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  1. Jin
    [​IMG] Me either man, seems so pointless now.
    Post by: Jin, Nov 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jin


    this is just amazing....makes me cry cause we still don't have Index III and still nothing's being hinted at...apart from some big project for next year with the writer but this was amazing
    Thread by: Jin, Nov 12, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jin
    Marriage is still a thing?
    Post by: Jin, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jin

    I'll take the blue hair
    Post by: Jin, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jin
    I'd buy this game if Adachi was in it...Minato's voice is also terrible makes me want to cry, though the 3ds looks nice
    Post by: Jin, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jin
    nah not too much , about 49-50 can take a bit unless you run darkhold about 4 times with your fc man, just hit my 50 monk today moving straight onto bard for the coming week so i have all my dps knocked out and ready to grind ninja to hell, xD
    Post by: Jin, Oct 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jin
    well the days i went to euroexpo (4 days) got me lots of exp bonus so you'll be getto a **** ton probz enough to get another class to 50 man. that can all be used for ninja if you're grinding that haha
    Post by: Jin, Oct 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jin
    personally i fate mine out xD i have the patience for it leve's gonna be saved for my crafting, currently at 47 with my monk and have my drg and all mage classes at 50 dunno if i should do bard or pld for the remainder of the time till 2.4 after my monk hits 50 :L
    Post by: Jin, Oct 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jin
    ffxiv 2.4 was announced last night to come on the 28th (and yeah ff xiv is the reason i haven't been active on here) how ya feelin'?

    i can say one thing, duty finder is gonna crash.
    Thread by: Jin, Oct 20, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jin


    I kinda switched over to the jenova server been there for a while but never updated stuff here. wasn't too fond of the people i met in ultros for the most part so i rolled on jenova instead small community but amazingly helpfull and helped me get to where i am, even built up an FC from the day I joined on the server

    Accelerator IL here's my character anyways just posted this to let you guys know i switched servers even though this is almost 2 months late xD
    Post by: Jin, Oct 8, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  11. Jin


    i'm into everything you could ever think of
    Post by: Jin, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jin


    Post by: Jin, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jin
    to put it simple. I think it's fine. Don't see a point in arguing with anything to do with the cast of this story cause it's been a damn long ... how many years? at this point i wouldn't even care if the whole game didn't contain any females.
    Post by: Jin, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jin
  15. Jin
    Profile Post Comment

    this is the best thing ever

    this is the best thing ever
    Profile Post Comment by Jin, Sep 2, 2014
  16. Jin
    i wish but microsoft bought a lifetime licence for the game it probably won't....;_; cried over this so many times wishing it had been released on ps3 outside of japan...
    Post by: Jin, Aug 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jin
    Nope I'm....
    Post by: Jin, Aug 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jin
    I played the **** out of that game. but at first it was more like a where the **** do i go type of game for me cause i played it when I was like 6-7
    Post by: Jin, Aug 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jin

    anyways these are varied mostly continuations or remakes

    medaka box - kumagawa incident arc+

    index season 3 & 4 then new testament season 1 and 2 (though this is light novel so yeah)

    khr; katekyo hitman reborn simon famiglia arc - end of khr manga

    redo rurouni a full animated series plz it needs something like that madhouse magic on hxh

    Air gear (done properly)

    UQ holder

    continue Tegami bachi

    continue magi

    redo berserk..though the movie's are releasing and stuff so idk about that one still need to watch the movies

    soul cartel (manwha)

    Breaker: new waves (manwha)

    tower of god (manwha)

    redo or continue d.gray-man...though the author is ill and stuff so :L

    do shaman king all over again and do it right this time.

    there are tons more but this is all i could think of right now
    Post by: Jin, Aug 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jin
    i signed this ages ago, back when it got released tbh i'm surprised it's got so many supporters most petitions only get about 4000 when it comes to localizing a game and then people just forget about them
    Post by: Jin, Aug 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone