-Daitenku Temple- Groaning as he heard the ringing of his alarm clock, Takeru turned it off and yanwed as Onari remembered him that they would be picking a young girl from a hopsital today. Takeru yawned as he hadn't forgotten and stretched, heading to the bathroom to wash up then got dressed in fresh clothes. He wondered what other historical figures that would appear as Eyecons that he would find with Belle and his new friend . -Flower Shop- Medic looked at the flower shop and pondered asking for a job or if she could rent a room in exchange for working there, she wasn't sure and was hesitant to go and ask. Aerith came from the back room after giving Beast his breakfast and began to water a vase of white lilies while Lenne added soil to a pot in the back room and chaos attended to the flowers on the topmost shelves in the shop. -Belle's House- Belle finished her homework and packed her bag, she hoped that she could help Takeru and Harold in learning the history of the figures who would be discovered as Eyecons. She waved goodbye to her father and headed off to school, humming as she walked. -Kiriko's Apartment- Kiriko finished braiding her hair and putting it up in her usual style, then made sure that her uniform was okay and still in decent for work as she put on her sockings. Putting on the rest of her uniform, Kiriko breathed and put on her shoes, then grabbed her keys and headed out to her car to head to work. -Hikaru's Home- Go cooked breakfast while Mr. Belt wept smelling the delicious aroma of food as Hikaru came into the kitchen with her design book. "Morning." Go said, smiling. Hikaru sighed, 'Good morning.' She sat at the table and looked over her design. -Tsukino Household- Serena made it to the table and took her place at the table, eating her breakfast, waving at her family, "Morning." Luna went to her saucer and sipped before going to eat in her cat bowl. Serena smiled, "I can't wait to go and see Mina and Michiru play tonight. It will be great." Luna smiled, wishing that she could go with them. -Hino Family Shinre- "Morning, Grandpa, Chad." Rei said, walking in as she finished dressing herself in her school uniform. She sat at the table and clapped her hands together. "Thank you for the food." She began to eat the breakfast her grandfather made. -Oliver House- Stretching as he went to the bathroom in order to freshen up, Tommy opened the door to the bathroom and blushed when he saw Kimberly in the nude with a towel covering her front and her hair in a messy bun as she was about to enter the shower. He quickly closed the door and went to the bathroom that was connected to his room to freshen up. Thomas noticed his brother's embarrassment and just went to get dressed. -Akiza and Sunset's Dorm- "Well, I'm not much of a dress expert." Akiza said, looking at her. "But I'm willing to see it and tell you what I think of it." She sat at the table and began to eat the breakfast Sunset made. -Narumi Detective Agency- "Shotaro, Philip, good morning." Hermione said, entering the agency. "Ron and Harry will come by later." She went to the coffee marker and made something to drink while she waited for Philip. -Harry and Draco's Dorm- Harry made breakfast while Draco sipped his tea, not telling his roommate his new duty as Necrom while not knowing Harry's abilities as Donguri. Riolu sat on the ground, happily eating his breakfast. -Remus' House- While Remus and Lily charted the date of the full moon for the month, James ate his breakfast while the Wilys had their breakfast. The two didn't tell their parents that they knew their secret as the heroes along with Remus. -Akari & Michal's House- Shintaro talked with Akira while Michal ate breakfast. The three men kept to their business as they went about their lives and Shintaro sipped his coffee and looked at Michal, hoping to help him get over his fear of water. -Gokai Galleon- "Breakfast is ready!" Gai said, smiling as he and Don came from the kitchen with the streamy ready breakfast. Ahim came and poured the cups with a fresh orange juice. Luka stretched and went to sit at the table. -Rainbow Line- Right happily ate his breakfast while Hikari calmly ate and Mio talked with Kagura about the concert that night. Haru tried to study what he had for homework while trying to eat his breakfast. -Dino/Megaforce- Kira walked with her team to the school, talking how well they hope the concert would go today and hoped the girls wouldn't get nervous before the concert. Kira held her instrument case over her shoulder and wondered what would happen before the concert. -Kazari- Kazari just blended into the crowd of people while looking around for a new victim to become the holder of a Yummy. He kept his hat over his eyes and walked into the crowd. -Izumi Apartment- "Hina-chan, morning!" Eiji smiled, as Hina was surprised to see him at her apartment door. "I just thought I'd visit you at your apartment and walk you to college." "Thank you, Eiji-kun." Hina said, light red. Spoiler -Teacher's Lounge- Dante was asleep at his desk while Fang wondered where Tommy was and smiled, imaging that he was getting cuddly with Kimberly. Serah and Snow walked in, holding hands. Billy sat next to Dante, trying to figure out the mechanics of the Shift Cars that Drive used. Sirius talked with Yami and stretched.
