Mya laughed and shook her head."It still acts like one. Anyways, you can stop calling me travel companion. I'm Mya. And nice to meet you Alyssa." She gave the dragon a small pat on the head.
OOC: Oh derp I didn't knew the twins were talking to us >_< BIC: Mya let out a small laugh."You really think it could be me? If that was true, the world better pray I die soon. I have no Avatar like qualities." She finished her bowl and sat back."Assuming you could find a new team. Anyways, how bout I show you newcomers around town? There are many things to see here in the grand place of Republic City."
Mya nodded and sat back. "It's hard to cope with death. Especially ones that you love." She would've talked more, but it would make them feel uncomfortable so she decided to drop it. "Anyways, you'll love it here, minus the creeps." She quickly glanced at the creepy hooded man before smiling cheerfuly back at him. " of Korra, there hasn't been a new Avatar as we know. Wonder who he or she is? I know it's an Earthbender since after water is earth."
Mya frowned, but shrugged and went back to grab her stuff and apologize to the priest. "Sorry for the trouble. Please don't blame him." She walked back to Alastair and his dragon. "Judging by her attitude, I'm guessing it's a pretty young dragon."
A lot of people really understate video games in the terms of stirring up emotions. When people watch movies and TV shows, there are moments when people cry and bawl like crazy. However, people scoff at games, saying all they do is provide entertainment and saying there is no room for that. I find that a whole lot of crap. Video games have a large amount of positional in giving people an emotional response. Not once have I had a strong emotional response from any movie I have watched in my entire life. EVER. When it came down to games, I had a lot of moments where I had deep sorrow or even cried. One, for example, is To the Moon. It's an Indie game and boy, it just made me cry in so many ways. Not gonna spoil anything, but the music combined with the amazing plot will make you tear up. I'd like to have your opinions. Do a lot of people tend to overlook the emotional concept in games? And if you can, share your moment where it moved you :D
In my opinion, coping with "inner beauty" is not very appreciated in real life. It's sad to say, but a lot of people these days people judge both girls and guys harshly on how they look and sometimes their personality. Also, I'm gonna state what Larry and Misty just said. Video game characters are (usually) not real characters, thug giving people a cue to judge and fantasize over the characters. Game developers and movie directors make characters very "cute" or "sexy" because it sells. If the main character was a unattractive person, many people would criticize on how the character looked. People tend to be very shallow and unappreciative on what's presented to them. In a video game, it's not supposed to be realistic. People don't usually buy video games for its realism, but for its non realism. Everyone knows a girl/guy character would not look/dress like that in a society like ours. It all comes down to this. All that matters is that if the product sells well. In order to do that, they target the major audience, in this case guys. And how do they appeal to them? BIG BEWBIES AND REVEALING CLOTHING. I just hope that not all companies will follow down this direction if they want to sell a game
There are other game stores that do sell Retro Video games. There's one near my school that sells SNES games, Dreamcast, PS1, Gamecube, SEGA Genesis, and others
She nodded. "Yea. Well I wasn't born here. I was born in the Earth Kingdom Capitol, but I ran away to Republic city because my parents were too passive with me. Anyways, enough of me. Kolau Komodo Rhinos? I'm a big fan of you guys! It's a shame you lost at the semi-finals. I really rooted for your team to move on." She ate her noodles a bit more. "How about you? You lived here or were you from somewhere else?"
Mya dropped her stuff immediately and ran out to the dragon. "You better get that dragon under control! I don't want the town to go after you for a misfortune." She San in front of Alyssa. "Let go of the priest right now!" She had her hand on her sword in case it got to a bad situation. Se didn't want to hurt the dragon, but if it were to cause danger, she would have to put it down.
Mya thought about his proposition. Fighting the Emperor himself? How could he say it so easily? It really didn't matter though. She trained to fight him anyways. It was gonna be sooner or later that she had to make a decision. She nodded."Alright I'll accept your proposition. Give me a few minutes to pack. She walked back into her room and grabbed her life savings of money, a few books, a map, and a small jewelry box. She also wrote a note on her table to tell the priests and church members that she was leaving and will be back soon. She placed her belongings in a bag and walked back out to him."Alright I'm ready for departure."
Mya stood up and headed over to the door. She assumed it wasn't someone from the church since they would just call her out. She opened the door and looked at the swordsman. "May I help you?" OOC: Just sayin, if my words aren't colored, then I'm probably on my phone.
OOC: I probably won't post as Yaku for at least a few more posts down so yerp :S BIC: Mya sat across from Roku. "Big news tonight don't you think? The leader of the White Lotus in Republic City and the Pro-Bending team from last season in this shop." She gave him a small smile. "Don't push yourself too had. Getting into the semifinals is no easy task and I applaud you. Every bit I appreciate in you Pro-Benders." She called an order."Oh, sorry about my rash manners. I'm Mya." She also snuck a few glances at the cloaked man, finding him a bit unsettling.
