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  1. Graxe
    Davros regrouped with the two Daleks. "Report." Dalek Sec looked at Davros. "WE HAVE FAILED." This was an answer that one would expect from their result. But the Supreme had something different to say.


    Sec turned its eyepiece at the Supreme in confusion. "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. WHAT HAS HAPPENED?"
    "Much has happened since your death, Dalek Sec. As for what is happening now or what has happened recently, the Supreme Dalek will give you the information." The Supreme Dalek streamed all of the information it had during the past three months along with events of the World Arc into Sec's database. "I...UNDERSTAND."

    "None can die here, no matter how powerful the weapon. Losses are only mere mistakes and mistakes can be learned from. Meanwhile, we must take advantage of this place. If none can die, then there will always be an available source of subjects for live weapons testing. Whether or not they will still be intact after inflicting irreparable damage directly to their cells, I have yet to see. There must be limits to this forcefield. For now, Supreme Dalek, go see that our Hand of Omega is placed into safekeeping and is guarded. Most of the designated and self-proclaimed 'villains' are meeting elsewhere. Should they know of what this device can do, they will no doubt come after it. Power draws others, after all."

    "I OBEY." It left the tower with the coffin floating behind it. Fifty other Daleks joined with it when outside. "In the meantime, you will accompany me Dalek Sec. Come. Let us observe the others in battle." As the two went off, Davros turned to the Doctors. "I do hope you know what to do with your Hand of Omega, Doctors. It would be such a shame if it fell into the wrong hands. Or into the hands of one who cannot or is not knowledgeable of how to control the device. And don't think I've forgotten that you destroyed Skaro with it."


    Vexen, wandering around the tower, walked in the section of the stands with Harry, Malfoy, and the others. "Excuse me, but have any of you noticed anything strange about the shadows around here? Or at least felt something odd about your own shadow (or shadows if there are multiple light sources)? And hello to those who met me three or so months ago."
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Graxe
    Dalek Sec felt that it was almost time. He knocked Link aside and ascended up to the Supreme Dalek's level. Its gunstick was glowing a complete bright green by this point.

    Dalek Sec looked down at the opposing team.


    The Supreme Dalek channeled all of the magical energies into its gunstick and fired a large orb of bright green light at the center of the field. Upon impact, it expanded into a dome covering nearly half the field. The light given off from it was already blinding yet it grew even brighter still. Within seconds, the dome could not contain its own energy and detonated.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Graxe
    "MANADRIVE CHARGING AT 70 PERCENT." Both the Supreme and Sec knew that Sec was just stalling for time until the Supreme was finished. If this didn't end the match, then something had to be done to end it. Daleks fight to the very end, after all, but the end could be days from now.


    Vexen was bored. "My god, this is the least enjoyable fight I've seen in years. Get on with it, why don't you all!" He stood up and left his box in the stands to look around the tower. Maybe he'll meet up with the others along the way.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Graxe
    If they aren't KO'd from the Supreme Dalek's Manadrive Ultima then go ahead with the win.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Graxe
    "MANADRIVE CHARGING AT 50 PERCENT." The Supeme Dalek's gunstick started to glow a faint neon green, which perhaps indicated the spell to those with a keen eye...and also bringing up the questions of how and when did the Daleks have the capability to use magic in the first place.

    Dalek Sec blocked the second strike of the combo with his manipulation arm. "I HAVE YOU NOW." With the two locked together, Sec switched to the non-lethal, paralysis setting of his gunstick and fired at Link's arms and legs at nearly point blank range to utterly cripple him.


    "A very rare sight, indeed. Daleks almost never use the non-lethal setting of the gunstick. In normal circumstances, this would be a blessing. The effects of the paralysis should last for a good 4-5 hours, Earth-time. Unfortunately the match will be over before then."
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Graxe

    The reflected lasers hit Dalek Sec, but left no indicative damage. It would take much more than that to kill a Dalek with its own weaponry. Meanwhile, he calculated the speed at which Marth and Roy rushed at him and determined their theoretical point of impact and also the point at which they were left completely helpless during their charge. Using this data, he quickly backed away from them while timing a single shot each of the two to match that opening.