-Daitenku Temple- After waving at Hiccup and Toothless, Belle looked at Harold. "Well, if you want, you always come to me for the the history of historical figures you get of these things." "That would be a big help, cause I don't know much of the historical figures." Takeru said, embarrassed. Remus smiled, "I better get these little ones home. Here's my cell number, and Takeru, you can always call me on this. Just.... don't ask me to help on a night of the full moon. I have.... a body condition that flares up on the night of the full moon." He showed his communicator and left with the Wilys. As he walked, Remus noticed Medic being calm as she listened to Onari. He stepped up, "Um, excuse me, but I believe the young lady would rather do something else and is now well informed on the temple." When the head monk left, Remus said, "Not sure what that was about, but I can see you seem lost." "A bit." Medic said. Remus said, "Well, I don't want to get interrogated by my friends. I don't mean to be rude, but I need to go. However, I can ask one of the other monks or something." "I think I'll just look around." Medic said, looking at him. Remus looked at her and smiled, "I hope we'll meet again." Medic nodded and waved as he left the temple. -Hikaru's Home- Go smiled as he saw Hikaru asleep at her design table, he put his coat over her back and called his sister, saying that he would be staying at a friend's house for the night. He carried the young girl to her room and went to the guest room with Mr. Belt. -Izumi Apartment- Hina waved at Eiji as he and Ankh left, Hina went to her work table and looked at her own designs. She wondered how Hikaru got the inspiration for her designs and sighed, looking at her sketchbook of designs. -Tsuknio Household- Luna sighed as Serena was asleep at her table in the middle of doing her homework and stretched, laying on her bed. She yawned and fell asleep, curling into a ball, purring. -Hino Family Shrine- Stepping into her room after showering, Rei rubbed her towel over her head. She sat on her bed and lowered her towel from her head, having it over her shoulder. Rei breathed and laid on her bed. -Oliver House- "Are you sure I'm not causing trouble by staying overnight?" Kimberly asked, looking at the twin brothers. Tommy looked red and said, "Yeah, it's no trouble." "Yeah. We have plenty of rooms for you to sleep in." Thomas said, smiling. Kimberly smiled and nodded.
-Daitenku Temple- "I recognize you from helping us save young Ron from his mind control." Remus said, looking at him. "And I didn't follow much of that case with the young queen." "Wait a moment." Belle said, looking at the Tutankhamen Eyecon and asked, "Takeru, can you show your Eyecons?" Aside from his Ore, Takeru showed his Musashi, Edison, Newton, Beethoven, and Robin. Everyone kept quiet as Belle examined the transformation items of Takeru and Harold. As she examined the Eyecons, Belle looked at the names and symbols on the Eyecons then sat and sipped her tea. Takeru asked, "Well?" "I recalled from the battle these things hold the power of people from history." Belle said, Remus nodded, "I recall it, too. Miyaomoto Musashi, the well known swordsman. Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the great composers of the 18th century, Robin Hood, the chivalrous outlaw." "Thomas Edison, the genius who made the light bulb." Belle continued, "Tutankhamen, the young pharaoh who had ruled a short reign." "Huh, I see." Takeru said, thinking. Medic ran into Onari and listened to him about the temple and its history. -Hikaru's House- The two vehicle-themed Riders practiced sign language so they could talk and Go could translate for her when she used sign when she was with others. Mr. Belt had a smiley emotion on his screen as he watched them practice and learn about to talk without using words. -Narumi Detective Agency- Hermione sat at a table, talking with Harry while their Pokemon rested with Mew. Philip got curious and entered Planetary Bookshelf, looking around at the many books. Ron looked at all the hats on the door. -Farron Household- Lighting sat in the living room, sipping her drink with Snow while Serah made treats for everyone in the house. Snow sighed, relaxing with Lighting and thought the recent fight he was in.
