im looking at japanise stuff to put on my facebook story
yeah.. that's true..
oh that? i kinda don't remember..
No haven't >.>' yeah he is cool XD
*sleeps* *dreams about kaiba* <3 yugi: what is she dreaming about? joey: hell?
aww okay then :3
><... im completey freaked out now ><'' please..
*reads manga* heheh joey: im watching lord of the flies tristan: tea is that the one with the evil rings and hobbits? tea: why would those...
i only fear with random men i don't know.. ><'
kaiba:..i need to go to work awww okay kaiba: -drives in his limo* wow he's rich..
idk...why ._. i got a bf...and now im afaird of men now...
still i like kaiba <3 *huggles him* kaiba:................
>D heheheh XD ahahah yeah
YES I HATE JUSTIN!!! >: but love the song XD
aww *holds kaiba* that's cool ^^ you should do that :3
*high fives back* :3
hehehe yeah XD
lol wow ._. i watched it today XD
well no he hasn't been on and wow that is long XD this XD