    Sec did the same for Ike as well, but instead of offing him then and there, he fired a laser at Ike's sword at the hilt to either disarm him or completely melt the blade off at that point. Regardless of the result, even if it did nothing at all, Sec rammed himself at Ike, manipulation arm fully outstretched towards Ike's face, all the way to the wall on the opposing side of the field.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Graxe
    Dalek Sec took little time to think about this. "THEN YOU WILL SURRENDER BEFORE YOU ARE DESTROYED."

    Dalek Sec fired at each of his opponents in two round bursts as a start. He deemed them to be of no threat and didn't have to move.


    Davros was already watching and waiting in the presenter's box. "And the first move is made, finally, by Dalek Sec. Know that a direct hit from the Dalek gunstick and it is over for that competitor. Shall I go into detail onto why?"

    "Please don't." In those past three months that he was away, Vexen took the time to study Dalek technology, including weaponry. He didn't need the reminder on how they kill you.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe
    Dalek Sec and the Supreme Dalek entered the battlefield.


    Sec only hovered a few feet off the ground while the Supreme went up so high that it was only a few feet from the ceiling. "WE ONLY NEED ONE DALEK TO DESTROY YOU. YOUR ONLY SUPERIOR TRAIT IS THAT YOU ARE BETTER AT DYING."

    Up above, the Supreme was preparing itself. It looked down on everyone and pointed its gunstick down at the center of the field. "MANADRIVE CHARGING AT ONE PERCENT."


    "How quick. Now what's...? Oh." Omega sounded disappointed. Daleks? He figured this fight would end even quicker.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Graxe
    Omega thought on the Arbiter of Time's proposition. "Perhaps. It would be much better than living in that damned universe again. Who is this 'Goddess" you speak of?"


    The Supreme Dalek looked at Dalek Sec. "WE ARE SUMMONED FOR A BATTLE. COME, DALEK SEC." The two moved to the second arena with Sec following in line with the Supreme.


    They chanted this all the way there, hammering it into the minds of others. They believed the term for this was "psyching out" the opponent.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe
    Omega approached the Ninth and Tenth Doctors. "You have regenerated once more, Doctors. Surely you remember the legendary Omega, do you not? Seeing as I have been called down for this 'execution', I will get to the point. Doctors, I entrust you with the Right Hand of Omega. As fellow Time Lords, I am sure you both know what to do with it." The coffin on his right side moved over to Nine and Ten. Then Omega walked to Davros. "And as for you, Davros, I leave you with the Left Hand of Omega as per our agreement." The coffin on his left moved over to Davros and the two Daleks. "Control over all the stars in the universe are yours both. Do with the devices as you please. Fight for control of both if you must; I care not anymore." He then walked off to the Arbiter of Time's chamber.

    Once Omega was out of earshot, Davros turned to the Doctors. "And even now, he does not know that it was you who burned Gallifrey out of time and space or that Gallifrey even burned in the first place. I wonder what sort of rage would seethe out of him if he found out?"
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Graxe
    "If you have known the Doctor as long as I have, he is no threat but a challenge. How many times has he committed or attempted genocide? How many people have sacrificed themselves in his name? You know nothing of the Doctor. What you see of him is but a facade that he puts up to even convince himself. Now move along, child." The Supreme Dalek turned its eyepiece at Link. "YOU WILL BE SILENT OR FACE EXTERMINATION."
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe
    Davros glared at Link (or at least glare as much as one could with a single cybernetic eye). "Is that so? Go outside and tell the rest of my empire what you have told me, child. I assure you, their response will be quick and simple." He moved over to the Supreme. "Record and monitor everyone's actions and sayings. They will be used for future psychological analysis and understanding. The Human Factor is not enough."
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Graxe
    Davros chuckled at his small threat. "Perhaps I wasn't clear. I meant many of you, Doctor. And is that all you have? What good is a sonic device if there is a deadlock seal? Or something made of wood? Do not think that it will do any good against my Daleks. It never has before." As the Tenth Doctor left, Davros studied the people around him.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Graxe
    Would the Hands of Omega really be part of the team? They're stellar manipulators. Or would they be like the Left and Right Manipulators of Anima/Proto fal'Cie Adam?
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    Not waiting for anyone, Vexen entered a Corridor of Darkness and appeared in an empty box in the stands. He wondered if Doppelganger would show up for this.

