"Get off of me!" Vexen yelled as he kicked Yoshimitsu off of him. He got up from off the ground and wiped the dust off of his coat. "Here I was taking a short nap to pass the lull in the action and what do I find when I wake up? A faceless cyborg ninja breathing air into my lungs!" Yoshimitsu bowed. "My apologies." "Apologies accepted." Yoshimitsu looked around. "Is that everyone?"
Graxe Psycho Mantis The Sorrow Two reserves. I don't know how you all could take 20+.
Of course Dante would be the one who looks the most interested.
Yoshimitsu, after taking some time off to change out of his broken armor into a previous look, rushed back into action to revive the others. He took off his helmet, revealing the black face cloth that wraps around his entire head, and proceeded to perform CPR on whoever he could, starting with Hermione, Ron, and Harry first before moving on to Vexen, Fang, and Snow.
An message was transmitted throughout the entire universe from an unknown source. Only a spare few would recognize the voice. "Yes. I can feel it. The rift has opened and our universes connect once more."
MGS: Peace Walker.
Last enemy/enemies: This. Last text/Facebook IM: None Pokemon Ally: Armaldo Last used weapon: An heat-seeking missile launcher, an RPG-7, an M16A1, grenades (frag and chaff), and both supply and strike markers to get help from some unknown home base. All while wearing a suit of battle gear that makes me carry around more ammo than normal. A few hours of running, probably. Bring it.
Probably this as my song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeWQr3scW-s Or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR9MOS5r-RY
The Daleks looked at each other and silently agreed to wait until the last second to do something. Until then, they analyzed the room to determine the positions to inflict most structural damage. Although being a throne room containing the Death Star's main and overseeing CPU, there were quite a few spots. "IT IS TIME. PREPARE THE PLANETARY TRANSMAT. BRING THE DEATH STAR HERE." The Doom counter hit "100" (roughly ten seconds left). The nine Daleks quickly spread across the space they were forced in to those weak points. "50" Each one of them activated their own self-destruct devices. The leader spoke to GLaDOS. "WHAT USE IS AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IF IT IS TORN FROM THE SYSTEM?" "40" "BLAST SHIELDS DISABLED." The atoms that made up their casings began to both fuse with each other and split apart, generating heat and radiation. "30" "PLANETARY MOVEMENT IMMINENT." Almost instantly, Death Star was pulled at speeds many times the speed of light and soon settled in the heart of the Medusa Cascade, near the sealed time rift. The Daleks' casings began to glow from the heat radiating off of the nuclear chain reactions happening to the dalekanium and polycarbide atoms. "20" The Supreme Dalek sent them one last transmission to all of the Daleks inside the Death Star, which the nine used as their final words: "CLEANSE THE UNCLEAN. TOTAL OBLITERATION! ANNIHILATE!!!" "0" At the instant the Dalek mutant died, each casing detonated with a blast equivalent to a volcanic eruption. Another five seconds later, the Dalek in the core self-destructed in the exact same manner, causing the core to detonate in a chain reaction. The supernova-like explosion easily broke through the forcefield the Dalek set up, soon ripping apart the other Daleks standing guard on the atomic level along with everything beyond before ultimately tearing the seal on the rift wide open. Regardless if GLaDOS and Dysley survived, which they probably did (nine nukes and a supernova wouldn't be enough to completely penetrate a fal'Cie's protective barrier, would it?), it was a Dalek victory in the end.
Signature character is Davros with the Supreme Dalek as second-in-command. Davros/Supreme Dalek: The better scenes of these two aren't up on YouTube (or they are, but the quality isn't that great), especially the Supreme Dalek since it only appears in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End. Spoiler Mainly Davros, but has a small bit of the Supreme Dalek at the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UIXssmZokI&hd=1 Explanation of the Reality Bomb. Actual beginning is cut off, but the gist is still there. Sound is/may be out of sync: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHujK0lwIdI&hd=1 Alternative, more complete version, but not in HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7SByM_Mctw The original Davros with the Fourth Doctor. Thought I'd throw this in here just because: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkelV2WUNdw&hd=1 And just for the hell of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlpRBLkgcBo Yoshimitsu: Spoiler His Tekken 6 ending (aka a lesser version of what happens if he stands within range of U-D upon her defeat): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5cA6fh5FhI&hd=1 His Tekken 5 ending, if in need of a bit more action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKakxSqDtuo&hd=1 Omega: Definitely not on YouTube, but The Three Doctors serial should be online elsewhere if you really want a scene or two of him. Can't think of a song at the moment. May or may not update on this.
Davros and Omega need the time rift open so that their universes can connect. The force of the exploding core would be strong enough to rip the seal apart. One of two things would probably happen: The surviving remains (Dysley and GLaDOS section) would be sucked into the rift, either to the antimatter universe, back to Earth, or wherever you want it to be. The Supreme Dalek would send the surviving remains back into Earth's orbit much to Davros' dismay under the reasoning that the timeline/plotline must be kept in order and that U-D would destroy the rest anyway.
Permission to steal/move the Death Star?
