort, Sir Zedd. But I think those troublesome heroes survive a little longer." "Yes, Vrak." Zedd said. "Feel free to stay and talk with Rita, Goldar, or Thrax. I wish to be alone." He left and went to the other side of the moon, calming down at the sight of the ruins. He could almost imagine the battle that had brought this magnificent place to such ruin.
-Riverside- While fighting the Loogies and X-Borgs, Hikaru showed that she had adept skills in fighting and was quick to use the powers of the other Shift Cars that came to her. The main five ToQgers changed colors while fighting, Right was currently Green, Haru was Yellow, Mio was Blue, Kagura was Red, and Hikari was Pink, each one wielding the weapon of the color they had. The seven fighters stood together, Hikaru with the Shadow Midnight Tire while the ToQgers were together along with Akira who was still in his origina color. With all the Loogies and X-Borgs defeated, the lone Rider and the team of ToQgers faced the Lord, Zedd. Sending a blast to them, Belt shouted, "Come, Cab!" Hikaru caught a yellow taxicab car and gained a yellow and black tire across her chest, as Belt shouted, "Tire Koukan: Dimension Cab!" Getting in front of them, part of her body opened, sending the blast through another location. When it closed, Hikaru felt her body in surprise that she was still in one piece. -Akira & Michal's home- Riding his motorcycle into the garage next to Akira and Michal's house, Shintaro took his helmet off and rubbed his hair. Pulling the kickstand down, Shintaro opened the door as he knocked, finding Michal by himself. "Minato-san, where's Date-san?" He asked, confused. Michal looked at him and said, "Well, he went out to get food for dinner." -Outside Flower Shop- Parking in front of the flower shop, Kiriko looked at Aerith and suggested, "Maybe you should take some time off and let your co-workers handle the shop." "I'm fine, thanks to your hard work, Miss Shijima." Aerith said, smiling. "I'll be okay and be more careful from now on. Thank you for bringing me back." Watching her get out and enter the shop, Kiriko sighed, looking at her cell phone and at a photo of her younger brother. -Muppet Theater- Serena smiled, sighing in relief. She was worried that she would have to use her power as Sailor Moon to find the cause, but it seemed to have resolved by itself. She reached into her purse to feel her brooch and smiled, happy to have it in case that she did need it. -Hino Shrine- Rei sat in her room, reading some manga as she was done with her shrine duties for the day. She looked deep in thought for a moment as she recalled a vision she saw in the fire. It had to do with Takeru of the nearby Daitenku Temple, though she didn't know what would happen with him. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and continue to read her manga.
-Tokyo National Bank- "I'll take you home, Miss Gainsborough." Kiriko said, calmly taking her hand and leading her to her car. Shintaro tossed her her cell phone and she caught it without looking. Kiriko turned to Shintaro as he headed for his motorcycle, "Thanks, Goto-san." "No problem, Shijima." Shintaro said, getting on his motorcycle. He put on his helmet but before he could start the engine, he heard the text message beep of his cell phone and opened it to see what it was. Spoiler: Date & Goto's text message exchange [Akira:] Goto-chan, I saw the news! Are you okay?! O_O [Shintaro:] I'm fine, Date-san. We just stopped a criminal and saved the person who was his hostage. -.-' [Akira:] Yay! Good police win! ^o^ Head over to my place for a celebration. [Shintaro:] Um, I really didn't do much, Date-san. I didn't do anything at all. -____- [Akira:] Still come over for a good job. ^-^ [Shintaro:] Alright. I'll be right over. -Muppets Theater- "He would be if he didn't call me Meatball Head," Serena whispered to her mother. "Haruka calls me odango and it's a bit nicer." 'Still....' Serena thought. 