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  1. Graxe
    "Hmm...these people far exceeded my expectations. Perhaps I should begin creating the ultimate being." Vexen had long left the battle just after he made his small contribution and watched the rest of the action from a safe distance on a thick platform of ice.

    Embedded in the ice was Yoshimitsu's katana, which nearly impaled Vexen as it flew through the air from Safer Sephiroth's appearance. It's owner was nowhere to be found.


    "And when is that?"
    Davros took the Supreme Dalek's words as somewhat cryptic, not knowing that the Supreme literally meant what it said. "Why do these events always happen on Earth? I would have much preferred Gallifrey."
    "What did you just say?"
    "My apologies, Omega. I had forgotten that you were still listening in."
    "And is that a problem?"
    "No. Not at all. I would rather you be keeping up with this information than be kept in the dark. It would make creating a mutual understanding of the current situation much simpler."

    Crucible Completion Status: 18%
    Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: 8.3%
    Post by: Graxe, May 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Graxe
    You notice a golf ball-sized orb directly floating 3-5 inches over your head and always stays in place there. The orb has no physical form and it will not show up on any reflective surface or photographic/video evidence, but it can still be seen. Once it is noticed by someone, it cannot be seen by that person anymore.

    1. How would you go about finding out the color of the orb?
    2. You've only noticed it now when it's been hovering over you for the last 9 years since it also makes a small buzzing noise. Do you choose to get rid of it?
    3. Please describe in great detail of what is outside your nearest window.
    Post by: Graxe, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Graxe
    Put your controller on the floor. Put it down as flat as you can...that's good.
    Now I will move your the power of my will alone!!


    *controller vibrates*

    Oh yeah, and "BLACKOUT!!!"
    Post by: Graxe, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu, after being empowered by the unknown higher being, jumped onto one of the missiles fired from Metal Wolf and rode it all the way to Sephiroth. "My blade cries for thy blood!" His katana was rapidly pulsating with a bright green light. The ninja knew that his attempt was nearly hopeless, but if he were to die, he'd prefer to die with his mind intact. As long as he got the one-winged angel in the right in the heart or if he severed the wing, nothing else mattered to him at that moment.

    Vexen, after having Xemnas seemingly ignore him (as usual), returned to the Saint's Cradle in time to receive the blessing. "I see that he's returned. Oh look, a flaming titanic entity." He summoned his shield and conjured a massive ice storm that covered in the general area, Sephiroth, Titans, and all. Temperatures were dropping exponentially fast in this weather, seeing how the part of the ocean below them froze the instant the storm hit. "Fire versus ice. A classic opposition."
    Post by: Graxe, May 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Graxe
    The sixteen creatures you killed are actually pieces of the one helping you.
    Post by: Graxe, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Graxe
    Snow's not that bad. Just make sure you make him switch targets often and not beat on a single character for too long.
    Post by: Graxe, May 16, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  7. Graxe
    Endgame Lair: A black hole's event horizon.
    Pre-Battle Line: "Your life began here and now it ends here. Face your creator."
    Final Form: Earlier, I let myself fall into the black hole and bond with it. Emerging from it is a vaguely human-shaped, featureless, pitch black giant the size of Galactus. It rests its "arms" on the large pseudo-platform that I was on. A long slit appears down the vertical midsection of the giant and rips open, revealing millions and millions of spears crafted out of the light sucked in by the black hole which are all aimed at the heroes. Up where its "head" is, I emerge with four extra arms, all created out of the same darkness that came out of the black hole. Each arm holds an orb of light that can shapeshift into any weapon that I desire to use during the battle.
    Loyal Servant: Unicron
    Post by: Graxe, May 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Graxe
    Post by: Graxe, May 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Graxe
    Try and invoke friendship with a Dalek. I dare you.
    Post by: Graxe, May 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe
    "Argh. This is getting boring." Omega leaned back in the chair and stretched. He looked over at Shin, who was still staring at the picture of Caius. "That's Caius, the last Guardian of the Farseers' Priestess, Paddra Nsu-Yeul. He's essentially immortal since he has the Heart of Chaos beating inside him. That's all you really need to know about him. Oh, and apparently, that sword is this world's version of Ragnarok. Which is weird and Ragnarok and...well you should know." He stood up and stretched some more, giving commands to the computer as he did so. "Keep tabs on the world, as usual. Record any fluctuations in chaos as a possible sighting of Caius, unless it's from the Sea of Eden in which case ignore it."

