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  1. Deathsight44
    The flames hit his right arm again, burning it. He did not flinch from the fire though, and simply dropped to the ground, rolling on it over his arm towards Cailen, extinguishing the fire in the dirt, and then spun upward, using his broken left arm like a whip, and whipping his sword at him again.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Deathsight44
    Matt jumped forward, now instead of creating a barrier around himself with the attack, directing it directly at the fire user, focusing the attack only infront of him, on no other sides.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Deathsight44
    The moment Matt saw the man approach him, he stopped rolling around. "I will not die to the hands of an abomination." he said in a dark tone. He seemed to move in a flash, placing himself in a kneeling position. He threw his sword over to his other hand, his left. It appeared almost as if it were a flash for a moment, but a popping noise was heard. Almost as if it were punched out of place, his left arm drooped, popped out of the shoulder socket.
    He then stepped forward towards the fire man, and raised his left arm on his own will, as if it were some sort of object, and flung it downward, using his skills to make it at such a speed, then his forearm began to bend in the opposite direction of which a normal arm could. His left arm had literally been broking in two places, and yet he did not react, unable to feel the pain.
    "Now die." were the only words he spoke. It seemed almost as if it were an illusion, as he flung his arm around. It moved so fast though that it was almost impossible to keep up with it. Because it had broken, it seemed to almost stretch, as everything around Matt began to slash marks on it. Walls, and random patches of the ground would recieve slash marks, and anything heading straight into it, would most likely have better chances of heading into a tree shredder.

    ooc: its kind of like Ichigo's thing when he first does Bankai and blocks all of the pedals with the sword swinging around him and shiz
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Deathsight44
    Profile Post

    Like jo momma >8D

    Like jo momma >8D
    Profile Post by Deathsight44 for Spaze, Dec 30, 2009
  5. Deathsight44
    ooc: its all good. ^_^

    bic: Matt dropped on the ground, and started rolling on the ground, in a slight panic. He knew that taking damage wasn't a smart idea at all. He rolled around, trying to put the fire out.

    Arrow started laughing at the show, and walked up behind the flame man. "Killing's so much fun, isn't it? Light a nice fire, decorate with plenty of blood. Why, it's so much fun that..... I make it a point to kill at least five people per day." He said to the man, chuckling slightly.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Deathsight44
    And you swallow! XDDD (ownage)
    Profile Post by Deathsight44 for Spaze, Dec 29, 2009
  7. Deathsight44
    Matt spun around, and let go of his sword briefly, switching the position of his hand, and grabbing it so that the blade was pointing downward. He then stabbed backward, directly in Caillen's direction.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Deathsight44
    Matt jumped off the ground, high into the air, jumping right over the beam of fire. The height seemed inhuman. Even inderman (or however you'd say that). He landed behind the stranger, and spun around, trying to cut his head clean off.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Deathsight44
    Matt saw the second kick coming, and quickly pushed the other foot out of his grip and away from him while she spun around with the second kick, and the muscles in his arm instantly eased up, while at the same time, his neck muscles tensed, and his head became stiff. The minute the kick made contact with his head, the skin in that area became suverely bruised. Matt did not flinch though from the blow, almost as if he did not feel pain. The kick to the head though, to Annabel, would probably feel as if she had kicked a diamond.
    "Foolish girl. If you're going to hurt me, then the head is the last..." he started to say, but stopped himself, turning his attention to the man who was begining to light up.

    "Like a christmas tree." Arrow said, a smile growing on his face, as he heard the words of the stranger about killing. He took a step forward, easing his foot off of the trip wire, and he began to walk forward.

    "Abomination." Matt spoke after hearing Cailen's word's. His voice was cold as ice when the word abomination came out. He quickly dashed forward, the muscles in his neck easing up again, while those in his right arm, and with what seemed like lightning speed, he slashed out at the man with his sword.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 28, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Deathsight44
    Matt's eyes went wide. It seemed almost as if there was a spark in them for just one moment, as if an actual electrical spark could have been seen in his pupils, and right before the foot hit his face, he grabbed it by the heel, with inhuman speed. The strength he was using was equally inhuman. The muscles in his right arm, his only movable arm really, seemed to be bulging suddenly, even though they didn't have the shape to really have those kinds of muscles.
    He smirked a little again. "Meat sacks aren't meant to be able to challange my kind. I advise you apologize, girl." he said to her, tightening his grip around her heel only slightly, adding enouph pressure that would make most people feel a small bit of pain.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Deathsight44
    "Meat.....slack." Matt said, in a some what cocky tone. "Heat lack. Feet smack. Neat Jack." Matt said, going on with numerous names that he could think up that would rhyme with meat sack. Then, with a cool expression on his face. The arrogance almost shined from his expression, with his eyes staring directly into Annabel's eyes. They seemed almost as if to display happiness towards the idea of being killed. "Meat sack, b-tch." Matt said, daring her to try and take things farther.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Deathsight44
    Matt fell forward, face first into the ground.

    Arrow stood there, in utter shock, looking strangely at the woman. DId she just... he thought to himself for a moment. Even if he was a psycho, what he saw even seemed some what disturbing to him. The woman just seemed to come out of no where, and.....kicked him in the head.....things were just getting weird.

    "Who the f---..."
    Matt grumbled, as he started to pick himself up from off of the ground, and turned his back to Arrow completely, not caring just how vulnerable he was. "WHO THE HELL GAVE A MEAT SACK LIKE YOU THE RIGHT TO KICK ME!!!" he yelled at her, his own tone sounding pretty pissed. He then scoffed, and a smirk appeared on his face. "Not that you'd have any other way of getting to me. Meat sacks are known for having to pull cheap stunts like that. As if you'd be able to land a hit on me again if you tried." he said, lightly laughing infront of the woman.

