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  1. Princess Rapunzel

    -Alice's Apartment-

    "Well, wanted to make sure you didn't sleep the day away." Alice said, patting Blanca's head as she sat down and stretched. "Sides, Blanca has a liking to you. You should spend some time with him."


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Yeah, I know." Hayley said, cleaning one of the glasses. "And now she's all settled into your family and attending school." She smiled as she cleaned the dishes.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith hummed while arranging a vase of flowers, Lenne watered some flowers on the floor while chaos watered some on a top shelf. The three kept quiet and waited for new costumers.


    -Music Room-

    Kira breathed as she got up and stepped out of the music classroom, Kagura kept telling herself to focus on music while Mina and Michiru separated to head for their second period class.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    Lita waved as she headed to her second class while Ron headed to his second period, Snow stretched and smiled, waving at them.


    -Creative Arts Class-

    Gathering her sketchbook and pencils, Namine left the class and headed to her second period class. She kept to herself as she walked to the class, holding her sketchbook close to her.



    "I suppose it is." Medic said, looking out. "I don't know where anything in this city is or even who I am or where I am from."



    "I don't think so." Takeru said, thinking about anyone he knew with the name Yuuki.



    Not going to his second period class, Harry headed into the city. He did feel guilty since he never skipped a class before, bringing out Riolu as he walked through the city, he sighed, walking around.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    For some reason, I can't get on this site on my computer. So, using my iPad to say that because of that odd occurrence, I'm taking some time off from here. I'll try to see if I can find a way to get on, but til then, you all can control my characters so the story can continue
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel

    -Alice's Apartment-

    Blanca barked at Yuri and smiled, panting happily and wagging his tail. Alice came in and smiled, "Nice to see you're awake, Yuri." She had her hair down and no stockings on her legs. Blanca barked, looking at her.


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Hey, Ikuko." Hayley said, preparing her drink. When she finished it, she put it in front of Ikuko and smiled, "Serena getting along with Rini?"


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith nodded and waved, Lenne looked at the flowers and nodded, "Alright." She went behind the counter and tapped in the price of the white flowers, she said, "It will be 12.95 yen, please."


    -Music Class-

    Kagura smiled, nodding. Kira looked at the map and instructions, she thought, 'Gonna have to talk with Emma and the others about this.' Mina and Michiru looked at each other, wondering how to get to the palace.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    Lita breathed and stepped into the ring, she sent a silent prayer to the planet Jupiter. She dodged a attack and sent a punch, Ron watched carefully while Snow oversaw the match.



    Medic breathed and looked at the city, looking around. "Would you like to sit with me?" She asked, looking at him.



    "Takeru is alright." Takeru said, looking embarrassed. "And would Yuuki work for you? Or do you prefer Miss Konno?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 5, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess Rapunzel
  5. Princess Rapunzel
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    -Remus' House-

    While James training out in the backyard and Lily was in her room, studying the mechanics of the Shift Cars in a letter that Harley sent her, Remus was looking over the ingrediants to make his Wolfsbane potion. 'Though, I would like a night of just running around in the country in that form with James and Sirius so I won't worry about hurting others.' He thought, looking out the window


    -Alice's Apartment-

    Sleeping soundly in her bed, Alice chuckled as she felt Blanca nuzzle her. Waking up, she smiled, "Oh, morning, Blanca." She petted his head and yawned, rubbing her eyes, Alice said, "If he's not up already, can you wake up Yuri?" Blanca barked and went to Yuri's room, licking his face to try and wake him up while Alice got dressed.


    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    Hayley hummed, listening to the radio while making drinks. She thought about the recent election and though she didn't much care for politics, Hayley was happy to see those cheer for their choice being picked.


    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, okay." Lenne said, taking the books and holding them in her arms. "I'll make sure he gets them."

