Dear God, still? What are you, drunk? o_O pffffft. My jobs better. Ima be a game designer. and before that, I can do graphics design. I use a...
"No." he spoke, for the first time after a long time. 'I came across this town by accident. I havn't had a place to stay in awhile' he thought, as he started to to stand up. 'The pain comes naturally. It allows me to use my electricity more effeciantly then others. But that's besides the point...' he thought again, leaning against the wall, getting used to standing again. 'Just what is this place?' he asked, now that the realisation set in that he was in a town full of....well, what he would only define as freaks.
Ahh! Get away, GET AWAY! *bangs head into you while running blind in the smoke, epic failed attempt to escape* Whats the point of taking it?...
Hmm, thats true... curse you with your college edgucation and what not!!!! This isn't the last of mee!!! *throws smoke bomb and dissapears...
((Ya, thats just fine. let me know if you need anything editted on the front page. but I surrender all rights to the thread over to you then, Tee Hee Tummy Tums))
Sweet. I'll give you a discount. You can drink as much as you like, as long as you bring more people 8D (yes, techncily thats using for...
Come to new york and I can? xD
o.0 how am i lurking?
ja ?
((Listen, sorry, but I'm thinking of closing the thread. I've been under a lot of stress lately, and I really don't think that I'm up to running a thread. Unless someone else wants to take it over or something and take the plot into their own hands, though I really doubt anyone is. if anyone wants to take over, then you may do so. Otherwise, I'm gonna have it closed down for good by monday. Really sorry.))
Alrite. I'm sorry for bugging you ^^; I might not be posting for a little while though. Might be a day or 2. Some things are going on, so I won't...
ooc: Not to be a douch, but the only 2 posts you wrote, I told you wouldn't be accepted, and after that, you didn't even post. I won't lie, I'm trying to hurry shiz up so that way I can actually make things interesting, but you didn't even rp here. I'd appreciate it if you just left instead of 'getting bored' with an rp you only put 2 of what were the crappiest efforts to literature I have ever thing. none the less, you've been removed. anyway, I'm sorry to say everyone, but I'm not going to be posting for awhile. I'm afraid I have a friend who was almost killed, and is going through so rough times. I'm sorry that things have been slow, but I can't focus on this and her at the same time, so I'll be back within a day or 2. again, sorry.
ooc: Uh, not for nothing, but aren't the zoids to be a bit more reasonable? I mean, just saying, isn't that supposed to be one of the onse from the series that are practicly unbeatable? :/
Really? Wow, not gonna lie, you're a pretty good sister if you got him an autograph from a celebrity. Lucky basted :3 Lmao, well if you don't,...
Umm, on Sanctuary, you know I posted, right? ._.
I'm afraid we'll have to skip over twilights entrance. her comp caught a virus :/
Vans stomach shirt Username: Deathsight44 Name: Tony Black Age: 17 Appearance: History/Bio: A just recently added member of the Team Ragnorak. He's had a pretty simple history, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ended up joining with the wrong people. His skills though have earned him some what of a reputation though. Personality: He gets annoyed easily, and is a deep thinker. Around others he'll put on a fake personality, depending on who it is, just to get them to leave him alone quicker. People in general annoy him though, so unless he feels comforatable around a person, he doesn't waste his time. He also loves challanges, and hates to lose. Zoid: Zeekdober Zoid Image: Zoid other: Standard weaponry (may change over time) Team: Backdraft group - Ragnorak Team Other: n/a Preview Post:Toxyn yawned, walking into the portal after them. "You'll be having your fun with her tommorow." he said, looking at all of the nobodies that had been defeated so easily. He threw to Xiyamae what looked like a set of keys. "You just got here. It'd be a better idea for you to rest then to go bollistic, I can assure you." he told her. "You and uh..." he said for a second, trying to remember Anna's name. "You and the girl go lock them up. There's a floor called the "parking" floor at the bottem of Home. Lock them up there, and once someone else comes by, then ask them for your quarters. I'm tired." Toxyn said, and started walking away. Though he knew Xiyamae had craved for excitement, he required his own buissness to attend to, so he decided to leave the girl on her own to see what she'd end up doing. ((Hope you don't mind, but I used an example from anouther thread of mine. I know that the preview post is to rat out the noobs and all, I just hate putting effort into something that is just for the bio to be accepted ><)