Noun: Sun/the Sun
"WE DO NOT POSSESS A DALEKANIUM BOMB." "THE SUPREME MEANS OUR SELF-DESTRUCT DEVICES. ONE OF US MUST DIE IN ORDER FOR OUR PLANS TO SUCCEED." The five Daleks stood silent. Then the one in the back spoke up. "I WILL DO IT. I WILL DESTROY MYSELF TO FURTHER OUR CAUSE." "UNDERSTOOD. WE WILL STAND GUARD TO STOP INCOMING OPPOSITION." The other four Daleks left the core chamber while the remaining one hovered as close as it could to the core before releasing the fifty-six Dalekanium spheres on its lower skirt to cover the room. Davros cut off communications. "THE BOMB HAS BEEN PLANTED. INITIATING TEMPORAL SHIFT." In an instant, all Dalek forces, save for the five, were transported through time and returned to the time pocket in the Cascade. The Doomed nine entered the presence of the Supreme Dalek and Davros. "You are the ones who were to face the emperor and the AI, yes? Report on your status." The squad leader answered. "ENERGY SIGNATURES FROM THE CHAMBER CONFIRMED AS THE SAME DETECTED IN A DIFFERENT AREA OF THE FORTRESS. EACH ONE OF US RADIATES WITH A TRACE AMOUNT OF THE SAME ENERGY." It looked to the Supreme. "WE HAVE A REQUEST." Without any explanation needed, because it already knew, the Supreme gave its permission. "I HAVE CONFIRMED THE COORDINATES OF THE ENEMY. YOU WILL ALL DIE A CURSED BREED; A DISGRACE AMONG THE DALEKS. PREPARE YOURSELVES." The nine perked up. "WE ARE READY." The Supreme activated the temporal shift and sent them back to be on the other side of the barrier timed exactly a second after they left.
"ELEVATE." The nine Daleks took the third option of taking out the ceiling laser sources, and any other hazard as they flew out of the test chamber to regain some ground. It wasn't long before they found themselves back to where they were a moment before. A look into the each Dalek's eyepiece and an unstoppable rage could be felt burning behind each one. "You highly underestimate my creations. They are the only species in the universe who have waged war against the lords of time itself and come out victorious. Acid and neurotoxin? These are but the living conditions on Skaro. Lasers and other energy weapons? We have stared down the barrel of the De-mat Gun and continued forward as black holes converged all around us. You are going to have to do much, much better than that to deter us." After crushing the skulls of several stormtroopers with their manipulation arms, the other Dalek squad reached the Death Star's core. They were soon given orders straight from the Supreme. "PLANT A DALEKANIUM BOMB NEAR THE HYPERMATTER REACTOR. THIS FORTRESS IS NOT FIT TO BECOME THE NEXT CRUCIBLE. IT WILL SERVE ITS PURPOSE BY TEARING APART THE TIME RIFT HERE IN THE CASCADE."
Anyone remember that time when it was the staff counting before a normal member posts and they used a database error to get all the way up but I somehow managed to make a post in it which confused them? Probably not. <Insert # here.>
"This sentence is false, regardless. And no, it would not outright kill you. It would, however, cause an indefinite loop of information to every one of your logic circuits, significantly reducing your control on everything you control until the problem is resolved," Davros remarked back with a bit of smugness. "Can you not hear it now? That voice telling you the same information over and over again as if it were constantly new. It must be extremely irritating." ----- The Daleks looked up as the neurotoxin filled the air. Since they didn't breathe, the poison was more like a green fog that barely hindered them. Even if they did, which they did at one point, Davros had originally designed the neck grill on their casings so that it filtered the air as they moved. The design was kept and improved upon over the millennia. They continued the counter-invasion/extermination. The Dalek squad outside the women's bathroom detected an unknown energy signature from inside. Instead of shooting down the door and locating the source, they stored the information in their memory banks for future analysis and moved on to the fortress's core with two other equally sized forces. Meanwhile, a separate squad of nine Daleks were nearing GLaDOS' chamber.
"ALERT. THE ENEMY IS CHARGING THEIR PRIMARY LASER." "EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. WE WILL DEAL WITH THESE PESTS OURSELVES." The twenty Daleks that operated the targeted battle saucer locked it in an all-out offensive to unleashing everything it had directly at the Death Star's superlaser before they left to fight the TIE fighters face-to-face. Though they lacked the speed to catch up with the fighters, their firepower and accuracy made up for it. Inside the Death Star, a small squad of five Daleks passed by the bathroom Dysley was hiding in. "HALT." The squad leader stopped and turned its eyestalk at the door. The others with it quickly followed suit. After noticing nothing unusual in plain sight, the five began to scan the immediate area for any unusual energy patterns. ----- "What is that? An artificial intelligence?" Davros turned to the Supreme Dalek. "Do you recognize it?" "IT IS THE ENTITY KNOWN AS GLaDOS, THE MIND OF A HUMAN FEMALE INSERTED AND CONVERTED INTO A PROGRAM THAT OVERSEES THE FUNCTIONS OF THE EARTH-BASED COMPANY CALLED 'APERTURE SCIENCE'. SHE HAS SINCE DELETED HER HUMAN SELF FROM THE SYSTEM AND WAS TAKEN TO BE IN CONTROL OF THE DEATH STAR'S FUNCTIONS WHILE RETAINING ALL OF HER PREVIOUS FUNCTIONS." Davros took a moment to think on this. It wasn't long before he was able to trace GLaDOS' hacked line back to the Death Star in order to open a communication link directly to her. "I know what you are, AI, and I know your weakness. Much like the Cybermen, you are a creature based primarily on logic, human mind or not. A temporary defeat, perhaps this will be, but it will be enough to bring down your defenses long enough for my empire to delete you and take your fortress as my own. Much like the Doctor himself, I only need my words to break you. Four words, to be exact. Would you like to know what they are?" ----- "Oh, so he was serious after all. He must be making quite the mess in order for them to call upon humanity's sympathy for aid." In the end, Vexen just disregarded the AI's message to the world.
By Xebec, a 21 episode harem anime about Graxe's outer space adventures.
Yes, let's all bond together with Llave and become one great, fused being to further bond with the rest of the masses.