Night!!! Things are always better at night. Not sure why...
Limit Form is KHII Final Mix exclusive, unfortunately. The only way to get the secret ending in KHII on standard mode is to complete the Journal. It's much easier to unlock it on Proud Mode.
Hmm... Well, Expert mode on KH1 is a lot harder than Proud Mode in KHII. The lack of drives and limits makes KHI tough, plus there's a lot of puzzle solving to do. In KHII Sora is really over-powered, but still there are some really tough bosses. Hey, did anyone else notice that there's absolutely NO puzzle solving or exploration to do in KHII? Like, none at all. Weird. No wonder the Disney worlds are boring...
He probably meant several things at once... But what he says is pretty ambiguous and vague. I think he was happy that Kingdom Hearts was finished because 1)he would be getting a heart soon and 2) he could finally release all his rage upon Sora.
Good God... *subliminal messages rock*
I think it says in Jiminy's Journal that "his calm exterior belies a more savage nature" or something to that effect. Probably to tie in with the idea that he's a berserker.
I used the Roulette ones a lot... They rock.
Ok, I've sent my Vexen and Ansem auditions now! God, now that I think about it, my first audition was absolutely dire... Sorry. I might redo the whole thing, again...
Yeah... SE don't generally do multi-platform games. Thankfully I have a DS and a PSP... but if I didn't I would have bought them. It's worth it.
40! I rulez...not
Thanks! I get stressed easily anyways. I'm a heart attack waiting to happen! Did anyone read "The Dark Knight Returns"? It's like the best comic book in existence (along with Watchmen of course). Hmm, the thread name is still the same when I see it on the forum. Stupid internet =.= Oh well, I suppose I've made worse mistakes...
Yeah... Heath will be so much better than Jack Nickolson was in the first movie. He's a great actor, however. Once again, sorry about my misspelling of Batman! I'm so embarrassed! And I'm supposedly in the top English class at school... Gah!:speechless-smiley-0
Is it just me, or is anyone else seriously excited about "The Dark Knight"? Personally, I can't wait! It'll be a bit weird with Heath Ledger (R.I.P) in it, but still. EDIT: CRAPPP!!! I MISSPELLED BATMAN!!!!! I AM SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT2: Phew... I changed it... lol. Thanks to xJayn for advice
I'm agnostic now. I'm Catholic technically, and I believed most of the teachings for a very long time. Then the death of my friend and a lot of other factors changed me completely, and I became an Atheist. Now, however, I'm just not sure. There's no reason for me to rule out the possibility of a god/gods, but there's no reason for me to believe that there definitely is one, either. I do however feel that the concept of organized religion is completely wrong. Religion is supposed to be about unity, peace and love, but it is in reality the single biggest cause of war and violence. Not only that, but religion forces people to accept the teachings of a single person (who most likely died thousands of years ago) as unquestionable truth, despite the fact that there's zero proof that these teachings are correct. It stifles individuality and doesn't allow people to decide for themselves. As for the Catholic Church, it is completely hypocritical. It preaches acceptance and love, but forbids things like sex outside marriage and homosexuality, despite the fact that they do absolutely no harm to anyone.
That sucks. Just when I thought the environment had some chance of surviving, they come up with a new way of making petroleum! Could they not spend the time on devising cleaner sources of fuel? They could work on hydrogen fuelled cars, solar power etc.
Yes, I agree. Unfortunately, I'm too tired/lazy to get up and do something worthwhile instead. =.= WTF???
Coooooool!!! I can't wait for this game. Thanks for the pics. Judging by the quality of some of the graphics, there's gotta be a lot of FMV's in this game.
Zigbar's not my favourite Org. member, but he's not the worst either. If it wasn't for him spying on Xemnas in Final Mix +, we would have missed out on some valuable info! I do hate the boss fight with him, however. It's easy up to the end, when he starts spamming that attack where he's invincible and keeps shooting you. -.- and you hardly get a chance to attack him. And he does it so often that your MP doesn't have time to charge. So you have to use up all your items. Then you eventually run out and you die. For the fifth time. So yeah, I really hate the battle with Xigbar. But he's a good character. A lot better than some Org. members... (*cough*Xemnas/Luxord*cough*)
Yeah, I live in Ireland so it's the same for me... I should really re-read that series over the summer. It's been years since I finished it.
Yes, I suppose it would have been a bit predictable... After all it seems some of us were expecting it. And Riku and Axel are too different. Riku's quiet and cool, while Axel is, well... fiery.