The five minutes were up. The 40,000 Dalek battleships materialized into normal time and half of the force found themselves inside the Death Star. Ten Daleks exited each ship and swarmed the corridors where the ships couldn't maneuver into, becoming a dark, metal cloud that death poured out from. If anything got in their way, they blew it up with their energy weapons and continued on the extermination. The battleships themselves were literally nuking the larger areas of the Death Star (and the various ships if they were in a hangar) with a combination of their deep-penetration ion and antimatter cannons, particle beam weapons, and neutronic missiles. To further debilitate the enemy, each ship emitted a wide-range energy cancelling pulse (along with extending their usual communications barrier to cover the whole fortress) so that they couldn't fight back or even call for aid. After fully cleansing an area of inferior lifeforms, they ripped open a path to the next area and repeated the process. Screams of the dying along with the Dalek screams of "EXTERMINATE!!" filled whatever air was left inside. Outside the Death Star, the rest of the fleet began fighting off the TIE Fighters and Star Destroyers with the same weaponry as the force inside while at the same time heavily slamming the shields of the Death Star. ----- "THE ATTACK HAS BEGUN," the Supreme Dalek informed everyone. "So it has. We will soon see if your forces can hold up, Emperor."
Davros reopened his side of the communication line. "And if I not, what will you do? Find and confront me? The universe is as large as it is infinite. Where would you even begin? In any case, I have other uses for that fortress of theirs. It would be detrimental for me to utterly destroy it." He stayed silent for a moment, giving both parties some time to think. "Tell me, Doctor. If you had The Moment with you now as you did at the end of the Time War, would you use it in this battle as you did then?"
But really, 400 posts in a thread isn't that much (depending on the topic).
4000 posts? Oh, you said default settings.
"Doctor. I see you've regenerated once again. Fine, I shall wait." Davros tapped his robotic fingers on the control panel. "Five minutes. No more. No less. If they are not back by then, they will be exterminated with the rest of the Empire. And you know better than anyone else here, Doctor, the power and the mercilessness of the Dalek Empire." He cut off his side of communication. "The Doctor's presence is confirmed. All forces on high alert. The Time Lord may interfere." "The decision is ultimately up to him, since he is the one in control his own forces. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't keep his word." Vexen turned to the others. "So we have five minutes. Which of us here can reach them and return within that time?"
Davros looked at the remaining people there. "Those two have left for that star fortress, correct? Perhaps they should have waited until I mentioned that I have sent 40,000 battle ships to hide there, waiting for the command to attack which I can give at any time." He looked to Vexen. "You there. What do you think? Should I call the attack now? Or continue the wait?" "You plan to take on the Empire on your own? Interesting. Having it out of the picture would ease our troubles and concentrate our focus primarily on the Unbreakable Dark. So, yes. I say that you begin the assault. Immediately." Davros turned to Vanille, Ron, and Harry. "And what of you three? What is your say on this matter?"
"Well, that was a disappointment." Each replica collapsed into an orb of darkness and were reabsorbed back into his shield. "If you are so worried, follow that boy and go after her yourself then. Although, I do believe that she's no longer with that man." "Establish a full audio/visual link." Davros re-opened communications with the heroes. "So it seems that one of your own has been taken. That female child, I assume? How unfortunate for her. Other than that, how are your plans progressing?"
Vexen block the rage punch with his shield, but Snow's strength pushed him back a several inches. Once he had steady footing, he pushed Snow back. "Are you certain that it was actually her? Or if it was one of my replicas? Because I see two of each of you here."
Replicas are to be played by the original's player. Vexen only has control on when to upgrade/dismiss/terminate them.
The 40,000 ships that Davros sent reached the section of Earth's orbit where the Empire resided. Because they weren't in normal time, detection was almost impossible. Now they wait for his command. ----- "Inside Xion contains the last remaining data of the Replica Project. I cannot- Oh." Vexen looked at Nixio. "Well, if it isn't that numberless byproduct I created on a whim. A Nobody now, are you? Have you lost that heart Namine created just for you? No matter. I only need one of you in the end." Peering over to the side with all the commotion, he once again summoned his shield. A burst of energy shot out from it and quickly sped to the Snow and the others, splitting apart to form a physically identical replica of each of the heroes involved in the fight. All of them were battle ready, though much weaker than their originals. "Now let the experiment begin. You've all noticed that I've been collecting data on each and every one of you, yes?"