    Davros and the Supreme arrived in time along with the rest of the Dalek Empire. The ten million Daleks outside couldn't possibly fit inside, so they buzzed around the tower like bees to a hive. "Hm? What is...?"

    Inside the crater, a small blue light lit up. All systems were fully operational. Sec became active. "I...STILL...FUNC-TION!!!!" The tran-solar disks on the bottom of his casing activated at full power as he was thrust out of the hole. Soon after maneuvering upright, he hovered down to reception. Immediately, he recognized Davros. "DAVROS?! HOW DID YOU SURVIVE THE TIME WAR?"

    "Dalek Sec? Interesting. It seems that your hybridization has been reversed and that you, too, have survived. Or is it revived? It matters not. I will explain later. For now, you and the Supreme will be entering this competition to gain data on the enemy." "FOR WHAT? EXPLAIN." It was too late. Davros had already approached the admissions desk. "This is where we register the teams? The entrants of this team are Dalek Sec and the Supreme Dalek. Team name? Must there be one? 'Maximum Extermination' then, I do not care what you put down. I will commentate on their behalf."

    Omega finally arrived to the tower with both of his "coffins" thoroughly irritated. "Why are the so many Daleks whizzing about outside?! Davros, I know this is your doing! Explain this at once!" his voice boomed. Davros turned to Omega. "My empire fell through to this planet with me. Surely you would not have expected just myself to be here? The real question is, how did one such as you end up here?" Davros and his Dalek duo continued on to the inner portions of the arena. The ancient Time Lord walked up to Axel. "I, Omega, along with my left and right Hands will represent the embodiment of my will. The Will of Omega will claim victory."

    Once finding out that Fang was not participating, Doppelganger shadow-jumped from person to person until it reached the admissions desk. Seemingly appearing out of the ground, the demon rose out of the shadows assuming the form of an Organization XIII member with its hood up. In a very distorted version of Dante's voice, it entered itself in before melting back into the dark. "Doppelganger. Solo."

    Davros, in the meantime, moved past the Ninth Doctor (as he had not yet met him and therefore didn't recognize him) and approached the Tenth Doctor. "The Supreme Dalek had spoken that there would be many of you here. Pity. I was hoping that one of your older regenerations would be here, but I see that is not the case."
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe
    Forgot one.

    Doppelganger alone
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    The Will of Omega
    "Left Hand of Omega"
    "Right Hand of Omega"

    Technically a solo team, so no name is needed. Omega will complain when it's rejected, though.
    So really its: Omega alone

    Maximum Extermination (aka Team Pest Control)
    Dalek Sec
    Supreme Dalek
    Commentator: Davros
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    There is a ball that contains what you want/need on a platform and the platform is always out of reach. How do you get the ball?
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Graxe

    Also sheets:

    Username: Graxe
    Character of Choice: Dalek Sec
    Picture (optional):
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Doctor Who
    Additional Info: Former Supreme Dalek and leader of the Cult of Skaro. Also the only former Human-Dalek ever and formerly deceased (though he's still unsure on how to effectively respond to the Manhattan incident). How he revived back to his original form (and regain his casing) is unknown and will probably never be explained. Completely aware that he's a plaything of the universe and that tempting fate is a very bad idea.

    Username: Graxe
    Character of Choice: The Boss/Peace Walker
    Picture (optional):
    The Boss
    Peace Walker
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
    Additional Info: Founding leader of the famed Cobra Unit that single-handedly won World War II, the mother of special forces, and the creator of CQC. She's also known as “The Joy” from her days in the Cobra Unit. Armed with only the Patriot automatic pistol (which is actually a heavily modified M16) and her honed combat skills, she is both feared and respected as one of, if not the greatest hero of the United States. As a master of CQC, she can easily counter physical assaults and even reverse the situation back at the attacker. Having a weapon gives only a slight advantage since she can move to quickly disarm the attacker and (if possible) dismantle it. Ever since her death at the hand of her disciple, Naked Snake/Big Boss, she has joined with her lover, The Sorrow, in the afterlife. But something has recently given her cause to return to the realm of the living and would prefer doing so in a body.

