The dummy ship left the temporal pocket Davros and the Daleks were in and returned to normal time as it reached Midnight. There were no signs of life on the planet, but that was expected. Supposedly, there was nothing in the universe that could live on the planet anyway. "Open a communication line. I wish to speak to this 'doctor'." Crucible Completion Status: 0.2% ----- Yoshimitsu woke up and looked at the nearby screen as it suddenly filled with static. With the pain from his wounds lessened, he limped over to Jail. "Is this coming from an outside source? I feel that there's something...odd about this." ----- Vexen watched the playback on the crystal ball. It was all very boring and mostly filled with exposition, until suddenly he saw Sora blasting magic out of nowhere. Even without emotions, something about that disturbed him because clearly that was not Sora. Skipping along to the end, he took note of Marluxia's return and- "Is that? No...! Impossible!" Experiment No. i was alive and well. How could he tell? One of them didn't have a face.
When Vexen got to the castle, he saw the last of the group enter a separate Corridor of Darkness. "Gah! I'm too late." He looked around at the damage that they caused to the place. Those must certainly have been some great warriors in order to have caused this. "Hmmm...I guess battle data would have to do for now. The memory duplicates will have to wait." Vexen headed for that hidden room in the basement where he, Zexion, and Lexaeus once gathered to watch the goings-on topside. That monitoring device must still be functioning after all this time.
"Oh well. The simplest replicas could be made from battle data alone. Full copies would require the memories of the original. The last two that I made were Experiment No. i and that Riku Replica, both of which were created at..." Vexen grinned. Perhaps there was something or someone there he could use? Or maybe one of his experiments has survived or revived like himself? Without a word, Vexen walked off in deep thought and departed for Castle Oblivion. Whether or not Earth was destroyed didn't really matter to him anyway.
Can't wait until Vexen runs into Xion. He's gonna give her so much crap.
- Dual Kite Shields - Necromancer - Mind/Behavioral Control
"And? Is that all? My, I was expecting a much greater threat. But these 'Materials'...I assume they are magical in nature? And the threat that they unleashed is also magical in nature? So if an anti-magic field is deployed, then wouldn't everything with the slightest bit of magic be nullified? All enhancements, all spells, all magical devices and weaponry would be either disabled or normalized. Am I correct?" Vexen paced around the room and remembered to bring up the Replica Project. "By the way, out of everyone here, who would you say would be the most ideal candidate of creating a replica of?" Upon mention of an anti-magic field, Davros perked up. If he were to battle against these forces in the conflict on the other side of the universe, an anti-magic field would be a must. The problem was that he had no data on any form of magic. Perhaps this would be the time to make his presence known? Of course, from doing this, he knew that his location would be compromised. A plan was quickly devised in his mind. "Send a dummy ship to the planet Midnight. From there it will pick up the transmissions from Earth and silently relay them back here and vice versa. If we are being traced, then destroy the vessel. We shall make it appear as if we did not survive the effects of the extonic star that the diamond planet orbits. And when they find the ruins of that ship, 'it' will be running on the planet surface and find them." Like the Supreme Dalek, his commands were obeyed without question.
Vexen, done with the cleanup and gotten little information out of it, opened a Corridor of Darkness to return to the others. He left it open for a short time for the pilots to follow. "Everyone here looks like they're having troubles. You're the head of this operation, yes? What's this I hear about an empire?" he asked Jail.
Vexen quickly brushed away the thanks. "Yes, yes, you're welcome. Now, could you tell me exactly what's been going on here? By the time I was here there was a city in ruins and the apparent leader of this vessel speaks little of the details. Something about an empire and saving the planet?"
The air was well below sub-zero temperatures by the time Vexen stepped within visual range of the Heartless mass. "How inefficient. Instead of fighting them one-by-one, why not eliminate them all at once?" He grinned creepily and raised his right arm into the air and called forth a massive ice storm. When it cleared, all the Heartless were encased in ice and ready to be shattered (save for the few that moved into the shadows at the right moment, but they could be easily picked off). "There. That's much better. And if you're still worried, don't be. They'll never melt." Yoshimitsu stayed slumped in a corner, doing what little he can about his injuries.
