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  1. Bluelazor
    Hikaru looked at his twin. "The Boss going on a date? I doubt it, especially since that would mean he ditched the club."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bluelazor
    "Oh good. Now let's head home before the Shadow King discovers our works of art." Hikaru smirked and started walking down the hallway.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bluelazor
    Mira sighed while walking next to Tamaki. "I understand."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Bluelazor
    Mira nodded her head a bit. "I'd like that." She looked up at Tamaki. "Is something wrong?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bluelazor
    Mira chuckled. "Oh... that's alright."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bluelazor
    Mira tilted her head in curiousity. "Why's that?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bluelazor
    Mira nodded her head slowly. "Yeah... I live around here." She chuckled. "And sorry about scaring you, I didn't mean to."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bluelazor
    Mira kept her eyes on the side walk as she headed for home. Her brown eyes looked up when she spotted something just a head, and instantly recognized that something as Tamaki. She quietly walked over to him. "Tamaki... are you okay?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bluelazor
    Profile Post

    Thank you. :D

    Thank you. :D
    Profile Post by Bluelazor for Sakura Angel, Mar 17, 2010
  10. Bluelazor
    Mira looked at the piece of paper, a small smile came to her face. She looked up to see Tamaki was no where in sight. Sighing, she started heading for home. I go from the nice and charming Tamaki... to loneliness... to a house of screaming adults.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bluelazor
  12. Bluelazor
    Mira stood up. "It's fine... I'll walk myself home. Thanks for listening, Tamaki." She looked at him and forced herself to smile. "I hope everything's okay at your home, though."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bluelazor

    Death Note

    I love death note! Such an awesome series. :D I've read the mangas and watched the anime. Near's so adorable... in a strange way. :lol: I wished they let the anime go on a little longer, and follow the manga a bit more closely, but it still turned out well in the end.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Bluelazor
  15. Bluelazor
    Mira shook her head quickly. "I can't do that. She doesn't listen to anyone... I guess you could say I'm just a prize to her, something to wave in my dad's face when this is over."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bluelazor
  17. Bluelazor
    Mira sighed. "Thanks... I hope so too. But the chances are higher that she'll win the argument, since she is my mom... and she's very good at convincing people that her way is correct." She slowly looked at Tamaki. "She already managed to get responsibility for Rishia... and I know this sounds evil, but I really don't want to spend another day living in the same house as Rishia. She scares me."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bluelazor
  19. Bluelazor
    Mira smiled a bit at Tamaki. "I'm sure I'll be fine, thanks for the offer though." She paused a few moments and looked over at the flowers. "To be honest, I kind of want to stay with my father. My mother is a little bit... controlling. She's not all that easy to talk to, and if I am to stay with her when this is all over with... she'll probably find a way to keep me away from the Host Club."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Mar 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Bluelazor