You enjoyin' DS3?
are you having fun?
I shouldn't need to, FFXIII started out as something good to be honest, the first game had decent enough writing, just DECENT. The problem everyone had with XIII was that Snow and Hope were a pain in the ass. Either way the game's lore was something that was good , for the first game that is. The gameplay elements were what made the game so terribad , especially because the game is just a set of pretty looking hallways , you go straight you win , it's a game that basically played itself in every aspect because in battle you had the auto attack option which was faster and more efficient than actually inputting commands in yourself. XIII-2 & 3 i can't speak for both are just a mess when it comes to writing because of the fact they brought in the alternate realities and time travel into the mix along with the third game resetting the games universe (apparently the universe that got reset was what developed into FFXV's universe , though i'm sure this is a fan theory) Along with that a lot of aspects of FFXIII/type-0's lore has been taken , disassembled and the good aspects of them have been put in FFXV , such as the concept of L'cie which in my opinion was actually good, but they've taken out the whole "you turn into crystal " aspect or the whole "focus" BS they had in them , because Noctis and his friends are basically L'cie though i don't think they're gonna refer to them as L'cie in the game , we'll see. You can disagree with me if you want but I think the first installment of XIII was written pretty well, aside from the throw away terms like "the purge" and other terms they used every so often without explaining the principles behind it, XIII actually had some decent character development on Lightnings end , y'know , before they turned her into an "emotionless warrior" in the final installment , by a lot of means XIII was bad , but it's writing wasn't the most terrible thing about it.
Nice!. I'd check out DS2 if you haven't already honestly, regardless of what the elitest's souls players say about it because I know a lot of people didn't like it because of the difficulty being a lot easier than DS1 and Demon souls, but DS2 probably had the nicest architecture out of DS1 , Blood borne and demon souls I'll be honest though, Bloodborne probably had my favorite boss designs
which comes down to whoever rocksteady hired to optimize the PC ports of course. I'll try it out anyways, I'm thinking of waiting for Dark souls 3 , finishing that and then picking it up now because i only just realized DS3 actually is gonna drop in about four days (rip work ethic for university)
Hopefully when square decides to port FFXV to PC they'll optimize it properly, In all honesty I wish they'd release it for PC at the same time as the consoles because my PC could probably run it better than my ps4, especially since they've locked the game at 30 fps hopefully they won't cap the framerate on the PC version when they decide to invest in it, anyways I'll check the PC version of arkham knight out i guess
Unless you're wanting that medieval fantasy feel that Berzerk has, I mean Gantz really doesn't appeal in any other department than just gruesome horror, err I used to read Ubell Blatt for a while it's another senin but it's got a lot of those borderline hentai moments in more detail though since it's a senin demographic. It used to give me a berserk vibe so you might like it, that's if you're willing to read it it hasn't got any anime adaption at all if i remember right
alright so, I originally got arkham knight ages ago when i bought my PS4 but i lost interest and sold it pretty quick, Now i'm in a batman mood again, I feel like getting it I wanna know if it's still as much of an experience as Arkham city was, I would get Arkham knight for my PC as I have twin GTX 980's with two quad core i7's but there's the whole "arkham knight was a terrible port cause it wasn't optimized properly"
gantz? but gantz is pretty messed up to be honest.
I mean writing shouldn't be a problem either, lore wise i'm sure it's refined mainly because it's Final fantasy and because they've had 10 years of refining it , I know a lot of people who are doubting the game in it's writing department but i feel like it's solid
that's pretty cute , what game?
all i know is people get too sensetive towards other peoples music tastes, I know a friend who likes err, panic at the disco? or something like that? and she got ridiculed by another friend for liking them.
Congratulations you win
guns of patriots just cause of that...god....damn..ending...QQ
I don't think I dislike it, I guess I'm just really annoyed with the twist of Spoiler Not being the actual big boss from MGS3/GZ I guess i'm pretty annoyed at Konami though at pushing this game out before Kojima perfected it , It's already a great game but to learn that a lot of the main story missions and story got cut out because Konami wanted to cash this in already. I really kinda died when I hit mission 31 and saw the preview for chapter 2 only to learn that this is more or less where the games enjoy-ability plummets (unless you love repetition and are also a masochist) I just feel kind of at a loss I guess.
It does explain a lot of things in all honesty, for example as to why "big boss" doesn't have shrapnel in his head when we see him in the rest of the games? and as to why the DNA test is negative I guess? In general I feel like I've got no closure with this series now and with Kojima gone I feel like it'll get the closure it deserves :/
No no , I mean as in the cutscene after that mission which explains everything.
I'm screaming at 45 I hate life right now, I hate Konami , I hate this games lore , I'm just an angry person right now