That will be interesting.
I see.
Yeah, that's true.
Maybe, not really sure.
Maybe he's the kind of clown that trips over his feet or something.
Yeah. True.
Oh, we haven't talked about the recent episode. It was nice to see Braeburn and Appleoosa again.
-Tokyo Street- Following their new allies, Sirius kept a eye on his old friend and his wife while seeing what Simba and Nala were like, Remus sighed and just followed his friend, though he still thought it was ridiculous what Sirius was doing. He smiled at seeing the chemistry grow between the two couples, while Sirius noticed it too, he grumbled and sighed. Spoiler: BGM "I can see what's happening," Sirius said, grumbling. "What?" Remus said, rolling his eyes. "And they don't have a clue," Sirius said, gesturing out to Lily and James as well as Simba and Nala. "Who?" Remus asked, smiling. "They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two," Sirius said, showing the drop of their group on his hand. "Oh." Remus said, laughing at Sirius "The sweet caress of twilight There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air." Sirius said, looking out at the two couples and sighing in despair. "Can you feel the love tonight The peace the evening brings The world for once in perfect harmony With all its living things," Remus sang softly, looking out at James, Lily, Simba, and Nala, enjoying to see their love grow and hoped to have something like that one day. 'So many things to tell her But how to make her see The truth about my past? Impossible She'd turn away from me' James and Simba thought to themselves, blushing and thinking about the fact their loved one had powers to help them fight the main evil group now. 'He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide Why won't he be the Ranger/Rider I know he is The hero I see inside?' Lily and Nala thought to themselves, looking at their loved ones and wondered how they would do to help them. "Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they are." Remus sang and smiled, watching as he and Sirius followed them and seeing the love between the two couple grow. "And if he feels the love tonight In the way I do." Nala whispered softly, blushing at Simba and he blushed at her, Lily and James also blushed at each other, "It's enough for this restless wanderer." James said, holding his wife's hands and smiling as she smiled back at him. "Just to be with you," The four of them sang together, singing to each one and holding each other close. Remus smiled and looked at Sirius, jumping at the fact that he was crying. -Dante- Walking to the door of the apartment shared by him, his brother, and Nero, Dante entered, finishing off the slice of pizza he had gotten on the way there. Entering the living room as he got off his coat, he said, "Yo, bro, Nero, anyone here?" He just shrugged and laid on the couch, taking out his Power Morpher and thought about the new Riders that had appeared. He said, "I hope there's a fight where I can team with that lovely female Rider." -Remus' House- "Hey, think we should tell Hermione about these powers?" Ron asked, Harry thought for a moment, holding his Riolu on his lap. "She should deserve to know, after all, we're friends, we don't keep secrets from each other." Ron nodded and Mew cuddled him. -Magical Trunk- Elsa looked at Harold and nodded, "Yes, I'll see you then and tell you everything, Officer." -Tsukino Home- "I'll show you that I can move all my old stuff into Rini's room, Sammy!" Serena said, glaring at her little brother. Luna mew at the table, asking for some food and Serena gave her a piece of bread. -Hino Shrine- Watching the news of the matches at Tokyo University, Rei facepalmed and sighed, remembering that he did leave a note and watched the news to see how he would do. -Moon Palace- "Thrax, use the telescope to find the one you want to get." Rita said, gesturing to the telescope on the balcony. -Flower Shop- While waiting for Lenne, Aerith grabbed a watering can and watered the flowers that she could reach on the shelves. -Narumi Detective Agency- Philip entered the agency, lowering his hood as he closed the door. "Shotaro, Mione-chan should be ready to leave tomorow, but there is the concern that Kazari is still there, so how bout we go pick her tomorrow?"
Oh, right.
I don't watch Game of Thrones, so I didn't catch it.
As well as that Applejack just agreeing with a straight face.
Fluttershy and Applejack were probably the best, with Fluttershy just being like 'He's just going to sleep, deal with it,' while Applejack just...
