OOC: What's a Pot of Greed?
Huh. Well, it was supposed to be an "are you serious?" face.
OOC: Well, this wont do.. *Time stops* *backstage dueling resulting in my victory against both Primo and Jakob happen* *Lester has no idea after time started moving again*[DOUBLEPOST=1406088172][/DOUBLEPOST] Huh? oh.. I wasn't actually in character.. I thought you were just breaking the fourth wall again.
One can't just simply remove characters to get around the "you must all be green to face obstacles" rule. You must have them all die through dueling. Well, if the pretty cure wins this one, simply removing your characters wont help anyway.
Image for card destruction is missing.
I don't think we need any more issues in the RP. Especially from something so minor as this. And Yakumo does have a point. I believe strictness is good, but I just fear being too strict may end badly for both parties dealing with such issues.
Nope, still see it. I'll let it slide this time, but try being more careful when posting moves from now on!
You do realize I can still see it, right?
Something.. doesn't feel right, here.. eh, must have been nothing.
Nah, they're just in hiding. They were never officially removed. Oh, and @ Misa, I think you should react to the pretty cure's attempt to blow up Haou. And his sudden vanishing again.
Haou awakens to find himself.. unharmed. "Unfortunately, that doesn't work here." "However.. I need you to return, Haou." *Haou vanishes again*
OOC: Welp, I'll be sitting here watching the pretty cures kill each other :P
"It seems we have new guests! Welcome! You may ask the others who've heard my announcement about the rules of this world, but I shall briefly go over the main concepts of them.. You are basically trapped here until everyone either starts cooperating with all your duel disks lighting green to go through a number of obstacles or fight to the death with everyone until only one person stands.. and that person may leave without having to go through any obstacles. The only way to defeat someone is through winning a duel against them which will result in their death, otherwise they are invincible. When a player defeats someone through their own direct actions and kills them, their duel disk will start glowing red indicating that they have murdered a least one person in this world. As long as that person is alive, no one may be eligible to go through the obstacles planned when everyone had specifically said they have agreed to work together to all escape this twisted dimension. Oh, and keep in mind that the duels are timed. I will not allow people to start a duel and then stall for their life while not making any further actions towards the duel. This will result in death, and the opposing player, the victory. This will also happen when any player loses the will to duel while in a game or is unable to continue. Ah, and one more thing.. you may have guessed that if players can die through dueling, the damage they take will hurt. Yes, the damage is real. better get high tolerance for pain.. " "That is all."
The plot is the boundaries that separate worlds had started to crumble and a certain entity had taken advantage of it, trapping everyone who had been dragged out of their own world into one which he had created. And yeah, he was curious of whether or not completely random characters can work together to escape or if they would choose the other option of killing everyone else and then leaving by themselves. Also.. the antagonist in this RP is decided on the decision of the great variety of characters we have.. if they choose to work together, I'd be the only antagonist, but if they decide to fight one another, everyone would be both the antagonist and protagonist.
Basically you are in a survival game where no one can die but through the loss of a duel. Either you all kill each other to get out or you have to fight the one responsible for bringing everyone to the current dimension they're all in and win. However, he will not appear if not everyone has their duel disk glowing green. Oh, and if one kills through dueling, their duel disks go from green to red. Note: Picture has no relevance.
I doubt the man who created them would cease to exist if they were never created, and a guy capable of time travel (because he also made paradox) would be able to do so without any help. The only thing that wouldn't happen if Yliaster weren't there is the Neo Ark Cradle.
Yeah. No Yliaster = No Shooting Quasar Dragon. Z-One would win.
I'm pretty sure Yusei had a good understanding of their intentions.
Divine wrath means quasar summons shooting star dragon..[DOUBLEPOST=1405823726][/DOUBLEPOST] Yliaster wasn't evil..