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  1. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High - Hallway-

    "Sailor Moon, now's your chance for your attack!" Harry shouted, looking at her. She looked at him, "She's still immobile thanks to Sailor Mars. So, now you can do a attack that can possibly heal her!" "Okay!" Serena said, as he went to help and free the others from the webs. Suddenly, she brought out a wand with a crescent moon on the tip. Focusing her power, she twirled the wand and gripped it in her hand, As magic gathered around the tip, she twirled around, making a circle.

    "Moon Healing Activation!" She shouted, sending the dust to Star. Everyone watched, wanting to see the results of her attack.


    -Hikaru's House-

    While Hikaru was sketching the design on Ankh's style, Eiji sipped his tea and the room was quiet. Mr. Belt, in the Speed Shift Car, drove under the table to Hikaru's feet. She felt the Shift Car hit her foot and pardoned herself. Entering her room, Mr. Belt hopped on her shoulder, "I'm worried about those two discovering who you are." She thought for a moment.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru entered the underground lab and rubbed his hair, "Sorry. Onari was reminding me that we'll be getting someone to stay with us tomorrow." "It's fine." Belle said, hiding the Specter Eyecon behind her back. Takeru nodded and went to get his father's book, Belle looked at the Eyecon.

    OOC: Ignore the Silver Crystal in the gif as she doesn't have it yet.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel

    -Nintendo High - Hallway-

    "Tuxedo Mask... I'm fine." Serena said, looking at him starry eyed. Fang looked at them, shouting, "Oi, Sailor Moon! Wake up!" "Hey, Butterfly," Dante shouted. "If you want a boy, why not this hunky Tyrannosaurus?" Going back to back with Billy, Sirius whispered, "How did he get to be a Ranger?" "Got me." Billy said, shrugging. "I'm still trying to figure it out myself." Setsuna looked at Rei, and asked, "How's it coming?" Rei brought out one of her spirit charms, focusing her spiritual power.

    "I will call upon the power of Mars!" Rei said, beginning to chant then tossing the charm to Star, hoping the charm's power would hold her in place. Fang and the others watched as the spirit charm was tossed, Fang hoped that the attack would work somehow.


    -Hikaru's House-

    Eiji had a not impressed look on his face, and sighed, 'Honestly.....' Hikaru came back with the tea and snacks for everyone. Hina said, "The person who I wanted to model for you hasn't come yet. Hope you don't mind if I use your bathroom." Hikaru nodded and while Hina went to do her business, Hikaru looked at Ankh, taking her notebook and beginning to sketch a design on his style. While sipping his tea, Eiji noticed her communicator and really pondered if she was one of them.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    While Belle admired the underground lab of Takeru's father, Takeru talked with Onari about getting a girl from a hospital to live with them. He felt good to have someone other Onari and the other priests. 'Hope she can handle Onari with his craziness though.' Takeru thought.

    While in the lab, waiting for Takeru, Belle looked at the Secpter Eyecon and still wondered why it appeared to her and who it belonged to.



    Elsa smiled and nodded, waving at them as they left. Anna smiled, waving with both arms. "Well, better start packing." Elsa said, Anna smiled, nodding.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel
  4. Princess Rapunzel
  5. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside Gym-

    However, Anais was saved as Tommy appeared, picking her up being morphed in his White Ranger power. The other Rangers appeared with the Riders and the Scouts, Sailor Moon shouted, pointing at Star, "We won't allow you tie up innocent students in your creepy webs! We are the Sailor Scouts and in the name of the moon, we will punish you!" "Wait, isn't it that Star?" Lita whispered, Ami activated her supercomputer as well having her googles appearing over her eyes.

    "It is her, but she seems to be through some kind of metamorphose." Ami said, reading the scans from her compact supercomputer. Serena looked at her, "Isn't there something we can do to change her back?" "Distract her while I prepare my spirit charms, while Moon heals her with her Moon ." Rei said, looking at them. Fang looked at the others and said, "You all heard Mars. Lets distract the Butterfly while they prepare their attack."

    "Got it!" Everyone said, splitting. Setting Anais somewhere, Tommy joined with his brother and Thomas shouted, "Hey, Star! How bout a nice Dragon?" "Or a tasty White Tiger?" Tommy said, with Star distracted, Kimberly loaded her Power Bow and aimed, firing with Ron who used his Musou Saber. Philip and Hermione watched from a distance, Hermione holding Harry's Riolu while Vulpix stood by her feet and Mew floated nearby.


    -Hikaru's House-

    Busy at her work table, making a new design, Hikaru heard a knock on her door and got up, going to answer it. Mr. Belt turned his screen off and kept quiet as she opened to see Hina, Eiji, and Ankh who was being taken along against his will. Hikaru gestured them inside and went to prepare some tea. Looking around, Eiji admired her home and noticed Mr. Belt. While Hina was admiring Hikaru's design in her notebook, Eiji nudged Ankh and pointed to Mr. Belt, whispering, "Doesn't that look like a Driver? Is she a Kamen Rider?"


