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  1. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post

    Yay, now a Premium

    Yay, now a Premium
    Status Update by Princess Rapunzel, Mar 20, 2017
  2. Princess Rapunzel
    Recently just saw the movie today and it was great. They added onto the history of the Beast and why he was so selfish that caused the castle to become cursed by the Enchantness. They also told why Belle's mother wasn't around and what happened to her.

    There were scenes that were same as in the animated one but done in a way to show it's different. All in all, I really enjoyed it, won't spoil it though
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 19, 2017 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  3. Princess Rapunzel
  4. Princess Rapunzel


    While walking, Harry thought about heading to the agency and facing Hermione's wrath as Medic noticed Remus walking and biting into a piece of chocolate. "You're the person I met at the temple." Medic said and Remus said, "And you're the young lady I met. Also, I see you met your doppelganger, Harry." "Yeah, but what are you nervous about?" Harry asked, noting that Remus had chocolate with him. Remus said, "It's nothing. Just calming my nerves for this Sunday." 'Is that when the full moon is this month?' Harry thought, being the only kid who knew the secret among his parents and their friends.


    -Tsukino House-

    "It was good and we found some pretty dresses for the others to wear.
    " Serena said, smiling. Luna stretched and went to lay in her cat bed, purring and relaxing. Serena ate her snack and smiled.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    After she finished her praying at the fire, Rei went to her grandfather and nodded. "Yes, I think I found a rather beautiful dress to wear at the concert." She made herself a drink and sipped her cup.



    While being hidden among the people in the city, Kazari heard someone about a concert of Nintendo High music students happening and hid a smile. 'Maybe I should go and see if those music people have a strong desire for a Yummy.' He thought, buying a crepe and eating it as he disappeared among the crowds, with a good feeling if something unexpected happened, Zordon's heroes would appear.


    -Cid's Warehouse-

    Pulling out her straw, Cindy got up and went to get another bottle of Pepsi Max. As soon as she grabbed it and opened it, Cindy inserted the straw and grabbed a bag of chips, heading back to the TV and sitting down.


    -Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area-

    Elsa nodded, smiling while Anna just happily ate her chocolate. The two sisters were just happy that they were around people again and adjusting to causal conversation at the table.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel


    "No, I have enough." Harry said, paying the waiter and walking with the two. He stretched and breathed, walking with the two. Medic looked at him, "Thank you for the meal." "It's no problem." Harry said, looking at her. He thought, 'Gotta have to ask for some more later. And that'll mean explaining I skipped. I rather not face Mom and Mione's wrath compared but I'll have to explain it at some point.'


    -Tsukino House-

    "Hey, I'm home!" Serena called, stepping through the front door. Luna came up, meowing softly, Serena petted her softly and went into the kitchen. "Hey, mom, dad, Sammy, Rini." She poured herself a cup of milk and poured some into Luna's saucer, which Luna took a sip from.


    -Hino Family Shrine-

    "Grandpa, Chad, I'm back!" Rei called, stepping into the shrine and placing her dress on her bed. She changed into her shrine garb and went into the innermost room, then knelt and prayed to the fire, hoping that nothing bad would happen during the concert.


    -Remus' Home-

    While James and Sirius were out training, Lily was in her room, working on the two Drivers she had been making. She had locked her door to make sure no one came in unannounced while she was working.

    Remus nibbled on a piece of chocolate and circled the date of the 17th on the calendar as the date of the full moon, he thought, 'I need to make sure that I take the Wolfsbane soon for the day, it's Wednesday today and the full moon is on Sunday. I might have to find that boy, Harold, and talk with him about this.' Taking a piece of chocolate, he went out to find Harold.


    -Rainbow Line-

    While Right was happily stuffing his face with food and Haru was studying with Hikari just resting, Mio was helping Kagura get ready for the concert by helping her try on the dress she would be wearing for the event.


    -Kira's House-

    Kira strummed her guitar while Noah studied his homework, Jake was asleep, laying on the floor, Emma hummed and laying on Gia, Troy just sat on the porch and smiled, admiring the time with his friends.