-Daitenku Temple- Takeru poured a few cups of tea, a few cups of juice and a bowl of water for Toothless. He met with Onari, who reminded him that they would be getting a young girl from the hospital the next day and happily wept at his 'young master' bringing some companions to the temple since his only friend was Akari. Takeru smiled at Onari and went to the underground lab, just missing a curious Medic walking around. Slowly, Takeru went down the stairs, setting the tray down and giving everyone their cup. He heard Harold ask what happened, "I don't know. Belle and I were looking for the owner of that Eyecon when those clay brutes appeared. That's when the other two appeared." "I was getting groceries and materials to help me when I do my stargazing." Remus explained, holding his cup of tea. "Since I was at the scene, I figured I should help and transform to beat them." "It seemed I was a target which helped us find out who that item belonged to, though." Belle said, feeling embarrassed. Remus smiled, "Still, our new companion managed to save you. And before we continue, lets introduce ourselves. I'm Remus Lupin,and those are...." "WilyKat!" WilyKat said, happily swaying his tail. WilyKit smiled, "WilyKit, nice to meet you." "They're adopted children of my closet friends, and I was picking them up from Nintendo Elementary." Remus explained, Belle smiled, "I'm Belle." "Takeru Tenkujii." Takeru introduced, smiling. -Hikaru's House- Through Hikaru's sign language and Belt translating, Go learned about how Hikaru became Drive. He told her, "Well, Hii-kun, I'll do what I can to do you, maybe you can teach me some sign so we can talk without Belt having to translate, I can act as translator." "'Okay, but it doesn't be easy, you know.'" Hikaru signed and Belt translated. "'Also, I have class. Wait here.'" She left the room for a moment and returned, handing him a book on sign language. Go nodded, taking it. "I'll study what I can." -Emma- Emma hummed as she practiced the songs for Music, she smiled, happy to know that Kira would be with her and Gia with the rest of the team would watching them and supporting them. -Farron House- As Serah attended Snow's wounds from his fight as Chaser, Lighting came in with drinks and asked, "So how did you get all beat up?" "Random street fight?" Snow suggested, Lighting looked at him and just sat down in a chair while Serah continued to attend his wounds. -Abandoned Mansion- Namine sat in her room, sketching. The White Wizard and DiZ were out so she was left alone, she didn't mind, she just did her sketching as she normally did. -Narumi Detective Agency- "Well, not a lot to do." Ron said, bored. Hermione looked at him with Vulpix, "Well, we don't get many serious cases. Usually just a regular pet search, so not a lot happens here." "Well, we're willing to help in any way." Harry said, with Riolu on his shoulder. Philip sat at a separate desk, reading his blank book. Mew just floated around. -Gokai Galleon- "That..... was weird." Gai said, watching the two leave. Luka shrugged, while Ahim just sipped her tea. Doc rubbed his hair and said, "Well, I'm gonna make dinner. What are you all hungry for?"
-Street- "Really?!" Wilykat said, smiling. Wilykit was surprised, "Really? But when he's in battle, he seems so serious. Like when he's doing his star research or charting the moon with Dad and Uncle Padfoot. Not the gentle and kind person that he is when he's around us and our big brother, Harry." Takeru led everyone to his family temple. While following him, Belle looked at Harold still in his Specter armor, she asked, "Have we met before? I have a feeling we met before." "Pardon me, but I believe I have the same feeling." Remus said, looking at them. "But with your helmet on, it makes hard to tell if it's true or not." After a while, Takeru said, showing the temple, "Welcome to the Daitenku Temple. My family temple and home." "You don't seem like the priest-ly type." Remus said, looking at the temple. Takeru smiled, "My dad was a ghost hunter. I'll lead you to his underground lab and get drinks for everyone." He went to the kitchen to get the drinks. "Uncle Moony, is it true that you're a Kamen Rider?" WilyKit asked, Remus laughed nervously, "So the secret's out. Yes, I am. Much like that young man with his dragon, I'm a Kamen Rider." He showed them his Melon Lockseed and knelt to them, "Can you keep a secret? Your mom and dad, Uncle Padfoot, and