    "Ask Aerith, huh?" Shintaro said, looking at the brown haired girl that Carter was talking to earlier, he went to the counter and said, "Hello, I would like a bouquet of flowers." "Of course, what kind of flowers would you like?" Aerith asked, Shintaro scratched his cheek, "Can I leave that to you?" "Sure, just describe the type of person you're going to give them to." Aerth said, Shintaro was surprised, he thought for a moment and said, "Strict, but kind. Has a bit of a backbone, hard-working, especially now they're working for two people, Brave, kinda cute, friendly, generous, and uh, well....."

    While he tried to think of how to describe Kiriko, Aerith smiled, Shintaro noticed and asked, "What?" "Nothing, just sounds like you really care for this person." Aerith said, picking flowers and arranging them into a bouquet. When she handed him the bouquet, she said, "That will be 1925.95 yen." Shintaro nodded, handng her the money and received his change, he said, "Thanks. Well, see you later, I guess, Carter."

    He went out to his motorbike, placing the bouquet in a basket on his motorbike. As he put on his helmet, Shintaro wondered where to take Kiriko as he rode off.


    -Modern History Class-

    Dante just taught his lesson while Billy wrote on the board, Gai happily wrote notes on the lesson while Troy was calm, Luka yawned and just listened to the lesson that was taught.



    While Hermione asked Philip for help on a assignment, Harry looked at his Donguri Lockseed and thought about his family and his friends with their powers. Though Hermione wasn't a Ranger or a Rider, therefore has no power, she was the chief and landlord of the agency where Philip worked with Shotaro, he heard that Philip and Shotaro are a two-in-one Rider. Ron had the Blood Orange and Fresh Orange Lockseed, giving him two forms that he could use in fights.

    Then he turned his thoughts to his parents, his father, James, was a Power Ranger who used the Mastodon Power Coin with the Power Morpher as well having the Mastodon Zord to control for the big fights. His mother, Lily, had the Melon Energy Lockseed and the Genesis Driver to become Zangestu Shin, a cantaloupe themed fighter. He imagined that they would be pretty fearsome to due his father having the Power Ax while his mother used the Sonic Arrow. As for his godfather and his other friend, he wasn't sure what to do, but he knew Remus could become Zangestu with the Melon Lockseed and could use the melee like shield, the Melon Defender, while Sirius could become Ryugen with the Budou Lockseed and used the Budou Ryuhou.

    Meanwhile Harry just had the Donguri Lockseed to become Gridon and use the Donkachi, he sighed, laying his head on the table. Hermione looked at him and asked, "You okay, Harry?" "Yeah, I'm fine" Harry said, looking at her.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    After she finished writing what she needed to write on the board, Setsuna set the chalk down and turned to the students looking over their notes or catching up on what notes they missed.



    Tommy watched and smiled, changing the score depending on the team that scored a goal. Fang watched the students carefully and smiled, keeping a eye out for anyone who broke a rule.


    -Music Class-

    As she took a breath, Kagura looked ready to play her instrument while Kira stretched and breathed, knowing that Emma would be with her that night when the concert started.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    Ron breathed and stepped onto the mat, Lita watched, holding the Pokeball that held Mew. Facing his opponent, Ron thought, 'Just remember, imagine your opponent as a Putty or some monster.' Dodging his opponent's first attack, Ron quickly attacked back, hitting him in the chest, then jumped up. Lita watched as Ron timed his hits. It was as he was trying to prove himself or something with the way he was fighting. Snow just watched, curious.


    -Creative Arts Class-

    Finishing her band sketch, Namine went to a new page in her sketchbook, before drawing a self-portrait in her sketchbook. She turned red as she looked at the position she made for the self portrait.


    -Tokyo University-

    While Eiji attempted a sign language conversation with Hikaru, Go got a message from Kiriko about spending time with her and a co-worker and asking if his friend wanted to come. Go took a moment to ask Hikaru if she wanted to join him, his sister, and a friend of hers after she finished work in sign, Hikaru said she would like to, so Go gave his sister his reply.



    Medic sat on a bench and breathed, she looked at Harold and said, "Sorry, I tend to get a bit tired from using that healing ability. I just need a moment to breath."



