I'd like to see lotsa fighting. Hard(I mean actually challenging) bosses. Better keyblades(back to the KHI roots.) A new set of characters and a new set of mysteries. Emotional content and better graphics.
It was original. I think they effed it's design up with things like halloween town and new ultima in KHII. I honestly liked most of the KH keyblades better. But if it came to it I'd choose it over my specialty sword just 'cause it's so cool. (Dual wielding is more me though.(Think Original Ultima and that chance meeting one. (I'd like that combo.)))
They had it in their packs. Or they used magic like in atlantica.
I'd get it just to see what happens. No one can say they're totally satisfied with KHII's ending. Anyways I'm waiting to see if they can redeem themselves for KHII.
I'm with Jube on this one. It's a decision of Nomura. He decided and it is just so.
Nice. This one is more how I'd like it. Now that the stories direction is established I like it a lot better. To be honest I don't like extra exposition . You write well enough. Now I'm excited. Well, keep it up and don't expect any sugar coating from me. Though you can expect me to be general. So I'll see what you've got later. Bye.
I'm asking for opinions on weaponry and style. Tactics are a factor in large scale battles not so much in a common brawl.
As far back as humans can tell we've been fighting. Egypt an ancient martial arts manual was discovered. Europe, knights were trained to wield calvary weapons. Others in fencing and ground based arms. China, bodyguards learned kung fu. Japan, the samurai learned the katana and wakizashi, iaido to kendo. The Middle East, scimitar and other blades. India, chakram and various other swords and projectiles. No matter where you go you'll find a heavy past culture of battle. But, what wins a battle? Is it the fine style of fencing? Or the brute force of armored infantry? Is it range found in shuriken, chakram, and the bow and arrow? Is it a blade or a club? A lance or a voulge? Or is it your own bare hands? What do you think is most valuable in a fight?
I don't like chinese rap. Being chinese myself I know we can't. I've heard some of it have any of you?
I don't see why anyone would argue about this. It's as simple as this: It is never coming stateside in anything more than personal packages. True, the voice acting won't be as good. True, they keep lotsa good parts for themselves. True, they won't make any money,(don't give me that whole "Lots of people will buy it" drivel) anyone outside of the upper levels of fanaticism won't bother to "rebuy" the "same game" for ten extra dollars. But, it just comes down to that they won't do it no matter what the reasons.
Whoa. That was unexpected. Only one problem. You typoed 'doubt' as 'doupt'. Other wise cool. Waiting for the next chapter.
Negative one hundred.
Thanks for spreading the word. I'm never joining the army. Do you know the mortality rate over there? It's not cool. I was so afraid when my cousin almost went into the army. Luckily he got out in time.
Supposedly Ven is there. Or it could be anything really. All we know is Castle Oblivion is more important than TCTNW and it was there before the Orgy. So we can assume it's like another Hollow Bastion type of place. Someone steeped i the study of hearts may have lived there. I think maybe the top floors spacey world may have something to do with it. Maybe Marluxia got his big *** mech thing there. Hm. He didn't know so maybe the top floor is like another dimension. Sora did lock it after all. Hm? I don't know there's my opinion. However this is all baseless speculation and crackpot theories.
Misxion: Horribly mannered thugs Meat: Shut up. Stop your spammin'. Misxion: Nox did not listen to you. Neither will I. Meat: Go away. I'm waiting for the story. Misxion: You're always reading other peoples stories. Write your own for once. Oh wait you are, but you're not doing anything about it. Meat:... You got me there. But, I like this story better. This one is coherent and it like has regular updates. Misxion: And whose fault is that? Meat: Dammit.
I practice kung-fu to this song every day. I feel really nerdy.
I see your point. However, if you think about what a soul is you'd notice (or at least I did) that the soul is in essence you. The soul is your personal essence the mental and spiritual parts of you. In a Kingdom Hearts context it embodies the mind (so it seems.) Heartless are hearts engulfed by darkness. They have no higher brain functions due to lack of a soul and thus personality. Riku however went to Kingdom Hearts when he was separated from his body. His heart wasn't overtaken by the darkness. However, how did he retain his will and mind? His soul must have gone with it or something. This is at least how logic seems to point. Also, it looked like Ansem Seeker of Darkness was obliterated at the end of KH. I assume some of him was left in Riku's heart, so that's how he returned later. But I'm sure the possessed body was destroyed in the process. Thereafter leaving Riku as a disembodied 'being'. We do not know the nature of the 'Dark Side' of Kingdom Hearts. The rules could be different there. This still leaves unexplained how he could return for CoM. As such it's very likely that this is wrong and you're right. However this is how I see it. Edit: True, special Nobodies have been made. This doesn't mean they can be made from totally ridiculous scenarios. Suppose Xehanorts Heartless did steal body and soul. The body and soul would not be moving with a will of it's own. It's like saying you can make a living man into a zombie. The rules of a Nobodies creation aren't totally broken in the special cases but in what you're suggesting they are.
Namine doesn't exist anymore. She wasn't a fighter either anyways. So, basically even if she could it doesn't matter since she is effectively Kairi now.
I'd say that's doubtful. It's not the Orgy that makes dual wielding possible, it's Roxas that does it 'cause he's cool like that. Besides Riku's style couldn't be logically modded to a dual blade version. I'm not even sure why he has a keyblade. It just appeared suddenly in TWTNW. Before he was using Soul Eater in LoD and Twilight Town. Oh well I think it'll all be explained. Also, to your statement on the previous page. Emblems are artificially created like the keyblade of darkness. I don't know if Nobodies could have an equivalent because of logical reasons. It's possible. But, the point is that we don't know.
I think I'll get both. They, from what I can tell are both going to be worth getting. The pricing seems fair enough and I have money to spend.