say who what now? o_O
Lol, ok. so we'll have her as I just described her, though once she finally does something right, then she'll get a little obnoxious about it?...
Blade went to his knees at that moment, but drove his sword into the ground again, keeping his balance. "What the..." he started to say, as he took noticed the ribbons that were sewed into the ground. He let out a sigh. "You can materialize spiritual energy?" he asked her. His expression was still calm. He didn't appear to be worried at all though. It was almost eerie how calm he was even though it seemed as if he was being helled down to the ground.
Toxyn glared for a moment, observing Seth, now that the man had appeared before them. Elevir seemed to be comforatable around him, and even though Toxyn had his doubts, he knew that this person hadn't gotten in his way when he attempted to kill the director. Still though... This man was a stranger. He had to be careful. 'Who is he?' he asked. He didn't plan on talking to the man himself due to his own personality, so he figured that he might as well just confirm things from her instead.
Lol, it's alrite. Trust me, your not the only one who's like that, I'm kind of the same. I think that I can include both of that in her...
"Enouph." Blade said, making both of the blades that he wasn't holding shoot out at Jane, one hitting the wall infront of her, and the other hitting the wall behind her. "Your begining to bore me. And as much as I wish I could play, I still have other prey..." Blade said. "Women.....they're usually entertaining. And yet already, you have to resort to that skill..." he said, disgust in his voice. The idea of killing such a weak Derma was almost worse then having a boring fight. "Even for a make the humans look weak. So stop now, or else." he said. His fun from the situation was now drained, and if anything, he was extremely dissapointed. Arrow ran forward at Matt, not hesitating to fling one of his kunai at him, anouther one appearing in its place from beneath his sleeve. The minute matt saw the kunai comming, he jumped up into the air, and kicked off of the fountain edge. There were 2 people in the direction he jumped towards. His left foot landed on the first ones shoulder, using the poor bystander, and kicked himself off, landing on the second one's shoulder with his right, and kicking off again, darting straight at Arrow from the side. Anouther giggle escaped from Arrow's lips. He rubbed his left shoulder with his right arm, and from his left sleeve, a weight dropped, with a chain attatched to it. Without a moments hesitation, he flung it at Matt, just barely missing him.
Matt grabbed his sword, slashing back at the kunai, sending it flying out of the strangers hand, causing it to land a few feet away from them. "Is there a purpose that you've dragged me out here?" he asked, staring directly into the man's eyes, glaring into them, but seeing nothing there, no sign of sanity nor fear. "My name is Arrow." Arrow said, backing up slowly, letting his arms hang, as 2 kunai fell into each. "I'm a hunter you see. A Darme hunter." he said, as he began to lose his control over his laughter, starting to chuckle. Everyone around them were now staring at the two. It was like they were in a show. "You see, I'm here to kill you." He said in an eerily delightful tone. Blade swung his blade, lightly trailing it along Jane's skin, and smashed it against against Ben's sword, pushing against it to try and back Ben right back into the ally wall. In his eyes, it was noticible. They looked ever deader then they had before. Almost as if he were annoyed by the two before him. He had let one of his prety get away thanks to the girl, and this one was just being boring. To him, they were nothing but a buzz kill.
'Ah, yes, that makes total sense. The stranger who's only spent a day here would obviously have an idea of where to go. After all, I wasn't sleeping next to a dumpster because I had no where else to go, I just felt like it.' Toxyn thought, snapping some what at her, due to what he though was a question that was asked with 'a lack of intellegence'. You've been here longer, havn't you? WHere've you been staying? he asked her, not as much of an attitude when he asked the second question.
Pfft, I'm not nice, I just worry too much. Thanks though xD
If you say so. I just don't wanna slow down your thread or anything. I'd feel like a bother ^^;
I thoguht I'd say. idk if I'll be that good for the thread except for friday-sunday. I thought I might be able to handle it more, but i'm busy...