    Takeru shyly entered Yuuki's hospital room and smiled, he bowed and said, "Miss Konno, it's nice to meet you."



    While Anna was getting ready to head out when the ship came, Elsa sat in her room, looking at the magic parchment Harold gave her. She thought about writing to him, sitting at her desk.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel

    -Modern History Class-

    Dante yawned, thinking, 'If Vergil did something that got him into big trouble, it's not my problem. He always thought he was better but I'm actually part of a team with cute girls.' He smiled, thinking of Kimberly and Nala before getting a hit on the head from Billy.


    -Demonology Class-

    With a sigh, Harry said, "What now?" "I'll head to the library and see if Philip need some help." Hermione said, heading to the library, Harry shrugged and followed his friend to the library.



    Sitting at the librarian's desk, Philip read his blank book and was surprised to see Hermione and Harry appear. "What happened, Mione-chan?" He asked, Hermione rubbed her hair embarrassed, "Vergil just suddenly quit. So I decided to come here." Philip smiled, nodding as he sat with them.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Ami looked over her notes while Setsuna wrote on the board, Haru tried to look over and read his notes while Noah calmly read his notes, studying as hard as he could.



    "Looks like a game of floor hockey." Fang said, looking at the setup. "Alright, everyone split into teams and grab a stick!" Tommy sat on the bleachers and keep sorce while they played the game.


    -Music Class-

    'So far so good, Kagura.' Kagura thought, focusing. 'Just keep going with everyone.' Kira smiled, watching the pink Toqger as she tried to focus on playing her instrument.


    -Tokyo University-

    While sitting in the cafeteria, Hikaru taught Hina and Eiji sign language so they could know what she's saying without Go or Mr. Belt having to translate for her.


    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, yes, a young man named Harold Flamel stays here." Lenne said, looking at Fiona. "But he's currently out at the moment. I'm not sure when he'll come back."

    Shintaro looked at Carter, "Oh, Carter. Hey. I asked Kiriko to spend some time together after work and I told my friend, Akira Date-san, about it. He assumed it was a date, telling me that I have to get flowers, though I told him it was just a causal thing and we would be with her younger brother and his friend."



    Hearing Harold joke, Medic tilted her head, a little confused. "Maybe my healing ability can be a help to those heroes." She suggested



    "Thank you," Takeru said, bowing. He went and found the room, he calmly knocked on the door."Miss Konno? Hello, my name is Takeru Tenkuji, from the Daitenku Temple."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith smiled, "That's nice of him to call. I sorta miss him too. Well, I hope you figure who did it and avenge your cousin." "Oh, hello, miss." Lenne said, noticing Fiona in the shop. She went to help her as Shintaro came in, regretting to have told Akira his plans, he thought, 'Typical of Date-san. He assumes it's a date and insisted I get flowers.'



    Medic looked down and kept quiet, thinking when she didn't look and tripped. She winced, she heard Harold ask if she was okay, Medic looked at him, "I'm fine. Probably just sprinted my ankle." She held her hand over her injured ankle and there was a soft glow. After a moment, she stood up, "I think I'm fine now."



    Takeru looked at the hospital he ended up at, looking at the directions. He guessed that he arrived at the right place and went into the hospital, walking to the check in desk, he asked, "Hello, is there a patient named Yuuki Kanno here? I'm Takeru Tenkuji, I'm here to pick her up."


    -You Show Duel School-

    Yuzu stretched and breathed, Lulu came up and smiled, "Taking a break?" "Yeah." Yuzu said, leaning back. Rin smiled, coming up, "Well, it makes Dad happy. Anyway, what do we need for groceries?" Yuzu thought for a moment while Lulu just watched Celina in the empty duel room.


    -Lamperouge Home-

    Nunnally, the young blind and paraplegic member of the Lamperouge family, managed to get into her wheelchair from her bed, feeling around for the arm for her wheelchair. She thought to herself, 'Should have someone help me with this.' She wheeled to the bathroom, using the intercom to tell the staff that she was awake and needed help in undressing.


