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  1. Spike


    Everytime you post in a thread, and I see the little section where is shows you who posted last, it reads "Super Massive Black Ho", and it makes me laugh.

    But, hey, joke's on me because your fat a** keeps me from pressing the 'go to last post' button.

    Furealz,though; that was a good album...
    Thread by: Spike, May 31, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Spike
    Normally, this would thrill me, except all the little b******s are coming from one place:

    My god damn backyard --__--

    I have yet to find the mother or where she has been birthing these little fuzzy hellspawn, but I hear mewing every night and there's a stampede of them running every which way across the streets everytime, I step near a car they've been sheltering themselves under.

    Seriously, I don't know how many times this cat has been passed around, but there are way too many kittens out here to be from a single birth.

    It's the fuzziest invasion ever.
    Thread by: Spike, May 27, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spike
    What's the first thing that crosses your mind other than Satch saying "What the f***!?" at his guitar?


    EDIT: You people are no fun at all.
    Thread by: Spike, May 21, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spike
    Is there just going to be a sudden flash of light and the whole world goes to **** or is the world going to progressively fall into ruin?Maybe we'll all just start choking on nothing and die.

    You have less than 1 minute to share your thoughts. Aaaaaand go.

    EDIT: Too late, you're dead. Hahaha.
    Thread by: Spike, May 21, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Spike

    The One.

    Don't ever tell anyone that I wrote something like this.

    Tell me boy
    Will you see what I have seen?
    Let me know
    Will you be where I have been?
    Do you think
    You will go where I have gone?
    Don't you see?
    How these things were a part of me.....

    Where you'll go, boy, it won't matter none
    When you see the world
    You'll know what needs to be done
    It's all in front of you
    Don't let it pass you
    Just raise your fist high and say
    "I will be the one"
    Thread by: Spike, May 19, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Spike


    I want you guys to remember this thread for as long as you can. I want you to remember these words you're going to read for the rest of your lives and to carry the meaning behind the in your souls for as long as you all live.

    In life, you will be given opportunities, and with these opportunities, come doubts. Do not let these doubts get the better of you and force you to let these opportunities pass by, because as far as we know, we only live once. We have one life to live, and it is so not worthwhile to let any chance you have at doing something amazing come and go, because you might never have that opportunity again.

    Once you make a decision, it will ripple throughout the rest of your life like a drop of water ripling across a pond. If you have something you care for, and you have the opportunity to do something for it, go for it. Just go for it. Succeed or fail, you'll be able to tell your kids that you were the guy/girl who tried. That alone is pretty freaking admirable.

    Don't end up like me; a washed up pussy who screwed up his future for the sake of a risk-averting lifestyle. You'll end up old, alone, bitter, and self-loathing for the rest of your lives, and before you know it, you'll be looking for those opportunities you needed earlier.

    Only to sit in the rain and wait for them to come.

    God, there is so much I wish I could take back. So much I want to make ammends for, but time is what it is; it moves on without stopping, leaving behind those who can't catch up to it. As a dear old friend of mine would put it "It's like trying to catch the rain; you stick your hand out to catch it, but it slips right through your grasp".

    It doesn't matter whether your too humble, too shy, too unconfident, or too doubtful. If you want something, and you have the means to achieve it, to grasp it in your own hands, then do the impossible and raise your hand. Raise it and seize your destiny through hard work and determination.

    I have tried, I have failed and I have given up, but it wasn't until I reached the point of no return that I realised how I really hadn't tried at all.

    Again, if ever in your life, the opportunity to do something amazing arises, or if there's something you want to do take it.
    Thread by: Spike, May 18, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Spike
    Because when they play a song, they don't bother to tell you the name of it most of the time and you have to spend your daily commute playing the song in your head and avoiding conversation with people you know so you don't forget the song because you don't own a f***ing blackberry to look it up on the go!

    That's like.....having a one-night stand with a song just to have everything end abruptly and wind up with nothing in the end, you know? T^T

    Those concert girls are so mean ;~;
    Thread by: Spike, May 3, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spike
    Spent 50$ on 150$ worth of loud and shiny things.

    I love you, Chinese people <3
    Thread by: Spike, Apr 24, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Spike
    ...of words, yo.

