This is a little quiz I found while poking around the internet. I think it's somewhat accurate. Anyway, try it out for yourself. This was my result: Swan (your score: 24) Owl (your score: 21) Hawk (your score: 20) Horse (your score: 19) Spider (your score: 13) Otter (your score: 13) Cougar (your score: 13) Crow (your score: 12) Fox (your score: 12) Wolverine (your score: 11) Bear (your score: 7)
Well, sor far it's a headless and footless drawing I made on Paint, but I suck when it comes to those things, so I'm going to leave it as is for now. I just want to know how it looks so far. Oh, and I had ho idea which section to put this thing. CnC?
So I was playing multiplayer on Halo 2 by mysef (I was checking out a map to learn where all the weapons were), and I'm going across the map in a Ghost. The second I get out of the Ghost, my guy instantly dies and the screen say "Killed by The Guardians". Wtf, man?
I'm gone for one day, and this **** happens?! Who took it to go partying? Hmm? Because they don't do this to themselves, y'know! Who the hell was drunk sailing?
I have to wake up this morning only to find out my wisdom teeth are already pushing. Now I have to set up a dentists appointment, bare with the pain until the appointed date, then have the jackass pull my teeth out of my face. I really hate the morning --_--'
So, I was running to my bus stop this morning because I almost missed the bus, and just when the bus was about to leave, the street light goes red just long enough for me to get on board. When I look in the bus, there are playing cards scattered ALL OVER THE PLACE. So I go over to my usual seat, and what's sitting there face-up lying right in the middle of my seat? Ace of Spades, babeh! felt great =D
Litterally. This is not for the stuck-up, weak-minded, easily disturbed, or anyone for that matter. *linkage*
Okay, so this is a little segment I call Match-Up Mash Up. Every week, I'm going to pick two anime/videogame characters and throw them into the ring. The winner is whoever gets the most votes. In the red corner, we have the insane ex-pirate, breakdance-kicking bad-ass from Samurai Champloo: Mugen. In the blue corner, we have the insane, megalomaniac whose name is just as frightening as his character from Cowboy Bebop: Vicious. Let's Get Ready To RUUUUUUUUUBLLLLLLLLLE!! Note: There's a link to a picture of them their names, if it helps.
You know, the "View User Notes" button is pretty hard to notice.......I'd know.....I didn't see it 'till today >_>
According to my rescent studies.... 364. I kid you not. Tuesdays are like one big hangover to me. That and I love Tootsie pops...... Heheheheh. You were expecting a silly pic or video, weren't you?
Okay, I made my first signature, and I'm pretty happy with this considering I used Paint. CnC please
Now if only we could convince him that Vader isn't a big black fire hydrant >_>
Now they're all sitting in my room, in front of my TV, exchanging death threats and yelling with each other. They're so precious when they're trying to kill each other <3 I swear to God, I can't stand kids >_>
This morning, at around 7:40 AM, Much Music (A Canadian version of MTV) showed their audience a clip from Cloverfield. Right after the clip, one of the hosts, Leah Miller, puked on the spot. Beforehand, they said that Cloverfield is a strong movie that can cause motion sickness. I don't have a link, and YouTube has failed me in terms of a video, but it happened this morning, so I can't really blame them.