    -Tokyo University-

    After discussing what they had done with their assignment, Hikaru sat with everyone at the cafeteria, in a isolated part so Belt could be out and active so they could talk without anyone looking at them weird. Go breathed as he sipped his drink.


    -Nintendo High: Music Room-

    'Its really coming down to the wire.' Kira thought, changing her sheet music with the other students. Kagura breathed, 'Alright, remember, don't go daydreams and just follow the others.'



    Fang smiled, holding Tommy in a tight headlock, causing him to say, "Fang, hey! I can't breath!" "You were so cute when you're blushing." Fang said, smiling as she let go and he caught his breath, he stretched and breathed. He said, "Lets just finish setting up and start the class." Fang pouted as she helped her TA.


    -French Class-

    While doing his work, Draco wondered if he could use Necrom's power to impress Emma or any girl in the school. He smiled at his thinking and continued his work.


    -Modern History Class-

    "Alright, alright, everyone, open your books and we'll start the lesson," Dante said, sounding bored as he came into the classroom. Billy didn't ask what happened and just wrote on the board.


    -Advanced Calculus-

    Setsuna wrote on the board while everyone got out their notes and began to write in their notebooks. Ami hummed as she wrote.



    "Where's Professor Vergil?" Harry wondered, Hermione shrugged and looked through her textbook while waiting for their teacher.


    -Shop Class-

    Don took out some cylinders and tried to put them on the project he was working on, wondering what would happen. Haruka just smiled at him


    -Martial Arts Class-

    Ron watched Lita step up, silently praying, 'Grant me strength once again, Jupiter.' Snow crossed his arms as he watched her step onto the mat with her opponent.


    -Creative Art Class-

    Remembering it was the day of the concert, Namine sketched some people she had seen around the school, including herself, as a band with Sora conducting.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel


    Hi, everyone. I know I don't visit here often, but I hope you can vote for me as the Best Roleplayer. I would be happy if you did.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 8, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Nunnally Lamperouge
    Description: A young girl from the wealthy Lamperouge family, she is physically disabled, being both blind due to a childhood trauma and paralyzed by a shot in the legs. Because of her disabilities, Nunnally attends a special school. Despite her disabilities, Nunnally is kind and friendly with those around her.
    Occupation: Student
    Series the Character is from: Code Geass

    Name: Yuzu Boyle
    Description: A young girl who lives with her father, three adoptive sisters, and a older adoptive brother, Yuzu attends one of Tokyo's prep schools, while also attending a special duel school run by her father. She usually hits someone, mostly her father, with a paper fan if they do something stupid or dumb. The one thing her and her adoptive sisters share are identical bracelets that they wear on their right wrists.
    Occupation: Student
    Series the Character is from: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V

    Name: Celina
    Description: One of Yuzu's adoptive sisters and the more serious of them, unlike her sisters, who attend a regular prep school, Celina studies and learns at her adopted father's duel school. She doesn't speak much of her life before Skip adopted her but her sisters understand that she is serious about duel and doesn't know much of other social activities.
    Occupation: Duel Student
    Series the Character is from: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V

    Name: Rin
    Description: Another of Yuzu's sisters and the most kind hearted, but also the most strict, alongside Yuzu, though without the use of a paper fan. She acts as the mother figure to her three sisters and usually goes grocery shopping as does the chores around their home. Like her sisters, she attends a regular prep school and a duel school run by their father.
    Occupation: Student
    Series the Character is from: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V

    Name: Lulu Obisdian
    Description: Another of Yuzu's sisters and the only one who has a older brother, who was also adopted by Yuzu's father, Skip, as well as longer hair than her sisters. Lulu cares for all her siblings and her father, often offering to help during the lessons of her father's duel lessons. Usually Lulu is the peace keeper of the siblings.
    Occupation: Student
    Series the Character is from: Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    -Police Station-

    "Hey, Shijima..... Kiriko." Shintaro asked, going to her desk and having her look at him a bit confused. "Would you like to go out sometime after work?" "Sure, maybe I can ask Go to bring along his new friend along." Kiriko said, looking at him. Shintaro nodded, "I would like to meet your brother and his friend."