Reserving two ghosts. Graxe Psycho Mantis The Sorrow
Vexen spoke up from behind the main group after Jail gave his speech/announcement. "Could any of you possibly treat this cyborg ninja-person? He was crippled when I found him and I lack the proper medical skills to tend to his injuries. And looking at all of the minds and hearts that we have here, perhaps the Replica Project could begin anew?" Elsewhere in the ship, he felt the presence of darkness. The Heartless were appeared on board. "Now if any of you don't mind, there are some pests to be taken care of. A lab should be kept clean and sterile, after all." Vexen opened a Corridor of Darkness that led the hangar where the Gundams were stored and followed the scent of darkness from there. The air around him grew increasingly colder with each step he took. ----- Once all the remains of the old Crucible were recovered and stripped of usable parts, the Supreme Dalek had ordered the construction of the new Crucible to began immediately. Crucible Completion Status: 0.1%
The armory. It was a large hall covered in nearly every form of weaponry that Omega had collected in his life. They ranged from the standard, one-handed sword to the bizarre bells used by geomancers. The room itself had one of the highest security levels in the entire citadel and couldn't be entered from the Void...well, most of the time. While putting away the Masamune and the Blood Sword, Omega saw that there was an empty space on the wall. Excalipoor was missing. "Dammit, Gilgamesh got in here again. I'm surprised he didn't take anything else. Bastard nonetheless." He inspected every weapon there to see if there was anything else that was either missing or moved. Then he came across the gunblade that was named after him. "I remember this. It was a gift from an old friend..." "Thanks again. Sorry I haven't used it much since I got it. That'll change starting now." With his new blade holstered on his hip, he walked up to the sixth floor. This floor was used primarily for gathering intelligence and surveillance on the planet. Other than the armory, this was one of the few places where someone could expect to find him in citadel. "Locate the l'Cie. I want to see what they're up to and how they're coping with the town gone." The main holographic screen lit up and showed the group of l'Cie on the run, some falling into a bit of despair from the recent events. On a smaller side screen, he saw that Shinryu was still in the front hall and spoke to him through the audio system. "Shin, you can't go around wearing torn-up garments like those forever. Change into something different, would you? You can find a closet on the second floor. Third door to your left." Shin walked down the western hallway of the second floor. Third door to my left...third door to my- What. It was a closet alright...a closet that was the size of the armory. It was insane. Nearly every style and article of clothing imaginable could be found here, no doubt collected over the countless years. So unlike Omega. It probably wasn't his room anyway. Maybe. Well, this is gonna take a while. Okay. Where to start?
Yoshimitsu slumped onto the ground, which caught Vexen's attention. "If you are so in need of medical assistance, why not ask the people on that screen? You do see that screen floating around you, no?" Yoshimitsu looked up at the monitor. "I've...been ignoring it. A distraction...that's what it is..." "Hmph. Fine. If you're not going then I will. I've had enough of this city already and I've only just entered. There doesn't even seem to be any functional laboratories fit for my research around here anyway." After his complaints, the former Organization member entered Dr. Scaglietti's tower and met with the others there. "...Very well. I'll go. Let's hope..they're as good as...Boskonovitch." Yoshimitsu struggled to get back up, but he eventually did so and followed Vexen. ----- Since the Unbreakable Dark woke Omega, the ancient Time Lord made preparations to combat this threat. He willed into existence two Hands of Omega, one of which was promised to Davros and the other for his own personal use. A single one of these stellar manipulators could simultaneously supernova and black hole every star in the universe at maximum power. Gallifrey would lose its main power source and, in turn, the technology of time travel (TARDISes specifically). If this was Davros' intent with the device, then there would be little point in returning back to N-Space. Omega's Hand of Omega would be used as a countermeasure for this event, among other uses. Of course, being trapped in another universe made direct interaction with anything in or from N-Space impossible. ----- As the transmissions were being monitored, Davros only had one comment on them. "These transmissions are truly strange. It is as though entire physical beings are sending themselves through to the opposite end." He went on to oversee the creation of the new Daleks from the cells of the human bodies. From his position, he instructed the Daleks on locating exactly where the viable cells were. The specifics were deemed necessary in his perspective. For each corpse, a range of 50000-75000 Daleks could be born. A million Daleks, minimum, could be created from just twenty people and they had taken hundreds. Complete efficiency of utilizing the resources at hand was an absolutely necessity for achieving the maximum number. And under Davros' guidance, there would be no room for mistakes. Elsewhere in the Cascade, a small group of Dalek ships went scavenging around that area of space for any remains of the Crucible upon orders from the Supreme. "CRUCIBLE REMAINS HAVE BEEN LOCATED." "COMMENCING RESOURCE EXTRACTION."
Updated. Graxe Davros The Supreme Dalek Omega Yoshimitsu Vexen
Davros took a some time to figure out how to explain time. "Time is not a strict line of cause-to-effect as many view it. It is more...spherical and malleable, as proven in the last Time War. Only certain events are fixed points in time, or as the Daleks call them, "Spatial-Temporal Imperatives". These are the points in time that must never change and are usually extremely major events, such as a large volcanic eruption or the death of a certain, important person. The rest are in constant flux. In every passing moment, our memories change from the effects of the mere presence of time travelers in eras they were not meant to be in. But these changes appear as small details or events. Depending on your actions, if you go back in history and take these medals, your enemy may possibly fight just as well without them as he does with them. Or he may not and be crippled in some past or future battle. Only a Time Lord would be able to see the possibilities. But that is how time is." He paused for a moment. "Again, if you decline the offer, I will understand if you choose to. The vortex manipulator is simply my parting gift to you. The Daleks and myself have no intention of leaving this area of the universe for quite a while, but you may have other plans to enact and this device is your exit to go out and achieve them. So long as you hold up your end of our agreement, do as you please."