Spoiler FIRST []You think you’re better than other species []You’ve run away from home [/]You have been bullied [X]You are frequently sarcastic []You have brown eyes []You occasionally wear a cape []You wear reading glasses [X]People say you’re very wise Total: 2.5 SECOND []Justice and righteousness are important to you []You are ruthless []You like playing the recorder []You consider yourself a genius [X]Your pockets hold EVERYTHING []You like hats []Your eyes change color [X]You can be a bit childish Total: 2 THIRD [/]You love science []You want peace between everyone []You are a master of aikido [X]You love playing with gadgets []You tend to be optimistic []You occasionally perform magic tricks []You also love vintage cars [X]You can be somewhat bitter Total: 2.5 FOURTH []You wear long scarves. Very long scarves []Yo-yo’s are fun to play with []You occasionally wear floppy hats []Would you like a jelly baby? [X]Your personality is very different from others [/]Your pockets are dimensionally transcendental []People say you’re charming [X]You can tell if you can trust someone or not right away Total: 2.5 FIFTH []You wear “brainy specs†to look clever, when need be []You can be a bit venerable [X]You prefer thinking and problem solving over physical activity [X]You hate violence []You like celery [X]You tend to panic when under pressure []Rosemary makes you sneeze []You will openly express your hopes and fears to your companions(friends) Total: 3 SIXTH [X]You can be compassionate, but hardly anybody but your friends see this side [X]You also can be very arrogant []And melodramatic []You decided to become a vegetarian, but have abandoned that practice []You love poetry []You are very fond of cats []You have problems with directions []You are very determined to do what is right Total: 2 SEVENTH []People don’t really trust you [X]You tend to act like a fool to hide your intellect [X]You have a very dark side, though []You like chess []You would rather use words to resolve problems instead of violence []You use umbrellas to accomplish tasks other than keeping the rain off of you [X]You are very eccentric []You like manipulating people Total: 3 EIGHTH []You love and respect all life []You are very romantic []You often have panic attacks [X]You don’t understand the idea of gloating []You have a habit of repeating someones name when trying to make a point []Or when excited []You have smoked [X]You are very afraid of heights Total: 2 SHALKA!Doctor []You can be a bit bitter and *****y [X]You change your moods easily []You have a love for showtunes []You have someone very dear to you [X]You are a bit reckless at times []You can be patronizing to others [/]You have a dark sense of humor [X]You tend to be ignored Total: 3.5 NINTH []You like wearing leather jackets []You can be very emotional []Although, you can hide your sorrow with manic behavior and wit [X]You can be ruthless [X]You cuss frequently []You tend to say “fantastic†a lot []You like bananas [X]You can be violent Total: 3 TENTH []You are a happy person []You are also enthusiastic, especially at inappropriate times [X]You feel very lonely []You are a fan of Harry Potter []You are a very forgiving person []You prefer rock music []You think that life is beautiful []Allons-y! Total: 1 ELEVENTH [X]You don’t care if people think you’re eccentric []You can be very childlike []Fezzes are cool [/]You have a very good memory []You talk with your hands [X]You tend to ramble a lot [X]You would rather face situations alone, rather than put your friends at risk []You have green eyes Total: 3.5 Tied for Eleven and SHALKA!Doctor. Five, Seven, and Nine trail very closely.
"I'm a scientist. Experimentation is what I do. There's no better chance to observe two equally destructive forces of such scale clashing than right now." Vexen continued to ponder on the subject. "If her power is incalculable, then battle data would do no good. It seems the best option would be to create a replica out of her memories, but the problem is acquiring them."
Vexen dismissed his shield after Stern intervened and instead placed a scanner on everyone there for both gathering information on them and replication purposes. "If the Unbreakable Dark fought itself, how damaging would that be?" he wondered out loud. ----- Crucible Completion Status: 0.5% "How is progress going on the Crucible?" Davros asked the Supreme Dalek after temporarily cutting off communications for the time being. "PROGRESS IS SLOW. THEIR PLAN IS ALSO MOVING SLOW. NOTHING WILL BE ACHIEVED." "What do you suggest we do then?" The Dalek started simulating various plausible models inside its casing. It wasn't long before it gave its answer. "WE WILL EXTERMINATE THE EMPIRE. OUR FORCES ARE SUFFICIENT AND GREATLY OUTNUMBER THEIRS. THEY ARE TOO FOCUSED ON THE DARKNESS AND WOULD NOT SUSPECT AN ATTACK FROM US." Davros chuckled quietly. "The remains of their star fortress and their ships would be utilized in the construction, I assume?" "YES." Davros moved to the command. "Eight million...and still growing. Send a force of 40,000 battle ships. Burn them out of the sea of space. Wait for my command before leaving the temporal pocket."
Vexen waved an arm. Two large ice shurikens formed on his left and right and shot straight forward, but quickly rammed towards Fang from behind like two circular saws. He levitated back a bit as they did so. "But a puppet is all that it is and all that it will ever be. What you think about it doesn't change anything."
"Oh good, you know about it. I won't have to explain much now." Vexen was unfazed by Fang's threats. Mainly because Marluxia did the same once and he commanded more power than this woman. "Tell me, what is the point in protecting a faceless puppet? It is no one. It has never been nor will it ever be anyone. It has even less of a right to exist than us Nobodies. If it dies, none of you will have ever remembered it." He looked down as his experiment. "I had assumed No. i had fallen and I was correct. Roxas, now, just confirmed that. Speaking of Roxas, has it ever told you how dangerous it is to him?" He summoned his shield, which moved directly in front of him, rigidly holding itself in place. With a snap of his fingers, a small data scanner appeared on the ground under Fang and would follow her everywhere. As long as it was even partially under her, a constant stream of data would flow into his shield and create battle-ready replicas of her, each one stronger than the next as more and more data was collected. Of course, there was a minimum amount to collect before a copy could be made but that wouldn't take long.