    -Flower Shop-

    "Hello, Carter." Lenne said, noticing him when he came. Aerith looked at him and smiled, "Hey there, stranger. It's been a while." She picked a flower and held it out to him. Lenne looked at him, "We haven't seen you in a while. Something happened?"



    Stopping for a moment to a vending machine, Takeru placed a yen coin in the machine and pressed a button. Grabbing the can that came out, he opened it and gulped it down. Takeru looked at the directions that had been written down for him, he resumed looking for the hospital and bring home his new resident.


    -Tokyo University-

    Hkaru and Hina met up as they both headed to their fashion class and tell their teacher of their progress so far. Go introduced himself to Eiji and walked with him and the girls. Mr. Belt kept quiet so no one knew Hikaru's secret.


    -Music Class-

    "Think you can try not to lose your daydreams to practice, Kagura?" Kira asked, looking at her. Kagura tried to have a serious face and mock saluted her, Mina breathed and Michiru smiled at her fellow Scout, patting her shoulder.



    While the students were changing into their gym uniform, Fang was helping Tommy prepare the gym and asked, "So, what's keeping you from asking? You've known her for a good while, right?" "Yeah, I just can't find the timing." Tommy said, thinking. "I mean, I truly love Kimberly. She's beautiful, agile, brave, smart, funny, kind." "You got it bad for her." Fang said, teasing him and making him red.


    -French Class-

    After the bell and announcements, Sirius started the class by attempting to construct a sentence with the french words that the class knew at the moment. Emma concentrated and worked hard while Draco kept quiet, hiding his Necrom Eyecon in his desk.


    -Modern History Class-

    "Hey, where's Professor Dante?" Gai asked, raising his hand as he looked at Billy. Billy shrugged, "Last I saw, he was fighting his brother. So I might have to start while he's sorting out his family issues." Luka stretched and laid on her desk while Troy looked at his textbook.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna piled the paper up and hummed while Ami overlooked her notes, Noah read his textbook and Haru tried to look at his notes and textbook to catch up on his homework.


    -Demonology Class-

    Harry talked with Hermione about why she was almost late to class, Hermione was embarrassed to say but she told him that she sorta embarrassed Shotaro at the agency and maybe teased him a little.


    -Shop Class-

    Haruka looked at Don who was focusing on his shop project and trying to figure out what Gai meant. She went to her seat and began to work more jewelry for the Scouts.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    "It's okay, that's something we can't control, who is going to be what in our family or what influence they will have." Lita said, stretching. Ron said, "Yeah, I don't know if I can understand since I have many brothers with successes. But we choose to be better than our relatives."


    -Creative Arts Class-

    Stepping into the classroom, Namine went to her desk and began to sketch something in her sketchbook. She hummed a song and just sketched in her sketchbook.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel


    "I suppose this is a odd thing to ask," Medic said, turning to him. "But do you know the heroes, such as the Kamen Riders, Power Rangers, or the Super Sentai? I don't know why, but I feel like I could be of help to them."



    Looking around for the hospital where the new resident would be at, Takeru looked at the directions Onari gave and hoped that he didn't get lost trying to find it.


    -Tokyo University-

    Hikaru drove into university parking lot while Hina entered on foot with Eiji. Go looked at the university and smiled at Hikaru who grabbed Mr. Belt, then followed her to her class.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith hummed as she arranged a vase of flowers on the counter, chaos was just planting new flowers and Lenne was watering flowers outside the shop, just enjoying the day.


    -Children's Card Games 101-

    Yami stepped into his classroom while Akiza sat at her desk, shuffling her deck before class started. She breathed and looked out the window while the class started.



    Fang smiled and took her blushing TA to the gym to prepare the morning class, Tommy thought about when and how to propose to Kimberly, he knew that Fang would still tease him about it but he didn't mind.



    Harry noted Hermione rushing into the Demonology classroom, he said, "It's unlike you to nearly get to class like that." "Yeah, I know." Hermione said, embarrassed and rubbing her hair sheepishly.


