*Picks up Lester's body from the faraway place and disappears* *Time starts moving again* (In Void's personal dimension) "It's time to return to a corpse now." *leaves Primo's body" "Wait, no!-" "All these wonderful new vessels for me to be able to leave this place in.."
"What fun memories we've had.." "I activate my set poison of the old man!" "This inflicts 800 damage to your life points!" Edit: this is in chain to your mystical space typhoon.
*main phase 2* "it looks like I'll end up with pretty much no cards left after this turn.." "I guess I'll have to activate my last face-down. Reckless Greed!" *hand 2* "I'll set 2 cards face-down and end my turn. During my end phase, Wisel is destroyed." *hand 0* LP: 5500 Field: "Do you give up yet, you little runt?"
"As predictable as always."
"And did I ever mention you look like chucky?" LP: 5500 "Now I activate Limiter removal!" *hand 1* My Wisel now has a grand total of 5000 Atk! And I'll go ahead and activate the last card in my hand.. "Unlike you, I don't need Skiel to make those silly direct attacks of yours." "Now go, attack Lester directly!!" -5000
interesting move.. Well, during your end phase, I activate 2 Xing Zhen Hu! Now your face-downs cannot be activated. I draw. *hand 2* *standby* *main phase 1* First things first, I'll activate my set Ring of Destruction! This destroys one of my wisels and inflicts 2500 damage to both players!
No, I do not activate anything.. yet.
Yes, the duel will start after the duel ends and then immediately ends after it starts.
Just so that everyone is aware, Lester and I are in a different time frame since I froze time, so everything that is happening outside the duel counts as events before the duel started.
We shall put that into the terms. Also, seeing how I am possessing Primo, you're not going to be able to fuse into Aporia anymore. "You shall die just as your friends Primo and Jakob had." Draw. *hand 6* *standby* *main phase 1* First I'll activate this! Pot of Greed! I am allowed to draw 2 more cards. *hand 7* Now I special summon from my hand.. Malefic Cyber End dragon! Banishing: Now that that's done, my Malefic Cyber End Dragon destroys itself due to not having a field spell up.. and you know quite well what that means.. Come forth! Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity! In case you're wondering, I've fused all five wisel parts into a single card. For this very reason! I special summon yet another Malefic Cyber End Dragon! Banishing: Which destroys itself so I can special summon my second Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity! Now that that the only two monsters on the field are 2 Meklords, I can activate 3 copies of Boon of the Mekord Emperor, allowing me to draw 6 cards! *hand 6* I then set 5 cards face-down and end my turn. *hand 1* LP: Both 8000 Field: Monsters S/T graveyard Banished 2xMalefic Cyber End Dragon, 3x Boon of the meklord emperors, 1x Pot of Greed 2x Cyber End Dragon Let's see what you'll be able to do.
Oh, and just so you know, so far I'm the only one who can do this. and even I need the other guy to say they want their character removed. and they still need to die through a "duel".
That's fine. I can wait until you're back.
Do you accept the terms and do you choose to use the anime/manga/video game exclusives and/or god cards?
I've already taken care of the other two. Now then.. prepare to die, lester. *time stops* "It seems you're the only one left now, Lester. I am sorry to say this, but you're going to have to die." LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Your Choice Manga Exclusives: Your Choice Video Game Exclusives: Your Choice God Cards: Your Choice Illegal Cards: None First Player: Me Number of Cards per Deck: 60 Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.):N/A Let's just say Cure Happy was pretty much at her last breath and was already half unconscious plus she was probably subconsciously giving up..
@Yakumo So you say you'll have Yliaster no longer participate in the RP?
Can Cure Happy pull off a miracle?! Can she pull herself through this predicament?! Stick around to find out! No cards in hand, a face-up Utopia and a single face-down up against 4 face-downs, solidarity, and a machine emperor skiel infinity!
Well, during her turn, you could only activate 2 of the 4 face-downs since the convert ghosts you set during that turn cannot activate again. Now that she set her card and ended though..
Ah. So I guess nothing changes. Abbey is fighting against 2 face-downs and a machine emperor skiel infinity with 1 card.
Yes, if it can't combo with a rank 10, it's fine.[DOUBLEPOST=1406401568][/DOUBLEPOST] isn't that a normal trap?
Sorry this is a bit late, but I would like to mention how heavy storm couldn't be activated since there were no other S/T on the field. This is why you ask for chains.