'There's this strange feeling that I know him from somewhere, sometime so long ago. Probably my mind playing tricks on me.' -Hotel- Elsa breathed a sigh of relief with the news reporting that Aerith was saved and whoever it was that kidnapped her was in custody. Anna smiled and held her sister, also happy. -Hikaru's Home- Seeing Hikaru seem to enter a slurp for designs, Belt made a smiley face on his screen, as he could see that she had talent for what she was doing but she seemed struck. So, he decided to help her, he called some of the Shift Cars that knocked at her door. As Hikaru looked up, confused, she grabbed a bag and put Belt in her bag, she walked out and looked around, looking around. She began to walk, hoping to get in a trip to the store for some groceries. -Moon Palace- Zedd watched Earth for any chance at planning the demise of the heroes when he saw Hikaru on her own, he could make out the design of what he assumed to be a Rider belt and decided to go and stop her from being recruited by Zordon. Vrak and Vekar sent some of their foot soldiers to go and help. -Rainbow Line- Right looked happy as he finished off the bento box and laid his head on the table. Hikari just kept quiet when they got a alert about suddenly stopping, Conductor came in to say that they were stopping because of a unknown force that was using darkness to block the path. "So, if we stop this unknown force, we can continue?" Right asked, Conductor nodded. Right smiled, "Alright, lets go!" -Somewhere along the Rainbow Line- Elsewhere, working on the rails of the Rainbow Line, Akira Nijino looked up as he stopped. He looked at his phone, which had a message from Mio about a unknown force using darkness to block the Rainbow Line. He pulled his helmet over his eyes and brought out his harmonica, playing it as he walked to where the others were. -Remus' Home: James and Lily's Room- Lily sat at her laptop, looking at the draft for a letter to her childhood friend, Severus Snape. She tried to think about what to put in the letter, leaving out the info that she was a fruit themed spandex wearing hero who was under the guidance of large floating head with others like her. She tapped her Lockseed on the desk and thought to herself. -Riverside- Hikaru thought she heard something and looked around. When she saw Zedd with the two groups of foot soldiers, she almost felt like she was going to throw up, he said, "So, you're the newest one to join Zordon. I think not." He sent a energy blast at her, but almost a army of mini cars appeared, protecting her. One of the cars brought Belt out and wrapped it around her waist while another gave her a unique bracelet. Zedd and the foot soldiers were suddenly shot back as Right and the Toqgers appeared. Right was about to say something when they heard harmonica music and saw Akira walk up. Right nervously smiled and laughed as he stopped and gave a stare to them. "Alright, you creepy looking guy! We'll beat you back to where you came from! Lets ToQ Change!" "Hikaru, follow my words and transform as well!" Belt said, though Hikaru didn't know where it was coming from. "ToQ Ichigo!" "ToQ Nigo!" "ToQ Sango!" "ToQ Yongo!" "ToQ Gogo!" "ToQ Rokugo!" "Drive Type: Speed!" Spoiler: Heroes transformed Spoiler: BGM Though she was confused, Hikaru got into a fighting stance, trying to hide her shaking. All the Toqgers stood with their weapons and ready to fight, Zedd scoffed. "Go, X-Borgs, Loogies! Wipe them out!" Right shot at one while Hikari slammed his hammer on the ground to shake them around. Mio and Kagura teamed up with their weapons.
-Tokyo National Bank- Kiriko, Aerith, and Shintaro looked in awe as Lee's wound was healed by the Philosopher's Stone. "Wow..... it's a miracle....." Aerith said, looking at the power of the stone. Shintaro and Kiriko looked at each other, speechless and silently thanking Harold as well. Aerith smiled, "Why don't you all come to the shop? You all can pick some flowers you like, it's on the house." "Thank you, Miss Gainsborough." Shintaro said. "But that's too generous, knowing that we managed to get him and get you safely is enough." -Muppet Theater- Serena smiled, enjoying the antics of the Muppets and tried not to look at Darien. She wanted to enjoy this family time with her family, including Rini. She smiled, wondering what craziness they would think up next. -Cardcaptors & Harold- Sakura thought for a moment, trying to think of a place where Harold could visit. Making sure no one was around, Kero came out and said, "Why don't we eat something to eat? I'm starved." -Hikaru's Home- After opening the package and bringing the strange belt out, Hikaru began to work on some designs for her fashion class. While she was sketching her designs, Mr. Belt's screen lit up and he watched her, quietly wondering, 'She's the one I picked, but how can I convince her?' -Daitenku Temple- Takeru woke up and yawned, thinking, 'A dream? Huh, guess it was bound to happen after reading Dad's book like that.' He got up and stretched. -First Woman- The Woman of the Beginning kept quiet, turning to tell him off. But he was gone, as usual. 'That man........' She thought, before disappearing.