"OW!" Matt yelled, waking up from his sleep. "Hey lady, what the hell was that for!" he complained. "You know, you could have a bit more respect. After all, I'M the one who's the guest here. Really, such a mean host." he complained. He let out a sigh and hopped up off of the ground and on his feet. He then began tugging on the ropes binding his hands, and used his ability to send extra adrenaline to his arms, increasing the strength in each while numbing it to avoid the pain of the rope burns. He then pulled them apart, breaking the rope, giving the appearance of it being a simple task. But the moment he allowed his nerves to become active again... "OWWW!!!!" he yelled allowed as he waved his hands around, trying to cool off the rope burn, the pain horrible, as if he had recieved hundreds of paper cuts at once.
User name: Deathsight44 the almighty Name: Saint Age: 17 Gender: male Race:werewolf Aperance:http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g107/Rykin24/Rp apperances/8ac5fc45.jpg Specilties: His specialties revolve around combat. In his normal, human form his strength is slightly enhanced. He has four stages total. Once he goes into the second, where his bodily features only slightly increase, his strength, speed, and hearing increase. The third one, they increase again as well as added smell. THe final stage is when he is at full power, and all of his senses are heightend. Bio: The "black sheep" of the wolf pack (no pun intended). He was your classic mess up. Didn't pay attention, did whatever he wanted, constantly got into fights. They ended up throwing him out, forcing him to live by himself. In turn, he resorted to serving crime related matters. It started off as thefts, soon moving onto gangs. He got swept up into it, and was later on traded off to join illegal werewolf fights. Like dog fights, except ever since the introduction of werewolves, they evolved. So now, he is failure to the world, and nothing but one of it's "wrongs". Or so he thinks. Other: User name: Deathsight44 Name: Pheonix Age: 22 Gender: male Race: Greater Demon Aperance: http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac161/FlameTrinity/Mange/01-5.jpg Specilties: He controls most "heat" related things. He can increase the temperature around him, create and fire steam, control fire, and even if used correctly, he can make use of magma. His heat abilities can be used to the extent of even causing water to evapurate if they were to come into contact. Bio: A feared demon, known as the Flame King by reputation. As of late though, his actions have been strange amongst other demons. His goals are unknown, and his actions are unpredictable. All that is known is that he seems to have a strong facination for witches. Other:
Matt grinned, as he slowly began to edge his way, trying to roll some what closer to Anna, only rolling once closer to her, just to see if he could get a reaction out of her. "Well, lets see. You certainly curse a lot, unlike most lady's. You seem to get pretty emotional over little names like that, so that makes you look much more lady like. And the fact that you have THOSE makes you seem lady like enouph. So soldier or not, your still a meat sack, and in fact, a lady." Matt said, commenting on a topic which most would consider quite rude, as he began to laugh out loud, making sure that all could hear him. HE wanted nothing more then to anger them and to get a reaction. He hadn't had so much fun in quite some time.
"Hey, meat sack!" Matt called over to Annabel. "Aren't ladies supposed to be a bit nicer or something? Whats with all the harsh treatment? I didn't know that the good guys were supposed to be sadists." he said. He honostly had had enouph of the fact that someone so below him was tossing him around. He would rather just bust out and kill them all if he wasn't so interested in taunting the girl.
ooc: gahh, thanks guys. Really appreciate it. a lots riding on these midterms ^^; bic: "Jees, didn't have to be so rough." Matt said, annoyed by the obvious discomfort he was in. He decided not to struggle much though. He knew that if he really wanted to he could try and get out of it, but there was no point. He wanted to wait until it was much more conveniant to him. "Hey meat sack, your not still pissed off about the whole me kicking your ass thing I hope. After all. I didn't actually think that your foot would get hurt THAT easily. If I knew that you were such a fragile meat sack then I wouldn've gone easier." Matt said, taunting Anna from behind, trying to make the trip as unpleasent as possible.
((Ok guys, sorry I havnt been posting as of late, but I've got midtterms. I'll be posting later, but I really wanted to say something. Godda study my arse off though so...))
"Aww, isn't that sweet. Cupcake wants to act big and tough because she's sour that I'm not coming along. Adowable." Matt said, making his voice sound real cutesy just to taunt the woman. He stayed in his spot, not budging, nor giving enouph of a damn about the great william to even budge. "Well then, have fun kitties. Me and happy over there'll have a grand ol time. Unless you plan on offering him a cookie." he said in a sarcastic tone, as he started to laugh at the rag tag group.
"Why should I when I can have fun here? Slice up a few people, maybe even put his royal pain in my ass to rest." Matt said stubbornly, disgusted by the idea of being in debt to a human. "You want me services, it requires something thats worth my interest." Matt said, being stubborn.
