Saint stared for a moment longer. It was strange. the girl made him feel as if he had just betrayed a friend of his whom he had known for the longest of time. The feeling was new. He usually didn't have to care much because of the way people acted. This one showed kindness though. Something that he never had seen before in a person. Or at least, none towards him. "Here..." he said, holding out the wallet, not looking her directly in the eye. The **** am I doing he asked himself in his mind, not knowing why he was returning something that he has just stolen.
K thens. i just need to find a way to get everyone in the right spot. when the times right, ill have my char approach. youll catch on <.<>.>
actually... if you don't do anything, then I might have something planned. just follow my lead <_<>_> you'll know when
Saint had been quite amused, thinking it was too easy, until the moment she asked for her wallet back. It astounded him. The fact that she had noticed him take it was one thing, but it was much more incredible the way she had asked for it back. The fact that she was so nice about it. She didn't scream, or make a fuss, or anything. "Well....why should I?" he asked, in some what of a bratty voice. Any sensible person would have just ran, but the way she said it almost made him feel.....guilty.
Gah! so what if I am? I'll eat as many humans as I wish 8 D and I might have saint run into yours, or you can have her notice that she just...
It seemed like it was a flash of movement. Matt had increased the adrenaline in his body, and he thrusted forward. He ran right infront of her, and dashed to the side, sweeping his leg forward, and tripping her. "Humans, such ignorant creatures. They rush forward, no plan. Not realising just what they are up against." he said, standing up. "You should evaluate your opponent before even attempting to take them on. Especially a derma." he said to her, his tone serious. "I don't even need a sword to defeat you." he said.
Saint was looking down, grumbling, when he looked up, noticing a girl walking his way. She had blue hair, and seemed to be reading a book. "Hey look, extra cash..." he muttered to himself, as he walked towards her. Then, as if on accident, he bumped into her. The quick slip of the hand in the confusion, and he snagged a wallet out of her pocket. It seemed some what light, but it would do for the time being. "Sorry." He said, and he kept walking along, as if nothing had happend.
*eats you, since the me that got trampled was a clone) as for when they meet, it'll still be awhile. i have to catch up on everything and read...
A deer? Pfft. I see what you did thar >.<
They eat cats in china 8D *flees before destroyed by your wrath*
"I always get what I want!" Matt said, making a cheap, immature immitation of her. He started laughing again. The woman before him was pure amusement. A spoiled noble class woman whom always got her way. If it wasn't for her, he would have gone to take them all out by now. But this one amused him to the point where he wanted her to live, just to see how far he could go with this. His intentions were horrid, but at least it kept him calm. "If you always get your way, then why are you the one cursing at me like a little girl who's throwing a tempertantrum, hm? Not used to someone not listening to you, princess?" he said, finally finding the perfect name to describe her as. ooc: gtg. Night everyone btw. passed all my midterms. u guys wished me luck, so thought itd interest you guys in knowing that it helped xD
Saint wavered, walking through the streets of people. He had just left the arena, coming out victorious once again, almost losing his life this time. The fights were always getting tougher, but the fans were always cheering him on more and more. The money was just as worth it to. A filthy piece of work like him deserved a life like this though. Being cheered by the rulers of the slums to kill, making dirty money. It was the only way he could see himself ever being worth anything.
Why is you neko neko? O_o
Yes, he said that he gives the ok. I've gots everythen planned out now ^_^ And ok then. I do in fact have yarn.....too bad you never asked me...
Matt grinned, rolling away from the sword and stood back up. He then made an "ugh" sound, copying the way that women do, and flipped his hair, just as she had, taunting her. He let out one last chuckle, before the smile on his face began to dissapear. "So fine then girly. Tell me. What do you expect to do with a few derma's, hm? Gonna take on the big bad king? I'm not helping, one of thems a psycho, and the other two have succumb to a pair of humans. And besides that, what's your story? What do you think you're going to get out of all of this, hm?" he asked her. His tone was now low, very serious.
Matt couldn't help but laugh at his fallen foe, rolling on the floor laughing at her dismay. He began to calm down, but still seemed a bit chucklesome. "Well well well, looks like the lady isn't as elagant as I thought. And here I thought that when they fell, they were supposed to look dazzling or some load like that." he said, as he began laughing at her again. "Bah. How boring..." Arrow said as he threw a kunai, the kunai going straight through the head of a man trying to escape from the bar. "DIE MORE INTERESTINGLY!" he complained as he grabbed the neck of a woman from the back and slammed her up against the wall. "Cmon, I want to hear you scream." he said in a creepy voice, his tongue slithering out and licking her ear, causing her to scream from the freak. It didn't last long though, ending it with the crunching sound of him twisting her neck. "Brother, why are we doing this again?" Blade asked Arrow, slashing down anything that got in his path, as he slowly walked towards the stairs. "Well, we have to find the owner of the bar and thank him for the service. While you were off trying to find me, I went into some sort of a secret room here, which gave me a place to hide out. So the way I see it, it'd be nice if we gave him a quick death instead of the painful one that all shall be given from us." Arrow said, as he began to sang merrily. The noise of a baby crying could be heard in the corner of the bar of dead bodies. Arrow turned to see a boy, holding a baby. Given the appearance, he obviously was the child of the woman he had just killed. "Go find the owner and give him my regards. Take the head to. I want a suvenere." he said, as he approached the children. "Well well well. Two kiddies. What oh what to play..." he said, as he began laughing maniacly. At that moment, the babies crying was put to an end, whilst that of the boy had only just begun...
Matt flew backward, but made sure to grab hold of her hand which had grabbed his finger, and as he fell backward, he pulled her forward, taking her along with him.
"Pawn? To you?" Matt said, storming up towards Anna. "You think that you're in a position to use me as a pawn? If I felt like it, I could kill you all if I wanted to." he said, and leaned down infront of her. "Especially a woman like you. You couldn't hurt a fly" he said, daring to go the distance, willing to do the impossible, as he stuck his finger out, and poked her for head, just for the sake of angering her. He had a smug look upon his face when he did this to this infuriatingly annoying female.
((K, just change it to 100 if you dont mind on the bio list))
((Good point. What would the normal age for demons be? I mean, a "22" age amongst them, ya know what I mean?))