"I see..." Saint mumbled, being silent for only a few seconds. "You have a safe place you can hide then? If you aren't that great a fighter then it'd be best for you to take shelter." He said to her, not minding at all that she wasn't in a pack. It was more so a relief.
"I guess I'll just have to take care of that, now won't I princess." Matt said, snickering at Jane. He would've continued, but then he heard Anna's comment. "Oh really now girly? You weren't in a position with that hurt foot of yours yesterday, and your still not. Oh wait, so now, who was it that did that again?" he said, his face becoming more innocent now, just to rub in the burn of defeat.
"Hmmm. Odd. What's a werewolf not doing in a pack? Especially a female of all things?" he asked the girl. It was common knowledge that females had been more valued then males when it came to packs due to other purposes, so such occurances were indeed rare.
Matt gave a light grin to Ben, and then quickly went to a blank face, as he slid his blade against Ben's, and threw it into the air, the sword dissapearing into particals. "Your lucky she's here. I taught her so that way she'll just defend if she needs to. We can take care of this when we're alone." he said to Ben, the grin returning slightly again. His attention went over to look behind Ben at Anna, raising his eyebrows for a moment at her, signifying that the challenge wasn't only to Ben. "Now then, as for, who the hell she is, this would be my little sister, Alice. Now, let's get something straight. As long as I CHOOSE to travel with you welps, she shill follow, and not be harmed. And I can assure you, she is just as, if not more, deadly then I am, so I suggest that you don't mess with her. After all, a Derma as dangerous as me obviously isn't something that you want to deal with." he said, the cockiness in his voice being much too noticible.
For a moment, there was a glint in Matt's eyes, having to ignore Alice, as his sword appeared in his hand. He quickly sent all of his adrenaline into his arm, making it much stronger, and smashed it into Ben's blade. With the moment presented before him, he rushed right up to Ben, placing his face infront of Ben's, and biting the air infront of Ben's face, almost close enouph to have bitten his nose. "Filth. Allow me to clarify. I am here because I choose to be. Now, if I damn well choose, I will kill you all, and make this a blood bath if you even for a moment believe that your pathetic worth even DESERVES to be in the presence of my sister. Now, all you need to do is be a good little meat sack and lower your weapon, or else." He said, staring directly into Ben's eyes. He made certain to keep an eye out for the others around him. He always knew that he could push his luck as far as one Derma. It was how his powers worked. Physical superiority over most, even with Derma's. But exceeding that limit was always dangerous to him. Even he knew that. And even if it was just a derma and two humans, it was at least a tiny bit more then just a single derma.
"Heyy, cmon. Thats not fair. I've been in prison, chained up, dragged by horses, and even had to ride on one, all against my will. It's not my fault that fate dun like me. Always bein so mean to me and such. It's like I almost did something to tick it off." He said, acting perfectly innocent over the fact that he had only killed god only knows how many people. It wasn't the same annoying innocent that he usually did to annoy Anna though. It was certainly lejit.
"OH CRA-" Matt started to say, as he was tackled to the ground, a big hug around him from his little sister. Matt slightly chuckled from the hug though, suddenly changing the original expression on his face from the pompus smug guy, to more of a brotherly, caring appearance. "Heeeyyy, Princess. Long time no see." he said, hugging her back. "Looks like you finally caught up. At no better time to. The only people that aren't filth around here either mute or way too cheery." he said to her, refering to Drake and Clara. "Where've ya been?"
"So you're one to..." he muttered, more so talking to himself then he was to her, as he stared at her, not blinking once. "Are you in a pack?" he asked her in a cold tone. Most wolves would her found her original weakness to have been what was disturbing, but for him, it was whether they were a part of a pack or not. He was a lone wolf and had made it a big point in his life to avoid all packs.
Matt scoffed at her answer, placing his hand over his mouth to make it so that way he did not laugh too hard, or at least so he wanted to make it look like. "ME?! YOUR pawn?! HA! I'm here because I'm bored. Do you honestly believe that I even plan on fighting for your little cause?!" he asked, obviously humored by the mere idea of it.
"If I'm not a guest, then what exactly am I? Hmm?" Matt asked Anna, paying no mind to the others about the single person nearby. For the time being, it was no matter of his. If it became a problem, then he might have fun with the threat. But until then, there was only one source of entertainment for him here.
"Ya, well you should probably get out of here. More of those things should be around. A human like you would get hurt easily." he told her as he turned his back to her and began to walk down the street, sniffing the air to see if he could pick up on anything. Though he was in his normal form, demons always tended to hold a foul stench anyways, so it made things easier.
"SOMEONE is a bit antsy today. Really, taking your anger out on the poor bunny rabbits? How could you?" Matt said in an innocent tone, taunting the girl once again. 'And why should I make it myself anyways? Your the ones who kidnapped me from my comfy cell. I'd think that the least you owe your guest is to cook his food for him, meat sack." He said with a grin on his face.
"What, never seen a werewolf before?" Saint asked her, soem what annoyed at her staring at him. He loved being stared at though, knowing that he was different from most. It was his reminder of the black sheep that he was. A true outcast.
Matt came back after awhile of grabbing whatever fish he could find. He had his shirt off, using it to carry the fish in it, having at least 7 caught. "Need a fire. Someone make it." He said, with the a tone that made it sound as if everyone would do exactly as he said.
Saint recieved a fist to the face, and then found his head being helled against the ground, one hand wrapped around his throat, choking him. "It's your time to die, boy." the demon said, a smug look on its face, as it raised its other hand, with what appeared to be two horns sticking out from where his knuckles should be. "Time to die." he said, a smug look on his face. Saint gave no time for the demon to attack though, and quickly swung his arm upward towards the demon, sticking his fingers out which were slightly pointed due to the transformation, slashing the demons neck, and causing it to stumble back, shocked now that its throat had been slit. He got up and tackled the demon down, now that he had his chance, and pinned it, quickly diving down with his mouth, and biting the demons neck, hard, keeping still until the demon stopped struggling. He then released the clench he had with his kanine teeth, and stood up. he wiped his mouth of the blood, as he slowly started to transform back, not looking to check if the girl was still there thinking that she had escaped.
"Ooo. What do you know. It laughs to. And here I thought all it could do was bitch all the time." Matt said, trying to get back at Anna and to get her to stop laughing. "Well then, now that we've all heard something that proves that there are worse noises then a hyena's cackle, I'ma go get me somethen to eat. Seeya meatsacks." Matt said, standing back up. He began moving in the direction that he saw Demetrio come from.
Saint charged the demon, taking it by surprise with his quick speed, and grabbed it by the face, slamming it backward into the ground, only to recieve a quick punch to the gut. "GET OUT OF HERE!" he yelled, still not knowing what drove him to protect this person, as he attacked the demon, kneeing it right where it hurt, before going full out on a barage of punches to its face, before begin knocked off by its legs.
Matt slowly began to open his eyes to the sound of people talking. He was hanging in a tree. He didn't realise it though, until... "AHHH!!!" he yelled, falling out of the tree and hitting the ground with a loud thud. Not the best alarm clock, but at least he got the job done.
kk. understood. ttyl ^_^ and stay safe D8<