Yes I don't believe Thor can be used as a summon. Maybe Ixion?
Mya stood close by to Akira, healing her through constant pulses. You can do it Akira! Don't let it overpower you! She then switched to her Synergist role and buffed her with Haste and Barrier.
Aww thanks :3
Why is everyone being captured ._.
Mya ran towards Leo and pulled him back. Alive or not, we have to pull back Leo! We can't hold them all! We'll all die! Do you want Jade to see that? All of us dead?! She swapped to her Commando role and provided fire on the soldiers. Don't let his valor go in vain!
Man so many peeps left D8
OOC: Can I have a head count to see who's still in?
Aww I'm kidding. I LOVE Jaden ^^ *Glomps Bushy*
His battle is nothing compared to Zack's death. No one likes Jaden XD
Lolwut XD Anyways...we needs MOAR dramatic moment. I need to summon my Eidolon sometime D8
She walked over to Twilight and have her a few more pulses of Cure before sheathing her guns. We really don't have much of a choice do we? We can't take down an army of this size. Even if we did...we would be seen as terrorists and shunned. She bit her lip. Dammit we can't give up either! What will they do? Keep us in until we become Cei'th?
Mya jumped back, avoiding her magic and constantly fired upon Alice. She hoped that she had her attention so the others would find an opening and strike her. Damn...she's not joking when she meant she wants our heads. She swapped to her Medic role and started healing her friends.
Mya walked over to a couch and sat down on it. Anyways, get some sleep everyone. We dont know what's going to happen tomorrow. Her mind drifted off to Xane. She haven't seen him for a while now. Is he plotting something?
Mya pulled Twilight back away from Alice. Don't overdo yourself. Rest a bit. She swapped to her Synergist role and buffed Jaden, Twilight, and herself with Haste and Bravery before turning back into Commando and firing on her again, with faster bursts.
Mya flinched as Alice shot an arrow at her, but Twilight blocked it. Thanks. Well, now I regret saying what I just said. Although I do agree with Jen then you're nothing but a tool. She whipped out her guns in her Commando role and started firing rounds on Alice.
OOC: FYI, changed my weps for those who don't know. BIC: She frowned as Jenny left. Bleh. She doesn't make this easy for us does she? Don't we already have enough crap on our hands? We don't need a fight with her.
Mya shook her head, sighing. Please...just stop bickering. The last thing I want is each other tearing at each other. Can't we just relax and get some rest today? There's been too much going on today. I don't want anymore arguments. Especially between 2 allies.
So when we gonna start?
You mind copying the exact info of my character in the last RP? I don't wanna write it all down again D: Also, mind switching her weapon from a gunblade to dual revolvers?
It actually sounds a lot more complicated D: