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  1. Graxe
    As expected, the blast from Mega Flare splattered Doppelganger's liquid body everywhere. This only prompted it to reform and rise out of the shadows once more.

    "I said it before and I'll say it again:"

    Its eyes flashed red before teleporting high into the air, appearing as Xemnas. A large ball of dark energy immediately formed in each hand before slamming the energies together in front of Doppelganger.


    The demon raised its arms and the combined dark energy in its hands over its head, opening a portal of darkness that spawned countless black tendrils that covered the entire area, floor and all, in a pitch black void. Doppelganger then used the last of the remaining dark energy to create a massive dome of dark blue ethereal blades that trapped the couple.

    "...Try harder."

    Doppelganger threw its arms forward before melting into the darkness, signaling the barrage to begin. It started off slow; only a few ethereal blades fired off at Fang and Vanitas. Then the firing rate picked up significantly as more and more of the blades kept on pouring down nonstop. A minute of this passed before everything faded out into a white light. The sound of the barrage ceased and everything returned to normal, though the ground was still covered in darkness. Doppelganger was nowhere to be found, but with the ground still black the demon was definitely around somewhere.


    Vexen grimaced and facepalmed at Lexaeus' entrance. "So much for your title of 'The Silent Hero'. Hello, Lexaeus. You didn't happen to see Zexion on your way here, did you?"
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Graxe
    Doppelganger did nothing but look up at Fang and Bahamut. It knew that whatever the dragon was charging up for, it wouldn't leave a mark on the demon. Splattered all around the field maybe, but completely unharmed in the end. Hell conditioned it to what it is, after all, and they didn't have the means to exploit its glaring, obvious weakness. Even if they did, it was smart enough to avoid such attacks and/or traps.
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Graxe
    Vanitas' attacks, like all of Fang's attacks so far, harmlessly passed through Doppelganger but this did avert its attention away from Fang and Bahamut. It teleported away only to reappear surrounding Vanitas with four clones, all rushing through him at lightning speed with electrically charged kunai in each hand. The clones teleported away immediately after leaving only the original. Continuing its taunting, Doppelganger, still as Larxene, simply yawned, if in a highly exaggerated manner.


    In the field Davros and Dalek Sec were deserted at, they were busy figuring out how to build a Nether Portal. It seems they had the basic shape down, a 4x5 rectangle, but there must have been a way to activate it. Considering how simple and easy the frame construction was, it must have been very simple.
    "Dalek Sec, what do you suggest we do to activate the gate?"
    "Neither have I."
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Graxe
    There was a blip coming from Taejin's Tower on the world map. "Oh great, what's going on there now? Open the live feed at the tower. I want to see what's happening." One of the side screens lit up to show Jenova and her l'Cie all talking about...something. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but with Snow's crystal not there Omega figured that was probably the topic at hand. He quietly chuckled to himself. "Well this wouldn't be the first time someone's just up and left in this situation. I'm not surprised. Although I do worry that he might've taken up my suggestion and go visit the Sea of Eden. He'll need a boat for starters, airships are completely out of the question due to the cloud cover over the sea. But it was while he was in a dream state, so Snow might not remember it." After watching them talk for a few minutes, Omega noticed that he was zoning out. "...I should go check on Shin. Where did he go? First floor to eat?"
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Graxe
    "Is that so?"

    There was no sign of Doppelganger anywhere after it dived down...because it was standing upside-down in the air directly above Fang aiming it's arrowguns right at her head. The demon was mimicking Xigbar.

    "Let's see you dodge this."

    The tips of the arrowguns glowed a dark red right as Doppelganger pulled the triggers.


    Vexen glared at Alf after he criticized his replicas, but restrained himself. "Right...speaking of which, where is Marluxia exactly? I have a feeling he's growing desperate somewhere and is trying to regroup everyone. And isn't Larxene here somewhere? I thought I heard something shrill nearby."
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Graxe
    A smile cracked back open on Doppelganger's face upon seeing Bahamut. Six black lances shot out of his back as the demon took on Xaldin's form.

    "Take this."

    Grabbing them, it jumped skyward just as Bahamut attacked. Now high above Bahamut, Doppelganger rained down its lances on the dragon, hurling them at supersonic speeds. When all six lances were planted in the ground, it used the air around them to launch them back up to it to repeat the attack. After the fifth wave, the lances circled around Bahamut before rising back up to Doppelganger only for the demon to dive straight down at the dragon a moment later with all of its lances, which had grown in length and size, placed in front of Doppelganger like one giant spearhead.
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Graxe
    Doppelganger brandished its version of Rebellion and striked back by connecting three vertical strikes to a Stinger, ramming into Fang blade first to launch her across the field. The demon would continue further, since Dante's attacks string together very well, but for now it was just playing with them. Going back to Xemnas, Doppelganger outstretched both arms continued to taunt them, sounding very bored about it.

    "Please, try harder."
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe
    Fang's attack hit its mark but it went through Doppelganger like the demon was water, which wasn't too far off. Vexen did upgrade its body to liquid darkness so that it wasn't as fragile as when he found it. Clearly unfazed by her attack, Doppelganger "unsheathed" a dark blue ethereal blade in each hand and countered Fang in the middle of her slash with Xemnas' main combo, gracefully twirling around while battering her with the blades (which were more like extremely high voltage energy batons or lightsabers), but ended it short with a swift kick to the face. Afterwards, Doppelganger jumped high into the air and landed back where it started to taunt them further. The demon, now impersonating Dante, bent down and clapped at them like they were puppies before gesturing towards them to bring it.

    "Hey, what's up!?"


    Vexen looked at Alf, confused. "I'm sorry, but did I die before you were inducted into the Organization? Or were you one of my many failed Marluxia replicas that happened to dodge the mass-disposal?"
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Graxe
    "You want to know who I am?"

    Doppelganger was speaking in its distorted impression of Vanitas. Its crack-like smile sealed up.

    "I am that which resides in the shadows."

    The refracted light around Doppelganger faded away revealing its shape and voice being Xion's.

    "It is I who makes you fear the dark and what lurks in it."

    It changed itself to Roxas.

    "When you think you're alone and you see a shadow move from the corner of your eye? That's me."

    Then the demon's appearance rapidly shuffled through every member of the Organization and Dante, since these are the only people it memorized, and simultaneously spoke in all of their voices.

    "I am you. I am everyone, yet I am no one. I hold all of your answers, but I will never give them. What you call 'Hell', I call 'Home'."

    A blackness slowly spread out all across the ground from Doppelganger, as if meaning to swallow them all into the dark.


    Doppelganger finally settled on mimicking Xemnas. Black electricity enveloped its hands.

    "Then come and get me."


    "I've lost interest in Kingdom Hearts these past three months. Why would I even want to study something that can only be done so in theory? Besides, Kingdom Hearts' appearance would only slow down progress with the Doppelganger Project." Vexen summoned his shield and prepared for an attack. "Axel, we were just speaking about them. Catch up, would you? And welcome back, Xaldin. Who are you working for again?"
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe
    It seemed Vexen decided to regroup with the rest of Organization XIII after all. Through another Corridor of Darkness, Vexen appeared in Agrabah behind Sora and Beast by following Axel's trail. "Well the solution to that problem is simple: when you acquire either Kairi or Belle or, preferably, both, quickly and discreetly use the Keyblade to extract and keepsafe their hearts so that when these villains inevitably take them from you the only thing they'll have are empty bodies; there won't even be a soul to create a Nobody with. I assume that based on the kidnappees in question these villains are planning to pull off the 'Princesses-to-Kingdom Hearts' plan?" Vexen looked up at falling pink ball-creature and created a large platform of ice overhead before turning to Axel. "Axel, good to see you revived even though you blew me up. You're good at bringing people back. Would you mind?"
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Graxe
    As Fang and Vanitas were having an intimate moment, Doppelganger silently rose out from Vanitas' shadow. By refracting the light around it, the demon temporarily took on Vanitas' form for now, as if mocking him or reminding Fang of what Vanitas once was or still is. Its red eyes and smile shined through the blackness.

    There was something strange in the air, though. It became a bit chilly and much more humid than usual but...perhaps there's a spiritual presence or two among them?


    Vexen left Davros in the field of cattle to do whatever it is he's planning to do other things like finding and upgrading Doppelganger or regrouping with the Organization. He had a funny feeling that everyone would get back together somehow.


    Dalek Squad Gamma-7 returned after watching Marik and the others do nothing for quite some time.
    The Supreme thought about this for a moment. It was tasked to find a place to keep their Hand of Omega, a device that can control and manipulate any star in the universe, safe from the hands of the enemy. These "villains" were no threat to anyone at all, and therefore not an enemy of theirs. They're not allies either, but what a better way to hide the device? No one here would expect a bunch of low-rate villains to be in possession of such a powerful object.
    All of the Daleks that accompanied the Supreme Dalek looked at their commander in utter confusion.
    It took a moment for all the Daleks to agree and accept the Supreme's decision, but when they eventually and silently did, all 51 Daleks moved over to the group with the large floating casket.
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe
    Thinking about having the Daleks give away their Hand of Omega to Marik and co. (or specifically to Vader if he's still there with them).
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Graxe
    Doppelganger changed its shape and mimicked Xion, pitch-bent distorted voice impression and all. Its red eyes were staring directly into Fang's.

