Spoiler Hell since I have a theory that Noctis' afterlife is still trapped in the crystal I'm not sure , atleast Zack is somewhat happy in the afterlife? I'm pretty sure Noctis is just .... y'know , crying internally because of the fact he'll never be able to see luna? but thats just a tragic theory to me , and cause Noctis faded or merged into the crystal after Ardyn , god knows this game hurt me really badly, I might replay ff7 or something else to make me feel good , 120 hours of nonestop playing and i'm just left empty , it was a beautiful but sad ending
I need a place where I can vent about the ending just a little but I understand not a lot of people might have finished it at this point , hell I didn't wanna finish it until I did everything else but here goes. Spoiler: Please don't open unless you've finished the game Alright so , Once I hit chapter 9 the game was kinda vague with the points of no return , I wanted to do the cursed canvas side quests but I didn't know how , so I thought maybe I had to go through the MSQ to progress a little in altissia , little did I know we litterally had about 2 main story quests in altissia and the game was somewhat vague about putting me to the end of the game from the span of chapter 9 to chapter 15 and hell , i'm not mad about this , come chapter 14 I've done everything I needed do , had a great gameplay sequence up until now but then it pulls the Ocarina of time move on me? not technically i guess , technically Noctis was comatose'd for 10 years? and in this time since he was not around the daemons became a lot more powerful , daylight doesn't even exist anymore because Noctis has been absent for so long. Then we get to the end of the game , fighting Ardyn who'se revealed to be the first King of Lucis , having absorbed daemons into his body 2000 years ago to bring about peace but in the process the Astrals deemed him unclean for taking the that much of a burden on himself and outcasting him from his own kingdom. in following sequence we say a last farewell to our friends , as the daemons errupt alongside Ardyn. And then just...Noctis sits on his throne , basically telling the knights of the round (past kings of lucis in this game) to trust in his decision , they all know what he's about to do and the knights of the round don't work off of protecting their own throne as we know from the movie , Kingsglaive , so 12 of them oblige to help Noctis in his final efforts , All excepts Regis. Regis knowing what his son has endured on his journey hesitates for a moment before accepting to be the one to stab his own son through the stomatch with The sword of the father , sending Noctis into the afterlife (or the crystal , at least thats what it looks like it seems to be that the kings of lucis merge with the crystal as the environment looks like what it did when we met Bahamut within the crystal) we see that Ardyn is there? and I pressume this is a cycle of rebirth or something simmilar for Ardyn because he must be the Darkness within their "star" that Luna always referred to because what ensues is Noctis using the final power of the ring of Lucii to end Ardyn in the afterlife so that he could never return and it would indeed purge all the Daemons from the world. Noctis having to be the crowned king of light , took the burden on himself to end his own line of Royals as well , because in the midsts of all this overuse the ring seems to fade as well , unless that just means the ring is still physically on him? but the ring of Lucii works kind of like the avatar state if I had to make a refference , if it's broken while in use and the current king of lucis dies while using it , it's said that the past knowledge of kings will be broken and the ring itself will become useless , from this we know that the Lucis Caelum line has ended. The final post credits scene is what I want to talk about , in this afterlife is he truly happy with Lunafreya? or is it just his mind within the crystal? trying to keep him happy? we see the world begin to reshape itself from the self sacrifice of both the King and Queen and we get a tragic but beautiful ending, Look I love this ending for what it is , but it hurts to feel like this honestly , I feel like I had to explain the ending as well cause a lot of people have been lost on the ending but this is what sense I could make out of it , I just wanted everyone in this game to be happy. But it feels nice that square went for a not so happily ever after ending. God it was a journey but I'm not sure how to feel.
PC? or console?
a good technique to help if you didn't know is donalds limit break , comet? i think is the one that helped me get that one
which one is that again? is that the 75 hit one?
The question is will i ever be able to control and fuse demons
pretty good
Hows life?
here waiting for the judgement demo for FFXV
sounds like a qt
do tell
i got abducted but now i'm back...i'll probably get abducted again , here is a picture of the alien that abducted me Spoiler
Hoping that the coop dlc and the bloodborne inspired dlc area will be fun . hopefully they make luna playsble since theyre thinking about making her playable as another dlc
There hasn't been one of these in years
OH nice, i've been taking the game real slow , I beat the abyss watchers, made the farron greatsword my main weapon for now , timing parrys with...
You fought the Abyss Watchers yet man?