big brother are heroes as well." "Really?" WilyKat asked, surprised. "They're the same as you?!" "Well, Lily, Padfoot, and Harry are Riders like me, James is a Power Ranger. But keep it a secret, and don't follow us in battle, we want you safe." Remus said, looking at them. The Wilys nodded, Belle smiled and looked at Harold. -Hikaru's Home- Running from the fight as the strange new fighter, Necrom, proved to be a strong fighter and beat them, he managed to run and gasped for air. He found the house where Hikaru were lived. Not wanting to scare his sister with his injuries, Go went to the door and knocked on the door, Hikaru answered and saw his beaten form, bringing him in. She found the first aid kit and attended his wounds, when he was bandaged up, Go said, "Thanks." 'You're welcome,' Hikari signed. "You're deaf?" Go asked, Belt said, "No, she can't speak because she lost her vocal cords. She uses written notes and sign language." Go looked at Belt and was surprised, "Krim?" "Uh, Go?" Belt said, surprised. Hikaru signed, 'You two know each other?' "My mentor while I was in America was Harley." Go explained. "You must have sent the Mach Driver and Mach Signal Bike to me." Hikaru nodded,Go smiled, "So, you're Drive. What's your name?" Hikaru spelled out her name and Go smiled, "Hikaru, huh? I'll call you Hi-kun for short." Hikaru was surprised and confused. -Moon Palace- Leaving as Necrom had proved himself, Zedd walked through the palace with Rita, thinking about the new power they had to fight Zordon and his warriors. Rita followed her husband, curious about what they would do now. -Medic- While walking, Medic found herself at the Daitenku Temple, she looked at the temple and curiously walked into the temple, looking around. -Izumi Apartment- Eiji sat in Hina's apartment, talking with her and enjoying some tea with her. Hina looked at Ankh, sighing. Eiji held her hand, letting her know that he understood how stubborn Ankh could be. -Oliver Home Dojo- Tommy and Thomas fought each other in their family dojo while Kimberly practiced her archery. Taking a break, Tommy and Thomas watched Kimberly, Thomas smiled, seeing his brother watch Kimberly. He knew that the two had feelings for each other but he wondered when Tommy would pop the question, 'That would be fun to watch.'
Well, you can pick your own union, strengthen Keyblades, change your avatar, do events to get stuff for your avatar.
I won't explain too much
Yup, it's a good game
Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi, I have a Apple device to play it on
Life being life, being playing Chi
-Tsuknio Household- Luna went up to Serena's room and she saw her admiring the Silver Crystal. "Serena, is that the Imperial Silver Crystal?! Where did you get that?! That is a important clue to finding the moon princess!" "Tuxedo Mask gave it to me." Serena said. "One of the students changed into this weird beings, us and a few of the other heroes tried to stop her, but it ended when I used Moon Healing Activation to restore her to normal. Then Tuxedo Mask and I talked in private and he gave me this jewel, saying it felt like it would be safer with me and it was made for me." Luna just looked at her, surprised. -Group- "Just follow me and Belle, we know the way." Takeru said, changing back to normal. Remus changed back, showing Harold his worn and gentle appearance, and called Lily when the Wilys came up. WilyKat said, excited, "Can we ride that dragon, Uncle Moony?!" "Yes, but be gentle when you hold onto it, and thank its owner when we get to our destination." Remus said, helping them up on his back. "I won't be getting on cause I'm not the flying type. I'm more for a ground guy. But hold on tight to it, okay?" The two nodded, WilyKit held onto her brother while Takeru smiled and led the way to his family temple -Hino Family Shrine- Rei sat in her room, reading some of her manga and keeping her mind off the recent result of the election. She hummed some songs that she had in her mind at the moment. -Hikaru's House- Seeing his user prepare her dinner, Mr. Belt wished he was human to try her cooking, silently weeping. Hikaru just made her dinner, not seeing her partner's mourning of his old form. -Medic- Leaving the dance studio, Medic kept quiet, heading to her home. She didn't talk so she can make it home without anyone bothering her, she thought about the new Kamen Rider, Drive, and wanted to help in some way.