    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru smiled and waved as he saw Belle come to the entrance of his family temple. "Great you could make it, Belle. I'll take you to the lab." He led her to the lab while avoiding Onari and his overeagerness for visitors to the temple.


    -Arendelle: Docks-

    Elsa and Anna came to the docks, she bowed, "Sorry, I needed to check on something." "Anyway, hope to see you again soon, Demande, Saphir," Anna said, smiling and waving.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    -Taco Bell-

    Belle smiled as Takeru ate the beefy 5-layer burrito, she ate the soft taco that Takeru ordered for her. Takeru took a quick sip of his drink to wash down the burrito and took a breath in relief. He looked at Belle, "Would you like to come to my family temple after you're done with school for the day?" "I would like that." Belle said, smiling at him. Takeru smiled, "Great, here's the address. Later." He waved as he left, taking his drink. Belle waved and got up, taking a look at the strange object she found.

    She got up and left the restaurant, tossing all the trash and heading out.


    -Teacher's Table-

    Getting up, Yami bowed and went to his classroom. Dante yawned and went with Billy, Setsuna waved at everyone and went to Sully's classroom. Fang stretched and went to the gym.


    -OOO Trio-

    Picking up Ankh by his collar, Hina smiled innocently at Eiji. "I'll handle Ankh for the rest of the day. Here's the address where you and your friends and meet me." "Bye, then." Eiji said, waving as Hina dragged the helpless Ankh to her apartment.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel

    -Taco Bell-

    Belle wondered who it was that Xehanort was following and noticed something on the other side of her. She knelt down and picked up a eye-shaped object, she looked at the sticker on the top. "Specter?" She wondered, putting it in her pocket. She entered the restuarunt, walking up to Takeru. He looked at her, "Oh, hi there, Belle." "Hey, Takeru." Belle said, looking at him. "There's something I want to show you." "Okay, how bout later?" Takeru said, giving her the cup for her drink.

    Belle nodded, going to the drink machine and poured herself a Brisk Iced Tea and Takeru got a Sierra Mist. Hearing a worker call his name, Takeru said, "That would be our food. Find a place to sit." Belle nodded and went to find a table to sit while Takeru got the food.


    -Cafeteria: Teacher's Table-

    The teachers heard Dan shout at his doppelganger. Dante looked confused, "Okay....?" Setsuna just sipped her drink and grabbed a piece of the omelette that Michiru made for her with her chopsticks. Billy finished up his food while Dante gulped his soda can, sighing in a relief with a belch. Yami just ate his food.


    -Eiji and Hina-

    "Ankh-kun, where are you?" Eiji asked, heading to where Ankh was resting. Walking to a tree, Hina began to use her strange strength to shake the tree as she guessed the blond haired Greeed in it.



    "I'm heading out on another political venture in a few days."
    Elsa said, looking at Jecht. "You sure you don't want me to arrange a ship to take you back to Japan?" "I doubt that my kid will want to see me." Jecht said, sitting back. Elsa looked at him, "Okay, but behave yourself while I'm gone."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Takeru & Belle-

    Hearing their stomachs grumble, Takeru smiled nervously. "So, wanna get something to eat?" "Sure." Belle said, standing. They walked out and Belle looked away. Takeru looked at her and looked to see the Taco Bell where Gaston was dining with his friends. "If you want, tell me what you would like to eat and drink. I'll get it for you so if you don't have to deal with whose in there. I got money." Takeru said. Belle said, "Well, be careful about Gaston." Takeru nodded, and went into the restaurant.


    -Teacher's Table-

    "Where's Ankh?" Hina asked, looking at Eiji. Eiji thought for himself, "I think he's at his usual spot. Want me to go with you?" "Does that guy do anything but sit and eat ice cream?" Thomas asked.



    "Don-san and I tried our best to make it great!"
    Gai said, smiling. Luka looked at Marvelous and asked, "Know where Joe went? Not like him to miss out on lunch like that."


    -Farron House-

    Lighting walked out on the patio of the home she shared with her little sister. She sipped her drink a bit and took a breath, wondering how her sister was doing at the school. Lighting thought of Snow, her sister's boyfriend and sighed.


    -Shijima Apartment-

    Go stood on the balcony of his sister's apartment and looked out at the view in front of him. He just smiled, hoping to be able to protect this incredible view.



    "Well, will you all excuse me?" Elsa said, getting up. She walked up to a special room that only her and a few maids knew. She stepped into the room and saw the occupant. Jecht looked at her, "What's up? Worried about something?" "I blessed Anna's marriage to Hans, but I don't know." Elsa said, "I'm still worried about Hans and not sure if he's a good man for her."

