gx if I may call you that. It's these things that make me not respect you much.
Roxas! You is back. I already had applications for the new Roxas run off... Oh well, I'll tell them the auditions are off. Versus!
I have to tell you all something very weird. My power went out last night and there was no reason. It freaked me out. Oh yeah have you ever noticed how the word physics is so much funnier when Tennant says it? Also, watch this movie, trust me it's funny especially when that guy got his heart torn out. I lol every time. I'm feeling kinda sick today. I was shivering just now.
Too true. How's that for ya?
Comrade Naploeon Well that was expected yet still anticlimactic. ummm... I meant as in quick to anger short fused low on patience the most essential of all virtues. You just gave the creepy way. To ghettoxemnas
Whatevs man just an observation. People here are waaaaay too touchy and not in the creepy way.
No offense but you deserve no respect for some of the stuff you do. Mish=Sexy There's the answer. Popularity=2+2=FISH Good nuff for you guys.
I Banned Taco Hell 'cause I ate half a million chalupas and I got fat I Banned Panasonic 'cause they never said I shouldn't use my microwave to dry of my cat
It's a crocodile 0____0 ___ __ (_) It's supposed to be a crocodile.
Banned for never misspelling banneded.
Banned for editing posts
Look at your girlfriend. Wait you're...
Just Banned. Where is KJ Illin' in this video?
Banned for not banning in the last year
Read man! I said it was a freakin' joke! Okay kidding but yeah it was another joke spawned from boredom.
Banned for cancer(I'm on to you)
Banned for making fun of the magic surfboard
Banished for interrupting my thoughts
Banned for not knowing the famous leader that is KJ Illin'
Banned for ignoring me