Trap Eater's S/T removal is unnegatable and unstoppable.
(Somewhere in Void's dimension, the two are having a tea party)...[DOUBLEPOST=1406666573][/DOUBLEPOST] There really isn't a need to have someone interfere with whatever she's doing.. cards are counted as being apart of the duel disk, so if you destroy them, they will regenerate just like how a duel disk would when destroyed. Plus, no one can get killed through any means other than dueling, so Yuya's already safe by the rules that Void had put in place.
New show: Rise of Meta Old characters return! Z-One and the three emperors of Yliaster as well as Kaito and many others come back from the dead to fight the coming forces of stupid! It's a race against time before Pendulums, Xyz, Synchro, Fusion, and other forms of special summoning bring an end to the world.
You sound like darkness.. who is that?
You missed one.
This is going nowhere. but anyway, you still have higher chances to pendulum scale set than drawing anti-spell fragrance. and it is true you can put anything in your side deck, but it's not going to be easy siding in anti-spell fragrance when you're using spellbooks. Oh, and you don't really care about the pendulums themselves. you'd be either synchro summoning with them all (if the scales let you) or summon the wicked avatar.
What's broken here is that you can slowly set up pendulums in your extra deck so you can activate 5 S/T and can still be able to summon 5 monsters from your extra deck with pendulum summons, making this an unstoppable OTK. Also, not only does anti-spell fragrance screw over your own spells, it can also be countered quite easily. and you don't even need to stop it immediately, you just need to set up your pendulums in extra deck and then destroy spell fragrance with a set MST and you'll get OTK next turn. and it's not like royal decree wont be played in an aggressive deck like pendulums. And spell fragrance can't stop already set scales. that would only work if you use it turn 1, which is now even less likely to happen because you'll only get 5 cards going first now. Not to mention pendulums can easily side these in >.>
"Seven tools of the bandit." [DOUBLEPOST=1406660909][/DOUBLEPOST] You're telling me this single handedly solves the pendulum problem?
"Wrong. That effect only applies when Timegazer magician is a monster. It does not apply when he is treated as a spell card in the pendulum zones. Don't worry, I've done research on these atrocities already."
Homura wasn't an anti-hero.. and I'm not sure if Kyukey can be considered an extremist. Anyway, Z-One has already come back from the grave to fight against the atrocities that is pendulum. Spoiler "I set Timegazer magician and Stargazer magician as scales on the pendulum zone!" "Pendulum Sum-!" "I chain, from my hand; trap card activate! Typhoon!" "Target 1 face-upSpell/Trap Card on the field; destroy it. If your opponent controls 2 or more Spell/Trap Cards and you control no Spell/Trap Cards, you can activate this card from your hand." (Yes, it's a real card.) "Wha-" "This destroys your pendulum scale." "But-" "?!" "..."
I don't think you fully understand what has been said.. Unlike all the other past card types, Pendulums do not cost you anything. Everything can be special summoned again from the extra deck. This means while you spend cards and deplete your resources, pendulum users will gain resources and lower your's.. not to mention if you do not run a lot of S/T or card destruction, you will lose. The entire concept of pendulums are broken. it isn't just an opinion. Sure, everyone will eventually get used to it.. but pendulums will force them to change their decks to either have a bunch of S/T and/or card destruction (which might not be possible and still have the deck be good in some cases) or use anti-pendulum cards. Now, if pendulums can make you change your deck entirely or have you siding anti-pendulum cards.. something that you never had to do with the old Xyz, synchro, and fusion cards.. what does that say about them? Sure, stuff like Bottomless Trap Hole and solemn warning may screw over pendulums, but they're all at 1. If they make them unlimited just to say "you can now counter pendulums!", it'll screw over the rest of the game as well, because obviously they are limited for a reason. Nevertheless, the game will eventually end up being Broken cards vs. broken anti-meta cards and it wont be fun for everyone else anymore. They're killing casuals by flooding the game with broken cards, drawing a line dividing what a good deck is and what a bad deck is between the age of pendulums and everything else. Qliphoths may be broken, but they are just a slight glance at the future of pendulums. synchros weren't that powerful when they were first released, nor were Xyz.. but right when pendulums were released, they pull an easier to summon vennominaga. A 3k beatstick that is unaffected by card effects and can -1 your opponent each turn. We'll be seeing a lot more broken pendulum decks in the near future, and they'll be unable to ban everything at once. The game is dying faster than how synchros destroy the world. Oh, and one more thing.. Konami doesn't realize how cards are broken after they make them, they make them to be broken to have people buy the packs because the game revolves around the meta now. Pretty much everything they release now is competitive, making everything before right about the end of ZeXal and the beginning of Arc-V considered casual. *sigh*.. we'll have to end up using 3x Magic Drain eventually.. But OH! wicked avatar wont even allow that, huh? or MST.
Dino rabbits could consistently open 5 face-downs back when they were meta. it was a thing. sometimes they could even summon a monster who could negate any S/T or a thing that negates any 2 monster effect activations along with those 5 face-downs. And while we're on the subject, I would like to also mention how this weakens exodia players too. not sure how that's a bad thing.
What do you mean? the new rules balance the game. obviously going first means you have a better chance at winning if you have an extra card than the opponent going second in random duels >.> you will always have an extra card that the opponent going second will never get. Besides, this lowers the chances of people setting 5 cards face-down turn one in random because 5 is all you'll get. also, this stops people from summoning a bunch of monsters in one turn and just have more resources than the player going second all together.
And she'll be staying there.
OOC: are you going to have someone use Cure Burn?
*Void Announcement* "Oh, I forgot to mention, huh?" "The special duel disks I've given to you all will restore themselves when destroyed, even if you nuke it with a hydrogen bomb."
Yup. It's sad.. Z-One's sacrifice was for not. The Wicked Avatar everywhere! Thanks, Yuya.[DOUBLEPOST=1406497189][/DOUBLEPOST] And now you're worse than Yuma. Are you satisfied?
not sure who or what that is, but it's close to what it actually looks like.
*The abomination "Void" reverses time back to when they hadn't exploded yet and stops them from exploding again.*