    Jecht looked at her worried look and patted her head. Elsa looked at him, having cared of him since his sudden appearance. Cause of her duties as queen, Elsa had a few maid assigned to watch over him.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 4, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel

    -Hikaru's Home-

    Belt watched as Hikaru worked on a design she had in her notebook, something she had in mind while waiting for Hina to come by. He changed his screen into a smiley emotion, seeing her do something she's good at.


    -Takeru & Belle-

    "So, um, I was walking when I came by here and was wondering by seeing all the books, do you know anything about Musashi, Robin Hood, Thomas Edison, Issac Newton, or Ludwig Beethoven." Takeru said, trying not to sound weird. Belle smiled, "Oh, yes. A lot about them." As she went off, going to find the history book she had and talking the histories of each person mentioned, Takeru glared at the Edison Eyecon, whispering to it, "Why did you go off on your own to this girl?"

    "Cause if you're going to be Ghost and collect the Heroic Eyecons, you'll need to know who each was in their lives." The Eyecon said, looking at him. "This girl is smart and knows a lot so she can help you." Hitting him in the forehead, the Eyecon continued. "Also, I like she wears a bit of yellow." 'Huh?' Takeru thought, before pretending to still listen to her as he hid the Eyecon.

    "Why do you ask?" Belle asked, looking at him. Takeru looked innocent as he said, "I was wanting someone to help me with a few historical figures."



    Philip examined the Lockseeds that Harry and Ron used in their Drivers while Hermione wrote down notes for her classes. Harry leaned back and relaxed, rubbing Riolu's head while Ron just smiled as Mew rubbed against him.



    Namine sat back and looked at everyone, holding her sketchbook. She looked at everyone who was sitting or eating, Namine sighed and held her sketchbook. She looked over to Kira and her team, sketching. Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten talked with each other while the ToQgers were finished eating and talked with each other. Ryotaro sighed as Minato tried to eat his lunch, Koyomi looked at Namine. The Scouts talked with each other, wondering what the rest of the day will bring.



    Finishing their food, Don sighed in relief. Gai smiled as Luka held Ahim, the two of them smiling as they sat and waited for the school day to end. Gai stretched and looked at Marvelous for his opinion.



    Hina smiled, talking with Billy about her classes at the university. Eiji smiled, while Sirius just ate his food. Thomas looked for his brother and Kimberly, sighing as he took off his bandanna though Fang messed up his hair before going to find Vanille. Setsuna ate her lunch and pondered what Hotaru was doing at the elementary school. Dante stretched.


    -Shijima Apartment-

    Making himself some lunch, Go sat at the table and ate his lunch while looking out the window. He smiled, wondering how Kiriko was doing at the police station.


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    Elsa and Anna ate their food when Elsa finished. "That was delicious, please make sure to thank that assistant for helping make such a wonderful meal." Elsa said, smiling as she looked at Demande and Saphir.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, May 3, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel

    -Hikaru's Home-

    Driving into the driveway, Hikaru grabbed Mr. Belt and entered the house. She went to the table and took out the notebook with her designs, then looked at the communicator she was given. She looked through her designs while Mr. Belt asked, "Why do you think Hina texted you?" Hikaru looked at him and shrugged.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru sat on the steps of the temple, looking with the communicator on his wrist. He wondered what will happen now that he was one of Zordon's fighters. He stretched as the Edison Eyecon flew out of his shirt and went somewhere. "Edison!" Takeru shouted, running after the yellow Eyecon.


    The Edison Eyecon flew to where Belle was, reading a book from a pile of books she had with her. "Got ya!" Takeru said, catching it before noting Belle look at him. "Oh, uh, hi."


    -Teacher's Table-

    "So, Hina, is it related to your fashion class?" Eiji asked, Hina nodded. "Yes, I need to partner up with someone and get a person to model my designs." "So, why do you want Tommy with you." Thomas asked. Hina looked at them and said, "Well, the person I want to partner with doesn't talk and our teacher wanted to someone to find a model for her." "Never imagined Tommy as a fashion model." Setsuna said, looking at him.


    -Tommy and Kimberly-

    Holding Kimberly on his lap, Tommy looked out with her. He laid his chin on her head, wrapping his arms around her and she smiled, holding him. They kept quiet and held each other.



    Jake tried to get food from Gia, but she pulled away her fork and ate her food. Emma laughed and ate her food, she also tried some of the food Kira offered Namine watched everyone and ate her meal, Right tried to steal food from Haru while the others just ate. Seiya smiled, watching Serena having some fun with her friends.



    Hermione held Vulpix on her lap while Riolu sat on Harry's lap and Mew floated around Ron. Philip smiled, rubbing Vulpix's turf of fur. Mew made a pink bubble and bounced on it, smiling as everyone laughed.



    Luka cleaned up Ahim's face after biting some of the chicken that she had. Gai happily ate while Don ate, holding his bento box and eating with his team.


    -Shijima Apartment-

    Go sat on his bed, looking at the Mach Signal Bike. He pondered how to make his debut as Kamen Rider Mach, he doubted he could tell Kiriko but if he did, Go wondered if she could keep it secret.


