I love that man T.T
That someday I can live in a society where I can bring a pillow with me on the metro and not be judged harshly... My neck hurts something fierce ;~~~~~;
I always knew that everybody gets at least one divine moment in their lives, and that it's supposed to open the door to a higher understanding of the self. What do I get? Me: zzzzzzzzzzzzz.......O_o What's going on? God: You know, you're supposed to be the biggest ******* on the face of the Earth. Me: O_O well, I hope THAT was worth having an old guy dunk me naked into a pot of water as an infant >:\
I was just frowning over how many people left and 2 of them just came back. Now THAT'S convenient d_n__n_b
In a train, there's a Canadian, a hot blonde, a fat chick and an American. When the train gets into a dark tunnel, they hear a slapping noise. When they get out of the tunnel, the American had a slap mark on his face. The fat chick thinks "That American probably grabbed that blonde girl and she slapped him." The blonde think "That American must've tried to grab me, but grabbed the fat chick instead, so she slapped him." The American thinks "That Canadian must've grabbed that blonde chick, but she thought it was me, so she slapped me." The Canadian thinks "I can't wait 'till we get in another tunnel so I can hit that American again."
This is just a rant I'm putting down for my own stress-relief. I don't expect anyone to pay any significant attention to it, and i'd rateryou didn't. I am NOT an attention whore, I just wanted to get this piece of **** off my mind once and for all because my brain's been spewing complaints for as long as I can remember. There is absolutely NOTHING to do. Sure, the weather's warm, sun's out and you have cute little critters running amuck and frolicking as they damn well please. BUT, here I am, with nothing to do for 3 weeks, AND I CAN'T EVEN GO TO BAND REHEARSALS BECAUSE I BLEW MY ****IN' ARM OFF!! And what's this I hear about them hiring a substitute guitarist? Those whores! Another thing, everyboy's out with their summer jobs, working every day a week, while I've been spending my weekdays sitting around the house, eating PB and J sandwiches all through out the week. I've got absolutely NO ONE to talk to because they're either working or on vacation. Don't get me wrong, I have a job too, but I made it so that I work just on the weekends, because I at least CONSIDERED the fact that a friend might want to hang out sometime during the week. But nooooooooo, "Let's get jobs and work the whole week sohe can sit and rot like a moron! XDDDDDDDD". Nobody even comes to say hi anymore ;___; LOL Here you have people talking about all kinds of crisises that might inflict the world, yet here I am, ranting about how dull this season is. Eh, sorry about that folks, just needed to get that out of my system. I doubt yelling this at my cat's woul help any.
Anyone missed me? (and don't lie, since you all obviously have) Okay, promise not to blow myself up again. Can't guarantee it won't happen by accident, though ._.
Funny story, really. It started storming outside while I was playing guitar (so I didn't notice the rain) with my window open. Now, the back end of my Amp faces the window, and when I went to adjust it, well,......BOOM. This kinda sucks for me in a lot of ways. Why don't I out them in point form? =D 1- My hand looks likes it was jammed into a paper shredder (don't worry, fingers are there, they're just.....really dark red) 2- I've been typing this with my left hand and a pencil I have in my mouth 3-I have the damn exams this week 4-My hand itches under these cold thermal bandages D:> 5-My guitar will be very lonely for the next little while V_V 6-I will be leaving you until my hand heals Moral of the day: Every artist suffers for his/her work Keep on keeping on~
Provided you don't quit, of course. I'm not too sure for myself, but I'll sure have my name changed back by then. xD
OKAY! Since I obviously can't trust myself with getting a descent name change, some suggestions would be nice. This is also my 3rd and last name change, so it has to be a good one.
He is no longer here!! However, in my signature, within my heart, HE CONTINUES TO LIVE ON!! DIGGING A HOLE TO PIERCE ALL COMMON SENSE!! Even in a grave, I can sail on. And if I break through, it's my victory! Who the hell do you think I am? I'm Mr. Brightside!! BA-ZING!!!
Aw, God dammit, they beat me to it >_>
...that absolutely everyone shares the same mind? Like everyone around you shares one consciousness? I, for example, have been called a "scumbag" by several people in the last 7 hours. Yes, they ALL used that ONE exact word. Coincidence, probably, but it's odd because I've never even thought of myself as a "scumbag" and everyone just comes out of the blue and starts calling me that.
Pizza pocket........very hot........stuck in.....esophagus........<XP
Why, how delightful. Such a fine texture to this rope. =D >.> <.< >.> *pulls rope*
Exactly 1 year and 1 day ago, I joined this forum. I was planning on making this thread, but I was so sure I had joined on the 15th.....but I digress. :P It's been a good year. You guys rock. Thanks for putting up with me for the least 366 days. ^_^
You know how we have those buttons on the post screen that automatically encode the text with MARQUEE or QUOTE? Can't we have the same thing to embed youtube videos? It'd make it alot easier than having to go to another embed video to see what the code looks like. So, if it's possible, can you fix it?
Read and learn these, and you'll be ripping off people for money in no time, my young swashbucklers n__n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Rules Of Pirateeirng 1. Pirates who plunder and run away, live to plunder another day 2. Make sure you're popular before you try a mutiny. Otherwise, no one will ever sit next to you at lunch anymore. 3.Real pirates run with a manly swagger (reffer to rule #1) 4. ALWAYS root for the Pittsburgh Pirates during baseball season or the next badwagon you jump is off the starboard bow. Savvy? 5. The rum's gone because the guy NEXT to you drank it all *wink* 6. If a navy sailor asks you for your occupation, always answer "I'm the guy whose kept you from being jobless, mate". 7. A good pirate always has a back-up plan (see rule #1) 8. You have two hands, why be indecisive about which treasure to take? 9. Before you criticize someone, try walking a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize, you're a mile away from them, and you have their shoes. 10. Make sure you know where the eyepatch goes 11. If it wears an orange jumpsuit, shoot it in the boot. If it wears a nice hat, give it a pat on the back. 12. Left's for straights, right's for knots. Although it's cool either way. (see rule #10) 13. Don't relieve yourself in the crow's nest; it's social suicide. 14. If you own an eyepatch, maybe manning the cannon isn't for you. 15. Bigger telescope= bigger man. 16. Having a lady on board doesn't mean your lucks run out. In fact, it's just the opposite *wink* 17. If you've never at least heard of Flogging Molly, feel free to throw yourself overboard. 18. The captain's hat is off limits to the rest of the crew. Get your own chick magnet... 19. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, break out into song on the ship. 20. Rum makes the best mouthwash. 21. It's not "gambling", per say. More like "short -term financial planning". 22. Make any jokes about the term "poop-deck", and you'll be given a short stop and a sudden drop. Savvy? 23. Only the captain gets to say savvy. Savvy? 24. If you want a lass to like you back, just kidnap her. True love is like gardening; you have to be aggressive to get the weeds out. 25. Stay away from tentacles. They're creepy, slimy and can get you in all sorts of places, if you know what I mean. :nono: 26. Wench is just another word for groupy. 27. If the ancient legends say it's cursed, that's just the geezers' way of saying "Get off my lawn,you kids!". 28. Who ever gets left behind, stays behind. You have plenty of time to grieve while you're running for the lifeboat. 29. Don't kill women and children; the ship's always under-staffed and you could always use the company (see rule #24). 30. Swords are all fun and cool, but make sure you know how to use them (see rule #10) 31. No one likes tattle-tales; their tongueless-ness makes them annoyingly hard to converse with. :3 32. If they didn't get the money, there must be something wrong with your iTunes. *wink*