A dummy stood in the middle of the seemingly empty training grounds. Suddenly, a bright light flashed and then all was left is a pile of ashes along with a girl behind it. She then sheathed her sword and looked back at the remains. For years, Mya has been training hard at her swordskills, her magic, and even the combination of both. She was well known within the kingdom for her excelling skills and even used some of her construction ideas. Yet...the headmaster of the Church told her she still wasn't ready for the final task. "It's not fair! How much more time do I need? There won't be anything left to protect if they keep saying I'm not ready!" She kicked the pile of ashes angrily. Inside though, she knew why they said that to her. Most of her dedication to learning was through grief and regret. Light magic was to come from the peace of the mind for good and steadfast dedication to justice. Justice she knew well enough, but a peaceful mind was something she couldn't achieve. She sighed heavily and walked back into the church. She respectfully bowed to the elders and the high priests before going into her room and sat on her bed, still replaying the memories she had as a young girl. She couldn't let go of the memories of her mother's death. She kept blaming herself for it. If only she had left sooner to learn the healing properties of magic...she probably would still have her mother here.
Okies accepted ^^ Feel free to post whenever you are ready :)
Read the rules again Haru :/
Ehh I don't read the light novels though I might have to seeing how slowly the anime and manga goes.
Name: Mya Gender: Female Age: 26 Weapons: Lucem Sanctum (One-Handed Sword) and Expert Light Magic Appearance: Shoulder length Redish hair with sea-blue eyes. Wears something like this Art Online/YuukiAsunafull1011299.jpg (Wat...I like SAO :/) Nationality: Vain Personality: Caring to the people she cares for, but passionate in battle. She has a sharp mind and can lay out tactics for battle in just seconds. Bio: Mya was born and raised in the Vain kingdom. At a young teen age, she was interested in battle and strategy. She quickly memorized old battle maps and learned on how to use basic spells and eventually a sword. She planned to go to the Vision kingdom to learn Light Magic to support the armies against the Seraphim Empire. That was stopped abruptly when they attacked and invaded the Vain Kingdom. Her father joined a small resistance group to fight against the invading army, but was killed with the group. Mya and her mother fled to the Xamia Kingdom and settled there. At the age of 22 however, her mother died by catching a deadly disease. Weighed down by grief and anger that if only she had learned the magic, she could've saved her mother, she left her home and ventured into the Vision Kingdom. She was then taken in by a mentor in the Angela Church. She then was proficient in casting high level Light Magic and improved on her sword skills. She then crafted her own sword, calling it "Lucem Sanctum" meaning "Holy Light" as the metal in it reflected light and synergized her sword skills with her magic. She is looking for an opportunity to find a time to attack the Seraphim Empire and bring justice to them, especially the death of her parents fueling her passion.
OOC: Alright. I just the confirmation on the 4th character and now we can officially start! :D BIC: "Sometimes, courage isn't enough. Sometimes, people can fail at their greatest moments. The biggest flaw is that the emotions that can hold a person back. And for that, you need to bring out he fear within that person. Fear and hate are the strongest emotions in this world. Love? In a world like this...there is no such thing as love. Love cannot bring you eternal satisfaction and joy. It's a temporary painkiller. Once the "love" ends, you start hating the life you live in even more. Not saying love is bad. Lasting love is hard to achieve, but when it is achieved, a greater power of fear and hate can be achieved. That is where the true shadows emerge from. The things that are supposed to go right that go wrong and bring you down. Only then can you look upon the darkness to support you. And it will...always..." ~ Gyote "Republic City. A city of life and a city of controversy. Though the days of Equilists are over, there are those who still abuse the weak with their bending. The Equalists were bad people, but those who abuse their powers to show dominance are worse. Sometimes, I think to myself that what Amon has done could have made a good result, but I know that wasn't the truth. If only he wasn't the person we thought he was, it would've been a lot more believable. There will always be the weak and the strong. It is the Avatar's job to help stabilize and bring balance to the two opposing forces. It was harder then when the Fire Nation decided to ruin the balance of the elements. Now, it's just s bunch of rebels. Nothing can be taken for granted though. A shadow is coming. It looms over the entire city. Maybe even all of the 4 lands. I can only hope the next can lift this darkness among from us. My time has passed. A new leader is needed to bring light to this world. May it come...and may it succeed." ~ Korra Mya sighed as she tossed away the final history book into the corner. "Ugh finally. All this reading is making me tired." She hated her history class. It was so boring. All she wanted to do was to Earthbend. It was the only thing that entertained her. She stood up and stretched her arms as she walked over to the window of her home and looked out at the bright lights of Republic City. The city created a new Colosseum in dedication of the new Pro-Bending season. She was excited to see the new season of the Pro-Bending games. "Well a quick walk around the city won't hurt." She grabbed her robe and walked towards the main square of the city. After the discovery of Sato's assistance to the Equalists, the vehicles were now renamed into the Kormobile in honor of Avatar Korra's actions to the city. Mya's former guardians owned one, but she disliked it due to the fact she can't feel the floor. She headed over to the nearest noodle shop and decided to have a quick snack.
Yay you are now accepted and I can officially start :)
Alrighties I just need a confirmation from one person then we can start :D