God is a being of antimatter. Touch him/her/it, you blow up.
Is it safe to assume that, in a general or universal/multiversal sense, magic is energy fired or transmitted at a very specific wavelength or range of wavelengths amplified through a medium, such as a crystal, wand, or other magically capable object? And by "everyone", does this mean the Daleks and Omega have access to Jail's screens also? ------ Username: Graxe Character of Choice: Vexen Picture (optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Kingdom Hearts Additional Info: Previously number IV of Organization XIII. He has somehow returned after his death at Castle Oblivion. As the title "Chilly Academic" implies, he has complete power over ice. As long as he gets to do research, he doesn't really care who he's allied with. The amount of available resources and level of technology, however, can determine which faction this is.
qwerty Not really weird, no. More like a single fluid motion for me.
Not much different from normal tweed other than the fact that it's infinity tweed. Most people can't tell the difference anyway.
Davros exited the lab with a modified vortex manipulator in his hand. "I see you have arrived," he said to Maki. "Come. The Supreme Dalek tells me that it has information that may possibly be of some interest to you." The Supreme Dalek had recalled witnessing the release of a great, unbreakable darkness flooding the Earth, the invading force, and the whole Dalek fleet. This caused it to recall another piece of knowledge: The exact time of its release was now. It shouted out its commands to each of the 40,000 ships in the fleet because it knew exactly what was just unleashed into the world. "LOCK DESTINATION COORDINATES TO THE MEDUSA CASCADE. BEGIN THE EMERGENCY PROTOCOL IMMEDIATELY. THE DARKNESS HAS BEEN UNLEASHED." Although one might think that there'd be a shred of fear in the Supreme's voice, there wasn't. It was still just as rage fueled as ever, perhaps even more. Upon the command of the Supreme, all 40,000 Dalek ships flew past the Sky City at FTL speeds, they caused the whole city to shake violently due to their extremely close proximity. And because they were moving faster than light, each ship appeared as nothing more than a blindingly bright flash that left a streak of light tailing behind. If the Doctor or Doctors were seeing this, it should be one gigantic sign to get out of there. Because really, what in the entire of the universe could cause the Daleks to flee? Each Yoshimitsu charged up at the force of Stormtroopers, deflecting the gun blasts with their katanas, and turned their backs right as they were within the enemies' faces to perform Suicide. Or...that was the plan. The whole zooming light thing distracted the real Yoshimitsu and he stopped, performing Confusion instead before falling to the ground. His Dark Pieces, however, kept on going and not only committed Suicide but went on past that into Double Suicide, killing themselves and the unfortunate row of mooks behind each one via double sword impalement. Ouch... --- Omega woke. A force from another universe had disturbed his sleep. Could this be Davros' doing? No, he is far from having the capabilities of doing so now. There must be something else going on in N-Space. And if something from N-Space can disturb me, a being in an entirely different universe...
Can someone update me on the current/recent events? EDIT: Nevermind. Got the gist of things.
Graxe Davros The Supreme Dalek Yoshimitsu Omega
But he did get another one. Sure, he stole it from Einstein and returned it, but it counts right?
A fourth of the Dalek fleet left for an attack on the Death Star (since it was declared a hostile element within the planetary airspace) while the rest were finishing up gathering the dead from the mass killing that happened earlier that day. "There is an ally that must be brought along with us. Prepare the transmat," Davros ordered from the bridge. Then a thought he had overlooked returned to him: If Maki should fail in opening the rift in the Medusa Cascade, perhaps he would have uses elsewhere throughout time and space? There was also the information the Supreme Dalek had that may be of some importance to him. He headed to the mini-laboratory to create a very simple (or at least, simple to him) time travel-teleport device. It'd take at maximum 15 minutes to build, 10 without the added telepathic link for the user's convenience.
So it's eventually going to be Daleks vs Cybermen vs the Galactic fal'Cie Empire vs the tandem of other factions/the rest of the universe? Wow...