For confirmation, Omega is allowed to reality warp his own universe right?
"I HAVE SEEN A POINT IN TIME WHERE HE HAS ACQUIRED SEVERAL NEW MEDALS. EVEN THOUGH THAT TIME HAS PASSED, THE VORTEX MANIPULATOR WILL ENABLE YOU TO TRAVEL TO THAT POINT IN TIME AND TAKE THE MEDALS BEFORE HE OBTAINS THEM," the Supreme Dalek informed. "The vortex manipulator, in simple terms, is a basic time travel device that also functions doubly as a teleporter. There are other side functions as well, such as tracking life signs and picking up stray communication transmissions, but they are not primary features," Davros began to explain. "Normally the user would have to manually input the coordinates of time and location. But for the sake of convenience, this one that I have just built also forms a psychic link with the user. Simply think of the time and/or place you would wish to be and the device will automatically set the coordinates. When activated, it will take you there in an instant. Although we have moved inside a temporal pocket several seconds out of the universe's timestream, the device will take you wherever you need to be as normal," He moved towards the Supreme and turned around to face Maki. With a flick of a switch on his control panel, the observation window opened behind the two to reveal the Medusa Cascade in all of its nebular glory. "Whether or not you choose to take up the Supreme's offer is your choice. The manipulator is yours, regardless. If you do choose to claim the medals before your enemy does, then the Supreme Dalek will input the coordinates of that time and location for you now." He set the vortex manipulator down on a clear part of his control panel. "Whatever you do, do not forget our agreement. We are at the Medusa Cascade now. If you wish to see the rift, then do so. Invisible to the eye as it is, the energy amassing on the other side can be detected. To open it, a single powerful force – such as a supernova – is enough to crack the seal. It will then widen from there. If you cannot open it in your current state, then I have given you the means to find such a way," he reminded. ----- As Yoshimitsu limped through the streets, three of his own Dark Pieces barred his path. He knew that he wouldn't last in a fight in his condition, but giving up his life for the sake of others was part of the job description as the leader of the Manji Clan. The only thing that worried him was how the legacy of "Yoshimitsu" would be carried on since there would be no way to pass down the katana to the next Yoshimitsu. Then all of a sudden, all three Dark Pieces were encased in thick blocks of ice and soon shattered with them. "I must say, there seem to be replicas everywhere these days." A man with a large, ice-inspired shield formed out of darkness and nothingness in the air above Yoshimitsu and gently landed on the ground in front of the ninja. "Remarkable as they are, I've created much more complete, if failed, replicas than these mannequins."
Yoshimitsu was badly injured from U-D's sudden city-wide blast. His armor was cracked and breaking off in areas. His helmet was half shattered, revealing...nothing at all. He had always taken the preemptive to hide his identity under what he wears. "...Must...locate others. Find...survivors..." he muttered weakly. Putting his pain and injuries in the back of his mind, the ninja slowly moved through the city.
"UNKNOWN COMMUNICATION NETWORK DETECTED. ORIGIN IS EARTH. INTERCEPTING TRANSMISSIONS," alerted one the Daleks as they left Earth. "Intercept, but make out presence hidden. If the Doctor is part of this network, and I have strong beliefs that he is, it is too early for our presence to be known to him. We shall observe the opposing forces," Davros commanded. "I OBEY." Within a minute, the fleet reached the Medusa Cascade in all of its nebulous glory. To conceal themselves further, they entered a temporal pocket 7.778 seconds behind the rest of the universe as per Davros' request. Davros entered the bridge, where the Supreme Dalek was commanding. "There are many kinds of darkness in the universe. Specify which one." The Supreme Dalek moved its eyestalk at Davros. "THE UNBREAKABLE DARKNESS HAS RISEN FROM THE TOME." Davros recalled the Supreme mentioning the Tome when giving its report on Dearche. He chuckled at what had possibly happened to her and remembered the warning that he gave her: "Beware your pride." "Supreme Dalek, you have mentioned earlier that you have information that may be useful to this man. What is it?" The Supreme Dalek looked at Maki. "ARE THE CORE MEDALS USED BY YOUR ENEMY OF ANY IMPORTANCE TO YOU?" it asked. OOC: Will introduce Vexen later.
Minor plot question: If Davros actually succeeds in building and detonating the Reality Bomb to dissolve everyone and everything, everywhere; what would happen then?