I wonder what will come first honestly; Return of HXH Kizumonogatari Index 3 anime Medaka box 3 anime KH3 FFXV
Light novel wise; Index New Testament 12 Book wise: Finished reading Skullduggery Pleasant Dark Days
You'd get more disgusted looks for this in japan than anywhere else tbh
examine them to see if any of them are waifu material
Yeah It's been a while tbh, I'm finishing college next friday
grats on staff (even though i'm like....late with thiS)
Yeah of course I do
Even crabs have to go on a journey sometime.
Did somebody say booty?
so proud even though Echo was on :'D
Yeah I tried it like 2 weeks ago when I saw it on tumblr, I got Riku
A lot more easier, once you get enough parts to make the donut ships the gummi ship missions are just a joke honestly, but trying to get the neon bars to make it is a pain. the only trophy that will give you trouble is the getting s rank one a ex mission for each route I just modified the donut ship i used to qualify for each ex mission. Good luck! Falcon peak was probably the best before you're able to make a donut ship of your own
This might be late but Here
Did you watch the directors cut versions of the final few episodes? My friend who first told me to watch eva told me to watch those along with the series and to skip the last episode and replace it with end of evangelion he said it would make more sense to me In the end, that final episode though was Idek what to say.
Index season 3 All the original index volumes in english which are slowly being released by yen press now Medaka Box season 3 Air Gear remake Accelerator Ps4 Kingdom hearts 3 Final Fantasy XV Naruto UNS4 The Sora and Roxas figures with replaceable hands Kizumonogatari to be released already More Index posters.