prt. 2 ..jaden.. is how your feeling 1 i know you care for her but you have to bring the list thing up >.> still it's...
listen i read your covo i say she's kinda mad at you >>' 1 it's just a ****ing list it's not like "name the top 5 people who's prasuses to you"...
what did you do? B/
i know they are but people says their not >.> so im sticking with brother and sister but they do make a good couple :3 don't like meikoXkaito mikuXkaito :3
what's that suppose to mean?! cause they had the first name as kagamine but diffrent last names len and rin since im bored wow.. .//. ( not vocaloids voice but it's interesting too)
somewhere beween yes and no but i'll ask the vocaloid fan i know NII-SAMA!!!! (RvR)
XD lol! XD
XD aww okay then :glomp: seen this? i luv the whole song XD
no it's something else sorry ><'' oh random XD
go..away leave me be for a while...
oh.. okay.. i guess..
you don't have to be mean about it sheesh's...okay...
i know that..................-sigh-
i kinda like the other version but i like the synthesizer -kicks justin bever- -replace len- justin + vocaloid= ? kagamine len ?
............he's fine he just not getting back on like he used to.....
yep.... that's what that means