"Hey Kroshanks, what's the secret to your Godly awesomeness? Is it your rugid manliness? Your passion for demolishing nearby cities with your giant robot? How did you ever come to be the Highlander?" ....e.t.c. Well, I'm in a charitable mood, so here's the answer for you, kiddies: Drink about 4 of these a day and you might just hit the mark.
Well, he just drove off. Sometimes life's ok.
This is honestly one of the saddest moments of my khv career...
I see you behind the curtain. And I see you hiding under the bed over there. And I see you trying on your mother's dress (you left the bathroom door wide-open, dumb-ass). And I see you there, charging your laser and trying to shoop that woop, and I see you there, trying to make every little thing seem important but nobody really cares because you overuse those smileys too much, And I see you, interrogating others on a weekly basis because we've gotten to the point where that's the only way to get to know one another. And I see you there too, guy, trying to post about some band that nobody's heard of. And I see you, plotting to fake your own death on a forum to get people to feel sorry for you because you've ben a social phantom for the 3 years you've been on this site. I also see you, Ms. Igiveeveryoneimaginarycookies, giving imaginary cookies to everyone because you feel desperate about being loved in a forum community because you're worried that everyone else will think nothing special of you. And I especially see you, Mr. I'minvisibleallthetime, being invisible all the time because you don't want anyone bothering you but in 3 years time, you'll be plotting to fake your own death on a forum to get people to feel sorry for you because you've been a social phantom for the number of years you've been on this site.... KH-VIDS: Putting an all new standard on individually diverse forum communities
THE GIANT-MOSQUITO SLAYER!! Seriously, that thing was on the 'roids, man O__o
You b******s will all bow to me, now. Your new God wants a cargo ship's weight in watermelon, a life-sized Haunter plushie, Mike Shinoda as my butler, some McDonald's chicken wraps (ranch style), 18 bags of crazy core Skittles, 5 jars of skippy Peanut Butter, a cellar full of Mojitos and mint leaves ,and a hug. I HAVE SPOKEN!! :yelling:
Please, tell me. Do you see any stars?
Yep, that's right, Brad Swaile. Light Yagami/ Nightcrawler/Lan Hikari/A bunch of other anime characters. AND I'm bringing my camera. So, any quotes or quetions you guys want me to get off him or something?
You know, with the banners that you can add to the browser and stuff, what's not to love? That said, which Personas are you using? I've got Black And Gray on, but Arcane looks pretty bad-ass, too (reminds me of FMA :P).
And then I remembered..... .....it was pants :\
Help a buddy out, would ya?
Damn, you guys have it rough <:\
Anyway, here's your helmet. Enjoy your bike ride, sweet heart! n__n
It was awesome. I met the guy who voiced my anime hero, Vash (Johnny Yong Bosch)! He's a really cool guy. Funny, too. My girlfriend likes him a little too much, though, so I may have to kill him.....or have a threesome >.> I had this steel Trigun pistol keychain that I gave him. He also signed my copy of Devil may Cry 4. It's times like this that make being a fanboy worthwhile. Hey, who's the stud in the cap?......whose voice got cut because his friend's camera sucks :P
When I'm old enough to handle it, I'm getting this tattooed on my back. Not just for the anime, but a symbol to remind others not to believe in themselves, but to believe in me, the man who believes in them! Why should they believe in me, you ask?......... JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!?!?!?!?! You know, other than a really sugar-high otaku :P
It's hanging over my head as we speak. It's a big dark cloud with a huge shining white line on the rim of it, covering half the sky above my house. It almost looks like someone tore the sky in half. Where's my ****ing camera when I need it? >_>
*pushes aside chocolate wrappers and used fireworks, and shields eyes from the piercing gaze of the sun* What the hell happened?Oh.............right......Marley day.....and....Greek Easter. All in one freakin' day. My room reeks of chocolate and weed-you know.....the kind that grown on your lawn >_> When was the last time I did something this stupid? >_< Happy Marley day, folks <] Oh, and name the craziest party/event/shin-dig(sp?) you've ever been to.... I need a damn Tylenol >__<
Who would you cast? I just thought of a few while watching episode 50, and thought of some pretty good names. These names are based on comparisons to the Japanese voices and character similarities. Don't be shy! Add some! Soul Eater Evans: Johnny Yong Bosch Maka Albarn: Black Star: Blair: Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: Death The Kid: Brad Swaile Liz Thompson: Patty Thompson: Crona: Mona Marshall Mifune: Shinigami: Steve Blum (he could use a little of his Guilmon voice for him......emphasis on little. And when he gets angry, BOOM!) Excalibur: Spirit (Deathscythe): Crispin Freeman (Mostly because of Straight Cougar from Scryed) Justin Law: Marie Mjölnir: Yumi Azusa: Michelle Ruff Proffessor Franken Stein:Kirk Thornton Sid Barret Medusa: Free: Fred Tatasciore Eruka: Arachne: Giriko: Mosquito: Asura:
I love this game to death. Really fun if you like to go wild with mech designs, mixing and matching performance parts to fit your fighting style and handling preferences, and develop elaborate combat tactics. You also just might bring out the little mechanic in you. Never got to play it on LIVE, though (I'll have to work on that). Any thoughts?