-Tsukino Household- Luna turned her attention back to rubbing Rini. Serena grabbed her bag and said, "I'm going up to my room." She went upstairs and went to her room, taking out the Moon Wand and looking at the Silver Crystal. She tried to figure out the strange familiar feeling she had about the Crystal. -Street- "Whew." Takeru wiped his helemt. He looked at Harold, Remus, and Hiccup, "How about you all head to my family temple, the Daitenku Temple? That girl Specter protected knows a lot of the people who whose power that he and I used. So she can help inform us about them." "Well, I would have call those children's parents." Remus said, looking at the WilyKat. Takeru nodded. -Hikaru's Home- Finishing up for the day, Hikaru waved at them as they left and sat back in a chair. Looking out a window, Hikaru wondered what powers that Drive had and that she could access later on. Tommy led Kimberly to his home while Thomas sat on the porch to the backyard, thinking in deep thought. Eiji went with Hina and got three ice cream cones, giving one to Ankh. -Hino Family Shrine- Changing into her priestess garb, Rei went to the innermost room and prayed, hoping to see a vision of what the future held. But she couldn't see a clear vision to help her see what would happen. -Ballet Studio- In a empty ballet studio, a single person danced, practicing ballet to the melody of Canon in D. The person focused on their dancing then stopped before the song ended. She stretched and sipped a bottle of water. -Empty Lot- Zedd watched as Draco fight Go and Snow as the three of them seemed to be decent fighters thought it was their first fight. Go and Snow were at a advantage because of their weapons.
-Tsukino Home- Serena hummed a song that she recalled Michiru playing on her violin as she ate her portion of leftovers, Luna sipped from her saucer. She looked at Serena's schoolbag and sensed something, wanting to talk with Serena when they were alone. -Fight- "Time for the finisher!" Takeru shouted, grabbing the lever on his Driver and pulling it out before pushing it back in. "My life is burning bright!" "Dai Kaigan: Robin Omega Drive! Kaigan: Robin Hood! Hello! Arrow! Mori de Aou!" He pulled back on the energized bowstring of his weapon, many copies of his form appear, each one gaining a energy arrow. Waiting til it was charged completely, he let it go and his copies did the same. Each energy arrow fired and hit a Putty as Remus ran forward and slashed at the remaining Putties. Watching, WilyKat looked starry eyed, saying, "I wanna be like that when I grow up!" "Oh, stop dreaming, Kat." WilyKit said, crossing her arms. Belle watched, amazed. -Hikaru's Home- The group heard the results of the election on the TV since they decided to hear the result and Eiji kept quiet, thinking of his father. Tommy looked at the OOO Rider and wondered why he didn't talk much of his family. Hina sipped some of the tea she had while Hikaru put out more snacks. Kimberly looked at Ankh, "Do you eat anything but ice pops?" -Hino Family Shrine- Rei saw the results, she thought for a moment and said, "I may need to console my spiritual sense for what will happen now that he's elected." She closed her eyes in mediation. -Galleon- Working at the computer, Doc looked at the monitor and saw two beings fall from the sky. Gai, Luka, and Ahim looked at the monitor in surprise, Doc said in surprise, "Uh, Marvelous, I think we need to get the Galleon into space to catch these things." -Moon Palace- Seeing their Putties being destroyed, Zedd left the balcony and grabbed a strange brace device with a neon green eye object. He headed to a private room and summoned Draco from his dorm room, the blond haired boy being unconscious. 'I'll make it so this boy isn't controlled but still fights for us against Zordon and his army.' He thought, doing something to the object. When the boy woke up, Zedd hid in the shadows, holding the device and the object to him. "Take these and you will find out the truth of those so called 'heroes'," Zedd offered. Draco hesitantly took them and puts the brace on his wrist, tilting it counter clockwise then upward, then inserted the object and pressed the tap, causing a little droplet to fall on the object. "Yes~sir!" Draco gained a Transient form like Takeru and Harold while the Parka Ghost flew around him, then the Parka Ghost wrapped around him, completing his new form. "Tengan: Necrom! Mega Ulord! Crush Invader!" "Come, I have some people to test this power." Zedd said, taking him to a certain location. -Empty Lot- Receiving a strange unknown message, Go and Snow looked around when Zedd appeared with Draco as Necrom. Snow had a disgusted look on his face but Zedd ignored it, holding his staff to them. "Necrom, get them. They are your enemy." Draco ran to them, sending a attack to them. The two jumped, Snow shouted, "What the hell?" "I mean they're after these." Go said, taking out his Signal Bike. Snow took out his Signal Bike, "After this thing?" Standing, they both took out their Drivers and put them at their waists, then lifted part of it to insert the Signal Bike. They lowered the part, as their forms changed. "Signal Bike! Rider: Mach!" "Signal Bike! Rider: Chaser!" Go's form became white and red with a scarf from his shoulder, Snow's form became silver and purple. Hitting on the button on top of his Driver, Go gained a gun with a wheel on it while Snow got a ax styled as a signal light. "Alright, come get some." Snow said, running to Draco with Go.