    What's so special about the Sea of Eden? Shin's eyes seemed to ask. Immediately, like he could hear him, Omega responded.

    "Everyone who died there's a ghost now. Ghosts are metaphysical projections of the chaos of the dead that can't move on into Valhalla and are trapped here. They seem to only appear in the sea, which makes sense. Variants of the standard Ghost I've seen there include Wraiths, Reapers, Necrophobes, Sorrows, and Furies. Then there's the Drowned, the Wailing Mother, and the Nightmare Child..." Every time he thought about those last three, he always went silent and stared off into the distance. An encounter with either of them had that effect on people. But no human or l'Cie has ever found their way out of once they went in so it really might just be him.

    Ummm...are you alright? Shinryu waved a hand in front of Omega's face. An awkward silence came into the room. Okaaay. I guess I'll go find something to eat now, so yeah...

    "I want to take you there someday. All of you." Omega seemed to regain himself a bit. "Not a single person in the world knows what happened anymore except for us. Not the Academy, not Caius, not even Yeul. The Yeul of the time died instantly when time crashed, actually. And Caius? He wasn't born yet." Tears began to stream down his face, but no part of his body or voice made any indication that he was crying. It was like watching a mannequin cry: emotionless and very disturbing. "Go there. Experience it yourself. Let the time-stilled waves settle down in whatever heart you people have. Watch the memories of everyone who died there eternally play back. It's saddening. Frightening. Horrifying. Yet, you can't help but watch and empathize, because they make us empathize."

    Shinryu stared at Omega for a bit before backing out slowly into the stairway and going down to the first floor of the citadel.
    Post by: Graxe, May 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Graxe
    Yoshimitsu immediately went into Indian Stance Healing to rapid recover from his internal wounds done by Heartless Angel. He should be fine in no time. But the others? There was little he could do for them.
    Post by: Graxe, May 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe
    I now suddenly want to bring in Dalek Sec. Specifically the version from A Hero.
    Post by: Graxe, May 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Graxe
    After Zexion left, Vexen got bored again and left for his lab in The World That Never Was. "X-Xemnas,'s good to see you revived. Like almost everyone else in the Organization. Xaldin, Lexaeus, Luxord, Larxene, and Axel haven't been accounted for yet." He noticed the giant tube in the room. "Is that what I think it is?"

    Yoshimitsu stayed off to the side. He knew his limits and capabilities and Sephiroth was high above him. Still...something about slicing off that wing seemed highly satisfying.


    "Such as?"
    Omega interrupted as he himself also recently experimented with his new abilities. "Elemental manipulation, space-time distortion and manipulation, mass destruction, debilitation, enhancements to many skills, rapid regeneration of tissues and cells, et cetera. The list goes on."
    "I see. Has a process of developing a way to harness that magical energy as power been devised?"
    "Is that really a wise decision? I thought you Daleks had a way to utilize time energy as a power source."
    "Don't misunderstand. It will be used in conjunction with our manadrives. Should we enter an area that nulls magical effects, we will still move forward at the same place. Never stopping, never slowing, never-"
    "'Godhood'?" Omega laughed. "With the time rift open, I can cancel out both of our universes with but a single thought. Let's see this Sephiroth combat that."
    "Not that you're going to, yes?"
    "Not if until I am pushed to do it, no. Which has only happened once."
    "Right. Remind me not to anger you in the future."

    In the meantime, while everything was going on, the millions of Daleks in the time pocket began the construction of a large-scale manadrive-based weapon.

    Crucible Completion Status: 16.4%
    Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: 0.1%
    Post by: Graxe, May 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Graxe
    Vexen got up and rubbed his jaw. "If that crystal was of such sentimental importance to all of you, then perhaps you should've thought twice before handing it to me when I asked. And hello to you too, Xigbar. Zexion, care to join me in the Normandy? Parties don't appeal to me, if you remember." He opened a Corridor of Darkness and left.