    Michal just calmly ate while it seemed that Akira gave up on spying on Shintaro, Kiriko, Go, and Hikaru, he thought, 'It shouldn't be that surprising. Goto-san just wanted to spend time with a co-worker and people she knew.' He groaned and facepalmed as Akira took a breath and revealed himself, surprising Shintaro and Kiriko.


    -Cid's Warehouse-

    Cindy looked at Nick before turning to focus on the game, placing a straw in a bottle of Pepsi Max and sipping the soda. She had been with Cid for a long time and he taught her everything she knew about engines and working on them to fix them for their customers.


    -Demande's Ship - Dining Area-

    "Thank you, Nephrite." Elsa said, calmly using her silverware to cut her dessert into sizable pieces to eat. Anna smiled, "Aw yeah, chocolate! My favorite!" She scooped some of the chocolate and ate it, smiling. "Mmmm! Delicious!" "Now Anna, mind your manners." Elsa said.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Mar 2, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess Rapunzel


    Harry sipped his drink and breathed, taking out his Lockseed. Medic ate some of the food remaining on her plate and looked at the two boys, Harry took out his wallet and looked to see how much he had so he could pay for the meal.



    Finishing up their time in the gym, the three washed up and left the school, hoping to start the planning stages for Tommy and Kimberly's upcoming wedding. Thomas just smiled, happy that his brother had gotten the guts to ask and hoped that they would have a happy life together.



    While sipping his drink, Michal looked with Akira while Kiriko talked with Shintaro, Hikaru, and Go. He sweatdropped, thinking, 'Is it really so strange to see Goto-san having a meal with Shijima-san, her brother and her brother's friend?' Hikaru taught Kiriko and Shintaro some sign language so they could understand her when she used it, Go smiled, happy to know that his sister was learning something new.



    After looking around and finding dresses for those needed dresses, Serena waved goodbye and hoped to see them at the concert, cheering for Mina and Michiru to do well. Setsuna smiled and walked home with Michiru and Haruka, while the rest of the scouts walked to their respective homes.


    -Cid's Warehouse-

    Cindy stood and put her hand over her heart, listening to the anthem. She softly smiled, thinking about all the years she helped her grandfather and learning about what the engines and machines worked, making her the mechanic she was.


    -Demande's Ship - Dining Area-

    Elsa didn't want to think about war, so she simply sipped the cup of tea she had. Anna sipped her cup and quietly ate her food, looking at her sister. Regaining her composure, Elsa breathed and said, "Well, lets hope that nothing bad will happen."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    Character: Gentiana
    Description: Lunafreya's aide, Gentiana is a mysterious woman who stays at the Oracle's side. She is usually the one who gets groceries and supplies while Lunafreya stays at the house. Gentiana hopes that one day Lunafreya will be reunited with Prince Noctis and is willing to help her.
    Occupation: Aide
    Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy XV

    Name: Umbra
    Description: One of Lunafreya's dogs who acts as messenger between her and Noctis, he carries a red notebook within the cloth around his neck and is able to travel very long distances to reach Noctis without exhaustion as well to deliver the messages between the two. Umbra is close to his owner and a fellow dog she owns named Pryna.
    Occupation: Messenger/Pet
    Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy XV

    Name: Pryna
    Description: Another dog that Lunafreya owns, she stays by Lunafreya's side while Umbra goes out to deliver messengers between her owner and Prince Noctis. When she was a puppy, she tried to deliver a message between Lunafreya and Noctis, but got hurt. After she was cared for by a kindly stranger named Prompto, she returned to her owner and decided to stay by her owne as Umbra picked to deliver messages between the two.
    Occupation: Pet
    Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy XV
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 12, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Cafe in the Mall-

    Medic sipped her drink after finishing her food. Harry breathed, thinking, 'Sides, I know that Vulpix can be deadly. While it may be friendly, I know Hermione also trained it to protect her and her friends.' He sat in his chair and opened his phone, looking at a photo of him, his friends, and their respective Pokemon in the agency. He closed his phone and pocketed it, then looked at his Lockseed. He put it away and sipped his drink.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    While Hermione was doing her homework, Ron looked confused as Philip was looking at wedding planners and marriage books. Hermione said, "Don't mind Philip. When there's a subject that catches his eye, he needs to know everything about it before moving on to the next thing that interests him."


