btw, you have someone awaiting you're approval in entering the Lucky Star/Ouran RP.
It looks really good. :D I hope they keep Aang's childish nature like he was in the cartoon, it made it fun... and during some parts added a lot of depth to a scene that a maturer Aang wouldn't be able to do.
Sora: *smiles big and puts his arms around Mira* *holding her close* Mira: *grins at Riku* I'm perfectly fine! Just don't tell mom or my sisters...
So I beat Riku's side of Re:CoM yesterday and a cutscene really got me thinking. In the cutscene where Axel gets Repliku to destroy Zexion, Axel says something to Zexion. But then in 358/2 Days on Day 26, the secret entry says this... If what I'm thinking is correct, then Day 26's secret entry is Zexion's... and the thing he found "way too much" of is Axel and Saix's plan, which I heard from someone here on KHV that it was to Spoiler overthrow Xemnas. What makes me curious about this is how Axel figured out that Zexion figured out what he and Saix were up to. Did he break into his room and read his journal? If the elimination of Vexen is what lead Zexion to believe Axel was being influenced by Saix and not after gaining Larxene and Marluxia's trust so he could figure out what they were planning and put an end to it... then why didn't anyone else catch on? And how did Zexion come to that conclusion? Another random thing I'm curious on is how did someone come to the conclusion on Saix and Axel's plan? I didn't see any hints of it anywhere in the games... did I miss something?
*chuckles* Well, there goes Mira. Sora: What did I do? *looks at everyone in worry* Made her so happy she can't control herself.
Mira: Yay! Now everyone in this room is dating someone who's also in this room! Sora: Wait... what? Slow, as always.
OOC: (There's a lot of kissing going on. O.o) *chuckles while pulling away from Roxas* *opens eyes and looks around at everyone* Roxas: *chuckles...
lol! Yeah... cartoons exaggerate stuff a lot just to be funny.... and make up stuff from time to time. :D Idk what other places do to make fun of...
Awesome! :) What's it like there? I know... you probably get that a lot, huh?
lol! Where are you anyway? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.... and you can just say like the country or something, I'm not really...
Now for the one who has to be the one that "doesn't quite fit in this picture". XD lol! I'm reading Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. If you don't know what it's about... then google it or look it up on Wikipedia... too lazy to type it out. XD lol!
Interesting. Yeah you're Smarties do look kinda like M&Ms... all they need is a white "M" on one side. XD
I don't think so... unless where you're at Smarties are different. Here they look like this....
Obviously they're a form of chocolate. But they're shaped like skittles with the color coating, but unlike skittles they have chocolate filling...
lol! A good reason for that is because I live in America (never left it for even a moment... even though I really want to.) You should try M&M's...
*taking notes* Okay! :) The ones I eat are pretty much out in the open and practically everyone's had them at least once.... Hershey's, Reese's,...
Purple wrapper... I don't think I've seen the purple wrapper. hm... perhaps I should keep a closer eye out for them. :D
hm... maybe I should check out Wal-Mart and see if they have it. I just asked my mom about Cadbury, she says they're popular around Easter.... and...