    "This guys nuts..."
    Arrow muttered, knowing exsactly who it was that he was talking to. The woman before them was pretty well known. It was either Matt was an idiot who knew nothing about the people around them, or he was an idiot who was picking a fight with one of the most well known soldiers in the kingdom.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Deathsight44
    ooc: Lmao. Let me be the first to wish everyone a merry christmas ^_^

    bic: Arrow backed up further, stopping only inches away from the wall. A small laugh escaped from his lips. "Well well well. Looks like I made someone angry." he said, being careful not to move any further. Behind his foot was a trip wire, made out of a very loose material, making it almost impossible to see due to the dark lighting of the allyway. What is was meant to trip though....Arrow obviously had an idea about that.

    Matt began walking forward, dragging his blade on the ground, some of the blood on it dripping onto the ground. His expression was cold and emotionless. "Christ I hate freaks..." he muttered, taking his dear time. It the backround, he could hear what sounded like guards approaching. Obviously his destroying of the meat sacks that were in his way before must have ticked off the higher ups. Almost all of them were just animals to him. He made acceptions, but besides those few, he never cared for them. Even these higher ups, they were nothing but objects in his way, and if they knew what was good for them, they'd keep away, or end up resting in pieces.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Deathsight44
    'In that case, can we quit the chit chat? Perhaps wait until after we get somewhere we can't be seen?' Toxyn asked. He was more concerned for himself at the moment. He was being searched for as is, and had been attacked once already. Who knew what else might end up coming his way.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Deathsight44
    Blade let out a sigh, standing back up. He pulled his blade out of the ground, and stared Ben straight in the eye. "You need to train her right. I've never had such a pathetic fight before. Even toying with you wasn't any fun." he said. He raised his blade into the air, pointing it at Ben directly in the face. He then leaned forward, letting his blade drift to the side. He tapped the side of the blade against Ben's face, almost as if proving just how powerless he was against him. "Thanks to you, I've also lost my target. So I warn you. Next time I see you, I won't go easily on you, and I will slash you both to pieces, before you even know what happend." he said, his voice very grave. The lack of color in his eyes, almost made it seem as if one were looking into the eyes of death itself.
    Blade then pulled away the weapon, and began walking away, not having to worry about any restraints on him. As he walked away, the other 2 swords that were levitating dissapeared, scattering into shards, all flying back towards Blade's sword, it's size begining to return to the size it had began as. He followed the direction that some of the people were running. It became apparent though, from the scream of a bystander, that things were starting to get interesting in his brothers fight.

    A woman screamed, staring at the man infront of her, who had been slashed in half right infront of her. The man's body had literally been chucked towards Matt, and he had charged and slashed stiraght through it, spilling blood everywhere. Before it was entertaining, but the fact was, it wasn't a fight between a good guy and a bad guy. It was between an assasin and a psychopath, and things were getting highly out of hand. "Son of a..." he started to say, when he noticed that Arrow was now starting to run away. "GET BACK HERE FREAK!" he yelled, pursuing the strange man.

    Arrow laughed as he was chased after. "Fun Fun Fun! Killing is so fun! Nothings more fun in the world is more fun then killing!!" He sang, with a wide smile on his face beneath his collar.
    As he sang, he passed by 2 people, a strange boy with a some what crazed look on his face, reminding him of his own, and a woman with a scowl on her face, as if disgusted by something (anabel and callen). The boy specifically had caught his attention though, as he stared at the boy for a momene while passing by, not noticing that there was a bit of blood on his face. He then continued running by, starting to move slightly towards the right.

    Matt followed straight behind, the sound of the cowaring people behind him. He seemed almost faster then Arrow, as he himself began to come upon the two bystandards. "Out of my way meat sacks." he said, shoving both Annabel and Callen out of the way, not realising who it was he just pushed, as he continued to pursue the psychopath, coming to a halt when he had him cornered in an ally. "Quit trying, and death will be swift." he said in a cold tone, as he began to approach Arrow.

    Arrow grinned, as he began to back away into the corner, both of his arms in the other arms sleeve. If his full face was visible, then it would be obvious by the smug, that he was up to something...
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Deathsight44
    ooc: Good to see you back and rping again varnor.

    bic: Blade spat on the ground, as if distasteful towards the pathetic fight, as he sent the other sword flying, crashing into Ben's blade, shoving him back with ease. It wasn't as if there was any muscle behind it. It was pure mind, making it almost as if one were trying to break a wall with a sword.
    "Last chance pretty boy. You both give up, or you die. I despise killing weaklings, and you are not worth my time." Blade said, his voice cold. He helled the other sword that was flying at Jane in place, prepared to send it to stab her through her at any moment.
    Normally though, he would be a bit more leaned back about everything, but in the backround, he could hear people running towards what sounded like a fight. The fact that his brother had not killed the target soon enouph had disturbed him.

    ooc: I'll post as the others in a bit. reading up on what i've missed atm
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Deathsight44
  18. Deathsight44
  19. Deathsight44
  20. Deathsight44
    Blade let out a sigh. "Some people..." he muttered, He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. The area around him was dull and boring, the only thing really moving being teh girl. He could see it all though.Not with his eyes, but through feeling, using his spiritual energy. The energy was barely noticible, but it had spread throughout the entire area, centering around him. It was the very thing which allowed use of his telekenisis. It allowed him to manipulate almost everything, except for human beings.
    At that moment, before the scythe could hit him, it stopped in midair, and instead of falling, began to rise into the air. "It was clever, but still desperate..." he muttered. He started to use his telekenisis to pull one of his swords out of the wall, and aimed it at Jane, taking his dear time to aim it at her.

    ooc: will post as the others later. finally have everything i need done, so I can post frequently and more up to pace.
    Post by: Deathsight44, Dec 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home