Arrow let out a sigh of dissapointment. But it was no matter to him. These kinds of things could be handled easily. He just had to wait for his que, and the fellow who was kind enouph to lead him in, would just have to end up as anouther one of the victems in the blood bath he planned to inact. "What about you human? You appear to be some what more dependable then most of them. Escaped slave, right?" Matt asked Clara. He had respect for the humans which to him seemed to at least fight for something which could be considered 'right'. He knew that he was no model, and had no problem with killing anything in his way. Those which he would recognize though, he was willing to accept.
"You enjoy it too much, thats why." Matt said, slight disgust in his tone. "There's no point in killing numerous people just for the sake of watching them die. Those who are not worthy of living, are like animals, mere objects. All that is needed is for you to elliminate those that get in the way. Not to kill them simply for pleasure. It's wrong." Matt said bluntly. "When do we get to kill?" Arrow asked Ben, not really caring for all of this ridiculous 'talking'.
"But..." arrow started to say, as he watched everyone leave. "I never got to ask if I could kill em..." he grumbled, and walked out of the room. It was no matter to him. He knew that he had to go and find Blade though. There was to be a blood bath that night, whether the group wanted it or not. The castle first, and then.....well, that was for him to think up later. "The deal with the whole setting things on fire? Cmon fire boy, you think that killings fun. What kind of sick F---er would get off of that? You've godda have some kind of deal." Matt said, completely bored by the derma.
Matt chuckled slightly. He watched Anna walk away, and yelled at "Hey meatsack, how's the foot? Does the little girl still need her wittle footsy to heal?" he said in a baby like voice, taunting her. He always enjoyed taunting the humans. Always getting emotional over such things, always caring. He already knew that when the moment arrived, the castle would be a blood bath. This king of theirs would be dearly. Matt then looked over at Cailen, and let out a sigh, knowing that there was no point in fighting the guy now. He wasn't annoying him, so his life became none of his concern again. "You. So what's your deal?" he asked Cailen. Arrow chuckled slightly, his light crazed laughter heard beneath the collar hiding his mouth. "Mr.King needs to get laid big time. He's too stinjy towards these kinds of incidents. I'm surprised he didn't just let em kill eachother off." he said, his comment obviously differing him from someone in the group that had a "purpose" for being there.
"Ooo, look at the derma boy, trying to act tough by picking on the meek little meat sack." Matt said, taunting William. "Sounds like the mutts all bark and no bite. A disgusting derma who'd lower himself to serving the royal fat ass. The meat sack has more dignity being treated as a slave then being the kings lap dog." Matt continued, taunting William. Arrow followed Ben, looking around, ooing and awwing at the surroundings, sarcasticly.
Arrow hopped off of the carriage, and started to follow Ben, not really thinking. He figured that the more derma's he can find, the better. He might even consider killing them all off if he could. Matt didn't budge from his spot. His arms were crossed, and his eyes were closed. He obviously wasn't too interested in leaving, especially when he had the chance to have a bit of fun in the castle and put the smug bastad from before in his place.
Matt tried his hardest to move, but could not. If it were a matter of physical strength, then he knew that he would have no problem, but this time he was up against something completely different. A smirk appeared on his face though, no matter how bad the odds looked at the moment. "What'll I do? Well what're you going to do? Take me in, question me, the whole bit? Tgh, the minute you let this thing down, I'll slice you into too many pieces to count." He said in a cocky tone, and spit in William's face.
Hmmm, I should probably say something random and witty, but i'm too lazy. Nope.
ooc: Sorry everyone. I was grounded for the past week ^^; bic: Matt glared at the new comer, and intensity of hate in his eyes. These people had come out of no where. These...insects. Filthy people. Serving under the government in fact. It was disgusting to him to even be near these people. "Touch me, and I can assure you, you will pay dearly if you lay a finger on me..." he said in a spiteful voice. "HEY! LET ME OUT OF THIS THING! Its not fun!" Arrow complained, unable to move. Originally he had intended to escape, but now he was stuck, under the new comers ability. "Let.....me.....go!!!!!" he yelled, yailing and complaining about his predicament.
Matt began swinging his sword at a rapid speed again, in Cailens direction, to block the attack. It moved at such a speed, that it was creating wind around it. The moment the fire balls it, instead of hitting him head on, the seemed to grow in side, and burst, going past and around him, but not through him.
Matt saw him approach. He ceased the swinging of his blade, letting his left arm hang down, the broken 'tool' giving off quite a creepy appearance. The muscles in his legs bulged out, as if being given a strength boost. He placed it under a large chunk of building that had collapsed around him, and kicked it up into the air. He followed it, doing some what of a flip in the air, placing his foot on it again, and kicked it, kicking it at Cailen.
Matt stood still, creating the barrier once again of slashes, as everything that fell towards him was deflected, slightly scratched by the sword, but hit with enouph force to push them away.