Square also has a survey for this. https://form.square-enix.com/a.p/933/
I can't be the only one who sees the resemblance to Xion, right? But damn.
Then how about Dalek Sec crash landing into the coliseum as its official entrance? If this doesn't work for you, then I'll have him land somewhere nearby once the coliseum is open.
"Is that so? I was on the other side of the universe and was still managed to be swept up. Then again, being near an open time rift must have had something to do with that. Anyway, feel free to look around, claim rooms, the like. It seems we'll be stuck here for quite some time so rest while you can." Vexen headed to the spiral staircase on the right. "Oh right. If you happen to be attacked by your own shadow, do tell me."
Vexen greeted them in the front hall. "Hmm? Oh Zexion, long time no see. Three months, is it? My, how time flies. ...I see you're speaking like that again." He looked at Darion. "And who might you be?"
The Middle of a Large Mountain Range "...UNITS WILL SURVEY THE NEW PLANET. THE CRUCIBLE MUST BE LOCATED." "WE OBEY." Davros was coming out of unconsciousness. Thankfully, the experience of spending 90 years in cryostasis as imprisonment greatly helps recovery. "Status report." The Supreme Dalek moved its casing around to face Davros. "THE ENTIRE EMPIRE HAS BEEN DRAWN TO THE SOURCE OF THE TEMPORAL DISTORTION. THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS OF GATHERING INFORMATION ON THIS NEW PLANET." "And the Crucible? What of it?" "DALEK UNITS THIRTEEN AND ELEVEN HAVE BEEN SENT TO LOCATE THE CRUCIBLE." "What of our battle fleets?" "REPORTS CONFIRM THAT ALL DALEK SHIPS HAVE LANDED SAFELY ON THE PLANET'S SURFACE." Davros turned around. He was outside the Dalek saucer that he, the Supreme, and Vexen -- where was Vexen? And more importantly... "Wait, what happened to Doppelganger?" The Supreme moved its eyepiece avoiding visual contact with its creator. "Escaped?" "...YES." Vexen was nowhere to be found, Doppelganger could be absolutely anywhere (the eternally black and cloudy sky does not help), the Crucible's MIA, and the entire Dalek empire of over ten million Daleks were scattered all across the planet. Calling Davros frustrated is an understatement. ----- Ambiguously Frozen Location (South Pole-ish?) Vexen, after waking up from the daze and leaving Davros to find Doppelganger, found himself here. Bored by having no test subjects or experiments to perform, he decided to create a great castle of ice, both as a landmark and for his own personal desire. ----- Forest on an Isolated Island Something was off. There was a forest. Was there always a forest here? No, absolutely not. Did he by chance will the creation of one? No, he would've remembered that. This must be another planet, one outside the antimatter universe. He looked at his clothes. Nothing unusu- "What." Standing in that forest was Omega, in all of his antimatter, bodiless glory. Many thoughts ran in his mind on how he could've ended up here but nothing fit. Suddenly, as he went to sit down, a earth jutted out to make a chair for him. This was surprising, seeing as none of the world was antimatter. It seemed that whatever this place was, his will still had power over the matter around him, if scaled down.
Due to the wall of plot and everyone evacuating Earth, communication with the planet was lost. There were more pressing matters, however. "EMERGENCY: SPACIAL-TEMPORAL DISTORTION DETECTED." "Will it have any effect on us?" "THE IMMEDIATE LOSS OF EARTH WILL CAUSE THE TIMELINE OF THIS UNIVERSE TO DIVERGE INTO A NEW PATH." Davros started to lose his composure. "Everything will be effected by this. Supreme Dalek, tell me what you know." "THE INFORMATION I HAVE IS INSUFFICIENT. THIS EVENT WAS NOT FORSEEN." Vexen returned from his lab to see a slightly panicking Davros. "Doppelganger is resting. So what's this about a new timeline?" "An event has occurred that will mean the creation of an unknown future. Essentially, new time will be created. Anything can and most likely will happen." "And here I thought the Supreme Dalek knew everything." "As I stated before, this is new time. The Supreme Dalek has never seen this. In the course of normal time, Earth's destruction was not supposed to happen now but yet it has. Many 'bountiful human empires' were to spread across the stars from Earth, but now it will not. More importantly, many fixed points in time may never happen. We will be dragged into this and the repercussions will be both felt and seen." The entire Dalek Empire went on high alert and waited to see what time would drop on them. All progress on the Crucible and the Prototype Ultima Cannon stopped for the time being. Crucible Completion Status: 33.5% Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: 97.1%
The HD shots were most likely done in an emulator. You can see out of place lines in the command menu in the HD KH1 shots that shouldn't be there. The odd lens flare might be a minor program error?