    This is where Peace Walker comes in. Peace Walker is an AI-controlled bipedal/quadrapedal walking tank with nuclear capabilities, predating Metal Gears REX and RAY. The original Peace Walker that Big Boss fought had an AI based off of the mind of The Boss, due to her being able to see the consequences of actions on a worldwide scale. The one that shows up here is almost exactly the same. The difference is that this Peace Walker is lacking its two AI pods, is directly controlled by the spirit of The Boss, and can project a full scale image of The Boss for better communication. Its arsenal includes S-mines, two surprisingly long-range flamethrowers, a dual rocket/drill missile pod (that can be launched both forwards and backwards), an electromagnetic pulse field, a paralysis beam, and a nuclear missile launcher. As a last resort, it also has a massive hydrogen bomb mounted in its frame that's more powerful than the Tsar Bomba. Because Peace Walker has legs, it's easily capable of large jumps, swimming, and moving at high speeds on nearly any terrain.

    Username: Graxe
    Character of Choice: The Sorrow
    Picture (optional):
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
    Additional Info: One of the members of the Cobra Unit. The Sorrow can be seen then as the opposite of Psycho Mantis in terms of mental control: Mantis has the ability to manipulate the minds of the living while The Sorrow can exert control over the spirits of the dead. He can transport the souls of the living (though he usually takes and would much prefer the near-dead) to the physical border of life and death in order to both challenge them and force them to face the sorrows of everyone they've ever killed. If he finds a wandering spirit or some other form of the dead, he can send them back to the realm of the dead so that they stay that way. This doesn't mean that he's not understanding. If the reasons are right, he'll make an exception.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Graxe
    Mountain Range

    "An event? Come Supreme Dalek. We shall go investigate it together." The two elevated into the air and flew to the tower. But because it was a worldwide announcement, every Dalek was heading for the coliseum.


    Ice Castle

    "A tournament? Such a great place to gather data on other warriors. Everyone will surely be there." Vexen returned downstairs. "Zexion, bring your companion and let's be off. I would not want to miss this tournament for the world."


    Isolated Forest

    "Follow me." Omega walked out of the forest with two oddly designed coffins with him. When he reached the beach, he didn't hesitate to continue on towards the large tower. The water beneath his feet simply packed themselves tight enough to support him all the way across until he reached land. Any cliffs or other obstructions in his way reformed themselves to make a path for the ancient Time Lord.


    In The Darkness of the World

    Doppelganger, too, heard the announcement. It would be the perfect place to test new skills and gain new abilities. As the entire world darkened for the tournament, the shadow demon swam through the darkness at nearly light speeds. It soon found Fang's group and merged with her shadow unnoticed.


    The Skies of Disgaea

    There was a curious object falling across space. For three Earth months it was stuck doing this. But not anymore. The universe finally threw a bone at it.

    Or is it him? Let's use him.

    At the end of those three months, he seemed to have been pulled into another time rift (not that he would've noticed since he was on fire). This didn't stop him from moving like a shooting star beneath the clouds, however. Through his eye (if you can call it an eye since it was more of a lens), he stared down to the planet below, but the view was mostly covered by the flames from his shell. Then in a moment of clarity, he saw a tower directly in front of him. It occurred to him there that he was about to be freed from his forced journey.

    Then he realized how fast he was still moving. Then realized that he was about to crash.

    Before he could say anything, before he could think...


    He fell through the side of the tower and quickly dropped like a rock, which left quite a large, burning crater in it.

    Dalek Sec had finally arrived (or landed) to Disgaea. Unconscious and currently rebooting all systems, but still very alive.


    Unidentified Location

    Conversation intercepted via radio. Static fills the transmission, but two voices can be made out.

    Frequency: 141.80

    "What's the matter?"
    "Mantis has escaped."
    "...What? How?!"
    "I don't know. He has a mind beyond anyone's control, after all."
    "Find him immediately. Use every resource to determine his location. We cannot allow him to fully regain his powers. Imagine the damage he'll cause to the people if he does."
    "At once."

    End conversation.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home