Blade stood up straight, no longer having to lean on his sword. He lifted it, pointing it upward at her neck. "Now, will you be a good girl as I have my fun?" he said, as he pressed the blade forward, slightly touching the tip to the spot between her neck and chest, slightly poking the skin and priking with it, his purpose just seeing how far he could push it just to get a bit of blood.
'You lead' Toxyn thought. As unnoble as it may have been that he would be hiding behind a woman, he had no motive to step out head first and get them into trouble. He figured that as long as she was in front, people might pay more attention. It was a stupid idea, but it was the best thing he had going for him.
ooc: Ok, sorry for the hold back. been seriously busy ^^; Blade sighed. They had at this stand point for too long, and he was begining to get bored. It was then when he noticed Ben, the girls master. He began to levitate the blade that he had originally used to attack Drake, and aimed it in Ben's direction. "Release your grip, or else your master dies." he said, complimenting it with a yawn, directly in her face. A man began to approach Matt, a wide grin on his face, still covered by the collar of his shirt. "Mathew?" he asked him, a slight giggle escaping, that he was attempting to hold back. Matt looked up at the human, annoyed. "Are you the client?" he asked him, a cold expression on his face. "Why yes, but I'm afraid that you've been lead here under false pretenses. I wanted to hold off a little longer but......I'm just too excited!" He said, anouther giggle escaping. His pupils were dialated, and for a moment, slightly widend, as he struck forward with his arm, slipping his hand out of his sleeve, with what seemed to be a large kunai, dierctly at Matt.
Well it'll be awhile before I start it, but your charecter in general. You'll be editting how I write her to be more... you-ish. Its a...
WOah, seriously? Thats a first XDD (jk jk) Lmao, I guess. Its basically just turning stories into games I guess. I'm mostly in it for the money...
Blade's expression went dull again. It took only a moment, before the blade behind Jane suddenly snapped in two perfectly identical pieces, snapping horizontally. Whilst one half of the sword stayed in its place, the other half turned around in mid air, and went flying at Drake, the point aimed at his face. "You'll have to let go at some point." he told her, a dulled expression on his face. Matt sat down by the water fountain, and looked up at the sky. "Where's that damn client..." he muttered, as he watched the people pass by. It disgusted him. These people acting the way they were, while living a perfectly 'safe' life, under the control of some king. He hated the idea of someone having that much power, especially a human. It was disturbing to him.
Blade closed his eyes for a moment. It seemed as if everyone was at a stand still. If anyone for a moment tried to kill him, including the girl, then he'd kill her in an instant. But if he tried to move, then he'd be dead for certain as well. The silence was calming, and in the backround, he could hear birds. "Birds.." he whispered, and for what seemed like an extremely brief moment, it almost as if the frown had dissapeared. ANd it was at that exsact moment, that a bird in the backround began to tweat as if panicing, before a bird went flying at Drake. When it flew at him, it wasn't flying as a bird would, but almost as if an invisible force had thrown it at him. A second one went flying at Ben next.
Blade fell forward, and let go of both swords. With his left hand, he grabbed one of them, but this time holding it in reverse, and slammed the tip into the ground, surprisingly piercing into the ground, stopping his fall, leaving him leaning inward towards Jane. His face was close to hers, and a slight blush was on his face. "I'm never....this close to a person usually.." he said, his voice sounding shy and boyish, in no way reflecting his sick nature. At that moment, the sword which he had dropped spun into the air on its own, and stopped in midair, levitating behind Jane, the tip of it pointing at her neck. At that time, he had believed that he had placed them in a stale mate.
"I'll try and keep it clean." he told her. It was then, when he began to get violent, pressing the sword that was already against her scythe, and then with the same lifeless motion as the first time, he slammed down his second sword against it as well, pressing them both against the scythe. He applied pressure on it, but it seemed as if it was nothing. It seemed almost as if he was not only trying to press her back, but that he was trying to break the scythe itself.