As the Dalek fleet quickly covered the skies over Tokyo (OOC: It is Tokyo, yes? I've forgotten.), day turned into night. Both the sun and the Death Star were blocked out of view. "So they have come at last. Signal them here to this hospital. I would like this to be done as clean as possible." The Supreme Dalek looked down at its gunstick and then towards the gathering of evil in the distance. It aimed its gunstick in their direction and fired multiple laser blasts. "ENERGY WEAPONS DISCHARGED FROM THE CITY. IMMEDIATE ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT IT IS OF DALEK DESIGN." "TRACE ITS TRAJECTORY AND LOCATE ITS ORIGIN. PREPARE THE TRANSMAT BEAM OF THE NEAREST BATTLE SHIP FOR RECOVERY." "I OBEY." Almost as soon as the command was given, Davros and the Supreme Dalek were teleported on board the Dalek battle saucer directly above the hospital. ----- All seven versions Yoshimitsu jumped off of the tower via Deathcopter Trick and each landed behind a stormtrooper, bisecting them. This was followed by Manji Backfist 2, since they all had their backs turned towards the other stormtroopers, continuing into a Solar Kick Shark Attack to Moonsault Slayer juggle combo, the former for crashing into and launching a several groups into the air and the latter for slicing apart the unfortunate airborne mooks. The original Yoshimitsu looked over to his Dark Piece clones. They seem to be mimicking every one of his actions. Or maybe they just had the same ideas as him, since all they were just pieces of the original. Whatever the reason for it, their swift, seemingly choreographed attacks doubled with their unsettling inhuman appearances freaked the hell out of the stormtroopers who saw their comrades be ripped apart so easily. Some started to fire wildly at them with a very erratic aim out of fear while others simply stood there or began to slowly back away.
"Shin, now's not the time to go sightseeing. There are things I have to do and the last thing I need is for you to trap yourself in The Empyreal Paradox," Omega called out before entering the citadel. The front hall and the rest of the castle were much different on the inside. It was exactly like The Narthex at Orphan's Cradle, being brightly lit with large windows and pale blue and white lights everywhere on the walls. He dropped the dragon parts onto a lift that transported them to the basement storeroom before going to the armory on the second floor. With the Masamune rendered useless from age and the Blood Sword's lack of high damage capability, he was going to need use something new if was going to continue off on his own. When Shinryu entered the citadel, it greatly differed from what Omega saw. The interior was similar to the Edenhall Reliquary at Orphan's Cradle (where the fal'Cie Eden once resided), with its stained glass windows, tall archways, and overall darker and redder lighting. Everything, from the mirror-like waxed floors to the high ceiling, had some sort of intricate details on them whether it was natural or crafted on. Weird. It's like I just walked into a different building. Just to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he stepped outside for a bit. Yeah, it's definitely crystal outside. So then how come it's so different inside? Shouldn't I be able to see how it is from out here? Still slightly puzzled, he returned inside to look around the front hall.
"WE MUST LOCATE DAVROS AND THE SUPREME DALEK. FIND THEM AND EXTERMINATE ALL OPPOSITION. THEIR SURVIVAL PRECEDES ABOVE ALL ELSE," ordered the commanding Dalek in the leading ship to the rest of the fleet. The swarm of Dalek saucers scattered all across the Earth, never stopping or decreasing their speed. Upon reaching North America, they set fire to most of the major cities while searching. As soon as there was no sign of Davros or the Supreme, the Daleks flew off to the next area. Similar events occurred on all of the other continents as well (barring Antarctica, of course). There was barely any resistance to this surprise ambush. The Daleks came and went so fast that not even UNIT knew what was going on other than the obvious. "DALEK LIFEFORMS DETECTED. ALL UNITS CONVERGE TO ITS LOCATION," informed a Dalek to the fleet. All 40,000 ships immediately changed course to Japan. Davros, meanwhile, looked up at the Death Star. "What do you know of it, Supreme One?" The Supreme Dalek turned its eyestalk at the moon-sized fortress. "IT IS POWERED BY A HYPERMATTER REACTOR GENERATING ENOUGH ENERGY EQUAL TO SEVERAL STELLAR BODIES. BUT ITS EFFICIENCY DOES NOT COMPARE TO THE Z-NEUTRINO CORE OF THE CRUCIBLE NOR THE ABUNDANCE OF ARTRON ENERGY THAT IS PRESENT THROUGHOUT TIME. THE SIZE OF THE WARSHIP IS ONLY NECESSARY FOR THE CRUDE DESIGN OF ITS SUPERLASER AND FOR INTIMIDATION PURPOSES." "Then it is of no worry to us. We shall soon be leaving for the Cascade once the fleet has found us. The humans and the humanoids can destroy themselves in the meantime. And if the Earth is destroyed from the conflict, Mondas can be utilized in its place." Not forgetting about Maki, Davros turned to face the nearest security camera and looked directly into the lens. "Would you like to come along with us? Or would you rather stay here and bare witness to the event?" ----- When the light faded, the past incarnations of Yoshimitsu stood beside the original, although each one seemed to have been shaded in a darker tone. Yoshimitsu wasn't surprised by this, though. With all of the things going on and everything that he's seen (talking cats, boxing kangaroos, sentient robots and mobile suits, mages of all sorts, devils/demons/shinigami, Ogre, the list goes on), meeting multiple versions of himself was bound to happen eventually.
