*keeps trying to crawl away* (And now...because of that...I'm scared shitless. ;_; )
*looks at you, scared as hell, tries crawling away*
*slips, falls on my face, slides across the ground for five miles*
*runs faster than you* BY ACCIDENT! JUST SEND ME ANOTHER ONE! *runs at a higher speed*
*starts running away* Just send me another one! PLEA~~~~~~SSSEEE??????????!!!!!!!!!! *keeps running*
Very well. I await your duleing skill, Bushido.
I thought I did. ;-;
LP: 8000 Customs: None. Anime Exclusives: None. Video Game Exclusives: None. God Cards: None. Hand Refill: None. First Player: Bushido. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Only one. No "Marie the Fallen One", "Bad Reaction to Simochi", and "Gift Card" combo. Do you accept these terms, Bushido?
*kisses back* I thought I did?
>-> ....I don't get it. o-o
How did he win something like that? >->
Only one question, you may have to answer.... This pose?: Or This pose?: After a duel I have won.
Hm? Won what now? >->
Not really. I'll wait for your return.
*watches the following duels*
I'll stay at home. o-o
*kisses back* For what? >->
<3 I kinda like that one. :3
I dun like that song. :cold:
:why?: Did you really need to show me that? ;-; ;3;