lol XD digimon?
:3 nrg.. -feels you pincehs my cheek- '=_0
yep i just got back to the moies >>' aww :3
Hello :3 nyah
my computers slow...
well they speak engrish >> aww :3
GIVE ME!! wow really? >.> give me the other then XD
you do ^^ the moon one XD
oh nii-sama have you seen this world is mine by miku? she sings great XD
pretty fearless ^///^ GIVE ME NECKLACE! D< and very interesting XD
lol did you read the subtitiles?
get used to it >>' just read the subitiles
you saw all the episodes? :=D: me and spike love this show soo bad!! XD me & spike love this show ^^
heheheh XD look this is sengoku basara (op)
yeah i know that..
yep that's what i been trying to tell you with the songs
well lets say you care for sakura and sakura cares for you the bad thing in the girls vid tlls how she feels for real when her father won't see...
feelings and the other feelings >.>'