Rosey had definetly told the truth. They made what looked like half a day's trip in just a few short hours. Jube's definetly suited him: It was a dark, worn out looking place where all the marble on the floor was a disgusting pale gray, crimson curtains over looking the giant mural windows and a red carpet with a worn out gold lining around it was sailing across the neverending hallway. This was practically a place fitted for Dracula. Spike checked to see if everything was in check. He walked up to Shadowjak, looking a bit concerned. "You seem to have been here longer than us, can you give us a bit of info?" Shadowjak nodded as he walked forward along the old carpet. "Well, first thing: There's definetly a lot more spammers here. This is like a flame war manifested into one builiding. Second: this place may look worn down and old, but there are a helluva lot of machines and traps on the lower levels. If you want to make it outof here alive, I suggest you keep a sharp eye out on every direction. you never know when something will just pop out of nowhere." Spike nodded when he suddenly felt a sharp stinging pain on the side of his neck. he started coughing blood as he fell to his knees. Shadowjak pulled out his gun and pointed it at Spike, but CtR moved his gun away from him. When the pain settle, Shadowjak offered him a lift up. "Third thing: Once your one of them, it's every man for himself." , he said with an irritated look. Spike kept his hand on his neck and shook his head. He pulled out his handgun and loaded. He cocked the barell and walked up to CtR. "Thanks", he said with a nod. he walked ahead of everyone else and went further down the hallway. Then, looking irritated himself, he turned around toi the rest of the group. "Anyone want to pick a door?" All along the hallway, there were several doors. Any of them could've led to anywhere in the castle, and since it was indeed such a big castle, picking a door required some thought. Shadowjak walked ahead of Spike, looking skeptical. "Okay, we're going to need to think carefully about this.......I say that one.'' He pointed at a door and walked straight up to it. Spike nodded and followed. CtR just shook her head and sighed. Shadowjak tried to push the door, but it was budged. Je turned around to Spike and waved at him to get over thee. "Come on, help me open this." Spike walked up to the door and started pushing it with Shoadowjak. The door was slowly opening, but in the back there was the sound of gears grinding. CtR was slowly backing, a big shadow going over her. "um, guys? We have a bit of a situation, here." They turned around and saw a wave of spammers coming up to them. Spike pulled out his gun and went in front of CtR. Shadowjak did the same. With a grin, Shadowjak fired on one of them. "Whoever beats the most wins?" Spike looked at him surprisngly, then smirked. "You're on." As they were running up to them, Spike and Shadowjak shot them down. One of them grabbed Spike by the shoulder, but Shadojak shot it's arm off. Then, Spike kicked it as it fell to the ground. They all seemed to be coming from some hidden stairs that opened up on the floor in the far end of the room. The best idea would be to close it off and limit their numbers. Spike looked around, and there was also a torch in front of that platform that kind of tipped. That must've been the lever. Spike backed up to Shadowjak. "Cover me. I'm going in." Shadowjak nodded as he kept firing at the Spammers. Spike ran through them, kicking them aside and shooting them out of his way. He lifted his foot onto the shoulder of a tall spammer and jumped up. He reached for the lever and grabbed it, pulling it upwards. When he dropped down, the stairs in the floor was closing up again, crushing the Spammers that only made it halfway. Spike picked up a flash grenade from his belt and tossed it into the pile of remaing spammers. After shooting them down, he walked up to Shadowjak and CtR. It looked like they were all gone. Trying to catch his breath, Spike put his hand over his rib. "Fifty. I got Fifty of them." Shadowjak nodded and clapped an applaud. As he walked last Spike he turned around and chuckled. "Fifty-two. Still, you're not that bad." He gave him a pat on the back and chuckled gain/ Spike, looking irritated, kicked the door and it flew open. They all quickly turned around and looked at where the stairs had opened last time, but it stayed shut. Spike sighed and waved over to them to follow. "Come on, let's go to the next the room."
Okay, so I'm writing a story for English class, and I need a good name for the main character. What do you think would be a witty name for someone who takes on multiple identities? Just so we're clear, I mean First name and Last name.