    -Martial Arts Class-

    Ron breathed as Lita stretched, waiting with the rest of the class for the lesson to begin. Snow came in, hiding his Chaser Shift Car as he walked into class.



    Kira entered the classroom and sat in her spot, humming as she took off her communicator and covered it in her bag so its beeping would be muffled.


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    "I'll be in the classroom." Billy said, getting up and leaving with the other teachers to avoid the spark flying. Dante scoffed, "The women I meet can't handle how awesome I am. Sides, pizza isn't the only thing I eat."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru prayed for guidance at his father's grave, and hoping that the new member of the temple would be able to adjust and be able to happily live in the temple with him and the priest. Getting up, Takeru bowed to his father's grave one more time and left, following the direction to the hospital.



    "Well, I'm not sure." Medic said, thinking. As they walked, Hikaru with Go in Tridoron drove by. Medic looked at the car as it went and said, "Huh, that car looked rather interesting."



    Hikaru drove the Tridoron, keeping her eyes on the road while Go and Belt talked about various things and who they thought would be allies and who would be their enemies. Hikaru calmly drove to the university.



    Serena smiled and stretching, happily humming a song that she had heard as she walked to school. She smiled, eager to finally see her friends in concert and see them play their instruments in front of others.



    Noting the ring bearing young man who was walking to her shrine, Rei smiled and walked to school, excited to see her friends for the school day and support her friends in the music concert.


    -Ranger trio-

    Thomas stretched as he, Tommy, and Kimberly reached the school entrance. Kimberly waved at the students that they passed as they headed the school entrance, Tommy smiled as they entered the school and went to the teacher's lounge with them.


    -Akiza and Sunset's Dorm-

    Akiza smiled and nodded, grabbing her dorm key and deck. She put her key in her pocket and put her deck in her deck holder, then grabbed her school bag, leaving the dorm and headed to the school.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione smiled, she told him, "It's okay. I'm saving a real special one for the one I fall in love with." "Mione-chan, I'm ready." Philip said, stepping out of the hidden room. Hermione nodded, then left with Philip, "See you later, Shotaro!"


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    "Oh, and do what?" Dante said, unamused with his twin brother's sarcasm. "Make the kids crap their undies as I describe how dark and scary the demons of Hell? Ha! Like you could do any better at my job of teaching Modern History! I bet you don't even know any of Japan's modern history." 'I'm not getting involved.' Billy thought, doing his work as Teacher Assistant as Tommy, Thomas, and Kimberly came in. Fang smirked, going to Tommy's side, "So, Tommy, popped the question to Kim yet?"

    "Don't ask, Fang." Tommy said, going to his desk. Fang smiled, "No need to be shy." "I'll ask her when I'm good and ready." Tommy said, starting to get annoyed with Fang, Kimberly went and poured herself a cup of water as Serah went to talk with her. Lockon looked at Thomas and said, "It's rare for you to come later like this." "Eh, stuff happened at home." Thomas said, shrugging. Sirius wondered where Eiji was as he crossed off the days to the full moon of the month.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    Not at the moment

    Not at the moment
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Aug 18, 2016
  15. Princess Rapunzel
  16. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    It's fine, you can call me Chel.

    It's fine, you can call me Chel.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Aug 18, 2016
  17. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment

    That would be nice. But it's okay.

    That would be nice. But it's okay.
    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Aug 18, 2016
  18. Princess Rapunzel
  19. Princess Rapunzel


    Medic walked with Harold, she looked at him. "I guess I'm a bit nervous around new people and my name is a bit odd. But I haven't complained about it.I just wanted to talk with you without your caretakers worrying you talking with someone strange." She smiled and walked beside him.



    While Hikaru drove to Tokyo University, Go looked through her design book, noting that some of the designs she had sketched looked like some of the forms she could take on as Drive. He looked at her as she drove the university and Mr. Belt kept quiet while she drove. He smiled, sitting back and enjoying the ride.