    -Abandoned Mansion-

    When DiZ noticed her, Namine bowed, saying, "Hello. I'm home." The two nodded, allowing her to enter the mansion. She didn't say anything and walked to the door, entering the messy and empty lobby. She walked up to her room and set her schoolbag on the table. She took out her sketchbook and looked through the sketches.



    "Thank you, sir." Tommy said, taking the letter. "It took a lot to ask her." "But we'll be really happy." Kimberly said, wiping her sweat with a towel after jumping off the balance beam. The two of them smiled at each other, but Thomas got in-between them. "Don't forget this guy." "Yeah, bro, we won't forget the best man." Tommy said, smiling and holding his brother's head. Kimberly smiled as he moved, she said, "Thanks again, sir. Everyone's been happy to hear the news."



    Akira dragged Michal into the restaurant and watched Shintaro give Kiriko the flowers as they sat at a table with Go and Hikaru. Go translated as Hikaru signed her orders and everyone made their orders. To fit in, Akira and Michal ordered food as well. Michal still felt bad that they were spying Shintaro while he was spending with a co-worker.



    The Scouts looked at the dress shops in the mall, looking to find dresses to wear for the concert. Setsuna also looked for a dress that suited Hotaru so she could come along and enjoy the music Michiru and Mina would make with the other music students.


    -Cid's Warehouse-

    "I don't see why." Cindy said, looking at her grandfather. "But no beer for me, boys. I don't do alcohol, never touched the stuff, never will." She took off her hat and put it on the hat rack, stretching. She knelt to BB-8, "Ready to watch some touchdowns, BB-8?"


    -Demande's Ship - Dining Area-

    "Never got to meet them cause of the closed gates." Elsa said, looking at them. Anna looked and said, "Wasn't Noctis engaged to a princess named Luna something?" "Lunafreya Nox Fleruet." Elsa said. "I have read about her. She's a oracle but I believe her kingdom was conquered and she managed to escape somewhere."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 5, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel
    Every time I saw a trailer since I saw the teaser, I have become hopefully of this movie. This movie has been one of my favorite Disney movies, and one of my favorite actresses is playing the lead role. It looks so good and I hope to see it when it comes out.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Feb 1, 2017 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  10. Princess Rapunzel


    Harry looked at Harold, sipping his drink. "I'm fine." He said. "I asked a friend to gather my homework from my afternoon classes. Sides, she is scarier than my parents." "I see." Medic said, looking at him. Harry opened his phone to check the time, he thought, 'They're probably on the way to the agency.'


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "Shotaro, we're back." Hermione said, entering the agency with Ron and Philip, the two Pokemon with them going to where they made rest places for themselves. Hermione and Philip sat down while Ron stretched and rubbed his hair.


    -Abandoned Mansion-

    Walking to the abandoned mansion she called home, Namine noticed her caretakers, the White Wizard and DiZ, standing out at the gate. She noticed DiZ wasn't wearing his bandage, revealing long light blond hair and a goatee, features of him she hadn't seen before. She kept quiet, watching them talk.



    The two brothers were practicing their martial arts while Kimberly did her gymnastics and breathed. The two brothers, Tommy and Thomas, fought each other, refining their fighting ability in case of a attack.



    Kiriko, Shintaro, Hikaru and Go arrived, Kiriko in her car, Shintaro on his motorbike, and Hikaru and Go in the Tridoron. When Kiriko saw Hikaru step out of the Tridoron, she glared at her younger brother, "Go...." Interveing, Hikaru began to sign with Go translating, "'Please, don't be mad at your brother. He didn't do anything to me if that was what you were thinking. When I fell asleep at my desk, he put me to bed and slept in the guest room.'" "Oh, okay," Kiriko said, suprised to find her brother's friend was deaf. Shintaro breathed, holding the bouquet and thinking of what to say to her.

    Hiding, Akira watched with a unwilling Michal, who was weeping that he was spying on his caretaker's friend.



