*SHINING That burning god.
Turtleous likeous. I can be an Harry Potter.
Could be worse. No one understands my theories, or says they're wrong then uses them for themselves and then it's later to be proven canonically right. I'd like to have some more explanation of the history of Keyblades and Keyblade Wielders in the future games since Terra, Aqua and Ven are pretty much the last true class holding to the old ways of the force before Luke Sorawalker takes over and Mickey Mouse starts reading the bible and starts writing the New New Testament.
I don't remember being knighted.
I've finally caught up. The suspense of what things are and the situations of the characters spread about KHV is very luring. Chop, chop. Moar chapters. I'm also interested to see how the bots work in this story. Whether they are a mass of murderous drones or just the ones we've seen are simply the standard drone and that there are more and crazier types of droids.
I got Peeta. I'm only on chapter 4 of the book so I've only just seen him myself.
I only have one nerf gun, I can't be a herder *shot*
. >:
Except in KH canon Leon is clearly hooked up with Aerith. And even in FFVII Aerith isn't Cloud's love interest. Anywho, I actually hoped they'd add more FF characters in to be honest. I was disappointed with how they made Vivi into a bag of crap in KH2 so I'm hoping they don't screw up more characters that way. It'd be nice to see some less recognised characters running around, especially from the earlier games. The earliest one we have is a single character from FFVI.
Okay. And I think I've got you on msn (?) so it'd be easier that way if she sends anything else. I wouldn't have noticed this message if I didn't...
I prefer the two green and yellow and first black and yellow colour schemes for your tri-force balls. I've barely played any Zelda games so these stand out the most for me, but I'm sure LoZ fans would see it differently. Of course, it could also depend on what game they first played for the scheme they might prefer. But from a non-LoZ player (except that one time) I'd say the last two and first one stand out more for my knowledge of what the tri-force is.
There is also card games as opposed to card video games.
I saw the Berry movie when it came out. I regret it. I actually was more entertained watching the people who fell asleep in the cinema. Anywho, I hope that's not her costume, or at least it's just a "starter" costume for the early part of the movie or something. It just looks like Princess Diaries on motorcycles.
Welcome to KHV?
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE- I mean, yeah, cool. I can hang out with you guys. It's this weekend? Well, at least she's able to be social again...