    -Snow & Serah-

    "Love you, Snow." Serah said, kissing him. Snow kissed her back, "Love you, too, Serah. If only Light would accept us together." "Give her time, she'll warm up to it." Serah said.


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    "Okay, we'll see when I can come with."
    Elsa said, sipping her cup.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 28, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Roger, roger!" Navi said, lifting a wing and and flying to two boxes, picking them up with his feet. Then he flew over to them and handed the boxes to them. Catching them, the two opened the boxes and found the communicators with their base colors, Takeru being orange while Hikaru was red. Bowing, Hikaru looked up as Mr. Belt said, "Thank you. It's a honor to be working with you." "Can't wait to meet the rest of the heroes." Takeru said, smiling. "Well, see you later. Better get back to the temple before Onari freaks out."

    They waved and headed back to their vehicles, before leaving, Hikaru found a text from Hina asking her to meet at her house. She pondered what she wanted as she drove Tridoron back to the city with Takeru following her.

    -Cafeteria: Teacher's Table-

    "Hmm?" Dante noticed something as he ate with the others. "Where's Tommy and Kim?" "Probably having a romantic lunch together." Fang said, smiling. Thomas sighed, "I don't see why he just pops the question already. What's he waiting for?" Billy just smiled, Eiji laughed when Hina came up. "Eiji-kun!" "Hina-chan, what is it?" Eiji asked.

    "I would like you and Tommy-kun to come with me to a friend's house after school."
    Hina asked, Eiji was surprised. "Okay." Hina smiled, Dante turned on his charm and asked, "Why don't you sit with us?" "Go ahead, Hina, sit with me." Eiji said, offering a spot next to him.


    -Tommy and Kimberly-

    Kimberly fed Tommy some of the food from the bento she made, worried that he wouldn't like it. But Tommy smiled, Kimberly smiled as well, laying against him.



    While talking about his classes, Jake held out his fork and Kira took a bit of his food. "Kira!!" Jake shouted, Kira said, "You had the fork out. Your fault." "She's right." Noah said, eating his food. Jake just whimpered while the others laughed. Serena sat, eating with her friends. Lita offered some of her lunc while Rei mediated before eating.



    Philip ate with Hermione, Ron, and Harry while their Pokemon ate Pokemon treats. Philip was surprised that such a rare Pokemon like Mew chose Ron to be its trainer.



    "Here." Gai offered his captain a bento he made. While she ate, Luka looked at Marvelous and asked, "Say, where's Joe? Haven't seen him for a while."


    -Shijima Apartment-

    Using his key to get into the apartment, Go stretched and thought about the offer Fang made. He went to his room and found the Driver with the Mach Signal Bike. 'Is this what Harley was training me for?' He thought, looking at the white small motorcycle.


    -Snow and Serah-

    Snow held his girlfriend on his lap, smiling. While they had lunch, Snow pulled Serah onto his lap and she didn't complain, holding him. They sat together, holding each other.


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    "I don't even know what kind of speech I'll say there."
    Elsa said, calmly eating as she thought. Anna looked at her while they ate.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 27, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Well, not sure if you'll believe it, but I got a package two months ago." Takeru said. "But the weird thing is it was my dad who died ten years ago. Inside was a blank object, however as I touched it, it turned into this." He reached into his shirt and pulled out the Ore Eyecon. "Apparently, as Ghost, I can use these Eyecons as the others I have use the power of historical figures." He also brought out the Musashi, Edison, Newton, Robin, and Beethoven Eyecons.

    "Huh, that's interesting." Mr. Belt said, as Takeru put the Eyecons away and he explained, bringing out the Ghost Driver, "I can use them with the Ghost Driver. I guess my dad had it kept at the post office til that date." Hikaru tried to think what she knew of each figure and what kind of people each one could give him.



    "You two go on and have lunch, you two loverbirds."
    Fang said, putting Go in a headlock. "I'll see if Go can stay for the rest of the years." Tommy sweatdropped before Kimberly dragged him out of the gym to a quiet place they could be together.



    All of the Scouts met up with each other after leaving their respective second period classes, Serena was straved and ready to eat. Ami just laughed as Lita teased Serena and Haruka just smiled, holding Michiru.



    Meeting up after second period, Gai and Doc smiled, hinting that they had some delicious food for lunch. Gai looked at Marvelous, waving. "Marvelous-san! Don-san and I made some delicious food if you want any for lunch."


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    "Well, that was a great lesson and now I'm hungry." Setsuna said, smiling. She went and headed to the cafeteria.



    "I can't wait to dig into the bento that Wagon gave me for lunch!" Right said, smiling as they headed to the cafeteria. Haru sighed, "That challenge in French class was hard." "It wasn't that hard, Tokatti." Mio said, smiling. Kagura just smiled, hugging while Hikari just kept quiet.


