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  1. Bluelazor
  2. Bluelazor
    Konata looked up at Tamaki, who was clearly very much taller than her despite the fact she's the same age as Honey and Mori. "Isn't the whole 'my dear' thing something one would say to a lover, rather than a complete stranger?"

    Hikaru nodded in agreement with the newcomer. "Exactly. How would you like it if I threw one of my books at you?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bluelazor
  4. Bluelazor
  5. Bluelazor
    Hikaru heard Rhian snap at Honey and Mori. He shrugged his shoulders. "There's no need to be so defensive. Unless you secretly have a thing for one of us." He smirked, keeping his spot next to Kaoru and Konata, remembering what happened last time they got too close to Rhian.

    Konata smiled at the twins. "Don't you have guests to deal with?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bluelazor
    Konata then pointed something out right back at Kaoru. "Who is another male, thus making it a homosexual-brotherly relationship."

    Hikaru sighed. "We should just give up, she's never going to get it."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bluelazor
  8. Bluelazor
    Hikaru waved his hand casually in the air. "Exactly."

    Konata just smirked. "A.K.A Homosexuals."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bluelazor
    Konata tilted her head. "That's odd. He never mentioned homosexual twins to me."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bluelazor
    Hikaru smirked. "Perhaps you're right, Kaoru." He let go of Kaoru and walked over to Konata. He placed an arm around her. "What seems to be the problem, little lady?"

    Konata froze. She looked at Hikaru and smirked right back at him. "Other than getting attention from a homo, nothing."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bluelazor
    Hikaru laughed at Tamaki while still keeping his arms around Kaoru. "Nice going boss. Are you going to take care of that blue-haired girl in the corner? She won't stop talking about yaoi... what ever that is."

    Konata was freaking out in the corner, as she wasn't a fan of yaoi. "That is so wrong... on many levels."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Bluelazor
    Mira giggled while watching the twins.

    Hikaru held onto Kaoru, but looked up at a sudden loud noise.

    Konata pointed at the twins. "YAOI!" She quickly looked at Haruhi. "There's yaoi in this room." She complained to her friend, a look of disgust on her face.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bluelazor
  14. Bluelazor
    OOC: Oh sorry, I didn't know that. *scratches head nervously*

    Hikaru smiled and held onto Kaoru. "Kaoru..." He spoke softly to his twin.

    Mira and the other girls' craziness increased even more as they watched Hikaru and Kaoru.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bluelazor
    Mira and the other girls instantley went crazy with their fangirl tendencies.

    Hikaru hugged Kaoru back. "Just stay in my arms and they'll leave you alone."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bluelazor
    Mira instantly turned red. "Sorry... it was an accident."

    Hikaru smiled while still being hugged. "Oh sure it was."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bluelazor
    Hikaru held onto Kaoru's hand, he looked at his brother while still chuckling. "Kaoru."

    Mira kept on hugging Kaoru. "He's so huggable!" She giggled.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bluelazor
    Hikaru accidentally landing in another group of girls, who instantly started hugging him as well. He laughed at all the attention.

    Mira giggled and joined in as the fifth girl giving Kaoru hugs.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bluelazor
    Profile Post

    Alright! :D

    Alright! :D
    Profile Post by Bluelazor for SoraUchiha, Mar 15, 2010
  20. Bluelazor
    Hikaru hugged his twin back, laying his head on Kaoru's. "You're welcome..." He replied softly.

    Mira giggled and suddenly went up to the twins and hugged both of them while they were hugging each other. "Group hug!" She beamed at them.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home