"800,000 DALEKS WILL DESCEND UPON THE EARTH IN 40,000 DALEK BATTLE SAUCERS." Davros was certainly not expecting such a large force, but was very pleased with the results nonetheless. He wanted confirmation on one thing, though. "800,000? Were there not only 200 humans taken from this hospital?" "IN THE TIME IT HAS TAKEN THEM TO BUILD THE FLEET THEY HAVE ALSO TAKEN THEIR OWN CELLS AND GROWN NEW DALEKS FROM THEM, GREATLY INCREASING THEIR NUMBERS," it explained. The Supreme Dalek moved to a window and looked up at the sky. "THE FLEET WILL ARRIVE IN THREE RELS. TWO. ONE." On the side of the Earth that was not facing invasion from the Empire, a time corridor opened. Just as the Supreme Dalek foretold, the 40,000 ships of the newly formed Dalek Imperial Fleet swarmed out and accelerated towards the blue planet for the sole purpose of recovering their two leaders. ----- In the Jedi Temple, Yoshimitsu was sure that he sensed a familiar presence somewhere in the city. So you are here as well, Jin...
Stuck on an island with Voldemort. ****.
"'Success' would be an understatement, but indeed it has," Davros responded to the camera. "And as you have overheard, it seems that there will be an invasion happening sometime soon. I have reason to believe that it will be on a global scale, for who would be so small-minded to spend so much of their time and effort focusing on capturing a single, simple city or village on this small planet?" he conjectured. Then there was a massive explosion nearby. "And it seems to have begun. Have you finished with the calculations yet, Supreme Dalek?" Yoshimitsu took note of the simultaneous disappearances, but made no fuss over it like everyone else. All he knew was that an unseen, all-powerful force was behind it. Most likely a reality warper of sorts.
Something big that probably won't happen for a while since Davros had to start from nearly nothing and has to work his way back up to being a major power. Would 242 be too much? Too little? Just enough?
Question: On average, how many people would be in an average floored hospital barring the first floor?
Yoshimitsu facepalmed once the fighting began. So great was his disappointment that he walked right out of the room and straight to the Gundams. Yes, he was a fighter himself, but this is clearly not the time and place to do so. When Davros and the Dalek returned to the hospital, some of the bodies seemed to have changed or were missing. Oh well. It would be easy to amass over ten times the amount lost so it was fine. "When will the Dalek ship arrive here?" he asked his Dalek. "THE DALEK FLEET WILL REVEAL ITSELF ONCE THE INVASION HAS STARTED." "A fleet? The Dalek-Humans would not survive the atmospheric conditions of Skaro long enough to build an entire fleet of ships." The Supreme Dalek turned to face its creator. "IN THEIR PERSPECTIVE OF TIME, ONE HUNDRED EARTH YEARS HAVE PASSED SINCE I GAVE THE ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION. TO SURVIVE ON SKARO THEY HAD TO SUCCUMB TO THEIR DALEK INSTINCTS. THEY HAD SUBJECTED THEMSELVES TO MUTATION AND HAVE COMPLETELY EVOLVED INTO TRUE DALEKS. ALL TRACES OF HUMAN DNA WILL HAVE BEEN PURGED OUT OF THEIR GENETIC STRUCTURE. WHEN THEY ARRIVE, THERE WILL BE AN ARMY AWAITING YOUR ORDERS." Davros was surprised at the Dalek's forethought, even before having time flow its mind. "This would indeed hasten the creation of our empire, indeed. How large of a force does this army consist of?" The Supreme Dalek took a moment to look back into its own mind to count the numbers.