    -Snow & Serah-

    "Snow!" Serah shouted, smiling as she ran to her boyfriend. Snow looked at his girlfriend, smiling. "Hey there, beautiful." The two kissed each other as Snow smiled, "How bout you and I get some food?" "Sound great." Serah said, smiling.


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    "Maybe I could take a hint from you when I need to give a speech."
    Elsa said, smiling at Demande. Anna smiled, eating the food on her plate.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Harley?" Takeru asked, looking confused. "Who's that?" "Harley Hendrickson." Mr. Belt said, while Hikaru looked a bit embarrassed about her victory against Team Rocket. "He was my mentor, I wasn't always a belt. I was once Krim Steinbelt, but one day, I was killed by a unknown attacker. Before I died completely, I managed to upload my consciousness into the Drive system I was working on. But as a belt, there was only so much I could do. So, I picked Hikaru to be the user of the Drive system and my partner."

    "The reason I picked her was because I remembered hearing about the accident she was in that caused her to lose her voice."
    Mr. Belt said. "Despite her now disability, she had the strength to move on and that was the kind of person I knew I wanted to be my partner. And last I heard, Harley was in America but he must have went on a long journey."



    Go smiled, watching Fang shout to the students to encourage or correct them on what they were doing during the game. "She's something else." He said, Tommy sighed, "She's hard to control when she goes crazy." "Fang can't be that bad." Kimberly said, smiling. Tommy said, rubbing his hair. "You don't work with her every day like I do."


    -Music Class-

    Emma changed her music sheet and played the song, this time watching the other students to help her pace herself.


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    "Sounds like a great idea." Elsa said, smiling as she calmly ate her food. Anna nodded as she ate, "It sounds good to me."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Medic
    Description: A strange being who has the power to heal wounds and injuries as her name implies. She's a mysterious person and it's unknown if she's friend or foe. However, Medic has watched Hikaru as Drive from the shadows and is waiting for the right moment to meet her.
    Occupation: Healer
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Drive
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Wow, that's a huge head!" Takeru said, looking in awe at Zordon while Hikaru just bowed, Mr. Belt's screen turned into a smiley face. He said, "Nice to meet you at last, Zordon." 'Is this what you wanted me to see?' Hikaru signed, Mr. Belt said, "Well, there is something else as well. Ah, Harley's package is here." Takeru jumped when Navi appeared, going to the birdstand. "That's been here for the past two months." "Alright, Hikaru, can you help me something?" Mr. Belt asked.

    Walking over to the box, Hikaru opened the box and looked at the two Drivers inside, she thought it was odd that two similar Drivers til she noticed one with a white small bike and the other with a black bike. With help from Mr. Belt, she sent the two Drivers to possible users picked by Mr. Belt, the belt with the white bike going to Go's room in Kiriko's apartment while the one with the black bike went somewhere. After that, Hikaru looked at the two robots and Zordon, than signed with Mr. Belt, "'It's a pleasure to meet you all. I can't talk but I can still fight so I will be honored to fight with heroes like the Power Rangers."

    "So, why did you ask her to come here?"
    Takeru asked, Mr. Belt said, "After managing to defeat a small Pokemon thieves, I thought maybe she should move and join the other heroes."


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna smiled, "It's no problem." She looked out at the students, smiling to see them working hard.



    While watching the students play and keeping score, the four sitting on the blenders talked and got to know each other. Fang, Tommy, and Kimberly were surprised to learn that Go lived in America for a while and came back cause his mentor left suddenly.


    -Music Class-

    "Ah!" Emma smiled, embarrassed. "Guess I got lost into the joy of playing. Sorry."


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    Elsa looked embarrassed, sipping her drink. Anna smiled, sipping hers.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    Following the robot, Hikaru took a few glances at Takeru and looked away. Takeru whispered to Mr. Belt, 'Why does she look at me every once in a while?' 'Hikaru is taking a fashion major at Tokyo University and her current assignment to team up with another student and find a person to model her designs.' 'Huh....' Takeru said, surprised to hear that she was taking that kind of major though she was unable to speak.


    -Modern History Class-

    Though bored, Dante began the lesson by talking about the final years of the Meiji Era and how the the restoration had brought many changes and modernized the island nation into the modern times.


    -French Class-

    Hermione and Mio were able to try the challenge, but Haru had a bit of trouble and felt a bit tempted to look at his textbook. Eiji walked around the class, looking at each student, encouraging them or praising them.


    -Drama Class-

    Hinako wrote down the plays that each student cited their quotes, Kuja looked at the quiet green colored member of ToQgers. "Mr. Nonomaru, do you have one?" "Can't really think of a quote, but I was thinking about the politics in Macbeth." Hikari said. Kuja said, "Ah, yes. The infamous 'Scottish Play' in the world of theater. Many of you should know that Shakespeare's tragedies were considered political because of the issues they discussed." "How bout we discuss what makes all plays quoted political?" Hinako suggested.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna gathered the papers from each student passed up to her, making sure all the papers were in a neat pile before she handed them to Sully.