-Tsukino House- "Hey, welcome back, Rini!" Serena said, smiling as she came in. "I had a good time with my friends too." Luna mewed and rubbed Rini, Serena smiled, "Luna's really warmed up to you.It's nice to see that." -Hikaru's House- Kimberly and Thomas watched as Hina and Hikaru worked on and adjusted the cloth around Tommy and Eiji, the two standing still as the girls made their design real. -Hino Family Shrine- Rei kept quiet, not stating her dislike for politics due to her father leaving her when her mother passed. She watched the news to hear the result of the election. -Gokai Galleon- While everyone was resting in the living quarters of the Galleon and minding their business, Ahim and Luka enjoying a cup of tea with each other, Gai was refreshing himself on Sentai and Doc was at ship's computer, They heard something on the dock and looked at each other, wondering what it was. -Battle- "Don't leave me out." Takeru said, taking his current Eyecon and changing it to the Robin Eyecon. His form became transient as a green parka with a feather appeared and came on him "Kaigan: Robin Hood! Hello! Arrow! Mori de Aou!" His new form stood as his weapon changed and Remus activated his Squash function, charging his Musou Saber and slashing at the Putties with a melon shaped energy Looking at their clay formed opponents, Remus gripped his Melon Defender, "They're winding down. Lets really show them the power of our might." "Sounds like a plan." Takeru said, holding the changed Gan Gun Saber. The two Wilys and Belle watched as the three worked with Harold. -Moon Palace- Rita groaned, rubbing the sides of her head as they began to ache. Zedd carefully watched as Harold fought, adapting his new power pretty well and working with the others.
-Tsukino House- "Yeah, I plan on going to support Michiru." Serena said, getting up and walking to the fridge. "When she plays her violin, it's so beautiful." Luna mewed and Serena poured some milk into her saucer. She sipped the milk while Serena ate some of the leftovers from the fridge. -Hino Shrine- "It was great, I was just watching Michiru get some extra practice in before the concert." Rei said, not saying what really happened at school as to explain why she was a little late. She patted Chad on the head, she asked, "Sell a lot for the election today?" -Battle- "Whoever it is, he's very adaptable for his first battle." Remus said, looking at him. "Though I feel like I have seen him before." "Still, I didn't think he would use the same as me." Takeru said, watching him. The Wilys peeked out of their hiding spot and watched the fight, seeing Harold fight as Specter and protect Belle. Belle just stayed behind Harold, watching confused. 'That orange hero used the power of Musashi Miyamoto, a well-known swordsman, then used the power of Ludwig van Beethoven, a famous composer of many known compositions. Now, this newcomer is using power based on Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb from America.' She thought, confused.
-Tsukino Home- "Oh, it was good." Serena said, looking at her parents. "There was.... a bit of a event planning for the concert tomorrow night." Serena couldn't tell her parents that one of her classmates somehow turned into a monster and she as Sailor Moon used her Moon Healing Activation to restore her to normal or the conversation between her and Tuxedo Mask with her getting the Silver Crystal. Luna looked at her as she hopped on the couch. 'That's not true.' She thought, looking at Serena. -Remus' Home- Lily sat at her laptop, working on designs for new weapons to give the heroes. She rubbed her forehead, saving her designs and opened a new window, starting on a new letter to Snape. James was out and Remus went to get the Wilys, so she was by herself. -Hino Shrine- "Grandpa, Chad, I'm home!" Rei called out as she entered the shrine. She went into the living room and sat down, thinking about the fight at the school against Star. -Hikau's Home- With Mr. Belt now introduced to them, he translated Hikaru's signing as they talked with the four and how Hikaru was doing as Drive. Kimberly hoped that they would be fight together someday now that she knew there was another female that they could work with. They hushed themselves when Hina came in. -Fight- Seeing Belle about to be attacked by Putties, Takeru gasped and took out the Musashi Eyecon, opening the Ghost Driver and taking out the Ore Eyecon, putting Musashi in its place. As he closed the Driver, the Ore Damashii disappeared and a red parka appeared, flying on him as his form turned red as the Ghost Driver shouted, "Kaigan: Musashi! Kettō! Zubatto! Chō Kengō!" "I'm coming, Belle!" Takeru shouted, splitting his weapon into two. He ran to Belle, slashing at the Putties. Looking at him, Belle looked at him, surprised. Takeru nodded at her and ran to help Remus, switching his Eyecon to the Beethoven, his form changed into a gray, black, and white form, as the Driver spoke, "Kaigan: Bee~tho~ven! Kyokumei! Unmei! Ja ja ja ja~n!" He waved his hands as a conductor, sending energy shaped like musical notes to the Putties. Tossing his Melon Defender, Remus looked at Takeru and said, "So, you use abilities based on different historical figures. Interesting." "Yes, sir!" Takeru said. Remus thought and said, "Hope we get more battles together with everyone." Takeru nodded. When it seems like there were no more Putties, more appeared. Takeru groaned, "Oh, come on! I thought we got them all." "Seems that they have the power to make more." Remus said, gripping his Melon Defender. Takeru gasped when he heard Belle scream, he turned to see Belle being grabbed by one of the Putties. -Moon Palace- Rita and Zedd fought the fight from the Moon Palace, Rita using her telescope while Zedd used his sight, they both thought that Takeru was unique and together with Hiccup, they could be of use to them, but they believed that Harold or someone could stop them before that could happen.