Yoshimitsu bowed. "Thank you, but I am sorry. I will not part with my weapon. It is my responsibility and I would not have someone else bare its burden. Besides, all things have varying degrees of evil inside them. Perhaps the empire will have a significantly less amount. As long as the flow is steady and constant, I should be fine." "Place me where you wish. Know that whichever front I am battling, the enemy will be facing multiple replicas of themselves and ourselves. These copies would not be like those things in the ruined city. They would be more like, how should I put it..." Vexen looked around and immediately took notice that he was standing directly behind Xion. "Like you, No. i."
Much time passed from then until now. As Omega was watching the battles transpire, he cross-referenced the Eidolons as they made their appearance to his own database. "So in total now, there's Ifrit, another Bahamut, Alexander, Odin, and Belias of all people. Wow, I never thought I'd see him again. Especially not here. Okay, now onto Caius..." One of the side screens contained a still frame of Caius from his battle with Grey. In the shot, he was enveloped in massive amounts of chaotic energy and could barely be seen due to the Incarnate Summoning. Only a glowing red eye could be clearly seen shining through it. The image became enlarged and was projected onto the main screen. He stared at the screen for a moment. "I've been meaning to talk to you, but your so hard to track down these days. So I see that you're still wandering Gran Pulse. I wonder, how is Yeul these days? Still dying like usual?" He quietly chuckled to himself. Knowing Caius, he'd probably take off Omega's head for making a joke out of that. Even so, he found it humorous enough. Shinryu finally walked out of the closet in his new outfit after trying on almost everything that fit him. "Shin, when you're done, get up here to the sixth floor." He headed for the stairs. A large castle in an even larger, deserted city. And this is supposed to be an Ark? Where's the training ground for l'Cie? Oddly enough, he was thinking this as he quickly ran past the fifth floor, which served as the main training ground. The sixth floor was an odd place. It looked nothing like the rest of the castle and was startlingly dark. The only light came from the central long table and the main computer Omega was at. He couldn't help notice the people and events on the holographic screens. On one side screen, that one guy on the four wheeler Gestalt (Leo was it?) was taking on that dark Crystal L'Cie with Lightning. Another showed Bahamut in mid-flight and mid-battle, probably in one of those Eidolon battles for dominance. Alexander and his summoner was in a third and a fight between two l'Cie was shown in a fourth. In the rest were various locales that were unknown to him. The most notable of the bunch was the high-tech metropolis. He didn't know the man in the image on the main screen -- if it was a man. It was a bit hard to tell with all of the dark energy surrounding him/her/it, but there was definitely a malevolent presence coming off from the subject.
Gilgamesh's bringing more than just swords with him. Oh and PuPu appears.
Davros listened intently to the plan. "So it is like supernova and black hole happening to a star at the exact same moment. Explosion cancels implosion. Matter remains constant. Alternatively, you could also detonate a TARDIS, but the current plan is fine. Knowing who I am dealing with here, every single one of you would have objected to the idea. But unless she is herself the tome, this still leaves the problem of the book that awakened her. If it is anything like the Unbreakable Dark, then it too will regenerate itself over time. But perhaps..." He was starting to get lost in thought. "Perhaps time is the key?" Vexen exited the Corridor of Darkness and returned just in time to hear the plan. Although listening in to everyone, his main focus was on finding his old experiment. It must be here in the crowd somewhere, right? Yoshimitsu looked at his katana. "I am not sure how much of use I will be," he began. "My sword is a cursed relic that has been passed down to each leader of my clan for generations. It feeds on evil and dark energy and constantly hungers for more. When I fought those dark beings out in the city, I could feel my blade absorbing the dark essence of each one that I felled. If she is the source of them, then I fear that if I am simply near her presence my blade will absorb her residual energy and grow out of my ability to control it, even with the Fumaken. The power of dominance will shift and I will be no more than a puppet to a demonic weapon. And perhaps by then, I would be more enemy than friend."
The screen stayed in its static-filled state. It was only an audio transmission after all. "Is that all? Well then, if you want to boast, then I shall boast. I have a bomb that can cancel the electrical charge of every atom in the whole of reality and a virus designed to kill every form of life in the universe. Organic, mechanical, biomechanical, synthetic, incorporeal entities, every single lifeform will die. One of the two I have prepared and ready for use on my command. Do you want to test me?" Davros countered. "Now, back to the matter at hand. I have been monitoring your communication network for some time now. I know of your situation with the invading empire and this 'Unbreakable Dark'. If the implications of the name is true, then why not simply contain both it and its source? Tell me, have you heard any of the myths that surround the Pandorica?" "THE PANDORICA IS DESIGNED TO HOLD THE MOST DANGEROUS BEING IN THE UNIVERSE: THE DOCTOR. IT MUST NOT BE UTILIZED." "If the Unbreakable Dark is as powerful as they claim it is, then surely it would qualify to be detained in such a prison as well?" "...PROCEED." "My apologies for that small disruption." ----- Vexen hurried back to Jail's ship. No. i is alive. Truly fascinating. Here I had thought that all data of the Replica Project has been destroyed, but it still lives on inside that puppet.