    "Um...." Go said, watching Ed and Eddy. Fang said, "You get used to it after a while. Still believe it's a wonder that someone like Ed was given admittance to attend this school." Tommy and Kimberly gave a laugh.


    -Music Class-

    Emma nodded, calming herself and changing her music sheets to the next song. Emma smiled, enjoying playing classical music thought she preferred singing with Kira.


    -English Class-

    Gia and Kagura followed as Trixie read, reading the first chapter of the story they had now. Gia had her finger following each word, while Kagura followed her eyes.


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    Elsa stood and waved her hand, making a light snow fall. Anna looked awed and said, "Thanks, Elsa." "It's no problem." Elsa said, smiling.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center: Hallway-

    "Whoa, talking robot!"
    Takeru said, jumping when Alpha noticed them. Hikaru thought and put Mr. Belt around her waist, he turned on and said, "Hello, there. I'm Mr. Belt and this is Hikaru, she is Kamen Rider Drive." "Ah! Your belt talked!" Takeru said, jumping again. "Wait, can't you talk? Why did you let your belt talk for you?"

    Lowering her shirt collar, Hikaru revealed the faded scar from the operation where her vocal cords were removed. She began to sign with Mr Belt translating, "'Who are you and why are you here?'" "Oh!" Takeru said, rubbing his hair. "I'm Takeru Tenkuuji. I'm Kamen Rider Ghost. And honestly, I watched you as Drive and stop those thieves, then followed you to here." "I see." Mr. Belt said.


    -Modern History Class-

    "Alright, shut your mouths and keep quiet while I take attendance." Dante said, checking off names on his attendance list. "Hey, Bill, where are we in the lessons?" "Reaching about the end of Meiji Restoration and the beginning of Taisho." Billy said, looking at the lesson planner.


    -French Class-

    Eiji took attendance while Sirius began the lesson by writing various English words on the board and asked them to translate them to French, giving a challenge for them to try and translate without their textbooks.


    -Drama Class-

    "Alright, first attendance." Kuja said, taking attendance of the students. "Now then, with the day being Election Day, I feel it best that we talk political plays. Hinako, can you think of any quotes to start us off?" "Um, 'Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ear!'" Hinako said, posing. Hikari listened, twirling his pencil. Kuja looked at her, "Julius Caesar, interesting to start us off." Kuja said. Hinako rubbed her hair.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    "Okay," Setsuna said, taking the clipboard and taking attendance of the class.



    Fang blew her whistle when everyone entered the gym and took attendance, "Alright, lets get this game started. While Miss Hart is beautiful, focus on the game." "I'll handle the game." Go said, taking his coat off and taking the ball. "And game start! Lets play some volleyball!" He tossed the ball to a student to start the game.


    -Music Class-

    Emma took a breath and began to play, she tried to play calmly like how Kira told her to keep calm while she played her instrument. Emma hummed along to the melody as she played.


    -English Class-

    "I know of the story," Gia said, taking a book. "Lets say, that my parents weren't exactly pleased with it themselves." "What do you mean?" Kagura said, looking at her confused. Gia thought and said, "They felt it was too complicated and didn't quite get the metaphor of the title. Not that they were offended, they just didn't like the idea of kids having deal with such complicated issues and having to deal with prejudice."


    -Arendelle: Dining Hall-

    "Hey, Elsa, Saphir." Anna said, seeing them enter the dining hall. Elsa nodded as she sat by her sister, she and Anna bowed their heads in a small thanks for the meal and began to eat.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel


    While driving down a street, Mr. Belt suddenly spoke, "Hikaru, there's someplace I want you to show. Follow these directions." Looking at the directions that appeared on the screen, Hikaru drove to the location that Belt wanted her to head toward.


    Takeru followed a distance behind her, wondering where she was going. He tried to stay out of her sight and followed her, pondering where they were going. After driving for a while, they ended up at the Command Center. Stepping out, Hikaru looked at the Command Center in surprise and Belt said, "Just head inside, the door will recognize me as your Driver." She walked to the door and had it scan Mr. Belt, then opened, allowing her to enter. Takeru came up just as the door closed.

    Walking to the door, he wondered how to get it open and brought out the Ghost Driver to try something when it was scanned and the door opened. He looked confused, but shrugged, entering and looking around.


    -Moon Palace-

    Zedd sat on his stone throne, from what he had seen of the abilities that Drive had, he had to think of a monster or attack to do in order to defeat that young woman. Rita watched her husband think, wondering what he was planning.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    "Yo." Dante said, waving. Billy smiled, "Morning, Riku." Right smiled as he walked to his desk, siting down. He hummed, imagining the delicious food for lunch. Dante sat up and stretched.


