I justed texted it to you
By one of us, i mean you, me, or D. Honestly can't tell these days
I think so. It was either your or me. Thinking you. But that was awhile back, and i dont plan on putting that where anyone can see
I honestly can't help it xP I don't know if its what your thinken anyways. I just think and think its my own. unless it seems odd. then i might...
Too bad, silleh :3 Not like i can anyways. I already has a perma connection with you I think. Same with D. Gotten to the point where i can't tell...
Only way to do that = I die It appears, we are at an impass 8D
You have to beh happeh first ;-;
Your sadness sends me into deep depression...
Raaaaaaeatyoface wassup ^_^
Matt spit on the ground. "Not freaks of nature?" he asked, amused. "Hey to burst your bubble kitties, but thats exactly what we are. Freaks of nature. Thing is we all are. Derma's have the strength to destroy. Humans have the urge to. Fits hand in hand. Its why I'm above all you filth." he said in an unamused tone. He then turned to Ben. "You're lucky she's proven entertaining, or else you'd be dead by now." he told him as he walked over to a tree. It didn't take much for him to climb the tree and find a nice branch to lay back on where he knew if he balanced himself correctly, he wouldn't fall while laying down. "Night meatsacks." he said, dosing back off to sleep before anyone could talk to him.
"We almost there?" Toxyn grumbled, barely speaking up. His voice was still timid, and he wasn't planning on speaking up infront of the strangers any time soon. Already he felt awkward. So many.....people....
ooc: gah, soz. been really tied up >_> bic: For a moment, Matt just stood there. "Derma......your right.....tgh. I get it." He said, as he started to chuckle. "OH, oh yes. It ALL makes sense." He said, as his chuckle turned to laughter. "It all makes sense. I suppose since you're not one, that just makes you the PERFECT person, doesn't it." He said, his laughter increasing. "YOU expect me to fight you when you look even more pathetic then before? We need to refer to name calling now?" he said, turning his head back and looking at her, a wide grin on his face. "I will not fight you. Because in the end, you being alive, is most likely worse for you then being dead." He said, facing back in the direction he was walking, and he then began to walk away again.
ooc: sorry about that. it was in the same text color so I assumed. my mind works like that these days. ill be more attentive in my paying of the attention. sleepeh @ _ @ bic: Toxyn began moving in that direction, moving swiftly, ahead of the others. Cover was obviously not something which he would be able to find, so his best option was to move swift and fast, whether they kept up or not. He made certain to keep himself at a walking pace though so that to not raise suspicion amongst others.
"I'm not going to fight someone who barely can fight as is. Just go rest." Matt said, in a slightly annoyed voice. "I'm going to get some sleep. I advise you do the same." Matt said, turning his back to Anna, and he began to walk in the opposite direction, leaving himself perfectly vulnerable infront of her, showing that he did not see her as any threat at all.
Saint ran towards Mizuke. "HEy! You forgot yo-" he started to say, but his sentence was cut off, when he ducked, a rock shooting striaght past his head, and hitting into the building behind him, the rock going straight through it. "Tgh." Saint spit on the ground, looking in the direction that the rock was thrown. "Demon." He muttered, as he looked in the direction of the demon. It was a skinny one, with the normal demon look, except its horns were quite small, though pointed. Otherwise, the body was shaped as a humans, but red.
Toxyn had followed Seth, pissed that he was running, but he knew he had no real choice in the matter. He didn't speak to the man though, and soon, saw him stop at the sight of a girl crying. Dammit. If I knew where to go then i wouldn't have to depend on these people... he thought to himself.
"Wai- wait!" Saint yelled. "You forgo- oh, dammit all. I don't even know why I'm doing this." he said, as he started to chase after her. The crowds running past him weren't that out of place for him at the time though. They were more like obsticals in his way. As for the sounds of fighting and gun fire in the background, that was different. His ears were able to easily pick up on it. "****, that chicks gonna get hurt." He grumbled, as his body began to shift, but only slightly. His ears got slightly pointier, his muscles increasing slightly in size, and his face stuck out only a tiny bit. The transformation was barely noticible though, since no extra hair had appeared. He then took off after her at a faster speed.
Matt let out a sigh. "Great. Finally someone around here who I can fully respect, and the guy just makes me feel guilty." Matt said in a dissapointed tone. He felt almost guilty that he had been fooling around with this lower being, or, so he would describe her. It was more so a brief moment of pity, though his feelings still remained the same for most humans. "Fine, I give." he said, and as suddenly as he began, he had ceased. He raised both hands, showing his "surrender". "Now cease your idiocy. Your foots damaged anyways." he said to her, showing what was the only real kind of 'kindness' he could for now.
"Of course she is. She's only human." Matt said, dodging her next charge at him.