...that a snowstorm hits on the morning that I decide to walk to Future Shop to pick up Skyrim. Oh well, I did it for MvC3, so might as well saddle up for this one, too. Pray I don't get hit by a car, folks. *sighs* FUS ROOOOO DAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!1!!11!!!1!!! Spoiler
I start my first session (is that what you call it?) of night school tomorrow, and I realized that between my night courses that start from 6PM and drag on to 10PM every day and my job which pretty much covers my weekends, I'm going to have less free time on my hands. Before you say anything, don't worry, I always have time to make for you, KH-V. ;) Just wondering if there's anyone else on the same boat I'm on right now. If so, how do you deal with it? Any tips you'd like to give out? Discuss, mes gens.
What do you like to make, how long you been making it, do you enjoy doing it or is it something you do to help around the house? I live alone most of the time, so I learned to cook out of necessity (because I'll kill myself if I ever have to eat another TV dinner/cup ramen in my life). I've mastered just about any egg dish and I'm the first person you would want behind a BBQ, but my specialty has always been waffles and pancakes. Of course, my mom disagrees with the way I cook because I tend to put a *pinch* of rum in the waffle batter (though I can tell she loves it). I eventually learned to like cooking because it makes me feel a little more useful and because it's the only thing I can do to express myself creatively (because I suck at drawing and I'm beginning to realize that I'm a really mediocre musician), so I guess you can say it fills a hole in my life. How about you? What's your culinary story?
Time to make the most bitchin' brunch on the block. Suggestions?
I always figured everyone had this odd little "quirk" that they can't deal with that would seem extremely odd to other people. This one thing that just has to be certain way out of a subconscious and (at times) uncontrollable need. For me, that "quirk" is having the volume set to a number that isn't a multiple of 5. I don't know why, but if someone sets it to 23 in front of me, I'll get up and switch it to 20 or 25. If I'm strapped into something or I'm unable to change it, I'll feel restless until I focus on something else. How about you guys?
There's no way that could've been intentional.......could it?
The original thread was old and had no replies, so I make new one, yes? Of course I do. This is what happens when Linkin Park's Chester Bennington decides to open a side-project with members of Julien-K. First off, thiey have a more Alternative Rock feel to their music and Chester is as fantastic as always. He can let out some positive energy with the usual negativity and it's all done so tastefully well. They released their first album, Out Of Ashes, about 2 years ago. I've been listening to this album, and it is balanced and good. Now for some samples! Crawl Back In Spoiler Give Me Your Name Spoiler My Suffering Spoiler Into You Spoiler
For a while now I've been asking myself whether it's okay to just download individual tracks instead of just listening to a whole album. I know you're not likely to love every track off an album, but I find it's more respectful to the artists if you listen to the whole work as they organized it, and it also gives you the chance to broaden your musicl horizons a bit (not to mention how much more organized your My Music becomes this way). Of course, I own an iPod, so I know how convenient the Playlist way of thinking is. Listen to a song, get it, go. Repeat. I just feel like there's so much good music that goes unheard because of this. Your thoughts?
What is this thing and why is my cousin telling me to open an account? I know it's a blog where you can post pictures for people to follow, but is there more to it than what I assume to know? Gimme a hand here, guys.
Ever been in a situation where you watched an anime series, and you think you liked it at the beginning, but as things progress, your interest begins to decline, and by the time you've finished watching every episode, you think back to the time you've spent watching it and realized that you've wasted time you could've spent watching/doing something else? I hate that feeling. It's hapenned to me with Sacred Blacksmith, Grenadier, Dragonauts, and Speed Grapher and I think I'm getting there with Bleach. I need to be more picky with the genre of anime I watch.
They just do it a little differently.
They usually consist of things like this.
2 for 20$, suckaz. Now I just need a copy of Minutes to Midnight and I've got 'em all. LP for life, baby.
Because that went SO well the last time.....when I was 6 --__-- *remembers falling face-first into a basket of strawberries* Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
...after the username-change, does it?
She's there for me every morning, the first thing I look that She never fails to make me smile, I know that for a fact Always warm and inviting, she puts the start to my day every time Sometimes she 's bit costly, but she's worth every dime If ever I lose her, I'd become a nervous wreck When I'm in a bad mood, she always knows how to keep me in check You're my honey, my toffee I love you so much, coffee <3
That's a good enough reason to slaughter everyone in the house, right?
- Not a place for a Montrealer to sit and have a drink (and leave satisfied). Bars close at 1AM in comparison to our 4AM closing times. This was an outrage. - The streets in the area I was staying had the most gay (not homo) names ever (i.e. Lavender Drive, Sunflower Crescent, Honeysuckle Crescent, Daffodil Crescent, e.t.c.) LOL - Aunt's cat was stepping all over the keys on the that sat piano beside the couch I was sleeping on, so there goes two nights worth of sleep down the pisser. This has rekindled my old hate for cats. - I ate M&Ms until I convinced myself that my s*** was candy-coated. You can also get them custom-printed (who knew?). - No Frenchies! <3 Conclusion: Toronto's alright. What it lacks in booze it compensates with good people and a God that pays attention well-rounded community. I took the gutters for the sidewalk. 'Nuff said. Oh, the wedding was nice too. Also, Hi. :)
I'll be out of commission to go to a wedding in Toronto starting 5 hours from now, so I won't be online 'till Monday. Try not to think about me too much ;)