    -French Classroom-

    "Sounds like someone's been practicing." Sirius said, smiling. Hermione waved to everyone,, noting Haru nervously trying to speak. "Haru, you'll be fine. Just calm down and slowly prounce each word." "Yeah, she's right. Tokatti." Mio said, coming up and calling the Blue ToQger by his nickname. Eiji smiled, readying the lesson.


    -Drama Classroom-

    "Hello, morning, everyone."
    Kuja said, greeting the students as they came in. Hinako hummed, writing down some notes in her small notebook, she thought about some of the night rides that she, Seki, and Sakura had gone on during the past two months.


    -Advanced Calculus Classroom-

    Setsuna smiled, waving at the students as they came in. She wondered what if Sully wanted her to get anything for the class, leaning against the board.



    Managing to keep Kimberly and Go as 'assistant coaches', Fang had Tommy make the court ready for another game. Go smiled, watching Fang and Tommy talk with each other about the lesson.


    -Music Class-

    Emma entered the music classroom, bowing at Yen Sid. She went to her seat, thinking, 'All right, better just keep calm and relax. After all, Kira will be there and it will be great.'


    -English Class-

    Entering the English Class, Gia looked and said, "Morning, Mr. Smith, Kagura." "Good morning." Kagura said, the two Rangers heading to their seats and sitting down.


    -The Woman of the Beginning-

    The Woman stood in the Tokyo Tower, looking out at the city, standing in a empty space. She had a vision of her future and sighed, leaning against the railing.


    -Arendelle: Courtyard-

    "Hope we can get a tour of the city," Anna said, smiling as she looked at the sky and imagined her time there.



    Elsa blushed as she heard Saphir call her beautiful, she smiled. "Well, thank you for that comment. It was very nice to hear that."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Apr 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel

    -Moon Palace-

    "Sure, take a look."
    Rita said, showing them the fight Hikaru was in. Zedd kept quiet, watching the young lady as she was aided by the Pokemon to stop the simple thieves.


    -Tokyo University-

    "Thank you, everyone!" Mr. Belt said, continuing to give the illusion with Hikaru nodding as to make it seem she was actually speaking. Then she turned to face Team Rocket, gripping her weapon. Getting a idea, she changed into Type Speed, turning the knob on the belt, then pressed the button on the Shift Brace as well as lifting the Speed Shift Car, Mr. Belt spoke, "Hissatsu! Full Throttle: Speed!" Lowering herself, she felt as she gathered power into her right leg. She jumped then kicked them with her powered leg, sending them flying.

    She gasped as she landed, the Woman watched as Hikaru regained her balance after the powered kick. 'Is this the determination that Sagara was talking about?' She thought. Watching the fight, Takeru smiled, "Wow, that was amazing. So, that's the power of Kamen Rider Drive." Hikaru caught her breath and bowed, Mr. Belt speaking, "Now your Pokemon are safe. Keep a close eye on them from on now and look out for those impostors again." She ran to Tridoron and quickly drove out of the campus, getting out of sight.

    Stopping at a empty parking lot, she removed the Speed Shift Car, then putting Mr. Belt in the space indent, returning to normal. She laid down, Mr. Belt said, "That was great. You did wonderful." 'Most of that was thanks to the Pokemon of the people who helped us.' Hikaru signed to the belt as the Shift Cars gave her bag. Mr. Belt smiled, "Yes, those trainers were a big help."


    -Music Class-

    Kira sighed, standing up and stretching before waving at Yen Sid then leaving the classroom. Kagura looked determined as she thought to herself, 'Remember, just keep calm and play the notes.' Mina and Michiru bowed at Yen Sid, leaving the classroom to head for their second period classes.


    -Demonology Class-

    Hermione smiled and went to the library, Harry sighed with a smile. "It was nice to have you substitute for the today, Mr. Matt Smith." He said. "The lesson was unique, I'll give you that. Hope we can meet again someday." He waved and went to his second period class.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    "Thanks for getting us to the quarter-finals, Lita." Ron said, smiling. Lita gave a thumbs up, "Alright, lets just focus on our plan for the quarter-finals and not let any family issues cloud our thoughts." Ron laughed, "I have no worries, cause I'm the youngest in my family. But Connor, we're here for you. Don't worry." "Well, see you guys later." Lita said, walking to her next class. Ron waved and left.



    While the students went to the locker rooms to change, Fang was introduced to Go. Tommy and Kimberly had to laugh her shock at Go's agility, he told them that he was just wandering the city and would probably leave in a while. But Go said he would like if they became friends, giving them his contact information.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna waved at the students as they left the classroom. Ami waved to her older Scout teammate as she left for her next class, Haru gathered his items and got up, heading for his next class. Noah picked up his books and nodded at Sulley and Setsuna, heading to his next class.



    "Philip!" Hermione said, entering the school library and sighed when she found him reading a lot of various books from another genre in the library. He looked up at her, "Yes, Mione-chan?" "Here, made this in class." She gave him the krispie, unwrapping the napkin. "When you eat it, hold your nose. Anyway, gonna head to my second period class. Later!" Philip waved and looked at the treat his young chief and landlord gave him.