    Serena looked through a dress shop with the other Scouts, Setsuna looked at the dresses and thought of the recent engagement she learned about. Rei noticed and asked, "What's up?" "Oh, Tommy and Kimberly recently got engaged." Setsuna said. "They haven't picked a date yet though." "Wow, they're engaged now?" Mina said, smiling. "That's so sweet."


    -Route 50-

    Cindy waved goodbye to Judy and smiled, kneeling to BB-8 to rub its dome head as it gave its lighter thumbs up. She headed back into the Falcon and went to the co-pilot seat, leaning back with her hat over her eyes.


    -Demande's Ship - Dining Area-

    "Thank you," Elsa said, looking at Saphir with a smile. "I had read that he was a wise and fair ruler. Though not sure about his son, Noctis." Anna ate her food.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel


    "Well, lets look around and see what there is." Harry said, taking his wallet to how much money he had and also took out his phone. He looked through his contacts and selected Hermione's contact number, sending her a text.

    Harry: Hey, Mione, can you cover for me in my afternoon classes?
    Hermione: Where are you? And why?
    Harry: I kinda skipped out on my second period class and not sure if I will make it to my afternoon classes. ><;;
    Hermione: Harry.... >:C
    Harry: I know! I'm sorry! I'll make up to you! Q_Q
    Hermione: Alright, you owe me for this.

    Harry looked frozen with a forced smile on his face, having a chill down his spine. 'I am so dead....' He thought.


    -Kai's House-

    Namine bowed at the people who Kairi introduced her to. She did feel a bit out of place but she tried to be nice and friendly. Namine tried to think of what to say to the White Wizard and DiZ.



    Hermione put her phone away and breathed, Vulpix hopped in her lap. Hermione petted the small fox Pokemon and Philip poked the sleeping Ron, trying to wake him up.


    -Milleunmium Falcon - Route 50-

    Cindy nodded, following her grandfather and BB-8 to escort Judy out of the ship. She took her hat off and rubbed her hair, smiling that she could help a officer.


    -Demande's Ship - Dining Area-

    "King Regis and Prince Noctis..." Elsa said, thinking. Anna looked at her sister and Elsa said, "I believe I heard of them. Haven't met them but I know some bits of them. It will be a honor to meet King Regis in person."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 16, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel


    Taking his glasses and putting them on, Harry said, "Not sure if he can get in since its so late in the semester. Harold would have to talk with Principal Mualim. But maybe, I can come and we can meet up. That is, if you two and are able to meet up." "Possibly." Medic said, turning red as she felt her stomach rumble. Harry smiled, "How bout we find a place to eat?"


    -Kai's House-

    Namine looked at her, her sketch now having symbols of light and darkness, bit of dark paths, stars, friends, wings of a angel and a devil. Turning red at her embarrassment, Namine went to eat some lunch.


    -Tokyo University - Iris' Dorm Room-

    Iris sat at her desk, thinking of what to write to her older brother. She tapped the paper with her pencil and thought, hoping her brother was okay out in the world.


    -Hikaru's Home-

    Mr. Belt watched as Hikaru worked on a outfit, adding to the cloth which she saw in her design sketch. One of the Shift Cars helped her and she kept a eye on the time for when she and Go would meet his sister.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru sat in the lab, reading his father's book while the Eyecons flew around. One of the Eyecons, Beethoven, asked if Takeru was sure about his new resident, Yuuki, Takeru thought and said, "Yeah, she should be fine. But I won't get her involved with you or what I'm doing."


    -Teacher's Table-

    Kimberly smiled while Tommy was embarrassed, Thomas looked at his brother and asked, "So, picked a date?" "No, it just took a lot to ask." Tommy said, rubbing his hair. Kimberly blushed, smiling. "We certainly have a lot of planning, but it would be great to have your support." "Just let us know what we can do to help." Billy said, nudging Dante.



    After finishing their lunch, Kira talked with her team while Right gulped down his milk and breathed. Haru talked with Hikari and Kagura while Mio thought about the concert later on. Koyomi softly ate her lunch and looked at everyone who were in their own groups.