    -Tsukino Household-

    "I know something like classical music isn't for everyone, but Michiru and Mina have been working hard with the other music students." Serena said, looking at her young brother. She looked at the clock and said, "I should get going. We're all going to spend some girl time to boost their inspiration to play. Bye." She went out the door to head for school.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    "Thank you.... Grandpa...." Rei said, surprised that he gave her his credit card to use. She finished her breakfast and got up, saying, "Well, I better get going. See you later, Grandpa, Chad." She left the shrine, heading to the school.


    -Oliver House-

    Once the three had a fulfilling breakfast albeit being a little awkward, they headed to school. Thomas kept quiet as Kimberly and Tommy talked with each other on the way to school.


    -Akiza and Sunset's Dorm-

    "It's no problem, Sunset." Akiza said, hugging her back. "It's what friends do." She smiled, happy that she could make her friend to make her feel good about something for someone she liked.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Thinking for a moment, Hermione smiled and did something unexpected, she kissed Shotaro on the cheek. "I understand, it's a little hard to get some real paying cases and the only time you can shine is when you're called to." She smiled. Philip sat in the hidden room, adjusting the clips in his hair.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel

    -Flower Shop-

    Medic looked at the young man who came from the flower shop, looking at her, she looked rather odd. Wearing a nurse's cap on her head while her normal attire was a black dress that resembled a ballerina's dress with a mix of the unusual Lolita style, the stockings and shoes almost matched the image of a ballerina, Medic looked she was a nurse who used to do ballet and had a interest in the Lolita fashion. She looked at Harold and bowed, "Hello. I am Medic, would you mind if we take a walk?"


    -Hikaru's House-

    After a delicious breakfast, Hikaru gathered her items for college and took Mr. Belt, putting him in her bag. Go looked at her after cleaning the dishes, he asked, "May I go with you to college?" 'I suppose so, but I have my class to attend and it will be rather boring.' She signed to him, Go smiled, "I think it will be okay." 'Okay, I guess.' Hikaru signed, walking with him to Tridoron.


    -Tsukino Household-

    "Ok, that's fine." Serena said, eating her breakfast. "And thanks for preparing a dress for me tonight. I'm sure it will look great." She smiled and ate her breakfast. Luna just sipped her saucer and ate her cat food.

    -Hino Family Shrine-

    "Grandpa." Rei said, getting her grandfather's attention. "I'll probably be out later. Gonna look for a dress to wear for the concert tonight." She calmly ate her breakfast.


    -Oliver House-

    After cleaning himself up, Tommy went to the kitchen, making breakfast and preparing lunch for himself. Thomas came in and took a bite from the food his brother was making, Kimberly came in with fresh clothes. Tommy turned red as he recalled seeing her nude.


    -Akiza and Sunset's Dorm-

    Akiza examined the dress, trying not to get too close to look at it, "It looks great. I'm sure that Xehanort will love it." She smiled at her dorm mate, thinking about how good she looked in the dress.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione looked at Shotaro and made a cup of coffee, placing it on his desk. "Shotaro, I know you're working hard though we rarely get tough cases. But please, don't overwork yourself. Philip may not act like it, but I know he depends on you. And so do I."


    -Harry and Draco's Dorm-

    "Malfoy, Riolu and I are heading out to school." Harry said, putting on his street shoes and having Riolu hop on his shoulder, Draco waved him off and took out his Necrom Eyecon.


    -Remus's House-

    While Wilys got ready for school, Remus sat at his living room, nibbling a small chocolate. He laid back on the couch and wondered if he should meet with that boy who looked like Harry. Lily and James talked in private about if the Wilys ever to discover Remus' condition.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    "Thanks for the food!" Everyone said before starting to eat. Luka smiled as she ate, Ahim just had a calm look as she ate and Gai happily ate as Doc hoped that everything would be okay at school for the day.


    -Rainbow Line-

    Right laid back, patting his satisfed stomach while Hikari and Haru worked on their homework. Wagon happily made everyone's bento lunches while everyone relaxed in the train car.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Aug 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home