    -Creative Art Class-

    Hearing the bell ring, Namine closed her sketchbook and put it in her bag, standing up. She began to walk out and headed to her next class, Namine held her bag as she walked to her second period class.


    -Arendelle: Courtyard-

    Anna smiled, "It will be nice to see another foreign country and what it has to offer. But despite what happened there, I think Japan will always be the fondest time I had there."



    Listening to Saphir say that he and Demande saw her use her powers and see her be afraid when she was in Japan, Elsa looked down. "My parents were concerned about my control of my powers and thought it was best that I was kept away for safety. It took awhile for me to realize just being with Anna was enough to control my powers. But there are times when I fear I can't control it with my emotions."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 25, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo University-

    "Go now, Hikaru!" Mr. Belt shouted, Hikaru nodded, running out and inserting the Speed Shift Car into the Shift Brace, lifting it and changing into her armor as Drive with Mr. Belt shouting.

    "Drive: Type Speed!"


    Running as her armor finished appearing, Hikaru stood in front of the three Pokemon, ready to fight. When one of the two asked who she was, Belt spoke for her, "Kamen Rider Drive! And despite having no Pokemon to fight against yours, I will take back and save everyone's Pokemon!" Hikaru ran forward, bringing forth a sword with a steering wheel. When Arbok used Bite, Hikaru used the blade of the sword to block the attack. With a angry look, Mr. Belt said, "First, we need to get the bag of Pokeballs and get them to safety."

    Hikaru nodded, grabbing a black car that came to her, she took out the Speed Shift Car and lifted the back end, inserting it into the Shift Brace and lifting it as her armor changed into black armor with the Tire on her right shoulder, Mr. Belt shouted her new form, "Drive: Type Wild!" She caught a green car, and inserted it into her Shift Car. The Tire that flew onto her shoulder was green with a hook with Mr. Belt saying, "Tire Koukan: Hooking Wrecker!" Taking the hook, Hikaru twirled it and tossed it to the bag, doing a little tug of war with Meowth to get the bag from him.


    Watching her fight was Takeru and the Woman of the Beginning, Takeru was going to vote but seeing that the fight going, he smiled, pondering about if he should join in as Ghost. The Woman wanted to see the determination of a Rider who wasn't picked for the Golden Fruit, and watched from a rooftop.


    -Moon Palace-

    Zedd watched the fight of Hikaru trying to get the Pokeballs back. Rita also watched through her telescope to see if she could make and send a monster to stop her.


    -Remus' Home-

    While Remus went to get some more chocolate to calm his nerves and James went to help Nala and Simba at the studio, Lily leaned back on the couch in the living room. She hummed a song that she was listening on her mp3 player and thought, 'Maybe I should upgrade to a iPod. Not entirely sure though.'


    -Music Class-

    Kagura rubbed her hair, embarrassed and smiling, thinking that she let her imagination get the better of her. Kira smiled and took a breath, leaning back for a moment before getting ready to play again. Mina and Mirchiru got ready to play again, taking a moment to relax before getting ready.


    -Demonology Class-

    Harry and Hermione took one and tasted them, Hermione smiled as she ate it, "Oh, it's delicious! Very delicious!" "Yeah, very good," Harry said, surprised at how good it was. Hermione nodded, "Mind if I take some to Philip?" "You sure about that?" Harry asked, looking at her. "You know how he can get about something new." "Oh, yeah, he gets a little overboard in wanting to know everything about something new." Hermione said, laughing.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    "Right." Ron said, getting up and stepping on the mat. He took a breath and stood ready as his opponent appeared, the two bowed first then got into his fighting stance while his opponent got into his stance. When his opponent sent a punch to him, he caught it in his hand and pushed them back. He sent a kick to them though they managed to block his attack. "Alright, just pretend it's a Putty or a regular sized monster from that old witch or Zedd." He whispered to himself, continuing to fight.

    Lita watched him as he fought his opponent, he punched his opponent and blocked his attack. He ducked and hit his stomach, his opponent tried to hit him in the stomach, but he knelt down and swiped his legs, knocking him down. Admitting defeat, Ron and his opponent bowed, leaving the mat and clapping Lita to go on.

    'Oh, give me strength, Jupiter.'
    She silently prayed to herself, the fight beginning as she began to fight her opponent. Ron watched the fight as she blocked his attacks and attacked, using her fighting skill as Sailor Jupiter to fight her opponent and managing to defeat them.


    -Arendelle: Courtyard-

    Anna smiled, listening to Olaf talk about what he had done in Japan during their trip there two months ago. She put her hands behind her back as she listened to the cheerful snowman.



    "Of course,"
    Elsa said, taking Saphir's hand and walking with him. She smiled, walking with him and wondering if she should show him and Demande her power of ice later so they could know why she was in her room when they were younger.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home