    "Well? Are you waiting for a signal or what?"

    Once through the portal, the demon melted off of Bahamut and returned back into the shadows of the world. Getting a hold of Pride would have to wait for now. There were so many interesting people to learn from out here. So many skills to take for its own.


    Disgaea - Unknown Plains

    A Corridor of Darkness appeared in the middle of a herd of grazing cattle.

    "...and finally, do you even know where to begin on how to recreate the dimensional gate?"
    "I am a man of science, Vexen. As are you. Hypotheses and theories will be formed. Experiments and tests will be conducted. And the results from those will narrow down the correct method."
    "Trial and error? That is your plan?"
    "Nearly all experimentation is trial and error. I thought you would be knowledgeable of such procedures that this did not need to be spoken of. Clearly I was wrong. If you did not have your uses, Vexen, I would have you exterminated by now."
    Vexen grimaced at the thought. He died twice already: first when he lost his heart and second when Axel blew him up. A third was not needed, especially not by a Dalek.
    "M-My apologies, Davros."
    Davros turned to Vexen. "It is accepted. Were I a Dalek, your life would have ended here and now regardless of what you have said. Daleks do not accept apologies for that matter. Do keep that in mind."
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Graxe
    Dalek Sec burst into the arena. Screw investigation, everyone seems to be leaving so why not join in? "WHERE IS VEXEN?" Promptly, Vexen exited out of a Corridor of Darkness beside Sec.
    "Coming this way from the stands was much faster than walking all the way here. Now what do you want?"
    "Fine, I will go. He'll only complain more if I don't."

    When they were all at the Bar, Davros explained to Vexen what he was planning.
    "You think you can build a gate? Now of all times?!"
    "Indeed. Unless, perhaps, you have another method of leaving?"
    "The Corridors of Darkness."
    "Darkness is unstable. You have seen the Doppelganger to know that and much more. But if we must, then I see no other choice."
    Vexen seemed pleased with Davros' agreement.
    "But first, the obsidian collection. A dimensional gate may prove useful in the future."
    It was there that Vexen realized why most people willingly did what Davros told them to do: To shut him up.

    At the magma lake north of here, Vexen melted a small glacier over the portion of the lake. The water that was pouring down only managed to cool the surface of the lake into blocks of obsidian.
    "Even the liquids here are formed in blocks. Fascinating, indeed. Dalek Sec, mine the obsidian."
    Sec hovered over the obsidian and pointed its gunstick at the glass.
    The obsidian, even with its unusual hardness, stood little chance against the Dalek's energy weapon and broke apart into separate blocks in seconds. Sec continued to hover over the lake and grabbed each block of obsidian over to the ground one by one. While he was doing that, Vexen opened up a Corridor of Darkness leading back outside.
    "Finished? Then let's be off."
    "And what of Doppelganger?"
    "Doppelganger is a demon. It came from Hell. Maybe not this Hell, but Hell nonetheless. Moving across dimensions should be easy for it."


    Doppelganger hitched a ride on Bahamut as the dragon and its passengers soared overhead. The demon, still as Dante in Devil Trigger, wasn't hiding in the shadows anymore, so its sudden appearance and its overall demonic look might frighten the weak of heart or be mistaken for some higher class of Heartless that they happened to miss.
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    After falling through into the Nether, Davros and Dalek Sec found themselves in the Bar, not caring for what was happening outside in the arena. No, they were much, much more interested in the portal that brought everyone here.
    "Dalek Sec, did you happen to notice what the material the dimensional gate was formed from?"
    Dalek Sec thought hard about it. He managed to get some data from the gate, but it was only for a split second or so. "THE DATA RETRIEVED IS INSUFFICIENT."
    "Then tell me what you have learned from it."
    "Exactly. Obsidian. Take a look at where we are, Dalek Sec. There is magma everywhere. Entire lakes of volcanic material exist here. The only problem is that the air temperature is high enough to evaporate most liquids on contact, water included."
    Sec looked at Davros oddly. "WHAT DO YOU PROPOSE?"
    "Ice, Dalek Sec. Ice will surely melt fast in this heat, but it will leave the water cold enough to not vaporize instantly. Have enough ice and there will be enough water to rapidly cool the magma pools and lakes for obsidian. I just so happen to be acquainted with a person who can create and manipulate ice by his own will. Find Vexen and bring him here if the situation in the arena has calmed. He should still be in there, last I checked."
    Before Dalek Sec left, he looked outside towards the arena. Something was happening as they were talking about all of this.
    "Oh, and investigate what is going on there as well. We seem to have had an uprising of some kind."
    Sec left without a word.