    Hermione sat with Philip, reading a book with him. Ron was asleep with Mew on his lap and Vulpix laid at its trainer's feet.


    -Lunafreya's Home-

    After waving goodbye to a person who visited her for healing, Lunafreya picked up a small red book and held it close. 'Noct, hope you are okay.' She thought.


    -Millennium Falcon-

    "Got it, gramps." Cindy said, smiling at her grandfather and gently stirred the ship to land it next to the biker gang. She went to Judy and nodded, "All yours, officer."


    -Demande's Ship-

    "Thank you, Saphir." Elsa said, sitting in her chair. Anna smiled, thanking Hans as she sat down. The two sisters closed their eyes to give thanks for the food before beginning to eat.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 11, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Kai's House-

    Namine listened to them and thought for a moment, softly beginning to sketch on the page. She sketched, focusing on her drawing and not looking at the people in the room.


    -Teacher's Table-

    Tommy and Kimberly went to the teacher's table, Tommy rubbing his hair in embarrassment as they approached. Fang smiled when she saw the ring on Kimberly's finger. She slyly smiled at Tommy and said, "So you finally did it, huh?" "Please, don't ask." Tommy said, looking away from her. Kimberly was embarrassed as well while Thomas smiled at his brother's happiness and Billy congratulated him with Setsuna, Fang just thought of news ways to tease him.

    Dante groaned, wishing he could have a beautiful girl to himself and the others at the table just kept quiet.



    Serena smiled, eager to go shopping with her friends to get dressed for that night. She happily ate her lunch, Rei smiled and ate her lunch, Ami read one of her textbooks. Jake imagined what Gia would look like in a dress as well as Emma and Kira, but the three girls ignored him and talked with Troy and Noah.

    The ToQgers just ate and talked with each other. Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten just ate their lunch and talked about attending the concert that night.



    Philip talked with Hermione who petted her Vulpix on her lap while Ron leaned back and rested with Mew. The librarian and the student talked about what to do at the agency and what to do with Shotaro to help get more cases.


    -Millennium Falcon-

    Sitting next to her grandfather, Cindy smiled and kept a look out. "Yahoo!" She shouted happily, looking at the view of the city from the sky.


    -Demande's Ship-

    Elsa and Anna came into the room, holding hands so Anna couldn't wander off and get lost in excitement. The two sisters bowed, Anna waved, "We're here!" "Yes, hope we didn't make you all wait long." Elsa said, the two sisters letting go of their hands and walking to their seats.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jan 7, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel


    "I know, but it wasn't school problems I have on my mind." Harry said, rubbing Riolu's head. "It's a bit more personal. And I'm sure if I explain, they might be lenient, it's my first class cutting classes. My father was much wilder." Riolu looked between Harry and Harold, taking off his glasses and hopped down. Medic smiled, "Maybe you can help him." "I don't know." Harry said, scratching his cheek.


    -Kai's House-

    "Um, thank you for having me." Namine said, finding a place to sit and opening her sketchbook. She began to sketch a image of two people standing back to back, the two people looking similar to each other but their eyes covered by their hair. Namine thought of what to add in order to show the difference between the two people.


    -Teacher's Table-

    Fang looked around and wondered if she should visit Vanille during this hour. Sirius sipped some of his drink while tried some of the lunch Remus made for him. Dante laid back while Setsuna wondered if she had a dress suited for Hotaru that she could wear at the concert.



    Jake tried to imagine the girls in the dresses they would wear and got punched by Gia. Serena smiled, hoping that Mina and Mirichiru would do great with everyone. Mio ate and smiled, listening to her teammates.



    Hermione smiled as Philip enjoyed the lunch she perpared, Ron just ate his lunch and watched the Pokemon have their food to eat and wondered where Harry was.


    -Tommy and Kimberly-

    Tommy held Kimberly on his lap and kept quiet, Kimberly noticed and asked, "What's wrong?" "Kimberly...." Tommy started, holding out his hand and revealed the ring, "would you be willing to become part of my family? Have us make our own unique team?" While she kept quiet for a moment, Tommy thought he messed up and but she held his hand and smiled, "Yeah, lets make our own unique team."