    Now think up a beat and just dig it

    Little boy Danny was sitting in his room
    Mama had told Danny to sweep it down with the broom
    In a little top attic hidden in a room so white
    Little boy Danny went and snuck a peak at night

    In this old dusty attic was a hallway so far
    In this old dusty attic sat a dusty old guitar
    He plucked on a string and it let out a noise
    He plucked on that string and felt like one of the boys

    He played another sound,
    and his heart began to pound.
    A rhyme came to his head,
    and it was like the silence dropped dead.

    See, little Danny found the blues,
    he found the means to cut loose,
    but then mama came on up
    and rid those strings of their use.
    Thread by: Spike, Apr 20, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Spike
    Figures I'd be getting a hangover from the overdose of jellybeans from last night --__--"

    Totally worth it! *faints*

    *gets back up* And yes, it;s pretty f****ing possible to OD on jellybeans.

    Thread by: Spike, Apr 19, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Spike
    After nearly 4 years of excessive swearing, rambling, sarcasm, full-hearted merriment and half-assed preaching, I've finally become a KH-Vids Legend. The Elite upper-class. The creme de la creme.

    .....Well, what the f*** do I do now?
    Thread by: Spike, Apr 9, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Spike
    Okay, I woke up not too long ago, and I can't remember anything from this past week. At all. I'm not even sure if I went to bed with my mind like this, but all I know is that I'm extremely uncomfortable with the fact that it's April 1st right now when I can't remember anything past March 26th, when I came back home from a party. There was beer (which I drank to excess, of course), but no funny s***, I'm sure of that.

    It is now April first (ironically).

    So, um, yeaaah

    Where the hell has the past week of my life gone?
    Thread by: Spike, Apr 1, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Spike

    I am now walking my way out of the forum.

    Very.....slowly, as to not provoke the pinkness.
    Thread by: Spike, Apr 1, 2011, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spike
    Look what you did, KHV. A noodle fell into my keyboard and now the little b****** is hiding out under my spacebar.

    Damn Asians and their anorexic-ass noodles >_>
    Thread by: Spike, Mar 23, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spike
    I walk out the door, BAM! Snowstorms messing up the roads all the way to school. Weather reports say heavy snow until Thursday.

    God, I f***in' hate you sooo much --__--
    Thread by: Spike, Mar 21, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Spike
    ......coming from my bedroom corner. Now,I don't own a dog, so either my PSP was possessed by some kind of excited ghost-dog or I need to grab a newspaper and kick something's @$$ at 6 in the morning Jason Borne-style.
    Thread by: Spike, Mar 7, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Spike
    Allow me to explain this story in point form, because I don't give a **** for proper sentence structure right now:

    - I go to the kitchen after waking up
    - I see a bottle of Baileys on the counter
    - I take the bottle off the counter to bring it to the bar in the basement (where it belongs)
    - As I grab the bottle, Mama Kroshanks walks in to see her youngest son (reputable for his patronage of booze) with a bottle of Baileys in his hand during the morning hours
    - My reaction? "Aaaaaaahhhh, ****. This is soooo not what it looks like.
    - Mama is stupefied
    - I am pissed
    - Everyone sighs and facepalms simultaneously.

    Can I have 1 week end without me having to look like I need to atend an AA meeting?! >:\
    Thread by: Spike, Feb 20, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spike
    Link to article:

    There are pros and cons to this, of course, but as someone who respects the industry and is open-minded enough to consider profits estimated vs profits earned, these people are just trying to avoid going down the way Geneon did (R.I.P). Publishing manga is a business, after all, so you can't expect to get anything free forever.

    Thoughts, opinions, e.t.c.?
    Thread by: Spike, Jul 28, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Spike
    Back from a 3-week vacation from Greece. Here are just a few things I noted on my little journey:

    - I forgot just how much more awesome European-grown watermelons are.

    - All European girls are a TEN!! :yelling:

    -Kaiser is my new favorite beer.

    - The beaches of Gythio are the best place to be on vacatio (minus the garbage that everybody throws around the side of the roads).

    - Bakugan and Ben 10 are really popular over there for some reason O__o

    - Most of the restaurants in Sparta are fast food joints, so forget about authentic Greek cuisine in that place.

    - There are ALOT of motorcycle drivers over there (made me want to punch somebody out and take their bike).

    - Lots of Chinese people own stores there.

    Whatever, it was a well-deserved trip and I'm feeling great. Good to be back here (sort of).

    Thread by: Spike, Jul 15, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Spike


    A place where the most prominent source of fun is in changing your username over and over so that people don't recognize who the ****you are anymore.
    Thread by: Spike, Jun 18, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone