If there actually is a card system, I wonder how Nomura will work it into the storyline. In CoM, being in Castle Oblivion meant that cards governed all your actions in battle. He'll have to create some sort of backstory/ explanation for why cards must be used. And don't get me wrong, the gameplay of KH I and II is classic. It's still fun after all these years. I just think it might be a bit unoriginal if this system isn't updated as new games are made.
Could I be Zexion or Marluxia? Thanks.
Yes, it is interesting. However, I don't really think there was ever a question of homosexuality being a "choice". You can't choose your sexual orientation. You're either attracted to men or to women, and that's about it.
Yes, I am a little disappointed. However, I did like the card system in CoM. It was quite strategic, and deep. Maybe it's for the best that BbS is like this; after all, the same button-mashing system has been used in both KHI and II. It could get very boring if SE don't make an effort to liven things up a little.
Reflect, aero and cure... I like defensive spells.
Shadows...gaah. Behemoths are pretty cute too...not
There are fewer medallions than there are nobodies carrying them, if you follow me... You can try somewhere else if you can't get that one.
Hello, everyone. You may not know me, as I've only been a member of kh-vids for a few days. However, I would like to apologise to every member of this site for the comment I made on the thread "Hidden messege". At that time, I had only been a member of the forums for a few hours, if I remember correctly. Therefore I did not understand the full significance of the comments made by others on that thread, which I won't discuss here. I did honestly think at the time that what was going on was nothing more than a harmless, friendly joke, and I didn't even know who the people mentioned were at the time, nor did I understand the full significance of what I had written. That, however, does not in any way condone what I wrote. I am deeply sorry and ashamed for what I have done, and hope you can forgive me. I would be prepared to delete my account and leave this website if that is necessary.
Hmm... I'm looking forward to Versus XIII more than the main game itself. Oh well.
I love curry! Indian food rocks. I'm not too sure about Thai curry though... Rogan Josh is my favourite curry. Not too spicy, but not too mild either.
Ok, that's good to know... Now I'll have something to play when I finish Re:CoM! We shouldn't have had to wait this long though... The US version came out months ago! They should have done a simultaneous release like with The World Ends With You. Oh well...
Seeing as SE, for some reason, decided to delay the release of FFVII Crisis Core in Europe until now, I was wondering what people who've already played it think of it. I've already pre-ordered my copy for Friday, but still I'd like to know what you think.
...tasty :(
Yes. It is Square's fault really. They shouldn't have let what's-his-face direct FFXII... I agree with you about KHII. Final Mix + is just so much better than the original game. All of the stuff that should have been in the original are in FM+. Those extra cutscenes and bosses improve the game dramatically.
Whoa, Goofy! That's daring! You should definitely get a mic to try out Goofy. I'd love to hear it!
I have a really ancient copy of Ulysses by James Joyce... I don't know whether it's rare or not though. BTW today is dedicated to James Joyce (ie. it's Bloomsday)... I think... *Hi fives*
Yeah, most people aren't aware of it. Enix was far more successful in Japan than in other markets, as far as I know. I wonder, has the merger affected SE's games much? I mean, I think it deserves much of the blame for Final Fantasy XII, the horrific abomination that it was (IMO). Although they have made KHII and TWEWY since, so maybe not...
Ok, just redid and sent my Lexaeus audition... Third time lucky maybe? Now you can actually make out what I'm saying!
I can snap my fingers with my right hand but not my left...? BTW You can learn to whistle. It only takes a day!
Bah, don't worry. I'm almost deaf in my right ear. Meh. Well, actually it is annoying. That's what playing in a band can do to you. :sigh: And about ear sex, "Once you go black, you go deaf"!!!