    -Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Outside the Millennium Falcon-

    "Aw, thanks for the offer, little guy." Cindy said, leaning down to BB-8. "I suppose I could in case gramps needs help on the Falcon. He can't be the only one on board in case something happens." She stood and stretched before going to board the ship.


    -Demande's Ship-

    Elsa sat on the bed and had the parchment out, wondering to write to Harold or not. She undid her braid and looked out the window, wondering what to do.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel

    -Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Outside the Millennium Falcon-

    "Should be ready to go." Cindy said, looking at her grandfather. "I made sure the old girl was good to go on the inside and everything worked. I will admit, the Falcon was a bit of a challenge but nothing too hard."


    -Tokyo University-

    "Oh, thanks." Iris said, watching Marius take Brock away. Hikaru walked to the Tridoron, holding the bag that hid Mr. Belt as Go wanted to take some photos somewhere else for a while and Eiji went to work with Hina. She watched Marius drag Brock away and remembered defending them from Team Rocket. She looked at the Shift Brace and her communicator, she went and entered the Tridoron, getting ready to leave.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru sat on the pouch of the temple, letting Yuuki get settled into her room. He crossed his legs and put his hands on his lap, closing his eyes and mediating.


    -Teacher's Table-

    Thomas wondered where his brother was while Fang began to eat, Dante happily ate while Billy just ate calmly. Setsuna just calmly ate her lunch while Yami noted Vergil was gone and Sirius still wondered where Eiji was. Lockon and Tieria just ate quietly.



    Kira ate with her team, eating and talking about their plans for the concert, Jake, Troy, Gia, and Noah promising to support their music type members. Jake tried to be very supportive but Gia calmed him down. Seiya ate with Taiki and Yaten, smiling, while Serena ate with her friends. The ToQgers ate together at the table. Ryotaro smiled and ate his lunch.



    Philip noted that Harry wasn't around when Hermione and Ron joined him with their lunch and wondered if everything was okay with him while Ron began to eat and Hermione fed the two Pokemon with them.


    -Tommy and Kimberly-

    Tommy smiled as Kimberly set a private area for them to have their lunch, he held a simple ring in his hand and tried to figure how to ask her the big question as well if she was ready.



    Namine received the text from Kairi and wasn't sure about who she wanted her to meet. Holding her sketchbook, Namine headed out and looked for Kairi.



    Walking though the city, Alice sighed and ondered why she accepted Yuri into her home. She even wondered it was even okay for him to be around since he didn't do anything but she didn't want to upset Blanca.


    -Demande's Ship-

    "Thank you, Saphir." Elsa said, smiling at him. "I'll be fine for the moment, but I'll call just in case." She turned to enter but hugged him and smiled, before entering her room.

    "Okay." Anna said, smiling. She entered her room and jumped on the bed, smiling at how comfortable it was.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Outside the CyberSpace Cafe-

    As Shintaro sat on his bike, grabbing his helmet to head off, Kiriko smiled and said, "Can't wait to spend some time with you." "Yeah." Shintaro said, putting his helmet on and riding off as she drove in her car.



    "Oh, right." Harry said, realizing that his face was covered when Harold restored Ron's senses. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Medic asked, Harry rubbed his hair, "Sort of have a lot on my mind, I left school so I could gather my thoughts. I'm sure my parents will go crazy when they learn I skipped classes." Harry smiled as Riolu snuggled close to him.


    -Millennium Falcon-

    Cindy, Cid's granddaughter, was working on the Falcon, to help her grandfather with what she could. When she heard people, Cindy smiled and moved her goggles, before tipping her hat. "Howdy there, I'm Cindy, Cid's grease-monkey granddaughter. Just doing some work here on the Falcon."



    Fang smiled as the game started, taking the football and heading to the opposing 'goal post'. But Tommy came in and took the ball, heading to her team's 'goal post', seeing her come up behind him. He tossed it to someone on his team.


    -Tokyo University-

    Iris hummed as she headed to her room so she could write to her older brother, Gladiolus, and cuddle with her moogle toy. She smiled and happily walked through the campus.