-Tsukino House- "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" Serena shouted, entering her home and taking off her shoes. She went to the living room and sat on the couch, relaxing. She quickly took the Silver Crystal, looking at it and feeling a odd sense of deja vu from just looking at it. Serena sighed dreamily as she replayed the memory of Tuxedo Mask talking with her and protecting her before putting the Silver Crystal away. -Hikaru's House- Taking a breath from the modeling, Hina went to get treats for everyone, leaving those picked under Zordon. Thinking, Kimberly signed to Hikaru, "Are you like us? Do you know someone named Zordon?" "'So, you all seem to have noticed. Mr. Belt, you can reveal yourself now.'" Hikaru signed with Kimberly translating as Mr. Belt turned his screen on. "Hello, everyone." Everyone looked surprised at the talking belt. -Detective Agency- "Well, nothing new happened." Hermione said, looking at him. She sat on the bed, laying her Vulpix, rubbing his back. Philip sat at a separate desk in the room. "And I imagine nothing new has happened around here." "Well, Ron and I are willing to help with anything." Harry said, patting his Riolu on the head. -Takeru and Belle- Walking down a street, Takeru smiled at seeing Remus picking up groceries while taking WilyKat and WilyKit back home. Suddenly, a group of Putties appeared. Gasping, Takeru and Remus told their companions the same, "Get somewhere safe." After they were out of sight, Remus and Takeru brought out and put their respective Drivers on, pressing the button on the side of his Ghost Eyecon, Takeru put it into his Ghost Driver as Remus inserted his Melon Lockseed into his Driver. The Ghost Driver shouted, "Eye! Batchirimina!" "Henshin!" The two shouted, as their basic suits formed on their bodies, then a floating parka with glowing eyes appeared around Takeru while the Melon Arms part fell on Remus, as the parka went over Takeru. Then Takeru's helmet glowed as the Arms opened, their respective suits being completed. "Soiya! Melon Arms: Tenka Gomen!" "Kaigan: Ore! Let's Go! Kakugo! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!" With their suits completely formed, Takeru and Remus ran forward to face the clay formed footsoliders. While watching Takeru, Belle fell back when a Putty attempted to attack her, the Specter Eyecon falling out of her pocket -Kiriko's Apartment- Kiriko stretched as she entered her apartment and was surprised to find Go cooking dinner. "Welcome, onee-chan! Dinner's almost ready." He said, Kiriko looked surprised, "Um, okay....." -Flower Shop- After attending a customer who brought a bouquet of flowers, Aerith went to the front, watering the flowers that were placed in the front of the shop. Lenne hummed, watering the flowers on a shelf while chaos was in the back, planting new flowers. Aerith wondered if Harold was alright wherever he went. -Gokai Galleon- Luka examined her jewels while Ahim sipped her tea, Gai tried to work on his homework from school. Groaning, he facedesked and rubbed his bruise, Don calmly worked on his homework. -Akira and Michal's home- "Welcome back, Michal!" Akira shouted, hugging Michal as he entered the house with Shintaro. "And welcome, Gotou-chan!" "Yeah, we're back." Michal said, taking his shoes and walking in with Shintaro. -Moon Palace- "Rita!!" Zedd shouted, walking to his empress. "Did you send a troop of Putties to Earth for no reason?!" "Not for no reason." Rita said, trying to look innocent toward her husband. "There's a device down there and I wanted to try and get it before its supposed true owner would get it."