Don't know if it deserves its own character sheet, but whatever. Username: Graxe Character of Choice: Doppelganger the Deathvoid Picture (optional): Only when mimicking Dante, but the dark appearance, aura, and facial features are constant in every form it takes: Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Devil May Cry 3 Additional Info: The demon of darkness and shadow whose form is created from refracted light to mimic its opponent's. After Vexen found and captured it during the three month lapse, some enhancements were made to it (with some assistance from Davros), unleashing its potential to become the embodiment of darkness. It now has a true body made from pure darkness (which happens to be gel-like and malleable) and can memorize and retain all of the abilities and skills of others either through data implantation (how it learned to be everyone in Organization XIII) or by following them in their shadows long enough. Nearly all of its attacks are dark versions of the original (some forms of magic have Hell versions) and even the weapons it replicates are formed from its own darkness. It can melt in and out of the shadows and can be lurking in any shadow (but not every shadow, there's a difference). Likes to taunt its opponents during battle. (Unsure about this one) Doppelganger cannot be harmed until it is completely exposed to intense light.
Huh. Why is there an attachment? Gah.
The only thing that makes it lose any sort of credibility for me is the fact that Days is a part of it.
A world invasion to Davros was like any other day to him. And seeing how far out in space (practically on the other side of the universe) and how specifically out of time's sync they were (exactly 7.778 seconds behind the rest of the universe), they had no fear of invasion. So he started some small talk. "And how is your project progressing, Vexen?" "Smoothly, if slow. For now, it is using a placeholder body made from pure darkness. Attributes and abilities acquired from data on the former members in Organization XIII have been implanted into the being, both as an initial test to see if this process works and also for it to be accustomed for the future additions of skills: those of my more recent comrades who I have significantly less data on and future skills." "A conglomeration of the best traits of everyone? Why did you choose this?" "Though you haven't been involved in much after the Unbreakable Dark incident, but I know you have kept tabs on us since then. Coming here has proven that. You have no doubt seen what power those people wield. It is enough to topple two near-godlike beings, though the latter of the two was devoured by a black hole, but defeated the same nonetheless. Now imagine if there was a being who could wield all of that power on its own. I strive to create that being." Davros chuckled at Vexen's speech. "Such passion, especially for one devoid of a heart. So you aim to create the ultimate warrior and I have created the ultimate survivor." "The Daleks? Seriously?" "Name another race that can claim to have survived over three complete extinctions." Vexen had no response. He was more shocked at this statement than anything. "Exactly. Survival is a Dalek's best trait and their main basis for everything they do. They are conditioned simply to survive. They can survive only by becoming the dominant species." "Not a bad concept for basis." "And when all other life forms are suppressed, when the Daleks are the supreme rulers of the universe, then you will have peace. Wars will end. They are a power not of evil, but of good." A cold chill ran up Vexen's spine from Davros' fanaticism over the Daleks. And because he's a Nobody, that's saying something. "Davros, say you created a virus in your laboratory, something contagious and infectious that killed on contact, a virus with the capability to destroy all other forms of life, would you release it into the universe?" "This conjecture again?" "I only seek to see your point of things. Would you do it?" "You sound just like the Doctor." "Answer the question: Would you do it?" Davros stayed silent for moment. "Yes...Yes..." He raises his hand as if holding the capsule containing the said hypothetical virus between thumb and forefingers. "To hold in my hand a capsule that contains such power, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice...To know that the tiny pressure of my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything...Yes, I would do it! That power would set me up above the gods! AND THROUGH THE DALEKS, I SHALL HAVE THAT POWER!" Vexen took a step back. He cringed a little from Davros' response. "It's odd. Though it's been many millennia since I've spoken with the Doctor about this, the answer is still fresh in my mind." "I see...I think I'll get back to my project now." He turned to leave just as Davros interrupted. "Did I mention that I have already created that virus?" Vexen stopped. "What?" "The life-killing virus. It is no longer in the realm of hypothetical ideas. If I so wished, just one command is all I would need to spread it across every corner of the universe. But I wouldn't do that, no. Not if I am pushed to do so, at least. Of everyone that you have worked with, only the Doctor would not be so foolish enough to test me on releasing it. Whether or not the others will listen to his pleas is up to them." Vexen stared wide-eyed and returned to his lab in silence.