    Yoshimitsu heard something in the vents, which broke his focus on meditation. "Someone's here." He took his sword and left his room to follow the noise. It wasn't long until he spotted a man exit out of a large tube and join the party. So there was something going on that no one else was aware of. It was bound to happen eventually, but this was fast. Clearly, there was some organization behind it. Yoshimitsu approached Hawkeye, but made sure not to draw any attention from the rest of the party to them. "Who sent you here?" It was very clear that he was going to be blunt about this.
    Post by: Graxe, May 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    "Thank you. This will not take long." Vexen returned to the Normandy with the crystal and analyzed it for any data on the original base that it came from. "Am I seeing this right? This crystal came from...How interesting." After creating a faithful replica of the original design, he decided to add a base to it so that it would be able to stand properly. When he finished creating it from the ground up, he returned to the party with his frozen masterpiece following him, tossing the necklace back to Hermione as he passed her. "So what do you all think?"
    Post by: Graxe, May 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe
    If they didn't kill anyone, then I hope they enjoy taking long walks in rivers full of dead fish and gnashing skulls while The Sorrow fires long, twisting, extremely painful psychic blasts at them that usually involve implanting a grainy image into their heads. And even if they didn't kill anyone, a ghost will always appear from behind anyone who goes underwater to hold them down until they get up.

    If they're already dead, however, then instead of having them trek through that river, he'll straight up force them back into the spirit world so they truly stay dead.
    Post by: Graxe, May 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    The Sorrow is gonna have a field day with absolutely everyone in the second arc, especially with the Doctors.
    Post by: Graxe, May 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    No comment.
    Post by: Graxe, May 10, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Graxe
    Vexen was thinking of what to sculpt. But as nothing came to mind he ended up approaching Hermione via Corridor of Darkness, completely standing out from everyone in his black coat. "Sorry if my sudden appearance here startles you, but I've noticed you carrying some small crystal around with...oh, so you're wearing it as your necklace. May I take a look at it?"

    As the party went on elsewhere in the ship, Yoshimitsu was meditating in seclusion. His sword, after devouring some dark energy and some of his own blood, had calmed down a bit and relaxed its mind corroding effects to the point where he could revert back to his old fighting style.

    ...If anyone in the Saint's Cradle listened extremely carefully, the sound of someone breathing through a gas mask could be heard faintly. Or it could be their mind messing with them. Who would really know the difference or even give it a second thought?


    Davros gave a deep sigh. "More magic. Just perfect."
    "So the threat has been quelled?"
    Davros faced Omega on the screen. "Yes, it seems that way."
    "Leave it. The threat of losing a planet has no bearing in comparison to losing an entire universe. If we cannot have Earth, or any other planet for that matter, then we will conjure equivalents ourselves. Supreme Dalek, is the analysis of the magical energy completed?"
    "Hmmm...antimatter manipulation, you say? Perhaps if I did..." Omega turned to the side and raised up his right arm outwards. The moment he clenched his fist, multiple lightning bolts struck all over his chamber, temporarily scrambling his signal yet leaving himself unharmed by it. When the signal cleared up, he returned to the conversation. "A simple enough technique for one such as me."
    "..." The spectacle left Davros utterly speechless.

    Crucible Completion Status: 16%
    Post by: Graxe, May 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Graxe
    "The Saint's Cradle? We were just there, I believe, calming the U-D threat." Vexen turned to the others for moment. "I'm here because I prefer to be in a place like this. I left the corridor open in case some of the others would join me for that very reason. Why you all followed me here when you simply plan to return, I have no idea. And what's this about a party? Sorry, I'll remain here if the general doesn't mind. Parties are not...'my thing'." He walked to the back of the room and sat down, looking a bit bored and gave the party some second thought. "If you request an ice sculpture, however, I may indulge the favor, depending on what it is and if I feel like it."

    Yoshimitsu returned inside the Saint's Cradle and kept silent while gripping his weapon with an unusual tightness, as it started to rattle in his hand. He had come to realize that he didn't have his suppressing blade with him to control his katana. When the final blow was dealt and the Dark Pieces faded away, his sword drew in all of the excess dark energy that they released and regained a familiar neon green glow. Atoning for your sins or getting purified of them doesn't mean that the evil suddenly disappears and is gone forever. Although he saw no hostile threat in Yuri anymore, Yoshimitsu was sure to keep an eye on her nonetheless...and himself as well.
    Post by: Graxe, May 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home