    -Lunafreya's Home-

    Lunafreya closed her eyes and rested on a chair, sitting in her home on the outskirts of the city. She looked at the city and hoped that everyone was going okay.


    -Prince Demande's Ship-

    "Thank you, Saphir." Elsa said, smiling as she wrapped her hands around his arm, Anna smiled and followed Demande to the cabin she would be in.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel
    Time to take two lovely young ladies with a a third cute girl.

    Name: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
    Description: A young former princess, Lunafreya is a oracle and a refugee hiding in Japan. She lives on the outskirts of the city, aiding those who come by to ask for her help. While she believes in the Christian faith, she does not go near the Tokyo Cathedral, fearing Frollo and what he would do to her. Lunafreya also has the ability to heal, which she uses if someone comes to her injured.
    Occupation: Oracle
    Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy XV

    Name: Cindy Aurum
    Description: Described as 'Cid's grease-monkey granddaughter', Cindy is a young mechanic who lives and works at her grandfather's work shop. She has many admired, if not for her skill with a wrench, more so for her appearance. Cindy is friendly, tomboy-ish, and willing to help those who need her mechanic skills.
    Occupation: Mechanic
    Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy XV

    Name: Iris Amicitia
    Description: Iris is a young college student who attends Tokyo University, she often writes to her older brother, Gladiolus, who is away and hopes to see him again. Iris is friendly, studious, and often helps the other students on campus, offering to give tours of the school. She is a bit tough but also a bit childish, having a large Moogle toy.
    Occupation: College Student
    Series the Character is from: Final Fantasy XV
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 15, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel

    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    Hayley nodded, calling the police. Kiriko, Shintaro, and a few police came, examining the scene. Kiriko questioned Hayley while Shintaro and the other police gathered evidence on the scene. After finishing questioning Hayley, Kiriko said, "Thanks, Miss Zitkor. We'll do what we can."



    "This Riolu is rather special," Harry said, smiling as Riolu hopped onto his shoulder and gave his lockseed back. "It somehow knows Aura Sphere. I don't know how it knows that move as a Riolu. But I don't mind and when his friendship with me is high enough, it will evolve into a Lucario. My friends have some cool Pokemon." Harry rubbed Riolu's head and looked at Medic, she was looking curious. He said, "I guess Riolu thought the Aura of this guy was the same as mine."


    -Nintendo High: Modern History Class-

    While Dante was teaching with Billy, Right was looking bored, having his notebook open while trying to balance his pen on his mouth.


    -French Class-

    Hermione wrote down notes while Sirius taught the lesson. Mio studiously took notes while Haru tried to take notes and looked confused.


    -Drama Class-

    Kuja taught his class with his usual dramatics while Hinako wrote notes on the board. Hikari wrote notes on the lesson and kept quiet, thinking,.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna looked over the formulas and smiled, she reached into her pocket and felt her Lip Rod.



    'No kidding.' Tommy thought, putting his hair up in a ponytail. 'The White Ranger, user of the White Tiger Zord and Saba, against Kamen Rider Kurokage, a pinecone themed fighter who uses a spear.' Fang smiled and picked her team, then Tommy picked his team. Fang had a cat-like smile while Tommy sweatdropped.


    -Music Class-

    Emma stretched and breathed, she thought, 'Kira and I have been working hard with everyone, so we need to make sure that everything goes well.'


    -English Class-

    Gia and Kagura focused on their reading, keeping quiet and listening to the assigned reader. Gia thought about the concert that night and hoped her friends did well.



    "Yes." Elsa said, nodding and walking with Anna. She looked back and hoped that Jecht was going to be okay by himself while she was gone. Thinking, Elsa decided maybe to use the paper Harold gave her to talk with him and see how he was doing.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Dec 2, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel

    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    Hayley was just surprised as she watched her cafe get saved by a customer and breathed, regaining her senses. She wasn't expecting what just happened and smiled, "Well, that was very interesting."


    -Modern History Class-

    Sitting up from his desk, Dante began his lesson for the day and discussed the lesson while Billy wrote the summarized version on the board. Right listened to the lesson, trying to look interested in what he was learning.