"MULTIPLE OBJECTS DETECTED ON COLLISION COURSE WITH EARTH." "At last something is happening. Status of the Chaos Fleet?" "THE FLEET IS APPROACHING EARTH. PREPARATIONS TO ATTACK ARE ON STANDBY." An alarm sounded off. "THE UNMANNED SHIP ORBITING THE PLANET MIDNIGHT HAS CRASHED. SIGNS OF FORCED ENTRY CONFIRMED ON THE OUTER HULL." "Impossible. Is it the Midnight Entity?" "UNABLE TO DETERMINE." A man dressed in black stepped out from the shadows and approached Davros. "I couldn't help to overhear, but what exactly is this Midnight Entity?" "It is a being of consciousness. Or perhaps a manifestation of paranoia. No one has been able to determine what it is. Not only does it live on a planet that no living creature can survive on, but those who do miraculously survive are taken over by the entity. The Doctor would know more; he's had first hand experience with it. In fact, it nearly got his precious humans to throw him out onto the planet's surface, so the Supreme Dalek says." "Amazing. A shame we cannot utilize it for our own purposes." "Indeed. But we have it in the unmanned ship. I assume that once it detects living beings, it will actively seek them out." "Captured and now throw it into the battlefield so the opposition would kill itself? Not a bad idea." "Exactly. I again see why I like you." Crucible Completion Status: 32.1% Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: 87.3%
By the time Zexion entered the ice cavern, it was empty. All that was left behind was a short note: "My apologies for leaving on such a short notice, but this world has nothing worthwhile to offer. This doesn't mean that you'll be seeing the last of me, however. You're all far too interesting to just leave behind like this. - IV" ----- Back in the time pocket at the Medusa Cascade, Davros, the Supreme Dalek, and Omega watched the events happening on Earth while silently keeping tabs on the incoming invasion fleet. If Earth was to be destroyed, then so be it. Time could be rewritten after all. Crucible Completion Status: 20% Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: 20%
Not quite yet ready. Vexen still has one little quick thing to do.
Vexen, in his ice cave on the beach, took this moment of peace to look over the data he collected on the others. Picking out just the right attributes and abilities from the others for his ultimate creation would be one of, if not the most important part of the process. And should more and more people keep appearing in the future, he'll update the project accordingly to accommodate those people as well. ----- "...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" It was burning. It was screaming. Flying out of the time rift at the Medusa Cascade, it streaked all across the stars. It never stopped and it never landed, for the powers of this universe were especially cruel to this being by sending it off on a path where there was nothing to break its fall (if you can truly fall in space). No planet, no star, not even a stray meteor or asteroid would ever cross its path. Or perhaps, the planet in question to break its fall hasn't appeared yet. So until then, Dalek Sec would have to continue his unhindered travels all across the universe at faster than light speeds...all while on fire and screaming for his life.
If I introduce a character now that won't officially appear until the second arc, would I have to release the character sheet now?
Adding another to my reserves. Graxe Psycho Mantis The Sorrow The Boss/Peace Walker Dalek Sec
Magic ability: Time Manipulation Get in, break into the vault, steal the money, and get out in exactly 0 seconds.
Vexen pulled the katana out of the ice and followed everyone else to the beach party. "It seems our cyborg ninja friend fell during the appearance of the seven-winged demonic angel. Such a pity..." After delivering the news to everyone, he went off to the side and created an large, single-chambered ice cavern complete with a few small round tables set with four chairs each in case anyone cared to take a rest in the cold. (The sound of someone breathing through a gas mask returned. It felt closer this time than back at the Saint's Cradle party, yet it was still somewhat distant...or maybe it was all in their minds. Who would really know the difference?)