I know I needed to buy a new house phone, but wtf's up with this? I have never heard a phone with a higher-pitch ring. The worst part is..........this son of a ***** was plugged in right next to my bed ;_;
Spike went into the sewer first to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous waiting inside. The sewers were a damp and disgusting place. The smell of sewage in the air was so potent that smelling it would make you feel like you were going to puke in a moment's notice. Spike waved his gun around, but nothing was in the room. Besides for the 'pungent aroma', there wasn't really anything dangerous. However, when Spike turned around to get Catch the Rain, a 4 green specs of light appeared on the ceiling..... Spike stepped outside the sewer pipe and waved at CtR to come in. "It's safe. Come on." She took his hand and he pulled her up. The minute she stepped inside, she yelled and held her nose. "This place is disgusting! Are you sure this is the only way in?" Spike turned around to give her a restless look then turned around to keep walking. Stepping on the ground here was no pic-nic, either. There was some kind of slime paved all over the floor that made it feel like you were walking through the flipped lid of a honey jar. But the strangest thing about this place was the setting: There were jail cell doors on the wall of every hallway, making this place look like some kind of small prison. Spike saw a barrel in one of the cells and walked in to see if anything useulk was in there. He shot the barrel open and found a box of shotgun shells. When he put them in his shotgun, someething rapidly jumped down on his back and started clawing at him. He yelled and tried to shake it off CtR ran to the cell and saw Spike randomnly flailing around and yelling. "Spike, what are you doing?" He ran backwards and hit his bck on the wall to get whatever was on his back off. When he felt it getting off, a giant Locust-like creature faded in. it had glowing green eyes, but unlike most Locusts, this thing was huge! About the size of a Sheepdog. CtR screamed when it lunged at her, but Spike shot it away with his shotgun. It started twitching as it hit the ground, then finally stopped. Spike was breathing heavily, trying to piece together what just happened. "What the **** was that! Did Rosey know about this when she told me to come here?....." He wanted to think about it more, but he could hear buzzing coming from around the place. He looked around to see what was causing it, but there was nothing there. however, when he looked closely, he could see what looked like green glowing eyes on the walls and ceiling. He put his shotgun away and pulled out his rifle. He shot one of the pairs of glowing eyes and another giant locust fell dead. he smirked when he realized this then continued to fire on the rest of them. He waved his arm over to CtR again as he continued down the hallway. "Come on, we're going to have to ht and run for this.'' As he walked down the hallwy, more and more Locusts were showing up. He pulld out his shotgun again and fired at the groups. If he was going to get out alive, he had to hit as many as he could. He nudged his head toward the hallway and ran, CtR following behind him. Spike could see a wooden door across the room they just walked into, but it was submerged under 28 feet of water. Spike kicked the ground in frustration and kept shooting the hordes of locusts that were puring into the room. He looked around, then spotted a lever behind a window. He threw his handgun to CtR and pointed at the window. "Get in there and pull that lever. i'l stay back here and try to kepp them from getting in." CtR nodded and ran down the hallway that led to the lever. Things got quieter the further she walked down the hallway. She held the gun close and carefully stepped towards the door. When she went to put her hand in the lever, a locust jumped down the ceiling. Surprised, she yelled and started shooting at it. It lunged at her, but she kicked it when it got close. She looked at the mess it made out of her shoes and stuck er tongue out in disgust. She opened the door and walked up to the lever. It seemed pretty old and rusty and it would'nt budge. She kept pulling and pulling until it finally started turning. From outside, the water went down a drain at the bottom of the floor. Spike gave her a thumbs up from outside the window and proceeded to get to the ladder. She ran back to the room where Spike was and followed him down the stairs. When CtR walked in, Spike slammed the door in front of the hundreds of locusts outside, then locked it tight. When he turned around, there was a locusts inside that jumped at Spike, but it then fell dead on thr ground a few inches away from his head. Looking back to where the bug was shot from, Spike spotted Shadowjak. He smirked and nodded at him in gratitude. "Didn't think i'd see you again. Where do you keep popping out from?", he asked. Shadojak shrugged and looked towards the hallway. "Hey, I guess you're just lucky....Anyway, take a look around here." Spike raised his eyebrow and looked in the room. It was a bright room with a red gold-rimmed carpet going down the hallway, yet the marble on the floors were a pale grey. There was definetly no doubt about it: They were in Jube's castle. TO BE CONTINUED.....