    -French Class-

    Sirius began the lesson and without Eiji, wrote down what he had planned for the lesson. Hermione wrote down notes as did Mio, Haru listened to the lesson, adjusting his glasses as he watched Sirius teach.


    -Drama Class-

    Once class started, Kuja did his lesson of talking about the government and the monarchy in Hamlet, Hikari took notes in his notebook while Hinako wrote on the board.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna smiled and was happy to see everyone studying hard for the test that would be coming up soon. She stretched and wondered how the others were doing in their classes.



    "Hey, Tommy, I have a great idea!" Fang said, a fire in her eyes as Tommy looked at her. "What?" "You against me, we pick our teams." Fang said, smiling. Tommy sweatdropped, asking, "Are you sure?" "Come on, its better than sitting on the side." Fang said.


    -Music Class-

    Emma hummed, managing to stop with everyone. She thought, 'It's gonna be fun, playing with Kira. Though I prefer helping Kira make her music.' She breathed.


    -English Class-

    Gia read the chapter while Kagura followed her finger along to read it, the two keeping quiet so Xion could read the chapter aloud. Gia thought about what to wear to the contest to support Kira and Emma.



    Medic breathed when suddenly Riolu hopped on her lap, looking at her while holding Harry's lockseed. Harry ran up and caught his breath, then picked up Riolu. "Sorry about that. Don't know what got into him." Harry said, Medic said, "It's alright...." She looked between Harry and Harold, noting the similarities between them. Harry also noticed Harold and thought, 'It's the person who brought Ron back to his senses.'


    -Takeru & Yuuki-

    Takeru smiled as he walked Yuuki to the temple, her new home with him, Onari, and the others who worked at the temple. He thought about how to handle his duty as Ghost while having Yuuki at the temple.


    -Tokyo University-

    Eiji smiled as he and Go helped Hikaru and Hina get fabric for their design ideas to make them real. He tried to help with what they can get, Go felt a bit embarrassed, as he carried Mr. Belt while helping them.


    -Remus' Home-

    Remus worked on making the wolfsbane for the month, he thought, 'While this is the only way I know to handle it, maybe I should ask someone for help. But who?' Meanwhile, Lily was in her room, working on something, having a Pocky stick in her mouth.



    Grabbing their dresses, the two sisters bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, King Candy." Elsa said, looking at him. "I promise to keep my powers in check this time."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 21, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel

    -Moon Kingdom CyberSpace Cafe-

    "Coming right up, sir." Hayley said, quickly brewing the coffee. After she poured it into a cup, she placed it in front of the new costumer, "Here you are."



    While walking to her second period class, Namnie held her sketchbook close and kept to herself.


    -Modern History Class-

    Dante waved while Billy smiled, "Hi there, Riku." He waved at the other students who came in while Dante sat at his desk, relaxing for the moment. He stretched and leaned back.


    -French Class-

    Sirius waved at the students who came into the classroom while wondering where Eiji was. Hermione sat at her desk while Mio went to hers, Haru sat down at his desk.


    -Drama Class-

    "Ah, Mister Goof, hello." Kuja said, looking at him. Hikari was already at his desk, reading his textbook while Hinako hummed, waving at the students.


    -Advanced Calculus Class-

    Setsuna waved at students and stretched, smiling at see who was coming in. She stood next to her accompanying teacher's desk.



    Fang stretched while Tommy set on cones and set out footballs. She looked at her TA and sat on the belches while he worked on the gym assignment.


    -Music Class-

    Emma entered the music room, humming as she went to her seat. She hoped that this final practice would be worth all the months that they had been practicing.


    -English Class-

    Gia and Kagura got out their books, Kagura smiled and sat at her desk. Gia went to her desk and opened her book, going to the assigned chapter.



    "Maybe." Medic said, looking out while being confused about what he meant. "I'm not sure if people will accept my ability though, or believe it."


    -Sidewalk, pt. 2-

    While Harry walked on the side, Riolu sensed something and took his Donguri Lockseed, before running off somewhere. Harry gasped and ran after his Pokemon.



    Elsa and Anna walked up to them, Elsa bowed, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Needed to double check everything would be fine while we were gone."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home