"No...no...I'm afraid that I'm just going to kill you." Blade responded to Drake, almost as if saddend from his idea that he'd be able to kill Drake so easily. "I'd like to play with her though." he said, raising his blade up, pointing it at Jane. "She feels like fun. She has a very nicely shaped body as well." he said, still emotionless, making a some what disturbing remark, though at the same time, surprising since his blindness should have prevented him from seeing her at all. For a moment, he licked his lips, and as if something set him off, he moved, or more so, 'twitched', causing him to strike out at Jane, his form terrible. He had lunged forward, but the way he swung his blade, it was as if he was just swinging it at her instead of putting any weight behind it.
Ya it really is. Talk about a weird coincidence. I found it on the day the thread opened up ^^;
"Are you Drake?" the man asked, as he began walking towards the two. He reached back, grasping both swords on his back, and removing them from their sheaths. THe swords appeared to be huge, and quite finely made. The fact that a man as skinny as him was even able to carry such large swords seemed stunning. He never took his glance off of Jane though. Though he was blind, it seemed as if he were still looking at her, as his eyes moved up and down. It was almost creepy that the man was staring at her like that. "My name is Blade. Brother says that you'd be my entertainment, but I believe that the both of you will be quite delightful." he said, showing that he had only been recognition for two out of the three. To him, Ben was not a threat at all, due to his status as a human.
Incredibly. I havn't been interested in an anime for a long time, so I can tell you right now, its good xD I was asking though because its a...
Infront of the allyway, the entrance where Ben and Jane had entered to speak to Drake, a man stood. His body was terribly pale, as if all the color had been flushed from it, and he had no emotion on his face at all, except for a slight frown. From the way he appeared though, it seemed as if the frown was more so from lack of caring then from some form of dissapointment or sadness. He was staring directly at Jane though, his head at a tilt, though this was some what...unnatural. It could be almost unnoticible, but just as Jane's eyes had no sight in them, the same was for his own. "Drake?" the man asked. In his hand, hung a head. The head of the man who had just walked away with the body of Drake's target to be exsact. He swung it by its hair, and threw it forward, blood falling from it. It hit the ground right infront of Drake, slightly spinning, and when it stopped, the face looked directly at Drake. It almost had the appearance of that of a dead fish. ooc: Might have to highlight it to read. The backround makes it so difficult :/
In that case... do you still plan on assisting me? Toxyn asked. He shifted his weight over to his left leg, preparing himself incase he had to strike, not thinking through the fact that she'd already be able to tell what he was planning. He knew that if she knew about that, then she could still always be working for him. The one thing that he had learned from his experiences had been that if he trusted people, then he'd always end up getting hurt. Even now after she had helped him, common sense took control of emotion, and he made certain that he wouldn't be harmed if she tried anything.
Wicked hot? Pfft, fangirls. Your all weird xD Sides that though, I've never heard of it though. Something I'd like to ask though. Have you ever...
Oi, I was thinking of having Blade attack your char. Since they're derma hunters, I figured that the reason why Matt would be in town was because...
"And so once again, I winde up in anouther annoying town." Matt mumbled with a sigh. He had a black coat on, a tiny bit of a sheath sticking out of the bottem of it, appearing as if it had been placed too low beneath the cloak. He had come on buissness, planning on meeting a client who had just recently contracted him. He had quite the dislike for the town though, seeing as there were so many people around. He hated people. It was as simple as that to him. He saw them as animals, not trusting them, though he still showed kindness to the ones that he considered to be worth the trouble. But in the end, they were all below him. Or so he thought. Unknowingly to Matt, a man observed his movements as he entered the town. "And so the second one arrives." he muttered, giving a slight giggle to glee. He seemed unnoticible due to the crowd. His attire was strange, and the hood of his shirt stuck up, covering the bottem half of his mouth, hiding the smile of delight on his face.
lmfao, wow. weird avvy btw XD
Think you should get the thread going? I'll see if I can get others involved still, but they've been busy ><
Username: Deathsight44 Name: Arrow Age: 19 Gender: male Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/theavalonsrok/gunslinger-1.jpg?o=59 Personality: His brother was the black sheep, but he was the wolf of the family. A psychopath, with a love for sharp objects and watching things squirm. Unlike his brother who is underly emotional, he is fully emotional, and a very live wire. He cares for nothing, except for the thrill of the hunt, and makes a game out of everything he does. His brother is a creep, but Arrow on the other hand, is just one hell of a disturbed individual. Bio/History: His own history is the same as that of Blade's, except unlike him, he was considered the favorite, at first. Until they began to run into problems with him. His fascination for 'taking things apart', whether they be live nor dead, gave his family reason to worry. He originally was the one who wanted to form the contract with his brother after learning of how to do it. But now though, even since the death of his family, he and his brother have become Derma hunters. Army or Citizen (if Army, which one): Citizen Rank or Social Class (optional) : Working class Derma (if already found): Blade Special Skills (optional): He's very skilled with long ranged weapons, but mostly specializes in kunai Weapon (optional): he always has dozens of kunai on hand. Other: ((Gonna add one more char. a master, in a bit unless we don't get more masters))
I got into a bit of a situation is all he thought, trying to avoid thinking about the attack from early that he had on the director. A few memories may have slipped, but faces weren't too clear in his mind, except for that of a cat. If I'm seen then I'm quite certain that I won't have much 'rest' after all of this anyway he thought, assuming that the town was truelly more like the original hell hole he came from, instead of the civilized town that it was.
