first 12 seconds.
Bill Bailey > all your posh git comedians
I see xD and good.
It's cheating to make a music video from a giant music video.
Change it into a better currency.
It's why your fridge is empty.
Sonic Generations and Gears of War 3. The lesser of two and a half evils. Sonic is a pretty interesting game and sounds like it'll be entertaining for any Sonic fans, so if you're into Sonic I recommend you get it. I'm not into Gears or Halo (in fact I don't like them at all) but Gears of War 3 is a better game than Halo infinitely.
With the usb drive in his hand changing into a weapon he began to attack the Bots that assaulted him and a few others who where also armed. While fighting them off with the sword that was now in his hands he tried to think of a quicker and less dangerous way to beat them so that he wouldn't be injured during a dragged out fight with them. A few slashes for each took them down but it was still too long for a fight. If he got something wrong for even a moment he could mean an injury or worse.
If it's like Digimon Battle but not a complete pain in the backside to get more Digimon I'll definitely be interested. I hope the servers aren't like somesort of American only thing. A lot of MMO's I've tried where like that and it kills the fun. Either way, I only got half way through Savers so I'd probably just go with Agumon or Gaomon since their pretty badass (and Yoshino's Digimon was lame and failed all the time until it got to Mega). I hope they have some pretty awesome Digimon in there. There was quite a lack of Digimon in Digimon Battle when I played it. The only ones that interested me in that where two of the starters and about two of the wild ones.
Whoever rolls higher on a D-20 or is a ten year old playing with their much older siblings before the shit hits the fan and someone buys Mayfair.
WMG: Fayt dies 2nd.
It would be a good day for fruit and veg sales.
Spdude's heroic sacrifice against the DBE by transferring his power level, spiral energy and mayor's key to Tienewman day.
A thunder stone.
Weird coincidence when I play Disgaea 3 today and then there's a thread about it-ish.
I've had a swarm of infant relatives appear while I was watching Kamen Rider. As a kid my parents would watch some anime and kid shows with me, I ended up not watching some of them because of them taking the piss out of the dubbed lines as they say it. One of the four things I remember about Masked Rider.
No. Advertising only applies to advertising for websites and stuff.
OOC: I was actually planning to have 001 open up his defence for a teamwork combo attack to incapacitate my character. I'll be disappearing in a few days for a bit so it would be easier for everyone if my cyborg was out of commision for a while lol. Plus I want to pull some tropes :lolface: BIC: Instead of letting himself be grabbed by his opponents attack he grabbed his opponent by his arms and pushed back. θθ7 was built for the purpose of taking out single cyborgs and had purposely been given his strength to fight better with 001, but it left him with many disadvantages to his design such as his lack of ranged attacks and his slower speed than the average cyborg. θθ7 pushed back against the strength and weight of 001 but with the damage from earlier and an undiscovered joint shift from the explosion caused by 004 earlier he was unable to out put full power leaving him easily matched with 001's strength and unable to utilize his other weaponry. His stuggle for overpowering his opponent however, left him wide open to attacks from others. OOC: Cue barrage of attacks :lolface:
Have a Red Bull.