-Command Center- "Think that she must be a powerful witch or something?" Fang asked, looking at the four magical members. James shrugged, "Hard to say." "Well, guess we should head back as well." Simba said, Nala said, "Yes, you and I have a lot of catching to do." "Same with us, 'Prongs'." Lily said, playfully using the name her husband's friends use, James blushed, Dante sighed, "Yeah, I better not keep that stubborn jerk of a brother waiting." "Yeah." Fang said, stretching. James said, looking at the three residents of the Command Center, "I'll let Billy know to make new communicators." With that, they teleported away. -Tokyo Street- After being sent back into the city, Dante went to where he live with Vergil and Nero while Fang returned to her apartment where Vanille was waiting for her. Sirius watched Simba and Nala as well as James and Lily walk off. Remus sighed, saying, "I'm going to regret asking this, but what are you doing, Sirius?" "I'm gonna spy on Prongs and Lily's date." Sirius said, wrapping his arm around Remus. "And you'e gonna help, Monny." "I shouldn't have asked." Remus muttered as he was dragged by Sirius. -Remus' Home- "Here," Harry said, placing a a cup of hot tea and a small piece of chocolate in front of Ron. Eating the chocolate and taking a sip of the tea, Ron leaned back and sighed, "Thanks, mate." "No problem," Harry said, holding his Riolu who had found them when they returned. There was a awkward silence but Ron said, "Harry, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." "I know." Harry said. -Moon Palace- "Alright, then." Zedd said. "We'll be watching to see your progress, son." Rita nodded, smiling at her son's idea. -Magical Trunk- Elsa kept quiet and sighed, then she heard Harold and turned to face him, "Harold? Yes, I'm here, what is it?" -Tsukino Home- "He's fine, apparently he and Chibi Chibi live on their own." Serena explained. "And he's always working on something." She recalled hearing about the evil Rider and wanted to fight him, but Rei advised against as she wasn't sure if she could remove the evil she sensed. Luna went and drank from her saucer of milk, listening. -Flower Shop- Aerith looked at Elise and said, "Well, Harold is out at the moment. But I'm sure he'll be back, Lenne, would you make tea for this customer?" Lenne nodded and went upstairs to brew some tea.
Yeah, but Dash was kinda overacting and treating it like he was gonna die, Tank is going to be around for a long time.
-Command Center- "I barely know the guy," Harry told Alpha, rubbing his hair. "I only met him once at a party of a classmate and we never talked. But I think he said that his name was Harold...... I can't quite remember his last name." "Harold, huh?" James said, surprised at how similar his name was to Harry's, Lily said, "The least we can do is keep quiet about the incident as he said." "Yes, true." Remus said, smiling. Fang leaned against the control panel with Dante, "But that weird blond haired woman was the strangest thing." "But she was so beautiful." Dante said, smiling before getting a hit on the head from Fang. "Well, I was looking for Simba but wasn't expecting to find him as a Rider." Nala said, smiling at Simba. Simba blushed, "Well, I wasn't expecting to see you as a Ranger." "Same with us, Prongs." Sirius said. "Certainly surprised to find you're a Ranger." "Well, no one was expecting their best friends or part of their family to be Riders." James said, smiling. At the mention of 'friends', Ron looked down and Harry said, "Dad, I'm gonna take Ron back." "Alright," James said, Remus suggested, "How bout you two head to my place and make yourselves something warm to drink?" Harry nodded and they were teleported out with Mew. -Moon Palace- Zedd listened to his son's explanation and if he could, he would have smiled at his son's brilliance. "So, is there anything that Goldar, your mother, or I can do to help you, Thrax?" -Magical Trunk- Elsa looked down and said, looking away, "I didn't want to hurt anyone with my powers." She thought to a night when she accidentally used her powers on Anna. -Tsukino Home- "Trust me, Mr. Tsukino, I have been taught by my relatives to never do anything funny to a girl." Kengo said. "Sides, I have my hands full trying to care for this little one." He looked to Chibi on his shoulder. Serena did noticed Rini and was surprised to see that she had a similar hairstyle to her own as did Chibi. Luna examined the Luna-P, trying to act like a real cat, she tapped the ball and sighed in relief before meowing and rubbing Rini's leg. Kengo stretched and said, "Well, I better go. Got to make dinner for me and Chibi. See you later, Serena." "Bye, Kengo." Serena said, waving at Kengo as he left.
Just remembering the old days of rping with others.
Yeah, I'm fine.