-Nintendo High - Hallway- Gently taking the Silver Crystal into her hands, Serena looked at it. "Just holding it, I feel the same." Serena said, looking at the beautiful crystal. In a near reflective surface, there was a girl in a white regal dress in Serena's place, but the image disappeared before either could notice. Serena looked at Tuxedo Mask. "I promise to take good care of it." Remembering that she saw a indent on the Crescent Moon Wand, Serena took it out and put the crystal in the indent. -Hikaru's Home- Kimberly and Thomas watched as Tommy and Eiji were measured then Hina and Hikaru put various sheets of cloth around. Watching how Hikaru pined the cloth around Tommy's waist in order to hold it in place, Kimberly asked. "If she can't talk, how is she able to live on her own like this?" "She doesn't always use sign language." Hina said, looking at her. "She usually writes notes to tell everyone what she needs to say." "Still, that was a interesting car in the driveway." Thomas said. Hikaru kept quiet, focusing on finding a cloth that would work as the shirt. Mr. Belt looked at Eiji, Kimberly, Tommy, and Thomas, thinking about telling them about who their host is. -Detective Agency- "Oh, very funny." Philip said, sarcastic as he looked at his partner. "It's better than being a half-boiled detective." "Now, now, you two." Hermione said, picking up Vulpix. "I thought it was time that my friends see what it is that I do with Philip and maybe they could help us with the agency." "Hi, I'm Harry Potter." Harry said, waving. Ron rubbed Mew's head as he introduced himself, "Name's Ron Weasley. Nice to meet you." -Takeru & Belle- Quietly leaving the temple, Takeru and Bell looked around to find who would the one that lost something, that being the Specter Eyecon. 'Really wonder this means that I'll have a ally with powers like mine.' Takeru thought. 'That will be nice.'
Spoiler -Nintendo High - Hallway- "Uh, sure, Tuxedo Mask." Serena said, blushing at what he would to talk about in private. With a breath of relief, Tommy looked at the students who were involved, "Be careful on your way back to your homes or dorms. If anyone asks what happened....." "Just tell your parents or guardians a creature appeared that was strong enough it needed to beat by more than one group of heroes." Thomas said, covering for his brother. Kimberly waved. "Well, we better get going." They ran off and teleported out of sight. Ron and Harry ran to Hermione and Philip as Mew flew around Ron, Hermione handed Riolu back to Harry after they detranformed. Philip and Hermione led them to the agency -Hikaru's House- Hearing a knock on her door, Hikaru answered to find Tommy, Kimberly, and Thomas waiting. "Hi." Kimberly said, waving. "Sorry, we..... we caught up with something at school." "Ah, glad you could make it." Eiji said, smiling. Thomas looked at Ankh as Hikaru invited them in, "You don't seem like the type for this." "He's here against his will." Hina said, crossing her arms "Ah," Tommy said, not surprised. Hina looked at Hikaru and asked, "Well, shall we get started?" "'Sounds like a good idea.'" Hikaru signed with Kimberly translating. "Kim, you know sign?" Thomas asked, looking at her. Kimberly nodded, "I practice it a bit." -Narumi Detective Agency- "Shotaro, we're back." Philip said, as they walked the agency. Vulpix ran to Shotaro and rubbed his leg, Hermione smiled, "I brought my friends." Harry and Ron bowed. -Daitenku Temple- "So, what did you want to show me?" Takeru asked, Belle was hesitant but showed him the Specter Eyecon. Takeru looked at it, thinking, 'That doesn't look like a Eyecon that I can use.' "Why don't we see if we can find who this belongs to?" Takeru said, Belle asked, "You sure?" "We can try." Takeru said. -Dante, Vergil, and Nero's Home- Teleporting to the home he shared with Nero and Vergil, Dante looked around and shrgged, going to his bedroom. He laid down on his bed and enjoyed the comfort of the soft bed. -Vanille and Fang- "Vanille, I'm back." Fang said, stepping into the home she shared with her childhood friend. She stretched and sat on the couch.