Username: Name: Blade (real name unknown) Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime guy/theavalonsrok/The_Sword.jpg?o=20 Personality: A creep my definition. He's very upper class like, polite, and never over reacts. He has a soft spot for women though. A natural flirt though he always gets turned down, and when it comes to men, if they speak with him, then he'll usually slice them to bits without hesitation. Gender does not effect him either way when it comes to the hunt. Only difference is how fast he kills. Bio/History: His powers were discovered at a very early age, obtaining his full potential at the youngest of ages. Most would describe him as the black sheep of the family. An emotionless child from birth, even his own parents were afraid of him. On the day that him and his brother made a contract with eachother, was the same day they became parentless, experimenting with the rest of the family, just what they were capable of together... ever since then, they've both travled together, hunting down Derma's, trying to find something thats much more 'fun to play with'. Master (if already found): Arrow Class (Spiritual Power): Psychic Imperfection: Blind Weapon: 2 of the same as the sword seen in the pic Weapon Power (Optional): He has the ability to break up his swords in any way he wants. he cannot shape shift them, but at the most, he can break them into millions of small shards. Special Skills (Optional): Telekenisis Other: ((I'll add his brothers bio's in a bit))
You should do something about the wound on your neck or else you might bleed to death. It's too close to the lungs Toxyn thought. He walked up behind Eliver, but no farther ahead, fearing that the farther he went outward of the ally way, the sooner he'd be seen by some random person. For a moment, his focused fixed over to the wound. Deep or not, it was one to the neck. It wasn't exsactly concern for her, but it was more so something which bugged him, seeing someone who was still assisting him (though he still had his doubts) wounded. Curiosity only added onto that feeling though. Before him, a strange child that was slaughtered had just allowed its head to float in the air, and had a very.....interesting, conversation with the girl. It certainly wasn't something that he planned on forgetting about any time soon.
Toxyn was breathing slightly heavier now, but his senses were returning. The instinct to kill had dissapeared, replaced by curiousity, and pain. "You should take care of any wounds he might've given you." he said to Elevir. Unlike the wound from the claw, he didn't take this one as badly since it had been from a human. A dangerous one, yes, but still not as bad. He started walking towards where he had left his shirt, deciding that by now, it would be best if he covered himself up, even if there were claw marks on it. In his mind, he was stuck on the question of just what had happend, but he decided not to ask until in a safer area. If anything else happend, then he didn't want to end up like before.....weak....and sniveling like a coward.
Toxyn quickly jumped back, his stomach being glazed, claw marks visible on his bear skin. He grabbed the area where he had been wounded, applying pressure so not to lose blood since he was slashed at in a sensative area. "Die!" he yelled again. He hit his claw on the ground, eletricity flowing out of it, and running along the ground towards the boy. It wasn't strong like it usually was so it wouldn't do much damage, since he had just retaliated from the shock of pain, but it would still be enouph to have an effect on the boys body to probably weaken him.
I know. BUT, I'd really like your help in something though. In my fanfic, I'm having one of my charecters based on you. Even though we don't...
The minute the horrid scream began to effect Toxyn, it was as if the world around him had become corrupt. Insanity. His mind was going haywire, electrodes moving so fast that the pain in his body began to flucturate. And for that moment, his sights turned directly to the boy, the killer instinct that he had felt once before for the director, once again becoming active in his brain. "die.....die..die..die..die...DIE DIE DIE!!!" he screamed, constantly repeating the same thing, losing it, as he charged at the boy, grabbing his coat on the side, and grabbing the metalic finger from it, and instead of removing it, he simply charged forward, using the tiny blade attatched to the tip to rip it out from the limp coat, leaving it on the ground. He charged at the boy, not even using his electricity. He lunged at the boy, reaching his arm out, staring directly into his eyes, aiming the weapon directly at the boys eye, the scource of Toxyn's rage.
That would explain a lot Toxyn thought, more so to himself this time. He took a step forward, and though his body ached more than usual, he could tell that for now, he'd be able to deal with it. The work done on his wound, though it was helping it to heal, some what stung some what. If you don't mind, it'd be prefered if I stayed out of sight. I doubt they'd take too much of a liking to me if I were to be captured... he thought. He knew he was in a vulnerable place. His shirt was torn, so whether he wore it or not, the wound would be obvious. He looked roughed up enouph to definatly not be from around town. He probably stuck out like a soar thumb at the time.