    Doppelganger emerged from the shadows of the arena just as Pride was leaving, taking on the form of Dante in Devil Trigger. Its red eyes were staring directly at the homunculus and there was a clear smile on its face, as it looked more or less a large red crack on where the mouth would be. Pride's abilities would be very interesting to have, indeed, but the demon wasn't stupid. It took into consideration that care and caution would have to be taken around him. Hiding and lurking from a shadow manipulator would prove to be extremely difficult.
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe
    As a Whovian, I'd say blow up a TARDIS.

    As someone who's played Chrono Cross, merge with Lavos.
    Post by: Graxe, Jul 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Graxe
    Username: Graxe
    Character of Choice: Psycho Mantis
    Picture (optional):
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Metal Gear Solid
    Additional Info: Ex-member of the FOXHOUND unit. Psycho Mantis is one of the most powerful practitioners of psychokinesis and telepathy in the world. Through telepathy, Mantis could read people's minds, successfully predict and counter/evade every opponent's action, and use their memories and past against them. This power could even be extended to mind control/possession, forced hallucinations, and fourth wall breaking. He's also able to hurl powerful psychic blasts against enemies along with other objects through psychokinesis.

    Some time after his death at the hands of Solid Snake in 2005, Mantis' psychic abilities allowed him to return to the world as a ghost to continue his work. His most recent job was for Liquid Ocelot in 2014 as the the true leader of the Beauty and the Beast Unit, acting through Screaming Mantis as a host body, but was banished into the spirit world by The Sorrow after reuniting with a rapidly aged Solid Snake one last time. Recently, he's escaped back into the world once again.

    Updated Lists:

    The Supreme Dalek
    Yoshimitsu (Deceased)
    Dalek Sec
    The Sorrow
    The Boss/Peace Walker
    Psycho Mantis

    Post by: Graxe, Jun 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    After learning all it could from Dante, Doppelganger left him to continue exploring the tower, watching all the events happening and plots being planned and executed. Interesting, yes, but to the demon they were meaningless.

    Then it found Pride in one of the many hallways. It didn't know why, but there was something about the boy that excited Doppelganger.


    Radio Frequency: 000.00
    Begin transmission.

    Suddenly interfering with all of the villains' radios, regardless if they were on or off, was the sound of rain accompanied by a man's voice. It was a bit hard to hear due to the rain, but what he said was clear:

    "Psycho Mantis has been sighted. He is here."

    End transmission. Too bad none of the villains knew who The Sorrow was talking about.


    At that moment, the sound of someone breathing in a gas mask resounded throughout the tunnel to the arena that Scar was in. The source of the sound was very close, directly behind Scar in fact. Out from the air itself, a hand wearing a black fingerless glove appeared out of thin air and reached out to touch (or possibly grab) the lion.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Graxe
    While waiting for its match to be called, Doppelganger went around to sample people's abilities while being in their shadows. As it went around, the demon felt Dante's presence in the tower. The memories of their battle in Temen-ni-gru returned to it and decided that reacquiring the half-demon's fighting skills once again would prove very useful. Moving from shadow to shadow, Doppelganger found itself within Dante's shadow in mere moments. Having already battled Dante in the past, learning his skills shouldn't take long.


    The Supreme Dalek with its escort of 50 other Daleks were searching the world for a place to "store" their Hand of Omega. Logically, it was only a matter of time before they came upon Marik's Council of Evil.
    A small group of five Daleks moved away from the main force and began the infiltration. Instead of just simply barging in right away and demand answers, they held back and observed the members of the council from a moderate distance. Depending on the report they give back, the Supreme Dalek may have a use for them.
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Graxe
    "Hmm...I thought Doppelganger would be here. This would be the perfect place for it to learn and grow. Perhaps you would know the bracket for this tournament, then? Unless it is kept secret..." Vexen thought about it some more before noticing that he was still standing over them. "Oh, pay no attention to me and my ramblings. Do take care and be wary around the shadows. Every shadow. You never know what might be lurking within them."
    Post by: Graxe, Jun 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home